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Thread: Blatant Gambling Scammer Christopher Mitchell (YouTube/Baccarat/Roulette/Sportsbetting)

  1. #8881
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    I like how his anniversary essay about Stacy REPEATEDLY mentioned that she wasn't his type (and he wasn't hers), but their electric night of kissing led to them making love and eventually getting married.

    Nothing in the story mentioned that Stacy was already married, and cheating on her husband. It made it sound like she was a single mom, and was simply his MLM student.

    Here's the real story:

    Chrissy was a career scammer and former gay porn star, who was deep into fitness MLM bullshit in the early 2010s. Despite massive societal progress regarding acceptance of homosexuals, and the widespread legalization of gay marriage, Chrissy was still quite ashamed of the fact that he constantly craved cock. Therefore, occasionally he'd have girlfriends just to force himself to feel normal, until the lie would be too much for him, and he'd break up.

    Stacy was a miserable married mom in Ohio, who had a very unrewarding life. She spent 12-16 hours working her ass off as an ER nurse, and the rest of the time she had to be with a husband she had grown to hate and resent. However, Stacy felt there was no way out of this life, and just plodded on forward.

    Somehow Stacy got involved in the same bullshit fitness MLM world as Chrissy, and she was instantly impressed by him. While possessing enough book smarts to get through nursing school, Stacy was a gullible rube and fell for all of Chrissy's platitudes and lies as if they were out of the mouth of Jesus himself. She thought he was an absolute genius, and would one day be ridiculously rich.

    However, there were two problems: First off, she was already married. Second, Chrissy was a 5'5" cross between Uncle Fester and Charlie Brown. While Stacy was no beauty herself, and was almost 40, she felt that dating a funny looking dude like this was beneath her, even if she were single. Hell, for all of her problems with her husband Brian, at least he was a decent looking guy!

    On Chrissy's end, he was not attracted to Stacy at all because she had a vagina, and he only desired trucker cock. However, the closeted part of him kept causing him to have dreams that he was married to Stacy, with whom he was spending a lot more time, due to all the training he was giving her to be an MLM scammer like him.

    Finally after dreaming a few times that he and Stacy were married, Chrissy convinced himself that maybe he's been straight all this time after all, and just hadn't found the right woman. He had zero physical attraction to her (because she wasn't male and didn't drive a semi), but he thought that maybe he could try forcing a heterosexual romance one more time, and perhaps something would catch on.

    Chrissy told Stacy that he was falling in love with her, and that both of them could become filthy rich together, she could quit her job, and both could have the life of their dreams. Stacy still found him gross, but figured that it was worth banging good ol' Charlie Brown if it meant the end of her awful 12-16 hour nursing shifts, and if it would help get her away from her husband that she hated. What a match made in heaven!

    So the deed was done. Chrissy attempted to make love to her, and at first couldn't get it up, because Stacy didn't have a big hard cock to suck. However, he turned off the lights and envisioned he was in the back of a semi in Texas, pounding a hairy ass rather than Stacy's beat up vag, and he was able to lose himself in the moment and get hard. Take that, gay thoughts!

    Eight years later, Chrissy and Stacy spend every day scamming hardworking Americans, and living like pretend rich people. Chrissy never touches Stacy anymore, and she has since learned about his gay porn past, and understands why. However, every so often Bdubs answers the call for her, and even though he looks like a rat, at least he's only bi and not gay, so it's a good enough substitute. Chrissy has Grindr for his needs, and "goes out with friends" when those urges get too strong to ignore. Stacy quietly deals with it.

    Join Chrissy's inner circle, and you too can have the life of your dreams like this!

      BedWetterBettor: I feel it was Chrissy's Plan B after trying to find a Rich Sugar daddy failed in LA. He had to settle on some old hag with money and voila, Stacykins was targeted. He preyed on her from Day 1 and knew he could trap her. Happens a lot with single Moms
      Tellafriend: Chrissy was a 5'5" cross between Uncle Fester and Charlie Brown
      zealanddonk: Funny Chrissy forgets to mention she was married
      Forum Wars: Unbelievable the amount of "not my type"s he typed there...
      PositiveVariance: Excellent breakdown

  2. #8882
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    It’s too bad sometimes the achrissy’s old channel is gone. Now that he’s writing all these essays on FB it would be fun to try and compare these stories to how he told them in those videos from 1-2 years ago.

    And we are seeing a great example right here. He has told the story of how he and Stacy got together before. Except in previous versions he met her in Florida before moving to Ohio and it was the “law of attraction” that brought her into his life and that they were attracted to each other right from day one. Definitely not the story he is telling now.

    And so refreshing to see some history of how they would drag Bubs through casinos as an infant. He couldn’t have been more than two or three months old in these photos:

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  3. #8883
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    He’s definitely trying for the whole documentary thing. Difference between him and Vegas Dave is:

    1. He doesn’t have the historical footage (and hence why he’s going around filming now)
    2. I don’t see him having the production quality. He appears to be filming this all on his own (with Stacy)
    3. I’m guessing the video creativity won’t be there…He’s not a good video editor. However there may be folks in the Craft World that can do this for him.

    Apparently the Hollywood Casino that we was at over the weekend is the one in Columbus.

      BedWetterBettor: Now that Zachy the Lackey has gone bust, he won't be Chrissy's "videographer" for Free anymore! Lol, they thought they struck Gold with filming a 30 day winning streak only to go broke in 25 days! AHAHAHAHA!!
      PositiveVariance: I agree, a big hurtle is that fact that he doesn’t have historical footage, so it will just be Chrissy rambling nonsense as usual.
      zealanddonk: Other comparison, Vegas Dave probably isnt a mong

  4. #8884
    Gold BedWetterBettor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheRivers View Post
    He’s definitely trying for the whole documentary thing. Difference between him and Vegas Dave is:

    1. He doesn’t have the historical footage (and hence why he’s going around filming now)
    2. I don’t see him having the production quality. He appears to be filming this all on his own (with Stacy)
    3. I’m guessing the video creativity won’t be there…He’s not a good video editor. However there may be folks in the Craft World that can do this for him.

    Apparently the Hollywood Casino that we was at over the weekend is the one in Columbus.

    Imagine them ending up back in Ohio after all this hoopla about how evil that place was for them? And the fact he's photo bombing his own Sainted mother's grave means he is looking for the sympathy money again. 10 to 1 Odds that he is begging Sugar Daddy Foster for another loan to put in the bank account so he can show the landlord some assets!

    Or worse, they have to admit the jig is up and move in with the Foster's's's until he can trick another landlord into renting a small bunker to him!!! This could end up being the most entertaining few weeks since the NDA money extortion fiasco! And LOL at Drew's comment on the FB post that HE is making a documentary as well... Yea, we really all wanna see the Biopic of some roided out midget making speeches from the inside of his car...LMAO!!

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      TheRivers: Chrissy’s relationship with his brother is interesting. So often it seems like his brother is hearing all of these stories for the first time…but yet the brother acts like they are close (Chrissy does not act that way)
      Tariq Reed: If CM & Andrew were close, you'd think that CM would waive his $15,000 fee and let Andrew shadow him for a day and learn all his gambling secrets. Or at least give him a free Inner Circle membership.
    Last edited by BedWetterBettor; 08-29-2022 at 08:28 AM.

  5. #8885
    Gold PositiveVariance's Avatar
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    I don’t know if I believe Chrissy’s story about “recruiting Stacy” into his MLM scam business. Stacy was a Emergency Room RN. They get paid very well. Chrissy said she was working 12 to 16 hour Shifts. Pay wise, many ER nurses are scheduled (4) 12 hour shifts, even (3) 12’s. By the impression I got, she was working a shit ton of hours. Earnings wise, she was bringing home great money. I would estimate somewhere between 55 and 70 hours per week. In my state at a regular hospital with those hours she would be earning a minimum of $120k annually up to $160k. Not sure how much it would be in Columbus, but fairly close to that, if not more.

    The question is why on earth would she want to get recruited to do some MLM scam bullshit? Even if she didn’t know at the time that it was a scam - which she probably did not know initially. There are a good amount of RN jobs that are outside of the Emergency Room. They are little to no stress, and are not hands on with the patient. She could have done that and made a great income with full benefits and little to know stress Then she could have done the MLM bullshit on the side

    I think Chrissy was definitely a “rebound” guy after her and the Ex husband were Dunzo. Stacy would have married Richard Simmons at that point in her life. Unfortunately for her she got a Billy Goat. She also probably knew if things didn’t work out with her and Chrissy and they had a child - no way Chrissy would get sole custody of a child with heavy cocaine use (at the time), no job, and a gay porn past, among other things.

    Three Billy Goats Gruff - sounds fitting for the 3 of them.

      zealanddonk: Stacey's ditched one kid, I think she'd happily ditch NVB (shoutout to NVB)

  6. #8886
    Gold BedWetterBettor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    I don’t know if I believe Chrissy’s story about “recruiting Stacy” into his MLM scam business. Stacy was a Emergency Room RN. They get paid very well. Chrissy said she was working 12 to 16 hour Shifts. Pay wise, many ER nurses are scheduled (4) 12 hour shifts, even (3) 12’s. By the impression I got, she was working a shit ton of hours. Earnings wise, she was bringing home great money. I would estimate somewhere between 55 and 70 hours per week. In my state at a regular hospital with those hours she would be earning a minimum of $120k annually up to $160k. Not sure how much it would be in Columbus, but fairly close to that, if not more.

    The question is why on earth would she want to get recruited to do some MLM scam bullshit?
    It's safe to say that part is a Complete Lie that he made up to dupe the suckers in the group once again! Just like his "Derrrrrp, well I lost thousands before I started winning, so hurrr durrr you have to pay the price and lose thousands so you can ultimately be the goat of winning $3 roulette spins for 10 minutes and then cut tape to upload your small sample size videos!"

    Why then does he say Stacy joined his MLM schemes and they fell in love? Simple really. Look at those trolls and hobgoblins in the group. Mostly lonely, ugly, out of shape slobs who are looking for companionship! Whether it be from the same sex or the opposite, they now have a place to "hook up" and meet people like them. So by Chrissy making up this fairy tale that he and Stacy met during their MLM seminars, it gives the other lonely losers in the group Hope that they too can meet their Soul Mate chosen by Dream Jesus!

    Look how enamored those heffers on the party bus were when Brandon did his midget pole dance for them. And look how elated Brandon was to get attention and even some crumply $1 bills from them. He is like that little kid on the playground who pulls down his pants and shakes his little winky for people to notice him. And funny enough he certainly picked the Perfect "coach" to teach him how to do that on camera... "You ready??? He Swallowed every bit of it!?!" LOL!

    Tariq Reed: If CM & Andrew were close, you'd think that CM would waive his $15,000 fee and let Andrew shadow him for a day and learn all his gambling secrets. Or at least give him a free Inner Circle membership.
    Have we even seen ONE photo of them together? Whether as kids or as adults, not ONE photo exists of these two scamming sperm slurpers together! The childhood one can be explained that little Kyle was booted from his home as a teenager and his Daddy probably kept all their kiddie photos. But the fact we have yet to see one photo of them together as adults indicates they've not even met each other in over a decade! You'd think a jet setting "millionaire" would have time to see his twin scamming brother from another mother??

      TheRivers: Yes…that and you’d think the brother would want to learn what Chrissy does.
      PositiveVariance: Trolls and Hobgoblins rep

  7. #8887
    Gold 1dollarboxcar's Avatar
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    sorry to change the subject up a little bit, but Mr.Cheetos has a TikTok now, 2 videos up, same playbook as Krissy waving some money around claiming he won at the casino....

      Tariq Reed: "Are you willing to pay the price" sounds an awful lot like "Are you willing to do whatever it takes"
      BedWetterBettor: Aren't gambling videos a No No for Tik Tok? Guess we know how this tale ends. Shame too, I like Cheetos' videos and wish he would take another approach to making money.
      TheRivers: I still can’t decide if he’s just making fun of CM or doing his own scam or a little of both.

  8. #8888
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    uncle Zachy is low on funds, we're gonna have to wait 4 days for the show to re-begin...

      TheRivers: Sone people just don’t learn. SMH
      BedWetterBettor: Does BOL only take BTC and not do regular transfers? Seems odd that this "legit, Goat approved site" only uses the currency of scammers!!!

  9. #8889
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1dollarboxcar View Post
    uncle Zachy is low on funds, we're gonna have to wait 4 days for the show to re-begin...
    WTF is he going to do with $125? Isn't one of Chris's stupid rules not to be under funded?

    What happens when he loses this in 7 min? Run to the church and demand the $50 back? Haha.

      TheRivers: Hey Jeff the truck driver took $50 and turned it into $100K in three months. I’m sure Zach will do the sam.
      1dollarboxcar: :)
      zealanddonk: @therivers this is probably all part of Crhissy's master plan to turn Zach into a truck driver
      BedWetterBettor: He’s now in stage 2 of the gambling addiction, the “I know I can get it back if I just win XX more times!” He’s on his way to becoming a full blown degenerate. Someone should send links on gambling addiction to his wife and YT videos as well!

  10. #8890
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    Quote Originally Posted by crudebar View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by 1dollarboxcar View Post
    uncle Zachy is low on funds, we're gonna have to wait 4 days for the show to re-begin...
    WTF is he going to do with $125? Isn't one of Chris's stupid rules not to be under funded?

    What happens when he loses this in 7 min? Run to the church and demand the $50 back? Haha.
    That 6 day cool down is meant to be doing him a favour but so it goes.

    I'm sure Chrissy will enjoy the $40 when it eventually filters through to his BOL affliate.

    As for how Zach can run it up, 5 sports bets (and hope like hell) or 50c Baccky until he hits $3 a day, every day for a month.
    At just 6 wins a day, he can probably avoid complete failure if he limits himself to 4 martys on top of his initial 50C bet (losing out 3 days profit if he did) and stopping for the day if he loses the 4th Marty.

    That'll give him enough action and test his paitence.

      1dollarboxcar: :)
      Forum Wars: Zach needs to quit --- there is only one way this story ends (and long before by his 30th b-day). It's a lottery ticket mentality that has him going for this ironically (and has the same chance of happening)
    Last edited by zealanddonk; 08-29-2022 at 02:23 PM.
    When faced with a difficult decision, ask yourself "What would Micon do?", then do the opposite.

    PFA Rookie of the Year Awards
    2012: The Templar (unknown)
    2013: Jasep $5000+
    2015: Micon's gofundme legal defense $3k begging for 100k:
    2018: 4Dragons
    2019: Dutch Boyd: Mike Postle
    2020: Covid19
    2021: SMIFlorida and some sort of shit coins for $50k
    2023: 22nd Feb 4th Dec Youtube channels removed
    2024: Dustin Morgan wins Chrissy's $1000 contest: May 3rd another channel gone.

  11. #8891
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1dollarboxcar View Post
    sorry to change the subject up a little bit, but Mr.Cheetos has a TikTok now, 2 videos up, same playbook as Krissy waving some money around claiming he won at the casino....
    Cheetos is sort of a strange cat. On one hand he used to (and still does ocassionally) mock Chrissy; on the other hand he seems to have started selling his system (for a rather inexpensive price).

    It's almost like he's mocking us for believing he has gone rogue...but figures, hey, people asked me for the system I use, so here it is for a low enough price.

    In any event, those are ALL DUPLICATE SERIAL #'s on the benjamins he has layed out!!!. LOL, copying Chrissy to the "T"...but I think it's always been mostly a he's trolling us all..."Are you willing to pay the price for this prop money at Walmart?"

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      1dollarboxcar: lol good catch
      BedWetterBettor: How long before a mumbling video appears with this picture, which of course will magically be sent over by a “YT subscriber” who saw it from their Floor to ceiling window in Florida!

  12. #8892
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    Found this little nugget on Mitchell’s FB page. This guys seems relatively sensible and yet he does nothing but give props to CM’s Mastermind event. Doesn’t seem to add up.

      Forum Wars: That is either a guy under the influence of a cult, or, a paid fake testimonial. Literally scary
      1dollarboxcar: great find !! he talks like a typical cult member mentality , what's this guys FB name ? maybe someone could reach out to him and see if things have changed....

  13. #8893
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Guess who is reading this thread every day?

    Good ol' Charlie Brown Kirk Kyle Prescott Mitchell, that's who!

    Shortly after I posted that Facebook romance story over here, the BLOAT blocked me on Facebook! Keep in mind I've never contacted him there, nor were we ever Facebook friends. He actually typed my name into the search bar, clicked on my profile, and blocked my account!

    Chrissy, I hate to tell you, but I can see your content anyway. I don't need my main Facebook account to do it. Nice try, though.

    Oh... I hope you're enjoying the thread.

    Remember, you can make an easy $20,000 by accepting my challenge to you to PROVE your casino winnings. Offer is still open. Is it really not worth $20k to meet up with one of my associates and show them a few casino win/loss records?

      1dollarboxcar: great news, cause i think i have a nice surprise for my next post !!
      RMS9: Hey Chris, since you’re reading all of our posts, you suck! We know you know this, but it’s always fun to say it.
      Forum Wars: Your $20K challenge non-take-uppance by him is just another reason we know he knows he's scamming and full of shit. Nice that he felt so butt hurt he had to block you.
      PositiveVariance: Shitted on Chrissy’s life

  14. #8894
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    ok guys help me out here please, are my lying eyes deceiving me here? is this a very young "Kyle Prescott" before the tattoo? co starring in a gay porn movie called
    L.A. Heat or LA Heat? just reference the links in order please to maybe get a grasp of the younger Krissy before the tattoo




    3. https://profile-pics-l3.xvideos-cdn....pic_35_big.jpg

    4. this is him opening scene right? or am i off ? but the credits for the movie though ?

    edit: forgot a link

    edit again lol. notice on left hand side of page, says who it is starring

      TheRivers: Well that is all…ummm…disturbing.
      Forum Wars: I have tried to decipher it, but, other gay actors play "Kyle Prescott" and "Kyle Pratt" sometimes and it get attributed to Chrisy but it is NOT him...RABBIT HOLE WARNING
      PositiveVariance: I was really strong on these images being Chrissy at one point, but ultimately concluded it wasn’t him. I was hard to be convinced that it wasn’t him either.
    Last edited by 1dollarboxcar; 08-29-2022 at 03:24 PM.

  15. #8895
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    Quote Originally Posted by RMS9 View Post
    Found this little nugget on Mitchell’s FB page. This guys seems relatively sensible and yet he does nothing but give props to CM’s Mastermind event. Doesn’t seem to add up.
    1dollar -

    I found this posting on Chris’ FB account. I couldn’t see what his name is.

  16. #8896
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1dollarboxcar View Post
    ok guys help me out here please, are my lying eyes deceiving me here? is this a very young "Kyle Prescott" before the tattoo? co starring in a gay porn movie called
    L.A. Heat or LA Heat? just reference the links in order please to maybe get a grasp of the younger Krissy before the tattoo






    3. https://profile-pics-l3.xvideos-cdn....pic_35_big.jpg


    4. this is him opening scene right? or am i off ? but the credits for the movie though ?

    edit: forgot a link

    edit again lol. notice on left hand side of page, says who it is starring


    I said in a post a few pages back when "Kyle Pratt" was also ID'd as Chrissy that a few actors were labelled as either "Kyle Prescott" or "Kyle Pratt".

    This is not what you may want to hear, but, there is no discovered male on male porn involving Chrissy to my knowledge. Only masturbation stuff and that romp in the water with the college swim team.

    Ironically there IS a hardcore scene with a WOMAN that was found. Go to post #8641 in this thread and watch a scene where a guy (CLEARLY CHRISSY) that is clearly not with a person of that is "his type", a woman, no penis...

    Again, this whole Kyle Pratt/Kyle Prescott thing is a rabbit careful, you won't learn much and just feel bad by the end of it.

      1dollarboxcar: i don't feel bad at all, i just couldn't tell if it was him before the tattoo, but i'm still not convinced.... lol :)
    Last edited by Forum Wars; 08-29-2022 at 04:33 PM.

  17. #8897
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    Quote Originally Posted by RMS9 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by RMS9 View Post
    Found this little nugget on Mitchell’s FB page. This guys seems relatively sensible and yet he does nothing but give props to CM’s Mastermind event. Doesn’t seem to add up.
    1dollar -

    I found this posting on Chris’ FB account. I couldn’t see what his name is.

    It’s the clown Stefano who Chrissy gave a shout out to a month or two ago! I thought this was already posted after the masturbation mind meeting and it’s why I never bothered posting it when I first saw it, but oh well glad y’all are up to speed on it.

    Here’s Conehead Stefano at the meeting whilst little Kyle wears his shiniest pair of shorts with a mismatched t shirt from Walmart!

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    Can’t seem to find his FB page or info yet, but am certainly always on the lookout!

    Tariq, the whole point of doxxing them is to make them aware of Chrissy’s past, warn them they are being scammed and most importantly Stop them from paying him more! It can’t hurt to post a link to his page, but it’s completely up to you!

      Tariq Reed: I got Stefano's FB after that video testimonial on CM's August 7 FB post, but he seems naive and misguided, so I didn't want to post it.
      1dollarboxcar: :)
    Last edited by BedWetterBettor; 08-29-2022 at 05:26 PM.

  18. #8898
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    Quote Originally Posted by RMS9 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by RMS9 View Post
    Found this little nugget on Mitchell’s FB page. This guys seems relatively sensible and yet he does nothing but give props to CM’s Mastermind event. Doesn’t seem to add up.
    1dollar -

    I found this posting on Chris’ FB account. I couldn’t see what his name is.

    The video of this guy is from CM's August 7 post after his most recent mastermind.

    He seems like a nice mellow guy who likes music and self-improvement gurus.

    I don't see any gambling content on his FB or any indication that he's a scammer.

    I think he's just a young naive guy looking for financial success through gambling and whatever "mindset training" he thinks CM & Stacy can give him.

    I decided against outing him in this post but if he shows up again in CM's FB postings, maybe I will.

      BedWetterBettor: Fair enough, but remember knowledge is power. And withholding knowledge could give that power to someone undeserving!

  19. #8899
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    BedWetterBettor: Fair enough, but remember knowledge is power. And withholding knowledge could give that power to someone undeserving!
    I actually wrote my original post with Stefano's FB info included, but I changed my mind because I felt uncomfortable sharing it.

    I'm sure other people will soon find his info as well, but I think the purpose of this forum is to help people by exposing Christopher Mitchell, not to hound random financially desperate or naive people who fall victim to his scam.

    I don't want "Kathy Chakos" to show up all wild on his FB page because I think that's the wrong approach.

    If there's a good reason to release his identity that I'm not seeing, I'll do it.

  20. #8900
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tariq Reed View Post
    BedWetterBettor: Fair enough, but remember knowledge is power. And withholding knowledge could give that power to someone undeserving!
    I actually wrote my original post with Stefano's FB info included, but I changed my mind because I felt uncomfortable sharing it.

    I'm sure other people will soon find his info as well, but I think the purpose of this forum is to help people by exposing Christopher Mitchell, not to hound random financially desperate or naive people who fall victim to his scam.

    I don't want "Kathy Chakos" to show up all wild on his FB page because I think that's the wrong approach.

    If there's a good reason to release his identity that I'm not seeing, I'll do it.

    Sorry bro, but I call and got THE NUTS!

    Stefano Romano, come on down, You're in... the HALLLLLLLLLLL OF SHAME!!!


      Tariq Reed: No problem, different strokes for different folks is all I'm saying
      1dollarboxcar: :)

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