Props to tgull, he has uncovered the beast.Well, this above post might be a little strong, but the liberal strategy is self correcting. Every Democratic city is in virtual shambles, they are all Democratic run. But you really can't do anything about it. If people want to live in shit, let them live in shit. Funny thing is the liberal elite stay in their 20% of the city which is well protected, the other 80% is in shambles but they stay out of it. I was in Chicago a few weeks ago, got turned around and literally was fearing for my life, but was able to get out of it with a quick u-turn. Another half mile down the street there is not a doubt in my mind I would have been murdered and possibly gang raped as well.Public safety used to have a place in society and I don’t even know what kind of public safety job desertrunner has, BUT now that we are in 2024 with the reelection of (presidential king for the rest of his life) Donald Tr*mp on the horizon its time to realize the FACTS….
The only people that need *public safety* are liberals. Us real Am*ricans (like me and desertrunner) have guns, lots of guns, so many guns that our guns have guns. Which brings up my next topic….are liberals worth protecting??
desertrunner I understand that having a job is cool, but there is nothing cool about protecting liberals. If liberals want to feel safe they should protect themselves. Liberals need to get shit their shit together. Liberals are so weak.
desertrunner, are liberals worth protecting? Are you protecting liberals? We all know that r*publicans do not need your help. HOWEVER I must admit that you probably look pretty cool with a gun holstered on your side, flashlight in your back pocket and a rocket launcher strapped across your back.
desertrunner, the liberals will probably thank you for protecting their safety (and their pronouns) but lets be honest, the liberals safety is not worth protecting because they are liberals. Liberals have ruined PFA and Am*rica.
But hey, atleast you are employed.
Even admitting this puts me in danger. I’m moving off continent as I post
Nothing is sacred for the true left, strong and free.