Jami is the first person to ever block me on Twitter. The simp army was bombarding our boy so I felt compelled to tweet in support of Todd's character. Well apparently that's all it takes to warrant a block. Hate Todd or goodbye.

This woman is absolutely bat-shit. Her Twitter profile is a giant red flag: "I have one of the funnest laughs in the world. It's the kind of laugh that you would hear in movies. When I laugh EVERYONE laughs!" Who writes this about themselves? OMG it's just like in the movies and everybody loves me!!! Then you see her on HCL and it's literally the opposite.

She is a compulsive liar, a delusional narcissist, and she has a history of scamming. Yet she is being enabled by some of the most oblivious people on Twitter.

This is not going to end well...