The odds of Chuck getting this from some chick almost defies odds. It was either a tranny or needles that did Chuck in. Given his drug history, my guess it was trannys or a meth needle bender he does not even remember after weeks on crack.

This study follows up on an earlier study by the same authors examining per-act heterosexual HIV transmission probabilities. It is a systematic review and analysis of all available study data related to the likelihood of heterosexual HIV transmission. The authors reviewed 43 published studies conducted in various countries that reported per-act heterosexual HIV-1 transmission probability estimates. The authors concluded that the average male to female risk of HIV transmission is .07 - .08% per vaginal sex act (which, in a large study, would mean approximately 7-8 cases of transmission for every 10,000 acts of unprotected vaginal sex) if there was no receptive anal intercourse, the HIV-positive person was asymptomatic, and there were no other cofactors present, such as other sexually transmitted infections.