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Thread: Latest Steven Crowder drama: Employees tell Mediaite that Crowder always shows them his penis, Crowder freaks out and demands an NDA is signed

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    Latest Steven Crowder drama: Employees tell Mediaite that Crowder always shows them his penis, Crowder freaks out and demands an NDA is signed

    Just when things seemed to finally be quieting down for Steven Crowder in 2023, the drama is heating up again.

    In January, after turning down a $50 million contract offer from Daily Wire, he picked a public fight with them, and came out on the wrong end of things.

    A few months later, it was revealed his wife had left him, and then a home Ring camera video was released of him seemingly being abusive toward his 8-months-pregnant wife.

    For awhile, every time Crowder posted a YouTube video or tweet, most of the comments were just trolling him.

    But things have gotten a little better since then. He signed a contract with Rumble to produce content there, while still releasing a lot of the content on YouTube. The trolling comments on social media have mostly died down. His reputation is permanently harmed from that 1-2 punch of controversies (plus former employees coming forward to accuse him of abusive behavior), but it seemed like he'd be able to at the very least plod along and keep making money.

    Well, once again the drama is starting, and it ain't pretty.

    Mediaite released a bombshell article on July 20, with leaked information from Crowder staffers who were incredibly frustrated with him and the working environment at the show.

    The most explosive allegations involve Crowder regularly pulling down his pants to expose himself to male employees at work, as well as him sending a picture of his penis via text message to one of these employees. All of the employees getting harassed this way are male. The females are apparently left alone. It is unclear if this is some kind of weird power trip, or if it's just Crowder's immaturity in playing a "joke" which nobody enjoys, or if he's a closet gay who is expressing his repressed homosexual feelings this way. Or it could be a combination of these things.

    However, one thing is clear. Steven Crowder likes to expose his penis to male employees, and he does it a lot. Also in the article, Crowder allegedly complained that modern men have been socialized to not show affection to one another, and that he wished it was more like biblical times when men would often hug and put their hands on each other's thighs as a sign of friendship. That part especially sounds gay, if true.

    It was then alleged that, upon Mediaite's article being published, Crowder freaked out, and went on a hunt for the mole in his company. He and company CEO Gerald Morgan Jr apparently had an NDA drawn up with a $100k penalty for anyone who violated it, and all employees were supposedly told it was mandatory to sign. Mediate claimed on July 27 that four employees quit over the NDA requirement.

    It is also alleged that Crowder and Morgan Jr run the company like a cult, and that current employees are commanded not to trust or associate with former employees.

    Crowder apparently had a rare moment of introspection in December 2020, and sent out an e-mail to staffers apologizing for his behavior, and claimed he would be retiring because he lacked the temperament to lead the company. He was then said to have checked into a psychiatric facility, and came out deciding to continue the show. This was two years before the controversies with Daily Wire and the wife video, and before his wife left him.

    Today, Gerald Morgan Jr responded on Twitter to these articles, albeit almost 3 weeks later. I'll post those next.

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    Here's the tweet posted by Morgan, which can be found at

    HERE. WE. GO.

    Louder with Crowder has been the target of repeated attacks over the past few months. I gave our employees specific instructions not to comment but that is all changing now. You want to come after us? Fine. Happy to answer the questions and set the record straight.

    We are imperfect people, all of us, but we are committed to serving our audience and these attacks are coordinated to try and stop us from doing that. They will not succeed. I will be addressing items in the hit pieces masquerading as journalism that have been released over the last few months. Let’s start with the NDA’s and staffers “leaving.”

    July 20th – I received an email asking for comment on an upcoming article regarding Steven Crowder and LWC. I did not respond.

    July 24th – I called an all staff meeting for 2pm to discuss the show coming back, new formats for the segments, some big wins (Alex Jones!!) and the reason we all needed to respect the need for privacy and not disclose private information to former employees or journalists. Mind you, we weren’t trying to silence a whistleblower. It was obvious that these people just didn’t like Steven for whatever reason and were trying to bring him down any way they could. Just like the left, just like big tech.

    This meeting was also leaked to the press as an “Emergency Staff Meeting,” even after I told the staff about safety concerns that previous leaks had raised for Steven and his family.

    We immediately began a process to determine the source of the leak and to find out if it was done by accident or in malice. If it was an accidental leak then there would be no consequences, but if by 2pm they had not come forward then I was going to assume it was done in malice and take the proper precautions to protect everyone in the company. No one came forward.

    Someone sitting in that room with me, who is supposed to have my back in this fight, decided to put me and my family at risk by leaking information from that meeting. What kind of person does that?

    July 26th – I had our lawyers update the NDA to include more specific penalties for violating the nondisclosure. I asked everyone to sign them and return them to me by the close of business on the 28th.

    July 27th – We interviewed a few employees that we suspected may have violated their agreements and subsequently suspended two of them. We wanted to give ourselves time to do further investigation but we thought it wasn’t going to be possible to keep either employee.

    July 28th – One employee met me at the door and resigned, without signing the NDA. I tried to reach out to this employee that day to discuss our severance package and was told that the only way they wanted to communicate was via email. This sounded strange to me since we had always had a good working relationship. That evening, one of the suspended employees resigned, also without signing the NDA. I reached out to talk with this employee as well and was told that any correspondence could only be made by email. It is very interesting that two employees resign without signing the NDA’s and require any communication to come via email.

    July 31st – Two employees were let go, one that was suspended and didn’t have anything to do with the leaks to our knowledge, and one additional person.

    Free speech is paramount. It must exist otherwise we are all doomed. The ability to tell lies about this company, put employees and their families in danger and leak private proprietary information is not free speech. It is a breach of contract. These aren’t whistleblowers, they are people using the cover of Steven’s divorce to try and take him down.

    If any employees have a grievance, my door is always open. No work environment is perfect, no boss has it all figured out. The only way to solve a problem is to be made aware of it. I know who is involved in this and I am choosing not to name them. My goal isn’t to direct hate toward them, my goal is to set the record straight.

    This is just the first in a series of tweets you will see to that end. I fully expect more attacks and will deal with them as they come. Thank you all for your support. MUG CLUB

    So according to Morgan Jr, two employees resigned over the NDA, and two others were fired, one of which was supposedly let go for unrelated reasons.

    Morgan does not seem to be denying any of the allegations in the article, which makes it seem like they're either true or mostly true.

    Crowder also posted this statement earlier today, which are oddly addressing adultery allegations, which I can't even find anywhere. He claims he's been dating for 2 years now, but only after his wife served him with divorce papers. Umm... Steven... nobody cares about whether you banged other chicks while married to your wife. They're more concerned as to why you're showing your dick to every dude on staff.

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    I think there's a good chance Crowder is gay or bisexual, and this in turn brings on a lot of shame, which in turn leads to this aggressive and bizarre behavior in the workplace.

    Recall that Crowder made a big deal in his early 20s that he was voluntarily a virgin, and wouldn't have sex with his girlfriend (eventually his wife) before marriage.

    Viewed from today's perspective, perhaps it was so easy for Crowder to abstain from banging his hot blonde girlfriend because he wasn't that into women.

    Crowder's twins were a result of an IVF procedure. That in itself is not shameful. Many people have to resort to IVF when one or both partners have issues conceiving, which are usually genetic. When you see a longtime childless couple suddenly announce a pregnancy with fraternal twins, it's almost always IVF. When a female celebrity is suddenly pregnant after age 44, it also usually IVF -- and not her own egg!

    But I digress.

    A small percentage of IVF customers are ones who simply don't have sex enough to produce a pregnancy. This can occur for a variety of reasons -- one or both partners have a low sex drive, the man has erectile dysfunction, the couple isn't physically together often enough (for example, military wives), or one of the two partners is gay. If Crowder really isn't into women, he might have barely been banging his wife, and thus not producing children. That might be the reason they finally went for IVF. This part is just speculation, but the old "Crowder is gay" rumors are really starting to look accurate now.

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    100% Organic MumblesBadly's Avatar
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    Why am I not surprised by these allegations? Because how is it really news that a self-identified “Christian” conservative media personality is an abusive dick to the people he has power over?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I actually hope this [second impeachment] succeeds, because I want Trump put down politically like a sick, 14-year-old dog. ... I don't want him complicating the 2024 primary season. I just want him done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Were Republicans cowardly or unethical not to go along with [convicting Trump in the second impeachment Senate trial]? No. The smart move was to reject it.

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    People are clearly gunning for conservatives before the next election.

    Tucker out
    Crowder on the way out

    Who is next…hmmm

    I don’t even follow any political “entertainment”

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    100% Organic MumblesBadly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I think there's a good chance Crowder is gay or bisexual, and this in turn brings on a lot of shame, which in turn leads to this aggressive and bizarre behavior in the workplace.

    Recall that Crowder made a big deal in his early 20s that he was voluntarily a virgin, and wouldn't have sex with his girlfriend (eventually his wife) before marriage.

    Viewed from today's perspective, perhaps it was so easy for Crowder to abstain from banging his hot blonde girlfriend because he wasn't that into women.
    Jesus fucking CHRIST, Druff!!! You are such a flaming homophobe, you see homosexuality under every essense of differences in sexual tendencies other than your own!

    Plus, don’t you know that self-identified Christian males routinely use the conservative Christian loophole of “a blowjob or handjob is not having sex” to claim their pre-marital virginity? He probably had his knob slobbered on COUNTLESS times by his “hot blonde” fianceé, which also preserved HER virginity before they were married.

    Seriously, Druff. You are one of the most ridiculously judgmental people I have ever known!
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I actually hope this [second impeachment] succeeds, because I want Trump put down politically like a sick, 14-year-old dog. ... I don't want him complicating the 2024 primary season. I just want him done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Were Republicans cowardly or unethical not to go along with [convicting Trump in the second impeachment Senate trial]? No. The smart move was to reject it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MumblesBadly View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I think there's a good chance Crowder is gay or bisexual, and this in turn brings on a lot of shame, which in turn leads to this aggressive and bizarre behavior in the workplace.

    Recall that Crowder made a big deal in his early 20s that he was voluntarily a virgin, and wouldn't have sex with his girlfriend (eventually his wife) before marriage.

    Viewed from today's perspective, perhaps it was so easy for Crowder to abstain from banging his hot blonde girlfriend because he wasn't that into women.
    Jesus fucking CHRIST, Druff!!! You are such a flaming homophobe, you see homosexuality under every essense of differences in sexual tendencies other than your own!

    Plus, don’t you know that self-identified Christian males routinely use the conservative Christian loophole of “a blowjob or handjob is not having sex” to claim their pre-marital virginity? He probably had his knob slobbered on COUNTLESS times by his “hot blonde” fianceé, which also preserved HER virginity before they were married.

    Seriously, Druff. You are one of the most ridiculously judgmental people I have ever known!
    I read this twice, and still can't tell if this is sarcastic or serious.

    I'm not being homophobic at all. If Crowder were outwardly gay when I found him on YouTube, I still would have been just as big of a fan of his at the time. I'm not judging him for possibly being gay -- only for being possibly closeted and then expressing it in unhealthy ways in the workplace.

    In general, I find it to be a selfish act to know that you're gay and marry someone of the opposite sex. I've known women who were previously married to closeted gay men, and it ruined their self esteem to a high extent, even after they understood the truth. Years of being with a man who constantly shows no interest in sex with you can do that, I guess. If a dude is gay, he should acknowledge it and go be with a man, especially in this day and age.

    My point about his virginal behavior before marriage is that it's a lot easier to do that if you're not into women, anyway. I compare it to how it has been no challenge at all to go all 51 years of my life without having sex with a man, because I have zero interest in doing so. If I had to do the same regarding sex with women, it would have been incredibly difficult and frustrating.

    Some of these are just guesses on my part. Maybe Crowder isn't gay or bi, and just thinks pulling his pants down in front of male employees is a funny joke, despite nobody else finding it humorous. Maybe he thought they were laughing along with him, because everyone was afraid to outwardly challenge him and get fired.

    It's also possible that the guys going to Mediaite were exaggerating. Crowder is admittedly a tough boss, and from all appearances he likes to hire young people straight out of college, work them to the bone, and pay them very little. Between that and his demanding/angry managerial style, it's no surprise some come to hate him, and might be exaggerating this stuff. But we've seen so many independent reports of him showing his dick to dudes at work, it must be going on. The fact that Crowder isn't denying it -- or even giving context if it happened on a very infrequent basis -- shows that this is likely true.

    I have to imagine that nobody on this forum -- whether owning their own business or working for others -- has ever shown their dick to any dudes at work. I can tell you from my 8 years in an office setting, it never came to mind, "Wow, too bad I can't show my dick to the guys in the office, because I totally would if they wouldn't fire me for it."


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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    I read this twice, and still can't tell if this is sarcastic or serious.

    I'm not being homophobic at all. If Crowder were outwardly gay when I found him on YouTube, I still would have been just as big of a fan of his at the time. I'm not judging him for possibly being gay -- only for being possibly closeted and then expressing it in unhealthy ways in the workplace.

    In general, I find it to be a selfish act to know that you're gay and marry someone of the opposite sex. I've known women who were previously married to closeted gay men, and it ruined their self esteem to a high extent, even after they understood the truth. Years of being with a man who constantly shows no interest in sex with you can do that, I guess. If a dude is gay, he should acknowledge it and go be with a man, especially in this day and age.

    My point about his virginal behavior before marriage is that it's a lot easier to do that if you're not into women, anyway. I compare it to how it has been no challenge at all to go all 51 years of my life without having sex with a man, because I have zero interest in doing so. If I had to do the same regarding sex with women, it would have been incredibly difficult and frustrating.

    Some of these are just guesses on my part. Maybe Crowder isn't gay or bi, and just thinks pulling his pants down in front of male employees is a funny joke, despite nobody else finding it humorous. Maybe he thought they were laughing along with him, because everyone was afraid to outwardly challenge him and get fired.

    It's also possible that the guys going to Mediaite were exaggerating. Crowder is admittedly a tough boss, and from all appearances he likes to hire young people straight out of college, work them to the bone, and pay them very little. Between that and his demanding/angry managerial style, it's no surprise some come to hate him, and might be exaggerating this stuff. But we've seen so many independent reports of him showing his dick to dudes at work, it must be going on. The fact that Crowder isn't denying it -- or even giving context if it happened on a very infrequent basis -- shows that this is likely true.

    I have to imagine that nobody on this forum -- whether owning their own business or working for others -- has ever shown their dick to any dudes at work. I can tell you from my 8 years in an office setting, it never came to mind, "Wow, too bad I can't show my dick to the guys in the office, because I totally would if they wouldn't fire me for it."
    Work? I don't know that I've ever specifically showed my dick to a guy, period.

    A few women saw my dick outside of the workplace, purely consensual, of course; my ex-wife, for example. Any such individuals would have not been subordinate to me whatsoever, naturally. Usually not even the same department.

    I don't think you're being judgmental or homophobic. I'd also assume it's at least likely that the behavior has a sexual element if it's happening with the frequency described. If it was something like him saying, "You know what I'm going to do to those snowflakes? I'm going to give them this (pulls dick out) right here!", once or twice, then maybe no sexual element to it.

    I don't know. I've never seen anything particularly amusing about pulling out my dick to guys as any kind of a joke. Obviously, I imagine most of us have made a joke and grabbed our crotch area at least once.

    If he is gay, then I'd have non-zero empathy for him but for how he treated his ex-wife. Imagine being in that position. Bye-bye half your audience if you were to actually come out.
    Don't Tread on Anyone, mothafucka!

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    Also, even if someone wanted to perceive it as mildly homophobic, I think we all have our own biases, whether we want to or not.

    For example, one of my friends in H.S. very much knew that he was gay. The thing that you never really think about is, depending who the parents are, they really can't live their lives like other kids do. As a heterosexual with a fairly chill mom, I could stay the night at my girlfriend's, and she at our place and my mom would just pretend that the two of us weren't having sex (we didn't with her actually in the house) even though there's no way she actually believed we weren't.

    This friend from high school could only have done any of that had it been with a girl, who he wouldn't have been attracted to. He was legitimately scared for his life for his father to ever find out lest his father kill him or severely beat the fuck out of him...I physically heard his dad say so, just as a passing random comment. His dad asked if I had a girlfriend, I replied affirmatively, and he turned his attention to my friend and asked, "Well, where's your girlfriend? When are you going to get one? You're not a faggot, are you? You know I'd have to beat you with a bat if you were."

    Really cool Christian guy, I'm sure you conservatives know the type.

    My bias? Well, I absolutely would not stay the night at his house, nor he at mine, despite that he 99.99999% wouldn't have tried anything. I could have snapped him like a twig (not sexually), for one thing. Still, not something I wanted to potentially have to deal with.

    At the same time, my friend Paul would stay the night every Monday because we'd watch Raw together and there was no sense in him walking home that late. I actually don't think his mom would have let him walk home that late anyway.

    So, you have this kid who effectively can't date anyone he's attracted to AND he has a supposed friend (me) who won't do overnight stays BECAUSE he told me...not that he knew that. If he hadn't told me he was gay and wanted to stay overnight sometime, I can't imagine I'd have any reason to say no, even though he wasn't my best friend or anything.
    Last edited by Mission146; 08-15-2023 at 01:39 PM.
    Don't Tread on Anyone, mothafucka!

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    LOL Druff driving around listening to an abusive, dick dropping faggot and a midget jew weasel with no social acumen for thousand of hours.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    LOL Druff driving around listening to an abusive, dick dropping faggot and a midget jew weasel with no social acumen for thousand of hours.
    I always got the idea that Crowder was an asshole behind the scenes. Didn't really bother me. I was watching an entertaining show, not being friends with the guy. The show has pretty much been AIDS for the past 3 years though.

    I switched to the midget Jew because he raises a lot of good points, and he doesn't buy into retarded conspiracy stuff. Unfortunately that show provides much less humor, though I do like the "reaction to woke Tiktok" videos, as those are pretty funny. Also, Shapiro seems like he's probably a good and honorable guy behind the scenes. His co-CEO Jeremy Boering, not so much.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I think there's a good chance Crowder is gay or bisexual, and this in turn brings on a lot of shame, which in turn leads to this aggressive and bizarre behavior in the workplace.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff
    Recall that Crowder made a big deal in his early 20s that he was voluntarily a virgin, and wouldn't have sex with his girlfriend (eventually his wife) before marriage.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Also, even if someone wanted to perceive it as mildly homophobic, I think we all have our own biases, whether we want to or not.

    For example, one of my friends in H.S. very much knew that he was gay. The thing that you never really think about is, depending who the parents are, they really can't live their lives like other kids do. As a heterosexual with a fairly chill mom, I could stay the night at my girlfriend's, and she at our place and my mom would just pretend that the two of us weren't having sex (we didn't with her actually in the house) even though there's no way she actually believed we weren't.

    This friend from high school could only have done any of that had it been with a girl, who he wouldn't have been attracted to. He was legitimately scared for his life for his father to ever find out lest his father kill him or severely beat the fuck out of him...I physically heard his dad say so, just as a passing random comment. His dad asked if I had a girlfriend, I replied affirmatively, and he turned his attention to my friend and asked, "Well, where's your girlfriend? When are you going to get one? You're not a faggot, are you? You know I'd have to beat you with a bat if you were."

    Really cool Christian guy, I'm sure you conservatives know the type.

    My bias? Well, I absolutely would not stay the night at his house, nor he at mine, despite that he 99.99999% wouldn't have tried anything. I could have snapped him like a twig (not sexually), for one thing. Still, not something I wanted to potentially have to deal with.

    At the same time, my friend Paul would stay the night every Monday because we'd watch Raw together and there was no sense in him walking home that late. I actually don't think his mom would have let him walk home that late anyway.

    So, you have this kid who effectively can't date anyone he's attracted to AND he has a supposed friend (me) who won't do overnight stays BECAUSE he told me...not that he knew that. If he hadn't told me he was gay and wanted to stay overnight sometime, I can't imagine I'd have any reason to say no, even though he wasn't my best friend or anything.
    I'm talking about adults living on their own, not teens.

    Yes, there is a reason for teens to remain in the closet if their parents won't accept their homosexuality. And I suppose there's still a reason to hide your homosexuality if it's going to make huge waves in your family life, even after leaving home.

    However, taking it to the point of marrying someone of the opposite sex, when actually gay, is a selfish act. As I said, it really fucks up the self-esteem of the other party, as well as shatters their world when they find out that the person they married actually has zero capacity to be attracted to them.

    I remember this one girl I talked to who was pretty, yet was convinced she was unappealing because of previously being married to a dude who wouldn't touch her. He didn't come out as gay, but when she described the marriage to me, all of the obvious signs were there. I had to keep reassuring her that she was very attractive and that any normal heterosexual guy would be very turned on by her, without sounding like a pervert or creep myself. She kept saying, "I know, I know, he was probably gay, but after years of him not touching me, I just always feel gross and can't shake it." I felt really bad for her.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Also, even if someone wanted to perceive it as mildly homophobic, I think we all have our own biases, whether we want to or not.

    For example, one of my friends in H.S. very much knew that he was gay. The thing that you never really think about is, depending who the parents are, they really can't live their lives like other kids do. As a heterosexual with a fairly chill mom, I could stay the night at my girlfriend's, and she at our place and my mom would just pretend that the two of us weren't having sex (we didn't with her actually in the house) even though there's no way she actually believed we weren't.

    This friend from high school could only have done any of that had it been with a girl, who he wouldn't have been attracted to. He was legitimately scared for his life for his father to ever find out lest his father kill him or severely beat the fuck out of him...I physically heard his dad say so, just as a passing random comment. His dad asked if I had a girlfriend, I replied affirmatively, and he turned his attention to my friend and asked, "Well, where's your girlfriend? When are you going to get one? You're not a faggot, are you? You know I'd have to beat you with a bat if you were."

    Really cool Christian guy, I'm sure you conservatives know the type.

    My bias? Well, I absolutely would not stay the night at his house, nor he at mine, despite that he 99.99999% wouldn't have tried anything. I could have snapped him like a twig (not sexually), for one thing. Still, not something I wanted to potentially have to deal with.

    At the same time, my friend Paul would stay the night every Monday because we'd watch Raw together and there was no sense in him walking home that late. I actually don't think his mom would have let him walk home that late anyway.

    So, you have this kid who effectively can't date anyone he's attracted to AND he has a supposed friend (me) who won't do overnight stays BECAUSE he told me...not that he knew that. If he hadn't told me he was gay and wanted to stay overnight sometime, I can't imagine I'd have any reason to say no, even though he wasn't my best friend or anything.
    I'm talking about adults living on their own, not teens.

    Yes, there is a reason for teens to remain in the closet if their parents won't accept their homosexuality. And I suppose there's still a reason to hide your homosexuality if it's going to make huge waves in your family life, even after leaving home.

    However, taking it to the point of marrying someone of the opposite sex, when actually gay, is a selfish act. As I said, it really fucks up the self-esteem of the other party, as well as shatters their world when they find out that the person they married actually has zero capacity to be attracted to them.

    I remember this one girl I talked to who was pretty, yet was convinced she was unappealing because of previously being married to a dude who wouldn't touch her. He didn't come out as gay, but when she described the marriage to me, all of the obvious signs were there. I had to keep reassuring her that she was very attractive and that any normal heterosexual guy would be very turned on by her, without sounding like a pervert or creep myself. She kept saying, "I know, I know, he was probably gay, but after years of him not touching me, I just always feel gross and can't shake it." I felt really bad for her.
    Minimal sympathy for anyone who marries a gay and couldn't tell beforehand. If you're that bad at reading people and interpreting what they think of you then then life is going to be hard.

    Do have sympathy for the women in those videos who learn their partner is a pedo/chatting up minors for sex.

    Surely that behavior is typically fully concealed for obvious reasons.

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    Some closeted gay guys are good at hiding it, after a lifetime of doing so.

    They will often explain away the lack of desire for sex by claiming some phony physical ailment or "fatigue from work". The women will also convince themselves than any effeminate or seemingly gay mannerisms are simply a result of the guy being sensitive and not toxically masculine. Most notably, denial can be incredibly strong when you love someone. What is obvious to everyone else on the outside may not be obvious to you.

    There are also some men who simply don't have much of a desire for sex, but aren't gay. But it's the same situation where their wives/girlfriends find themselves feeling unappealing and start questioning themselves.

    I think women are so used to guys always being horny that they are thrown for a loop when their boyfriend/husband doesn't have much (or any) interest in sex. So they blame themselves, without realizing it's the dude who is the abnormal one in the situation.


  16. #16
    Silver Mission146's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    I'm talking about adults living on their own, not teens.

    Yes, there is a reason for teens to remain in the closet if their parents won't accept their homosexuality. And I suppose there's still a reason to hide your homosexuality if it's going to make huge waves in your family life, even after leaving home.

    However, taking it to the point of marrying someone of the opposite sex, when actually gay, is a selfish act. As I said, it really fucks up the self-esteem of the other party, as well as shatters their world when they find out that the person they married actually has zero capacity to be attracted to them.

    I remember this one girl I talked to who was pretty, yet was convinced she was unappealing because of previously being married to a dude who wouldn't touch her. He didn't come out as gay, but when she described the marriage to me, all of the obvious signs were there. I had to keep reassuring her that she was very attractive and that any normal heterosexual guy would be very turned on by her, without sounding like a pervert or creep myself. She kept saying, "I know, I know, he was probably gay, but after years of him not touching me, I just always feel gross and can't shake it." I felt really bad for her.
    I agree with you completely, and if religion ceased to exist, then there would no longer be this problem. It's a bunch of senseless illogical garbage that gets passed down from one generation and then informs the generation that comes after it.

    Ideally, as an adult, one would have the cojones to tell their (biological) family to go fuck themselves.

    Anyway, religion is what happened to Crowder and that's why he's, quite possibly, a self-hating closet homosexual. Also, how would one not end up being gay when they are taught to demean and think so little of women in the first place? It only stands to reason that such a person would find themselves more attracted to dudes, who in their mind, are their only equals anyway.

    Even if he's not closeted, then there's no question that he's a psychologically manipulative dickbag who thinks nothing of it to demean his wife and treat her like an indentured servant. Again, religious upbringing. Par for the course.

    It was unfortunate with that young lady you reference, but sexless marriages happen sometimes. My ex-wife and I didn't have much sex in the last few years, but that's because we hated each other. We both knew it was because we hated each other. We get along well now, so it's not always to do with homosexuality. My fiancee and I, on the other hand, have a reasonable amount of sex. I guess what I'm saying is maybe homeboy (in your experience) just hated her.
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Some closeted gay guys are good at hiding it, after a lifetime of doing so.

    They will often explain away the lack of desire for sex by claiming some phony physical ailment or "fatigue from work". The women will also convince themselves than any effeminate or seemingly gay mannerisms are simply a result of the guy being sensitive and not toxically masculine. Most notably, denial can be incredibly strong when you love someone. What is obvious to everyone else on the outside may not be obvious to you.

    There are also some men who simply don't have much of a desire for sex, but aren't gay. But it's the same situation where their wives/girlfriends find themselves feeling unappealing and start questioning themselves.

    I think women are so used to guys always being horny that they are thrown for a loop when their boyfriend/husband doesn't have much (or any) interest in sex. So they blame themselves, without realizing it's the dude who is the abnormal one in the situation.
    Am I alone in thinking not being horny for someone as often later in the relationship, as opposed to when you first start having sex, is perfectly normal? It doesn't mean that you're never horny for them; just not as often.
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    Steven who? He's not worth discussing imo.
    He's a creep and a very weird dude ntm his politics are dog shit.

    These conservative influencers have decided to make woke issues their main focus hoping you won't notice that they're loyal puppets
    to the highest bidder ie billionaires and corporations.
    “They have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct and in barbarism.”—François-Marie Voltaire

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    Plutonium lol wow's Avatar
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    also hey tine should i add some more oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooos to how boring this looks ?

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