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Thread: Sandusky getting owned in court

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    Platinum JimmyG_415's Avatar
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    Sandusky getting owned in court

    Did anyone expect this moron lawyer to pull anything out of a hat?

    Sandusky hopefully will see now there is no way out and just kill himself before he gets embarrassed in public again.
    Like tonight.

    Jerry Sandusky's first alleged victim confidently testifies about repeated sexual molestation

    BELLEFONTE, Pa. – It was late on a long, hot day inside the Centre County Courthouse, and Jerry Sandusky's defense against sexual molestation charges already had been rocked by powerful, personal testimony of an indomitable witness. An unidentified witness (left) testifies on Monday as Jerry Sandusky looks on. (Reuters)

    As the first day of the trial grinded through an afternoon of testimony, Sandusky's attorney Joe Amendola kept grasping at straws, kept seeking angles to prop up his client as a kind-hearted guy who was the victim of overaggressive police and money-hungry accusers.

    So he tried to take the words of the trial's first witness, known as Victim No. 4 in court documents, and spin them around. Earlier Monday, the witness, who was a weak 13-year-old boy when he met Sandusky but is now a no-nonsense 28-year-old man, had said the former Penn State defensive coordinator treated him "like a son."

    Victim No. 4 just shook his head and dismissed the suggestion that anything positive could be gleaned from the description.

    "He treated me like a son in front of other people," the witness said, sternly, with an air of scolding toward the defense attorney.

    "Aside from that, he treated me like his girlfriend."

    As gasps were audibly heard in the courtroom for a line straight off a movie script, Amendola paused, shuffled his notes and kept fumbling as the witness maintained his steely posture.

    Unless the defense has a plan to later recall the witness and catch him in multiple lies, there were almost no positives to the day for Sandusky. It was a bludgeoning, as if the witness had been waiting 15 years to rain down these stories on his alleged perpetrator and wasn't going to miss a single opportunity to go for the throat.

    [Related: Dan Wetzel: Jerry Sandusky to testify at his child sexual molestation trial]

    The witness vividly detailed what he estimated were at least 40 acts of inappropriate sexual contact in the Penn State football locker room showers alone – games of "soap battles" and wrestling matches turning into repeated attempts at oral and anal sex.

    Amendola didn't even attempt to counter those accusations, which were equal parts powerful and painful to hear.

    Sandusky, 68, is facing 52 counts based on using his Second Mile charity and his stature within Penn State football to sexual molest 10 children over a 15-year period. He's maintained his innocence, although even Amendola acknowledged in his opening arguments Monday morning that the state possessed "overwhelming evidence."

    And that was before the jury of 12 heard from the state's first witness, clad in crew cut, white dress shirt and a dark tie. Yahoo! Sports will not name the alleged victims.

    Over nearly five hours Victim No. 4 recapped how Sandusky first met him when he was a somewhat troubled teenager at a Second Mile charity picnic. When a bunch of kids went swimming in a lake, Sandusky joined them, and during a game where he'd throw the children in the air, the witness first realized something was wrong.

    "(He'd) kind of (pretend) like he was having trouble getting a good grip," the witness said. "And as he was grabbing you he would brush your genitals and then throw you."

    Without a positive male role model in his life, the boy clung to Sandusky, who offered attention, gifts, trips and unheard of access to Penn State football, including team locker rooms, charter flights, hotels, bowl trips and sideline passes. He was constantly around star players.

    The trade off was workouts at Penn State, maybe basketball or racquetball, maybe just general exercise. No matter what worked up the sweat, it was washed off during two-person shower sessions in either the old football coaches' locker room or the team's new main shower room. Those would descend into groping, forced contact with private parts and even absurd "wrestling" matches, where the burly Sandusky would pin the 90-pound boy in any compromising position he wanted.

    [Related: Neighbors of jurors in Sandusky trial don't support him, want justice]

    "Combination of the oral sex or just groping me," the witness said. "Sometimes there would be no oral sex that would happen but he'd be between my thighs kissing them like I was a girl."

    Time and time again he kept delivering these bombs, lines so perfect it's like he'd been spending years rehearsing for the day he might get to deliver them.

    He laid Sandusky out, often staring right into the defendant's face, calling him by name and controlling Amendola on cross examination like it was actually he that was the experienced defense attorney.

    He expressed repeated regret at not running from Sandusky, but noted it was because of fear, confusion and an acute understanding that he'd be mocked at school.

    "It's not that simple, you just [can't] say, 'OK, I'm done.' " There was also the odd mix of being so excited about getting to be part of the Penn State program ("I was like the mascot") that he could block out the shower sessions.

    "I thought, I didn't want to lose this," the witness said. "This is something good happening to me. I didn't have a dad."

    He ripped Sandusky for sending him "creepy love letters" – handwritten on Penn State stationery – that Amendola tried to define as attempts by a mentor to keep a potentially wayward soul from going down the wrong path.

    The witness instead noted they only started coming when he turned 16 and was strong enough to attempt to end the relationship. It was then, he said, Sandusky panicked and began sending letters and making emotional phone calls, like a heartbroken lover.

    Later, when Amendola inexplicably had the witness read them in open court, Victim No. 4 used the tone of his voice to convey further condemnation at both defendant and his representation.

    "I know that I have made several mistakes," the witness read Sandusky's words from one letter. "However, I hope that I will be able to say that I cared. There has been love in my heart. My wish is that you would call …"

    And another: "I write because of the churning of my own stomach when you don't care. I write because I still hope that there will be meaningful time when we know each other."

    Most were signed: "Jer."

    Then there were "contracts" supposedly under the auspices of The Second Mile (which an administrator for the charity later testified were fake) that required the witness participate in a variety of activities with Sandusky, including more of those workouts where a trip to the shower room or sauna always followed. Amendola tried to use the documents to show Sandusky genuinely cared.

    "Clearly," the witness snapped at Amendola, "that is a contract to get me to be around him more."

    Amendola was a flailing mess by the end. He seemed unprepared for the cross examination, routinely getting dates and facts wrong and leading the witness into retelling the disturbing tales of abuse in the shower room. If he doesn't have a plan to catch the witness in repeated and profound lies, this made no sense.

    It's difficult to tell where the defense will go from here. Seven more alleged victims are scheduled to testify. Amendola noted in opening arguments that Sandusky would defend himself, "in his own words," setting up the prospect of a wild stretch of testimony.

    [Related: Sandusky juror profiles: All Caucasians, most have ties to Penn State]

    On Monday, Amendola kept opening doors that blew up on him, violating a cardinal rule of cross examination, which is not to ask a question you don't know the answer to. Once, when arguing Sandusky helped with a school homework assignment, the witness said Sandusky actually wrote the entire thing, allowing him to cheat. Another time, he said Sandusky purchased two cartons of cigarettes for him when he was 15.

    Then there was the time the witness bought marijuana.

    "(Sandusky) drove me there," the witness said.

    Did Sandusky know what you bought, Amendola asked?

    "I smoked it right in front of him in his car," the witness said.

    The witness didn't help Penn State, either. He said four assistant coaches saw him showering with Sandusky at different times although no sexual activity occurred at that time because from the shower they could hear someone working the coaches locker room lock, giving Sandusky time to step away.

    At one point, the witness said former assistant coach Tom Bradley got into the showers with Sandusky and the boy. The witness said he believed Bradley was "suspicious," and did it to assure the boy's safety, refusing to leave until Sandusky did first.

    Also Monday, Penn State acknowledged an NBC report about an email exchange between top university officials regarding accusations by assistant coach Mike McQueary that Sandusky raped another victim. Former school president Graham Spanier, athletic director Tim Curley and vice president Gary Schultz decided that not alerting the police would be "humane" to Sandusky.

    It's the smoking gun that critics of the university have been waiting for since this scandal broke.

    As for Sandusky and Amendola, they can only hope a new dawn brings new hope. Trials aren't won or lost on the first day, but this was undoubtedly bad.

    One hard-minded accuser unleashed years of buried anger and hidden emotions on their cross-examination strategy.

    A kid who once cowered in front of Jerry Sandusky was all grown up Monday afternoon, strong, fearless and unafraid of telling it all on good old Jer.

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    Dan Wetzel

  2. #2
    Gold LLL's Avatar
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    Odds he offs himself before the trial ends?

  3. #3
    Welcher jsearles22's Avatar
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    Jer, bro, seriously just do the right thing:

    It's hilarious that we as a society think everyone can be a dr, a lawyer, an engineer. Some people are just fucking stupid. Why can't we just accept that?

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    Jerry Sandusky engaged in repeated acts of oral sex, a second alleged victim testifies at trial
    By Dan Wetzel | Yahoo! Sports – 2 hours 49 minutes ago


    BELLEFONTE, Pa. – The sobs from the witness stand were loud and prolonged, the cracking voice of Victim No. 1 in the Jerry Sandusky child sexual molestation trial gasping for breath as he detailed repeated acts of oral sex with the former Penn State defensive coordinator.

    Now 18, the witness sat with his hands clasped in his lap, leaned into a microphone and slowly, painfully and purposefully delivered his disturbing memories of being an 11-, 12-year-old boy, alone with Sandusky on the waterbed in Sandusky's State College basement.

    The sighs and sniffs echoed around a rapt Centre County Courtroom as jurors looked on, a couple noticeably disturbed. A few grimaced at the retelling and shook their heads.

    Sandusky sat hunched over at the defense table, often rubbing his chin. The 68-year-old is facing 52 counts based on using his Second Mile charity and his stature within Penn State football to sexually molest 10 children over a 15-year period. He's maintained his innocence.

    [Related: Sandusky juror profiles: All Caucasians, most have ties to Penn State]

    The witness was 10 when he first entered the Second Mile, which worked with at-risk youth. He never knew his father and lived with his single mother in public housing in a local town. Yahoo! Sports will not identify the witness due to the nature of the allegations.

    Jerry Sandusky arrives at the Centre County Courthouse on Tuesday. (Reuters)After a couple years in the Second Mile program, now a slightly built preteen, he began spending time alone with Sandusky. Tuesday morning in court, he told of the sexual abuse, including in 2005 when Sandusky's repeated petting and cuddling on the waterbed went to another level.

    After a day of fun activities, they retired to the basement full of games, air hockey tables and television, eventually laying together on a waterbed in a small bedroom.

    "After rubbing and cracking my back and rubbing his hands down the back of my shorts and then blowing on the stomach," the witness said.

    The witness then breathed heavily. He followed with a deep sniff of his noise, then hung his head and openly wept.

    "He … "

    More sobs.

    "He put … "

    There was another prolonged sigh. An attempt at a breath. A loud cry.

    "He put his mouth on my privates," the witness said through a broken voice, seemingly just trying to spit it out.

    "I spaced. I didn't know what to do with all the thoughts running through my head. I just blacked out. I didn't want it to happen. I froze."

    [Dan Wetzel: Trial's first witness confidently testifies about alleged molestation]

    The acts of oral sex continued for months, he testified, saying he was too embarrassed and confused to tell anyone what happened. He was also fearful no one would believe him. Time after time he found himself back in Sandusky's basement, where he often stayed two or three nights a week.

    "It was always the same routine," the witness said. "Cracking my back, rubbing my back, putting his hands down back of my shorts, after that, it was always after he blew on my stomach that it happened.

    "He would always blow on my stomach; as soon as he blew on my stomach that's when it would happen."

    It was always Sandusky performing the act, the witness said, until one night.

    "It was pretty much like any normal time with Jerry," the witness said before breaking down and crying harder and harder.

    "This time he sat there," the witness said, voice breaking. "He looked at me and said something along the lines … "


    "… 'It's your turn.' He made me … "

    The witness cried intensely, putting his face into his hands as the courtroom watched.

    "… He made me put my mouth on his privates."

    On cross examination, defense attorney Joe Amendola focused on the witness's changing and evolving telling of the story to officials, including inconsistencies with dates, acts and the number of sexual encounters.

    Many of the witness' previous retellings of the story – to a parade of guidance counselors, social workers, police and across three sessions in front of two different grand juries – don't mesh in the precise details.

    For example, one time the witness said Sandusky didn't touch his private area, five months later he said Sandusky did.

    "I will say those are two separate statements but I will tell you I was scared and the second time I knew what I had to do," the witness said. "I said what I said because I was scared."

    The witness said that as he came to grips with what happened he had trouble admitting it out loud. It was particularly difficult to tell the entire story, especially in front of different groups of people. He also said each time was a source of great anxiety that caused him to hold back different parts of the story.

    It was "embarrassing, [talking to] different people," the witness said. "… Like I said before, it's a tough subject to talk about.

    "Whatever came first, I told the least amount to make it as easy on myself … I don't remember what I testified," the witness said later. "All I know is it happened … I may have white lied to cover embarrassment when I told these people. But I am here now telling the full truth to the fullest."

    Joe Amendola, Sandusky's attorney, went over repeated inconsistencies in the alleged victim's story. (Reuters)Amendola went over repeated inconsistencies in the story, pounding him on each difference. The witness kept saying he struggled to be comfortable with new people until the cross became contentious.

    The witness cracked and put his hands to his face and began crying.

    "It's hard enough to tell the people in the jury what happened let alone the size of the people in this room," the witness said, in a loud voice at Amendola. "I'm sorry – you are asking the same question over and over and I am going to give you the same answer over and over."

    "Would you like to take a break?" Amendola asked.

    "I'd like you to stop asking me the same question," the witness said.

    "I'm actually asking a different one," Amendola said.

    "You're rewording them."

    Amendola also harped on the family's hiring of an attorney, suggesting that the motivation was financial. The witness said the attorney was hired to handle the media onslaught and help him through the legal process. Amendola repeatedly asked the witness if he verbalized to someone his expectation that he would one day reap a windfall and "live in a big house and drive a nice car."

    "I did not say that," the witness said.

    It is expected that the defense will counter that testimony with a witness of its own.

    It was a better performance by Amendola than Monday's cross examination of the first alleged victim, but it showed the limits of the defense. At no time did Amendola attempt to disprove the sessions with Sandusky, only that the details and number of incidents shifted over time.

    Later Tuesday, a local social worker, who had interviewed Sandusky, said Sandusky acknowledged laying on top of the witness, having the witness lay on top of him, blowing on his stomach, providing back rubs and staying at area hotels with the witness. She said Sandusky couldn't say whether his hand ever went below the witness' waistline and into his pants.

    Sandusky, the social worker said, denied there was ever any sexual intent.

    The witness also discussed a time a local wrestling coach, who is expected to testify at the trial, saw Sandusky and the boy "wrestling" in an auxiliary gym at a local high school. The witness was a wrestler in high school.

    Amendola tried to minimize the "wrestling session," noting no sexual act occurred.

    "Other than him on top of me and me on top of him and he rubbing my back?" the witness snapped at the defense attorney.

    Sandusky also provided gifts, such as golf clubs, which Amendola tried to paint as an act of goodwill to get the boy involved in a positive activity. Amendola said the clubs were donated through Second Mile and consistent with the charity's mission.

    Amendola also said Sandusky bought the witness clothes so he could take him to church, which the boy had never attended.

    "Mr. Sandusky was trying to introduce you to church, wasn't he," Amendola said.

    "I guess," the witness said.

    [Related: Neighbors of jurors in Sandusky trial don't support him, want justice]

    The witness began to pull away from Sandusky around 2008 when he entered high school. Sandusky began calling his home relentlessly, even showing up and arguing with the witness about living up to his commitment to Second Mile. It ended one day when the witness' mother discovered the witness looking up a website that listed sexual offenders.

    "She wanted to know why I was looking up that site," the witness said. "I said I wanted to see if Jerry was on there. I was giving her a hint that something was going on."

    The mother, alarmed, set up a session with a school guidance counselor where the witness eventually told some about the sexual assault. However, the witness testified that the school was unconvinced.

    With voice again cracking, he said, "They, they, they said we needed to think about it. [Sandusky] has a heart of gold. He wouldn't do something like that. So they didn't believe me."

    The mother decided to take the boy to police, the first critical step that led to Sandusky being charged. A caseworker testified that in 2008, after the witness revealed more of his story in a second interview session, that there was "enough to indicate" possible child abuse. Now, years later, in open court, Victim No. 1 sat and told everything right to Sandusky's face.

    It was intense and emotional, so intense and emotional that in the final question of direct, state prosecutor Joseph E. McGettigan III offered a softball question that revealed that the witness had recently graduated from high school.

    "Thursday," the witness said, flashing the closest thing to a smile on this brutal Tuesday morning in court.

  5. #5
    Bronze HEX's Avatar
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    He needs to kill himself now for sure.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by HEX View Post
    He needs to kill himself now for sure.
    I wish someone would do it for him.

    -500 he does it before the verdict, after the testimony concludes.

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    Graham Spanier may face charges over e-mails about Sandusky

    By Susan Snyder and Jeremy Roebuck

    Investigators have uncovered e-mails that raise the specter of criminal charges being brought against former Penn State president Graham B. Spanier for his handling of child sexual abuse allegations against assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, sources said Monday.

    The e-mails between Spanier and two former administrators - Timothy Curley and Gary Schultz - included the suggestion it would be "humane" not to contact authorities after Sandusky was seen showering with a young boy in a university locker room. It was unclear from the e-mails, sources said, whether the administrators had been told Sandusky was allegedly molesting the boy as well, as has been claimed since.

    While lawyers for Curley and Schultz portrayed the e-mails as showing the administrators trying to "responsibly deal" with the allegations, sources said that the university is preparing for the possibility of charges being brought against Spanier, who was forced to resign in the wake of the scandal.

    Members of Pennsylvania State University's board of trustees learned within the last couple weeks that Spanier was facing possible indictment by the state Attorney General's Office, sources said.

    Investigators hired by the university to unravel the case unearthed the series of e-mails between Spanier and Curley and Schultz, who already have been indicted on perjury charges in the case.

    The e-mails, which the investigators turned over to the Attorney General's Office, led the prosecution to change a key date in the allegation made by Mike McQueary, a former assistant football coach who was then a graduate assistant. McQueary's account of Sandusky raping a boy in a campus shower initially was reported as having occurred in 2002. The e-mails, however, showed that the incident happened in 2001, according to sources familiar with the investigation.

    McQueary has alleged he was clear in his account to Curly and Schultz that Sandusky was raping the boy. The administrators say he was much less specific.

    It wasn't clear from the e-mails whether Spanier thought the incident was merely "horseplay" as he later told the grand jury that investigated Sandusky or if he had any inkling that it involved sex, according to a source familiar with the content of the e-mails.

    That source said the e-mails also indicated that the school's iconic football coach, Joe Paterno, had been consulted by at least one of the three men about the incident.

    Spanier has sued the university to obtain the e-mails and has said he will not talk to the university's internal investigators led by former FBI director Louis Freeh unless he gets them. His attorney, Peter Vaira, could not be reached for comment Monday.

    The Attorney General's Office declined comment on whether Spanier could be indicted or on the existence of the e-mails.

    "Given the ongoing nature of our grand jury investigation, we cannot comment," said spokesman Nils Frederiksen.

    But the Attorney General's Office in a court filing in Dauphin County on Monday acknowledged the e-mails and cited them as evidence that perjury charges against Schultz should not be quashed.

    "The commonwealth has come into possession of computer data . . . in the form of e-mails between Schultz, Curley, and others that contradict their testimony before the grand jury," the filing said.

    Caroline Roberto and Tom Farrell, lawyers for Curley and Schultz, interpreted the information attributed to the e-mails in another way.

    They said it shows that both men "conscientiously considered" McQueary's account of the shower encounter between Sandusky and the young boy, reported it to Spanier and "deliberated about how to responsibly deal with the conduct and handle the situation properly."

    Penn State acknowledged that the e-mails were discovered in the course of the Freeh investigation but declined to comment further.

    "In deference to the legal process, the university could not comment further on the specifics of the ongoing case as it unfolds," said spokesman David La Torre.

  8. #8
    Platinum JimmyG_415's Avatar
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    They might as well shut this shit down now.
    What a sick F, and what a moronic lawyer he has.
    Yeah all these victims all conspired together,

    Sandusky accuser says he once screamed for help

    Three more accusers took the stand at Jerry Sandusky's sex-abuse trial Thursday, one of whom said the former Penn State assistant football coach called himself the ''tickle monster'' before embracing him in a shower and another who said he was forced into sex acts during more than a hundred nights he spent in the ex-coach's home.
    BELLEFONTE, Pa. (AP) Three more accusers took the stand at Jerry Sandusky's sex-abuse trial Thursday, one of whom said the former Penn State assistant football coach called himself the ''tickle monster'' before embracing him in a shower and another who said he was forced into sex acts during more than a hundred nights he spent in the ex-coach's home.

    A state investigator also testified that authorities heard about a key witness, assistant coach Mike McQueary, through an anonymous email to Centre County prosecutors. The investigator, Anthony Sassano, said authorities identified some of Jerry Sandusky's alleged abuse victims through pictures and lists seized from his home and office and that the university was ''not very quick'' in getting investigators information as part of the probe.

    A third alleged victim who testified Thursday said he loved Sandusky and that he viewed him as a father figure, but that he became angry with Sandusky because he never reached out to him after the witness moved away.

    The three alleged victims who testified Thursday brought to eight the number of accusers to take the stand over the trial's first four days. Jurors also heard about two other alleged victims who have not been located by investigators.

    The ex-coach faces 52 criminal counts involving alleged assaults of 10 boys over a 15-year span. He denies the charges, which brought disgrace to Penn State and led to the ouster of both the school's president and Hall of Fame football coach Joe Paterno.

    Sandusky's attorney questioned accusers Thursday about connections they had with other alleged victims. The defense has claimed that the accusers have financial motives, but they've all denied that.

    After testimony ended Thursday, Judge John Cleland said court would resume on Monday.

    ''Between now and then, we've got three days of temptation. I can't tell you - although I tried to express it a number of times - how important it is that you not talk, text, tweet, watch televisions, let anybody talk to you about it, share any information - particularly share any opinions about what you think may be going on in the case,'' he told jurors. ''It's better to say absolutely nothing.''

    Senior Deputy Attorney General Joseph McGettigan told The Associated Press that prosecutors had not yet rested in their case against Sandusky.

    The last of the trial's eight accusers was an 18-year-old who recently graduated from high school. The teen said his mother summoned police to their home to talk to him after Sandusky's arrest in November 2011.

    The accuser said Thursday that he was 11 or 12 when he first met Sandusky in 2004. Sandusky took him to Penn State football games and gave him money and gifts, including a tennis racket and a running suit.

    The teen testified that he ended up staying at Sandusky's home more than 100 times up until 2009, maybe even 150 or so, sleeping in the basement which had a water bed.

    The sexual abuse began with oral sex and elevated into anal sex, he said.

    ''There was no fighting against it,'' he said, adding sometimes he would scream and ''tell him to get off me.''

    During his cross examination, the teenager said he screamed out for help at least once when Sandusky's wife, Dottie, was in the house, but he did not know if she heard him because he thought the basement was ''soundproof.''

    ''Nobody can hear you down there,'' he said.

    One of the other men who testified Thursday is now a member of the Army National Guard. He described frequent sleepovers at Sandusky's home in 1998 and 1999 that included the ex-coach rubbing his body and touching his penis. He also said Sandusky gave him a bear hug in the shower.

    The man said he lived with his mother at the time but did not get along with her. He didn't know where his father was.

    He testified that he felt uncomfortable when Sandusky touched his genitals in bed, and that he would roll over to prevent anything else from happening, but that he didn't tell Sandusky not to get into bed with him.

    ''He made me feel like I was a part of something, like a family,'' the man said. ''He gave me things that I hadn't had before.'' He said he loved Sandusky, and that Sandusky treated him like he was part of an extended family who was ''unconditionally loved.''

    He said he became angry with Sandusky because the ex-coach never reached out to him after the witness was sent out of the area to live in a group home.

    ''He just forgot about me, like I was nothing,'' said the 25-year-old man known in court documents as Victim 3. ''I would pray he would call me and maybe find a way to get me out of there ... but it never happened.''

    Earlier Thursday, another accuser testified that Sandusky called himself the ''tickle monster'' and embraced the then-11-year-old boy in a Penn State shower in 1998, an encounter that prompted an investigation but ultimately ended without any charges being filed.

    The now-25-year-old alleged victim, known in court records as Victim 6, told jurors Sandusky embraced him in a locker room shower, lathered up his back and shoulders then lifted him chest-to-chest to a shower head to rinse out his hair.

    The man said the shared shower happened after a brief workout at a campus gym - even though he hadn't broken a sweat. His mother went to authorities when she saw her son come home with wet hair, although the inquiry spawned by her report didn't lead to any charges.

    The witness, who described himself as a big football fan, testified that Sandusky had given him a tour of the Penn State football locker room and training facilities, and had him try on some equipment of players including star running back Curtis Enis.

    One of the investigators who interviewed the boy and Sandusky at the time, Ronald Schreffler, told the court he thought charges were warranted but that the district attorney, Ray Gricar, disagreed.

    Gricar cannot explain his decision - he disappeared in 2005 and was later declared legally dead.

    On cross-examination, the man testified that in recent years he and Sandusky exchanged text messages, sent notes for holidays and special occasions and last summer met for lunch. He also told the court that Sandusky and his wife, Dottie, had supported a mission trip he took to Mexico.

    When asked why he had decided to testify against Sandusky, the witness said he had been approached by investigators and asked to think more about the 1998 encounter.

    ''As I started to go over it in my mind I quickly realized, my perception changed thinking about it as an adult as opposed to an 11-year-old,'' he said. ''That was inappropriate, what happened to me.''

    Asked if he was looking for financial benefit from coming forward, the man replied, ''Zero.''

    Schreffler, a former Penn State police officer who now works for the Department of Homeland Security, said he overheard Sandusky tell to alleged victim's mother that he wished he was dead as investigators listened in on a conversation set up for the woman to confront him.

    During his cross-examination, Sandusky's attorney presented a transcript of an interview with the accuser in which the boy said there was no sexual contact in the shower.

    Gricar was last seen April 15, 2005, about nine months before he was to retire as district attorney, after telling his girlfriend he was going for a drive. His car later was found abandoned at an antiques market.

    Gricar's laptop was found three months later in the nearby Susquehanna River, without its hard drive, which was found separately - and upriver - that October. Investigators later said Gricar had done searches on another computer about how to destroy a hard drive, without explaining why that might be relevant to his disappearance.

    Sassano, the state investigator, said authorities obtained lists of children that attended events sponsored by Sandusky's charity, The Second Mile, sending investigators across a wide swath of the State College region to talk to participants. They also poured through Sandusky's biography, ''Touched,'' and other documents found in his home and office.

    They brainstormed about who else could have been in university buildings during off hours, including janitors and others. Eventually, they issued subpoenas to Penn State.

    ''Penn State, to be quite frank, was not very quick in getting us our information,'' he said.

    They talked to assistants and others who worked in some of the buildings and locker rooms at the school.

    Sassano also explained how investigators pinned down the year that McQueary saw Sandusky in a shower with a boy.

    Prosecutors had initially said the abuse took place in 2002 but later changed the year to 2001.

    Sassano said he followed up on McQueary's recollection that he had been watching the inspirational football movie ''Rudy'' on TV that night. The investigator bought television guides and determined the film had been on TV during a week in early February 2001 but wasn't listed during that period in 2002, he said.
    Last edited by JimmyG_415; 06-14-2012 at 02:00 PM.

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    I went to Penn State and Graham Spanier was a Grade A douchebag. Hope all these scumbags see jail time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Corrigan View Post
    I went to Penn State and Graham Spanier was a Grade A douchebag. Hope all these scumbags see jail time.
    When this story first broke, I was appalled at Spanier's callous response to the whole thing. He made public statements defending Sandusky and showing no sympathy for his victims.

    I'm glad he got fired, and like you, I hope that Spanier, Curley, and Schultz see substantial jail time for this horrid cover-up.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corrigan View Post
    Haha, that's pretty funny

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Corrigan View Post
    Haha, that's pretty funny
    Although it's terribly bad taste, this pic is begging to be shopped.

    lol3?, what me worry?, lol wat?

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    Jun 16, 1:52 PM EDT

    Testimony at Sandusky trial shows missed chances


    The eyewitness testimony that confronted jurors in Jerry Sandusky's child-molestation trial this week was disturbing not only for its graphic descriptions of sex with boys, but for what it said about the people who surrounded and maybe even protected the once-revered Penn State assistant coach.

    Eight accusers took the witness stand and described how Sandusky molested them in campus showers, hotel bathrooms, a basement bedroom, a sauna used by the football team - right under the noses of his friends, colleagues, family members and acquaintances.

    The Sandusky story, the way authorities have framed it, is one littered with missed chances to stop a rapist who preyed on children for years.

    Prosecutors have hinted that top university officials knew far more about Sandusky's alleged proclivities than they have let on, submitting a document Monday that says Penn State's former vice president - himself facing charges related to the scandal - maintained a file on Sandusky a decade ago. A Penn State trustee told The Associated Press he now suspects a cover-up.

    Yet evidence and testimony from the trial also show there were plenty of people, not just those at the highest levels of the university, who had ample opportunity to stop a man accused of violating 10 boys over 15 years:

    - A janitor failed to tell authorities he allegedly caught Sandusky performing oral sex on a boy in a campus shower a dozen years ago.

    - A district attorney with a reputation for prosecuting cases involving children and sexual abuse victims declined to charge Sandusky over a 1998 molestation allegation even though the detective who investigated thought it was a solid case. The DA, Ray Gricar, disappeared in 2005 and was declared legally dead last year.

    - School district officials were skeptical of abuse claims brought by the young man known in court papers as Victim 1 because, the accuser testified, Sandusky was considered to have a "heart of gold." Victim 1's allegations eventually triggered the state investigation that produced charges.

    - One accuser testified he screamed out for help at least once when Sandusky's wife, Dottie, was in the house. He doesn't know whether she heard his cries.

    - And, famously, coaching assistant Mike McQueary saw Sandusky having what he believed to be anal sex with a young boy in 2001. But his report to Athletic Director Tim Curley and Vice President Gary Schultz went nowhere. McQueary's dad testified that during a conversation, Schultz said he was suspicious of Sandusky, and NBC reported this week that emails between former university President Graham Spanier and Schultz aiming to keep McQueary's allegation from going further were turned over to the attorney general.

    -Others also saw Sandusky engaging in behavior that was at least odd, if not criminal. Longtime assistant coach Tom Bradley walked into the shower when one boy was with Sandusky, the accuser testified, and a wrestling coach told jurors he saw Sandusky and a child rolling on the floor.

    - Several accusers said their parents or caregivers failed to grasp what was happening to them. Victim 4 testified that one weekend he did not want to go with Sandusky and told his mother, "I'm pretty sure he's gay," but she dismissed the idea. "She said, oh, whatever, this is just one of your lies," he told jurors. He also said at one point he told his grandmother to tell Sandusky he wasn't home when he called.

    Victim 1 testified that when he asked his mother about "a website for people who do things to children," and she asked why, he said it was "to see if Jerry was on there." He said he didn't think she totally understood. And Victim 9 told jurors he described Sandusky to his mother as "a touchy-feely type of a person," but she pressured him to spend time with the former coach.

    Keith Masser, a Penn State trustee, said in an interview that he initially thought the scandal was about a failure of administrative oversight of the football program. Now he suspects it goes deeper.

    When the board of trustees ousted Spanier on Nov. 9, four days after Sandusky's arrest, it was "because we didn't have confidence in his ability to lead us through this crisis," Masser said. "We had no idea (at the time) he would be involved in a cover-up."

    Masser stressed he was speaking for himself and not the board at large, and said he wants to be careful not to draw premature conclusions. But he said it now appears like "top administration officials and top athletic officials were involved in making the decision to not inform the proper authorities."

    With prosecutors focused on the sex-abuse allegations against Sandusky, the trial isn't intended to yield evidence of a possible cover-up. That's the job of Louis Freeh, the former FBI director hired by the board of trustees to investigate the scandal. His report could be released in late summer.

    Spanier, who has not been charged with any crime, did not respond to email and phone messages. His attorney did not return a phone call.

    The law firm defending Curley and Schultz against charges they lied in their grand jury testimony and failed to report suspect abuse said in a statement this week they "conscientiously considered" McQueary's account and "deliberated about how to responsibly deal with the conduct and handle the situation properly." They did not respond to follow-up questions posed by the AP.

    Masser said the Freeh investigation is helping Penn State get to the bottom of the scandal.

    "I hope the truth comes out, and from a board standpoint it was Judge Freeh's investigation that found these emails that relate Spanier, Curley and Schultz to the suspected cover-up," he said. "I want the alumni to understand and the stakeholders to understand that this independent investigation is uncovering this information."

    Sandusky was charged in November and December with more than 50 counts of abuse. The scandal brought disgrace to Penn State and led to the ousters of both Spanier and Paterno, the Hall of Fame coach who died in January at age 85.

    The testimony of eight of the 10 alleged victims named in a grand jury report prompted disgust and revulsion from Penn State alumni and others who took to Twitter last week to express their dismay - and to call for the heads of anyone involved in concealing abuse. "Anyone who knew and didn't report should burn!" tweeted one.

    The grim depictions of abuse also hit at least one former player hard.

    The accuser known as Victim 4 told jurors that Sandusky let him wear star linebacker LaVar Arrington's jersey and gave him a magazine autographed by the former NFL All-Pro, who played at Penn State in the late 1990s.

    Arrington apologized to the man a day after his testimony, writing in The Washington Post that he felt awful for having missed the warning signs.

    "He always seemed mad or kind of distant. I remember distinctly asking him: `Why are you always walking around all mad, like a tough guy?'" Arrington wrote. "I guess with everything that I had going on, it certainly wasn't a priority for me to try to figure him out."

    Arrington continued, "I hate everything that has happened, and now I must admit I feel even worse, knowing what allegedly was happening so close to me, and that I was unaware."

    Ann Tenbrunsel, a professor of business ethics at the University of Notre Dame, attributes the failure to stop Sandusky to a phenomenon she calls "motivated blindness," a tendency, whether subconscious or deliberate or sometimes both, to ignore unethical or even criminal behavior by others when you perceive it to be in your best interest to do so. Motivated blindness "means I don't probe, I don't ask, I don't believe," Tenbrunsel said. "I have evidence in front of me but choose to disregard facts."

    Some people could have kept quiet about their suspicions because they wanted to protect Penn State and its beloved - and highly lucrative - football program, or their own jobs, she said. Others might not have wanted to believe the sainted Sandusky capable of the abuse he's now charged with.

    "You have all kinds of examples of people who either did not notice, or when they did notice didn't engage in behaviors that would have stopped it because it wasn't in their best interests to do so," said Tenbrunsel, co-author of "Blind Spots," a book that explores why otherwise decent people sometimes fail to do the right thing.

    Some of the alleged assaults appear to have been interrupted, if unwittingly. One young man said Sandusky coerced him into engaging in oral sex in a hotel bathroom in Texas around the time of the 1999 Alamo Bowl - Sandusky's last game before retiring - stopping only when the coach's wife entered the hotel room. The same accuser, Victim 4, testified about another occasion in which Bradley was showering in the team headquarters while the alleged victim and Sandusky were behind a curtain in another stall.

    "I can't say what (Bradley's) thoughts were, but I think he was suspicious of something because he stayed in the shower until everything was done," the man testified without elaborating.

    Bradley did not return several messages from The Associated Press.

    A wrestling coach told jurors that he found Victim 1 and Sandusky rolling around on the floor in the high school weight room one evening.

    Joseph Miller said that while he found it odd, he gave the famed coach a pass. "It was Jerry. Jerry Sandusky. He's a saint. What he's doing with kids, it's fantastic," Miller recalled thinking. "So I didn't think anything of it."

    The trial is scheduled to enter its fifth day Monday as prosecutors near the end of their case. Sandusky denies all the charges, saying that while he showered with boys, he never touched them sexually. His attorney has suggested the accusers are twisting the truth because they intend to sue.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Corrigan View Post
    I went to Penn State and Graham Spanier was a Grade A douchebag. Hope all these scumbags see jail time.

    dude was such a cock no one liked him.

    he gave the phyrst so much shit when his band that he rarely played in was having issues with them.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by anonamoose View Post
    he gave the phyrst so much shit when his band that he rarely played in was having issues with them.
    Moose I have no idea what you are saying here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Corrigan View Post
    Kids say the darnedest things these days!

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    Quote Originally Posted by tony bagadonuts View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by anonamoose View Post
    he gave the phyrst so much shit when his band that he rarely played in was having issues with them.
    Moose I have no idea what you are saying here.
    spanier played in a shit band at a decent bar in state college. he'd play only every now and then, and the phyrst was angry with them because most of the time like only 1 or 2 of their band members would show up and demand to play. the phyrst would have to give in or deal with the wrath of spanier.

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    Quote Originally Posted by anonamoose View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by tony bagadonuts View Post

    Moose I have no idea what you are saying here.
    spanier played in a shit band at a decent bar in state college. he'd play only every now and then, and the phyrst was angry with them because most of the time like only 1 or 2 of their band members would show up and demand to play. the phyrst would have to give in or deal with the wrath of spanier.
    Thanks moose.

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