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Thread: Raymond Davis of RealGrinders arrested for sexual assault on minor

  1. #201
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Raymond returned to RealGrinders!

    Here's his statement:

    You all our entitled to your own opinion, I have no problem with that, here's my point, I was facing a over 100 years in prison a year ago, and instead choose to go to jail and fight instead of taking a deal to go home, I went to trial with no lawyer facing a jury that was stacked against me, willing to give up my freed for what I believe in, as you all known I do not see color, I love all races equal, and all races have shown me so much love,

    I fought as much as I could, a Nevada Supreme Court Just fought for my rights, I do not want to go into detail of the case due to having a 4 million dollar, a 5 million dollar and a 390, 000 Lawsuites pending in U.S. District Courts, I only wish you all could have seen the jury pool and then form a opinion, I would have plead to anything, I was simple drawing dead. Court records are open to the public for anyone to view, I would 100 present look at records before I judge anyone, as far as the group goes I never had any intent of coming back and taking over, I was never in charge of Realgrinders, I always said it was a family and everyone had a part, and still fill that way, I could have gave up the case a year ago, yet I fought, like many of you would, I you guys really want to no who was lying and who was telling the truth, read all the transcripts and judge for yourself.

    I still love each and everyone of the members of this family, I got so much love and support from this group, it made me proud even as I sat in jail, members visited me, sent cards and letters, it bought a year to my eye, I love Terry for the help and support she gave me, she has no idea why I had to stay of the phone with her Dan Heimiller knew right away why, Eric Shimp knew also, you cant ever show your hand, especially when jail calls are being recorded, as always you are all welcome to your opinion,

    I can not change that not will I try. I lost everything I had, fighting for what I believe in, but I still have the love of many members of the Realgrinders family. After litigation is over I will be writing a tell all book, as always I would like to thank all that have supported me Thur this difficult period in my. I love you all

      1marley1: GUILTY
      MumblesBadly: FFS, Marley!!! Why are you red-repping the messenger???!!! Give a rest!!!

  2. #202
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Ray's return to RealGrinders was surprisingly non-controversial, and most there were supportive.

    Until today.

    Terry King finally dropped the mother of all bombs on him. I was already familiar with this story, but was asked months ago to keep quiet about it, which I did.

    The "Harry" referred to in this story was Ray's giant tortoise, who was stolen while Ray was in jail.

    Quote Originally Posted by Terry King
    I tried to take the high road, Raymond is not going to let me, as he continues to spread lies about me privately. Thanks to everyone for your support, admins and members have been awesome. I never intended or wanted to run a FB group, I share my old school stories and am happy people enjoy them. I was in Oklahoma for 8 years carrying for mom. I met Raymond Davis on FB from Todd Brunson’s FB page. I had just gotten rid of flip phone. Raymond added me to his new group RealGrinders and shortly after made me an admin. I met him for a few hours in Vegas June 26, 2018 when I came out as a nominee of the Women’s Hall of Fame. I moved here the following year. Raymond appeared to be in good standing with a lot of old school gamblers I knew.

    When he was arrested in April of 2019, he called me to pick up his car and move it to his apartment, he swore he was innocent, he said he vaguely remembered an extortion plot years ago. I went to court with another member, I posted his $7,500 attorneys fees with the promise he would pay me back immediately. I then paid the $3,800 bond and he had an ankle monitor. He got locked up again shortly thereafter. He now had a husky puppy at home, a tortoise and 3 turtles. I had to beg the manger to let me feed them. A maintenance guy would stand there. So when he got out a few days later, I made him give me a key just in case. He got mad at his attorney, fired him and represented himself big mistake. Jury trial started in Sept. of 2019. One day he told the judge he was feeling weird and thinking of doing weird things, he said he needed a psych eval, he went in for the eval in Sept. and did not get out until this week. His friend Tina took Bruce his dog, I drove 40 miles round trip every few days to feed Harry the tortoise and the 3 little turtles. There were finger prints on his car window one day we decided it would be safer at my house. He asked me to wash it once a week. Seriously?!!!

    He had a bright red Camaro with RGpoker plates and was on the news for being arrested on sex assault against a minor charges, no I did not drive his car anywhere, I have my own car. I got a cover for his car and started once a week. He had me go pick up $15k from his friend. He had me pay $3,500 to an attorney who was friends of a guy in the group. The attorney failed to show up and I went to court and testified that I had paid him. Raymond had me rehire his original attorney for another $7,500 on Oct. 24, 2019. Raymond wanted to talk to him. He refused to go visit Raymond. I would drive downtown every few days to try to get the attorney to go see him. It took him about 45 days to see Raymond the first and only time.

    While representing himself he angered the judge and the DA and his bail was increased from $25k to $500k based on a random search of birthdays close to his. The DA attached their crimes to Raymonds. I found this at the courthouse while doing research. I even went to the FBI for help and they could not. Paid a Private Investigator who found none of these names coming back to Raymond.

    His attorney would not compel them to show proof. I probably went to see his attorney 50 times. I called the attorney a liar as he always promised to go see Raymond and never would. “I always Intended to go but something more important came up”. “Isn’t that what every client wants to hear”.
    Meanwhile I kept feeding the pets. At Walmart one night getting Kale for Harry, Raymond said Harry only likes Albertsons Kale “Your out of your mind”.
    I kept begging Tina to bring Bruce to the Vet for past due shots. She stood AJ and I up 3 times. I would send her money for food and money for carrying for him. Raymond had me drive her to get her a new phone which he paid for. She begged me one day to PayPal money for Bruce no money on PayPal, she begged to meet me as he was starving. So I met her with a bag of food, that I broke open so she could not return it. She turned Bruce over to me the next day at the Vet. He was malnourished, had lost muscle mass in his hind end, his teeth were going bad and he was covered in urine stains. I took him for shots, then to my kennel. They groomed him first. I tipped them to play with him because he was not fixed. I told Raymond I would help pay for this. We tried to get several people to take him, they couldn’t. His sister offered to come out, he said no.

    Eric Shimp, Raymonds business partner, said the lounge lease was up in Feb 2020, they demanded a 2 year lease. He said no. I met movers and had everything taken to storage, Eric paid the movers and the first months storage rent after that I paid the $170 fee. Eric, another friend and I kept Raymonds bills paid after his money rant out. Sadly I lost the key to the lounge and his apartment shortly thereafter. I begged Raymond to give me his key in property, no limited power of Attorney, no. He refused to give his sister or his attorney limited Power of attorney.

    I convinced the apartment manager to let me in. I smuggled the 3 little turtles out in Tupperware and bought them new tanks, I would go throw corn up to Harry on the balcony every few days.

    One day a member messaged me that Raymond was active on FB, no. I took his phone to cricket where a girl had attached her phone to his account. We blocked her and changed the password.

    While feeding Harry one day, I looked up the stairs in April I looked up the stairs and saw a package from Amazon to Raymond Davis, I then noticed the security door had been crow barred. Stupidly I ran right in looking for Harry. He was gone as was all the furniture, there was a huge mess. (see picture). I called the apartment manager and police. As I waited in my car I saw two girls about 17 years old, go pick up the package, I confronted them. They said he’s my uncle, I said no his is not, they took off running, I chased them screaming for help. I had left my car running. So I took some pics from behind and returned to my car. I called police to report this also, I showed pics to manager and police. They could not take a report as I was not the victim, they gave me an event #, so Raymond could file it from jail. He refused. His neighbor confronted a tall tattooed Puerto Rican man, leaving his apartment later that day. I drove back and called the police again. Again Raymond refused to file a police report. But he told the manager to give Terry a key so she could clean the apt up. When I checked his phone, other phones had been ordered and attached to his account. I was able to delete one of them. A friend was able to do a video chat with PayPal and Amazon and freeze his accounts.

    I offered a $1,000 reward for Harry and put up posters around his complex to no avail.

    He called one day “can you put my car in your garage”?. NO, “can you tow it to a friends house”? AAA refused to tow or jump it with expired plates, “he said I was lying”. The next week he had people call and he called demanding to know where his car was. “WHAT”?
    He said “I gave your address to people and they drove by and it is not there”. “I already sent a time stamped video to your sister and your friend and who the hell are you giving my address to”? Tina he said. Raymond said the deputy said “I should have you arrested for stealing the car!” He owes our friend money on the car or I would’ve just parked it in the street or at a casino. The next week he called me and said he thinks I robbed his apartment and sold everything “You have got to be kidding me” I said. Several people assured him I did not.

    A few days later he called, wanting some #’s out of his phone. “Well I guess you have come to your senses” I said. He said “No I think you robbed me”. Then he yelled at me “you have cost me my home, my money, my pets!”

    “I fought tooth and nail, to keep Bruce safe.” “Don’t ever mention his name again, I don’t want him, give him away.” Now I am on the hook for $3k-$4k at the kennel, I started crying for Bruce, poor puppy. I reminded Raymond of the lounge furniture in storage. And he would only need a bed when he got out. He said “Fuck that, I don’t give a shit about that.” I told him to go F himself and to never call me again. I found a great loving home for Bruce and they took the little turtles too.

    I started getting messages from unknown numbers, “he is telling everyone you robbed him and did horrible things”. He had a guy named James call one day for a phone #. “I have no interest helping someone that is accusing me”. I would not answer Raymond’s calls.
    I told his friend I have to move as I don’t feel safe in my own home anymore, I need to move the car. He said a friend would come from Calif. to sell the car, but there is no title to transfer.

    We knew the trial was Oct. 5, 2020. A Private Investigator called me on Raymond’s behalf. When I returned his call he said Raymond took a plea deal and he could be out already. I do not want to see him or be around him. I called Ella who said I could have the car towed there, I had to bribe the AAA tow guy to get him to tow it. The battery wouldn’t hold a charge, so I knew no one could drive it. Raymond texted me and called me. I would not return his call. I am at risk and do not want to be exposed to anything. I put his phone, charges and car papers in his glove box. When his phone got hacked, we took him out of admin to be safe, plus he had threatened to shut the group down.

    I did all this not knowing if he was guilty or innocent, but I feel everyone should have their day in court. Well you had yours buddy. I told Raymond numerous times on a recorded line, if you did it you should pay and I don’t want them leaving you any loop holes to get out.
    Now he is on his FB page telling terrible lies about me. So I felt I should tell my side of the story. Below are some pictures. “Join a FB group, it will be fun they said”.

    Thank you all.

    Almost everyone took Terry's side, and tons of people in RealGrinders are bashing Ray. This is pretty much it for RealGrinders. Whatever small chance it had to rebound has now been destroyed.

    For those unfamiliar, Terry King is an older woman who was prominent in the 1970s and 1980s Las Vegas poker scene. She dated and lived with Chip Reese for awhile.

    She was best known recently for being the second-in-command at RealGrinders, and for being supportive of Ray. She never stated that Ray was innocent, but was an extremely loyal friend to him, as you can see in the above story.

      shoeshine box: Terry King is a Decent human and shame on all who say otherwise. shameful.
      MumblesBadly: Raymond Davis sounds like a fucking idiot, turning on the one person who helped him out the most through this ordeal.

  3. #203
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    They finally kicked Ray Davis out of his group. Although not without a fierce defense by some of pedophilia claiming a 13 year old “knew what she was doing”, “I saw a picture of her, she looked older”. “I committed my first felony when I was 17”


  4. #204
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dmndkutr View Post
    They finally kicked Ray Davis out of his group. Although not without a fierce defense by some of pedophilia claiming a 13 year old “knew what she was doing”, “I saw a picture of her, she looked older”. “I committed my first felony when I was 17”

    Yeah the "13 year old knew what she was doing" thing was pretty bad. (This was said by a third party, not Ray.)

    Especially when the accused is around 50.

  5. #205
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    What a horrendous ordeal for Terry. How is she doing, does she need help with anything?

  6. #206
    Mad Neg Repper 1marley1's Avatar
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    Mumbles you dumb fuck.

    I red rep him because he’s a fucking a hypocrite.

    He calls for the banning of a Netflix movie that he’s never seen a minute of.

    Yet he somehow thinks his site is the right place to post the manifestos and defensive statements of a CONVICTED CHILD SEX OFFENDER.

    You can fuck off with him.

      dwai: gotta agree with Marley here

  7. #207
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1marley1 View Post
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    Mumbles you dumb fuck.

    I red rep him because he’s a fucking a hypocrite.

    He calls for the banning of a Netflix movie that he’s never seen a minute of.

    Yet he somehow thinks his site is the right place to post the manifestos and defensive statements of a CONVICTED CHILD SEX OFFENDER.

    You can fuck off with him.
    Actually, you're the dumb fuck.

    This was already an 11-page thread about a known figure in poker. Of course his statement upon his release is relevant, and should be posted here. All information is always presented to PFA, and the adults here are left to figure out for themselves what they believe.

    I'm not here to shield sensitive eyes from "manifestos" of people convicted of crimes. If what they write/say is newsworthy, I'll post it. You're just learning this now?

    This has been the only place on the entire web to give full, active, and fair coverage on this matter. If I were to withhold Ray's statement because it gets 1marley1 hot and bothered to read, then I'd be a hypocrite.

    As usual, you have no idea what you're talking about.

      ftpjesus: Salty Druff is money.

  8. #208
    Mad Neg Repper 1marley1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by 1marley1 View Post
    Name:  8AA6ACD8-7D4E-4C30-8E3B-8F302F099FFD.jpeg
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    Mumbles you dumb fuck.

    I red rep him because he’s a fucking a hypocrite.

    He calls for the banning of a Netflix movie that he’s never seen a minute of.

    Yet he somehow thinks his site is the right place to post the manifestos and defensive statements of a CONVICTED CHILD SEX OFFENDER.

    You can fuck off with him.

    Actually, you're the dumb fuck.

    This was already an 11-page thread about a known figure in poker. Of course his statement upon his release is relevant, and should be posted here. All information is always presented to PFA, and the adults here are left to figure out for themselves what they believe.

    I'm not here to shield sensitive eyes from "manifestos" of people convicted of crimes. If what they write/say is newsworthy, I'll post it. You're just learning this now?

    This has been the only place on the entire web to give full, active, and fair coverage on this matter. If I were to withhold Ray's statement because it gets 1marley1 hot and bothered to read, then I'd be a hypocrite.

    As usual, you have no idea what you're talking about.

    You do you. You creepy fuck.

    Now explain how you’re not a hypocrite for calling for the banning of the Netflix movie.

      ftpjesus: Cuties isn’t what you think it is and your making excuses for what’s become a pedo whacked a wet dream.

  9. #209
    100% Organic MumblesBadly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1marley1 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    Actually, you're the dumb fuck.

    This was already an 11-page thread about a known figure in poker. Of course his statement upon his release is relevant, and should be posted here. All information is always presented to PFA, and the adults here are left to figure out for themselves what they believe.

    I'm not here to shield sensitive eyes from "manifestos" of people convicted of crimes. If what they write/say is newsworthy, I'll post it. You're just learning this now?

    This has been the only place on the entire web to give full, active, and fair coverage on this matter. If I were to withhold Ray's statement because it gets 1marley1 hot and bothered to read, then I'd be a hypocrite.

    As usual, you have no idea what you're talking about.

    You do you. You creepy fuck.

    Now explain how you’re not a hypocrite for calling for the banning of the Netflix movie.
    What movie is that? Can you point me to the post Druff made saying this? I’m usually all over Druff for when he is being hypocritical given how he often calls out Dems and liberals for doing so, but never admits to when he is doing so.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I actually hope this [second impeachment] succeeds, because I want Trump put down politically like a sick, 14-year-old dog. ... I don't want him complicating the 2024 primary season. I just want him done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Were Republicans cowardly or unethical not to go along with [convicting Trump in the second impeachment Senate trial]? No. The smart move was to reject it.

  10. #210
    Platinum Jayjami's Avatar
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    Great post. Great story. Terry has old school cred in the poker community. But these narratives are so nauseating: “Looking at what a scumbag he is and look at all I did to help him”. Instead of: “I’m a really bad judge of character, maybe I should reevaluate associating with poker players in my personal life.”

    I’ve been playing 30 years and have met maybe 10 people I want to hang out with away from the card room.

      The Shrink: Sounds like Terry was supportive to a fault.
      Sanlmar: Jayjami has been making tremendous sense over several threads.
    Last edited by Jayjami; 10-12-2020 at 07:31 AM.

  11. #211
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    Looks like Terry is going to hand the reins back to Raymond Davis (seems he's accused them of trying to steal Real Grinders) and Terry has already started a new facebook group: Action Now Sports Poker.

    It really should be the end of Real Grinders. It's a bad look for anyone to continue contributing to that group.

    Wonder what the Milpman will do. Raymond got milp'd...big time.

  12. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Shrink View Post
    Looks like Terry is going to hand the reins back to Raymond Davis (seems he's accused them of trying to steal Real Grinders) and Terry has already started a new facebook group: Action Now Sports Poker.

    It really should be the end of Real Grinders. It's a bad look for anyone to continue contributing to that group.

    Wonder what the Milpman will do. Raymond got milp'd...big time.
    I think the MILPman was asked by Terry to tone down his self-promotion awhile back, so his appearances in the group were infrequent in recent times anyway. He did still list himself as a #RGKnight (Real Grinders Knight -- a title he laughably gave himself), so I wonder if that will continue.

    But yes, RealGrinders has zero future.

  13. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by The Shrink View Post
    Looks like Terry is going to hand the reins back to Raymond Davis (seems he's accused them of trying to steal Real Grinders) and Terry has already started a new facebook group: Action Now Sports Poker.

    It really should be the end of Real Grinders. It's a bad look for anyone to continue contributing to that group.

    Wonder what the Milpman will do. Raymond got milp'd...big time.
    I think the MILPman was asked by Terry to tone down his self-promotion awhile back, so his appearances in the group were infrequent in recent times anyway. He did still list himself as a #RGKnight (Real Grinders Knight -- a title he laughably gave himself), so I wonder if that will continue.

    But yes, RealGrinders has zero future.
    I’m friends with Milp on FB. He really is polarizing at times to say the least. He got smashed by some members of Big Tex’s poker group for some of his stuff. I mean you can appreciate a guy who’s got the chutzpah to have the ego to play his game the way he does. He’s not afraid to say what’s on his mind bluff with air massively.

  14. #214
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    The MILPman doesn't bother me. Maybe he would have had a chance at some poker fame with his little gimmicks 15 years ago. Nowadays he's not going anywhere, especially since he's not a particularly good player, from what I've seen of the videos he's posted.

    He doesn't bother me, though. He's just overenthusiastic, and doesn't quite understand that his "You just got MILPed big time" catchphrase can piss people off after he wins big pots off of them.

  15. #215
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    Great interview with Terry on Gambling With an Edge podcast.

    She seems pretty normal and decent in the interview. Clearly dumb for helping this guy out as much as she did as it seems like a huge waste of energy.

    Was RealGrinders a for-profit site? WTF is it exactly?

  16. #216
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    Now that Raymond Davis has been convicted of having a 13 year old girl sucking his dick.

    He should be blacklisted from poker forever.

  17. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheXFactor View Post
    Now that Raymond Davis has been convicted of having a 13 year old girl sucking his dick.

    He should be blacklisted from poker forever.

    All black men look the same to you apparently. That’s not Raymond Davis.

      shoeshine box: Ray Shorter and don't sing as good.

  18. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ_Chaps View Post

    I am Proud I waited until the end and saw the video..I am really Proud of my upbringing for that.You also I see..well done.. Shoeshine.

  19. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheXFactor View Post
    Now that Raymond Davis has been convicted of having a 13 year old girl sucking his dick.

    He should be blacklisted from poker forever.

    As much as that should be the fact remains Ray pled out and neither were sex crimes thus he’s getting a slap on the wrist. Reality is assholes like him don’t change their stripes. He will fuck up again and this time he won’t get a pass except a life in prison without likely parole.

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