Welcome back. Druff the merciful. I found your behavior before the ban erratic as you were constantly questioning his anxiety and depression. If you indeed suffer from those things, even though Druff’s illness immediately followed cmoney’s ruse, what he was suffering from was so obviously real and genuine to anyone with a room temperature IQ, that it made your behavior odd.

That you didn’t recognize the black hole he was in and that feeling that it was a permanent situation should have felt incredibly familiar to you if you’ve suffered from it yourself. I immediately saw it, and encouraged him that even though it felt like it was the end of the world and never going away, that he’d see vast improvement in time. When you’ve had it, you know how hellish and disheartening it is.

Basically you just have to put your head down and get through it. I can’t imagine, suffering from it myself in the past, choosing that moment to taunt him even if you had some annoyance at him over other shit. That’s bizarre given you’re, iirc, basically our age. It shows a frightening lack of empathy. There are plenty of posters here I really dislike in a forum sense. I would try to help them if they felt that way. You might have some significant issues beyond anxiety and depression. Anyway, time for a fresh start. Best of luck to you.