G’day folks, I hope you all had an animal friendly weekend! I was challenged by a poster to go and climb a mountain to prove that vegans could do it, and guess what? I climbed the mighty O'Melveny Park near Los Angeles and it was piss easy! So I’ve decided to climb Mount Everest in June. I’ve just paid my $15,000 non-refundable deposit so super excited to prove all the savages wrong!

Every day until then, I’m going to walk 30-45 minutes WITHOUT my oxygen tank and will drink nothing but kale juice, water & pineapple flavored Cruisers. I won’t be requiring the assistance of a PT as they’ll probably try to tell me to eat animals’ carcass’s for “protein & iron”, pft. Do they not realise that I have Jesus on my side with the support of my PFA fans?

When I reach the summit, I will raise the Vegan Antifa flag up with pride to show the world that vegans can do anything! I’m also doing this for the animals as a sign of respect!

Please wish me luck everyone during my intense training, not that I need it as I’m pretty fit already.

Saint Sonatine xo