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Thread: My Reply to Johnny B (Bad Sicilian) and His Aging Ex Stripper Girlfriend Patty

  1. #41
    The Artist Formerly Known as Jewdonk
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    Oh and LOL @ Johnny B talking about 'self respect'

    sitting in your dark ass dank stank hole watching movies smoking weed talking to your fellow goombahs on Skype screaming obscenities at Patty

    yea bro you're a real model citizen with pristine ethics and untouchable moral character

    go wash your piece of shit Econoline with bubble windows

    plenty of car washes around 'your barrio' to get that shit done proper for 50 pesos

    sell some more bunk weed or hustle some more local phone calls from the residents so you can cover it

    big baller Johnny B not exactly 'making it rain'...which is why he passed on the house I just rented for the last 2 months...he can't afford it

    sell that Harley and take care of your woman

    would love to hear how why he came to Mexico from fucking Brooklyn, NY

    probably won't get that story though

  2. #42
    The Artist Formerly Known as Jewdonk
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    Johnny also claims to be such a master fisherman

    I was in Ensenada for 5 months and the guy caught a grand total of one fish

    ironically the pic he posted in his thread

    haven't seen that fool on the beach for weeks since I hooked them up with torrents on their sick ass 42 inch flat screen

    its kinda quiet up in his little dark cubbyhole since it got cold

    I was out boogie boarding several times with no wet-suit in 6-8 foot surf while his fat ass was sound asleep after he screamed to Patty with authority...

    'make me some dinner and shut the fuck up bitch'

  3. #43
    Platinum Muck Ficon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baron Von Strucker View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by kmksmkn View Post
    Does anybody know if u can get a work visa for playing online poker in the UK
    I have had Issues with credit cards in Europe
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyde View Post
    you're more consumed with accumulating wealth than achieving spiritual enlightenment
    Quote Originally Posted by tgull View Post
    Getting a little surf and turf tonight. In my world that is Sea Bass with a nice lobster tail on the side. And grilled asparagus. It's nice having money.

  4. #44
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    Marty, I am genuinely concerned

    I am praying that you find peace, love, and have a prosperous and fruitful future.

      My Dupe: lol what exactly are you 'concerned' about
      bukowski72: remember when Martin negotiated for the beach front place and said he would never leaver during the middle of the night...2 months ago

  5. #45
    Speedster Out of Clemson adamantium's Avatar
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    Slava Ukraini!

  6. #46
    Gold Bootsy Collins's Avatar
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    Serious question. How come you always wear out your welcome everywhere you go and always play the victim card?

      jacosta24: faggot old man troll

  7. #47
    The Artist Formerly Known as Jewdonk
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    I'm doing great

    a lot better than I was in Oregon last year

    Rover running great and I'm looking forward to the new year

    2014 was difficult but I feel really good lately and optimistic about a good 2015

    in before Johnny shows up a day late to remind me I'm a hopeless drunk with a miserable life existence and everybody hates me

    I'm excited about the drive to La Paz

    it looks amazing

      Sanlmar: Wow Where is this precisely?

  8. #48
    The Artist Formerly Known as Jewdonk
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bootsy Collins View Post

    Serious question. How come you always wear out your welcome everywhere you go and always play the victim card?

    because I have a short fuse when it comes to mediocrity or bad people

    my lack of attention span when people talk can be interpreted as arrogance

    I have a bad habit of coming off as a smart ass and I have a very dry sense of humor which most single digit IQ cretins seem to resent

    and I also don't give a fuck because people suck for the most part and I already have a strong circle of valued friends I've known for a long a few cases literally decades

    but I treat random people with kindness and try to spread smiles every day...not complain and whine and behave like an incorrigible piece of shit

    unlike Johnny who seems to get off on making random people feel like garbage to pad his massive ego because he genuinely despises his fucked up life

    I don't hate my life. I see room for improvement and have plenty of regrets, but I don't spend my time making people try to feel bad about themselves

    that mindset to me is absolutely pathetic

    still waiting on bad ass rock star Johnny to chime back in

    also because how people respond to me matters less and less and if they don't like me they can fuck off

      Nikki: don't give a fuck because people suck for the most part and I already have a strong circle of valued friends:REP
      bukowski72: because I have a short bank account when it comes to paying the rent
    Last edited by My Dupe; 12-30-2014 at 12:14 AM.

  9. #49
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    re this thread: christmas came a few days late but by god it got here.

      My Dupe: lol nh
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  10. #50
    The Artist Formerly Known as Jewdonk
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    ok here is the thing...

    I am a very well traveled and semi-educated guy and met some really amazing and beautiful people all over the world over the last 2 decades

    so when I cross paths with some FUCK who has barely been out of his home state and has nothing to offer me...I get bored

    when someone perceives me as being bored with their company and/or conversation, they think I am some self righteous prick when I don't engage them

    usually when someone starts boring me (which is very often), I just move on

    people don't like feeling rejected

    especially illiterate clowns who have never been anywhere, or met anyone of real value or intellectual prowess

    life is short, and I refuse to waste my time with people who don't fascinate me or keep me interested in what they have to say

    call it 'insensitive' if you wish....probably true to a degree

    I just want to surround myself with genuine and intelligent human beings for my short ass life

    no time for ignorance or people who don't inform themselves or at least have a good heart

    I'm just fortunate enough to have been a ton of places and met some really amazing for the rest of my time on this planet however long it may be, I've decided to set the bar a little higher for people I let into my life or give a fuck about

    if that makes me a bad guy, then so be it because I don't give a shit

    you can quote me on that

      Nikki: In the words of jewdonk the great"I don't give a shit' rep
      bukowski72: Bolivia is know for literacy dumb fuck...keep fighting the windmills Martin
      DRK Star: Your best friends appear to be Jack Daniels and Jose Cuervo

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by My Dupe View Post
    ok here is the thing...

    I am a very well traveled and semi-educated guy and met some really amazing and beautiful people all over the world over the last 2 decades

    so when I cross paths with some FUCK who has barely been out of his home state and has nothing to offer me...I get bored

    when someone perceives me as being bored with their company and/or conversation, they think I am some self righteous prick when I don't engage them

    usually when someone starts boring me (which is very often), I just move on

    people don't like feeling rejected

    especially illiterate clowns who have never been anywhere, or met anyone of real value or intellectual prowess

    life is short, and I refuse to waste my time with people who don't fascinate me or keep me interested in what they have to say

    call it 'insensitive' if you wish....probably true to a degree

    I just want to surround myself with genuine and intelligent human beings for my short ass life

    no time for ignorance or people who don't inform themselves or at least have a good heart

    I'm just fortunate enough to have been a ton of places and met some really amazing for the rest of my time on this planet however long it may be, I've decided to set the bar a little higher for people I let into my life or give a fuck about

    if that makes me a bad guy, then so be it because I don't give a shit

    you can quote me on that
    Holy shit im dying here, someone ....someone ....get help....PLEASE!!!!!

      bukowski72: I apologize for my ignorance...the world traveler wants to move to another place full of US ex-pats and complain abot Americans...Martin will learn Spanish when Takei eats pussy

  12. #52
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    Marty, you could be a great science experiment. You could make a shit ton of money. Donate your mindpower and im sure you could reap fat stacks. Cmon man, apply yourself.

  13. #53
    The Artist Formerly Known as Jewdonk
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    its 12:44 am

    time for another tequila and Fresca with a peach juice floater

    although I did spoil myself with Cuervo Especial tonight and not the cheap shit that fries brain cells

    may be up for a while

    lot of driving over the next couple days but fuck it

  14. #54
    The Artist Formerly Known as Jewdonk
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gordman View Post
    Marty, you could be a great science experiment. You could make a shit ton of money. Donate your mindpower and im sure you could reap fat stacks. Cmon man, apply yourself.

    I need an agent

    nobody stepping up to make a million dollar contribution just yet

    but thanks Gord (I think)

    unless that was a huge level

  15. #55
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    Ive had a few myself right now, but i legitimately laughed at "peach floater" im not sure why

    Whole thing sounded like some nasty ass morning dump after a heavy night of drinking.

  16. #56
    The Artist Formerly Known as Jewdonk
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    by all means, someone take me by the hand and show me how to make a shit ton of money lol

    I'm all ears

    I have a lot of ideas, just a small bankroll to execute them

    either way, I'm smiling ear to ear tonight because Johnny is pissed off at his life...and I'm not

    weird I would be like 'Hey John you're an original cat' and he would just continue to fire out insults and try to convince me I am a piece of shit...while he is sitting on my fucking patio enjoying the view he wishes he could afford.

    I've never met anyone in my life who I liked so much, who was so determined to make me feel like a scumbag

    this entire thread only exists because this goombah couldn't handle me getting drunk and laying in the sun and playing my tunes and smiling and my neighbors all liking my company when they avoided him like the plague.

    made me sad because I was having a lot of fun being friends with Johnny and Patty

    all of this drama is over nothing. I never had a single bad word to say about this man or his girlfriend. I thought we were cool

    Johnny has some serious issues...and I'm starting to realize that none of this has anything to do with me at all

    he's just a miserable prick

  17. #57
    The Artist Formerly Known as Jewdonk
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    ghetto cooler in the bathroom sink on the road tonight with a few Coors Lights buried in the ice

    (no the yellow spots on the sink are not piss stains or rust, they're spilled mango juice)

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Views: 717
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  18. #58
    Platinum GrenadaRoger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by My Dupe View Post
    ghetto cooler in the bathroom sink on the road tonight with a few Coors Lights buried in the ice

    (no the yellow spots on the sink are not piss stains or rust, they're spilled mango juice)

    Name:  jm.JPG
Views: 717
Size:  85.2 KB

    obviously Jose Cuevo is the one constant companion and thing to hold Marty's interest...drink up and happy travels
    (long before there was a PFA i had my Grenade & Crossbones avatar at DD)

  19. #59
    The Artist Formerly Known as Jewdonk
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    drinking is awesome


    so funny how everyone that can't handle their booze are so intent on convincing people that enjoy drinking that they are lost causes and their lives suck

    this is not exclusive to goes the same with people that smoked for 20 years and finally quit

    all you hear from them is how bad smoking is for you

    I may take a trip to an AA meeting one of these days for the sole purpose of telling these pricks to eat a big dick

    sorry to disappoint you but alcohol is FUN bitches

    Johnny can't hang obviously

    love how all these so called 'sober' people are such miserable bitter fucks throwing out accusations and 'life lessons'

    same people all jacked up on caffeine and pissed off and uptight


  20. #60
    The Artist Formerly Known as Jewdonk
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    LOL at the red reps from 'Bukowski'

    this fool wrote the longest bitch post about me on 2+2 from 'topset72' and was immediately banned

    but not like any reg on this forum doesn't know that he's a complete weirdo

    hey bro let us all know when you get out of your own home state lol

    you'll never hear anything about his fabulous life, no pics, nothing

    because he's a massive tilted gimp who has spent YEARS collecting shops

    worst little gossip whore no-life non contributor ever

    are are you crippled from the neck down or something ?

    lol what a fucking loser

    anyway carry on big dawggggggggg lmao

    oh yea thats right...

    you're punk ass got banned

    dude is like the energizer bunny sucking my dick on the internet

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