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  1. #1
    Hurricane Expert tgull's Avatar
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    It appears you have entered the Muck Micon Troll Farm. Congrats. Look forward to relentless red reps from this 9 to 5 douche bag.

    You entered the sad club of Muck Ficon's 10 year Odyssey of stalking grown men. He loves trolling grown men and you entered his world.

      splitthis: Grown men rep

  2. #2
    Platinum duped_samaritan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tgull View Post
    It appears you have entered the Muck Micon Troll Farm. Congrats. Look forward to relentless red reps from this 9 to 5 douche bag.

    You entered the sad club of Muck Ficon's 10 year Odyssey of stalking grown men. He loves trolling grown men and you entered his world.
    Poor china, he'll def go on monkey tilt and start making a bunch of dupes to reset his red.

  3. #3
    Diamond chinamaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tgull View Post
    It appears you have entered the Muck Micon Troll Farm. Congrats. Look forward to relentless red reps from this 9 to 5 douche bag.

    You entered the sad club of Muck Ficon's 10 year Odyssey of stalking grown men. He loves trolling grown men and you entered his world.
    Ya he is pretty obsessed with red repping

  4. #4
    Diamond chinamaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by duped_samaritan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by tgull View Post
    It appears you have entered the Muck Micon Troll Farm. Congrats. Look forward to relentless red reps from this 9 to 5 douche bag.

    You entered the sad club of Muck Ficon's 10 year Odyssey of stalking grown men. He loves trolling grown men and you entered his world.
    Poor china, he'll def go on monkey tilt and start making a bunch of dupes to reset his red.
    Nah I do not have any dupes, could care less about the rep system

      Gookieheimowitz: Rep for not caring about rep

  5. #5
    Gold SetofKs's Avatar
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    i wonder if china and bs69 will ever tag up again

  6. #6
    Welcher jsearles22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chinamaniac View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by duped_samaritan View Post

    Poor china, he'll def go on monkey tilt and start making a bunch of dupes to reset his red.
    Nah I do not have any dupes, could care less about the rep system
    So either you do care or you’re retarded. Yeah, I’ll go with the latter.

      Jayjami: No, you are retarded if you even remotely give a shit about your rep.
    It's hilarious that we as a society think everyone can be a dr, a lawyer, an engineer. Some people are just fucking stupid. Why can't we just accept that?

  7. #7
    Diamond chinamaniac's Avatar
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      big dick: .

  8. #8
    Plutonium simpdog's Avatar
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    Lol a liar blocking a welcher.

      FRANKRIZZO: priceless

  9. #9
    Platinum Baron Von Strucker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simpdog View Post
    Lol a liar blocking a welcher.
    We can expand on this a bit....
    China is not only a liar he is also a welcher, pos, asshole, disrespectful, cunt. Very little redeeming quality.
    His condescending tone (I am better than most here)
    I can’t believe Druff is allowing his scam weight loss bet, there is no real proof of his initial weight other than his word which at this point isn’t worth shit.
    He shows no regret for his part in the cancer scam and is literally dumbfounded why anyone would think that his credibility is severely damaged.
    Druff should erase his stupid lying weight loss thread return escrow moneys as no good can come from the end of this other than a fat guy is temporarily lighter.
    Don’t get fooled again Druff because of this guys greedy, sociopathic behavior.
    Jserls has never been given a pas why should chinas fraud be swept under the carpet
    all hail Hydra

    Originally Posted by DanDruff:Since I'm a 6'2" Republican with an average-sized nose and a last name which doesn't end with "stein", "man", or "berg", I can hide among the goyim and remain undetected unless I open my mouth about money matters.

  10. #10
    Diamond Mintjewlips's Avatar
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    We need moar Chinamaniac coke stories right about now......a1 shit......
    "Druff would suck his own dick if it were long enough"- Brandon "drexel" Gerson

    "ann coulter literally has more common sense than pfa."-Sonatine

    "Real grinders supports poker fraud"- Ray Davis


  11. #11
    Diamond chinamaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baron Von Strucker View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by simpdog View Post
    Lol a liar blocking a welcher.

    I can’t believe Druff is allowing his scam weight loss bet, there is no real proof of his initial weight other than his word which at this point isn’t worth shit.

    Druff can't do anything about this bet accept pay whoever wins whatever he has in escrow which is like $600 or so and has really no say in how the bet goes down. Had he wanted to not let the bet take place from the beginning on PFA that is another thing but the bet was allowed to take place and is currently in action.

    I made a bet, I set all of the terms which were negotiable, all parties agreed to the terms and the bet is 80 % completed in terms of time.

    I weighed in and recorded it on 2 different scales, electronic and doctor scale and both had the same reading. If there were any complaints about the weigh in they would have had to come when I weighed in.

    I also face timed the guy I bet $5k on the same scales and he had no issues

    I also did a pre weigh in for that same guy a week before I made the bet and I was probably within a pound one way or the other from what I weighed in.

    67 or so days from now the bet ends and I am on pace to win one bet and lose the other but I feel I will win both.

    Druffs role in this bet is to hold the money and pay the winner and that is it

    Have a great day obsessing over me on Pokerfraudalert BaronVonStucker
    Last edited by chinamaniac; 08-30-2018 at 11:44 AM.

  12. #12
    Diamond chinamaniac's Avatar
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    Baron Von Strucker

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  13. #13
    Platinum Baron Von Strucker's Avatar
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    All that said I herd China’s dick is the size of a baby’s arm.
    all hail Hydra

    Originally Posted by DanDruff:Since I'm a 6'2" Republican with an average-sized nose and a last name which doesn't end with "stein", "man", or "berg", I can hide among the goyim and remain undetected unless I open my mouth about money matters.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chinamaniac View Post
    Druff can't do anything about this bet accept pay whoever wins whatever he has in escrow which is like $600 or so and has really no say in how the bet goes down.
    Says who? By definition, the escrow is the arbiter because he's the one holding the fucking money. He decides whether or not the conditions that both parties agreed upon have been met, and disperses funds accordingly. You are in no position to make rules or demands of him.

    Does it even really matter though? I have inquired multiple times as to whether or not you even escrowed, and apparently you're still incapable of giving straight answers. Given similar cryptic one-liners you gave to straightfoward questions in the CMoney thread, and the fact that you tried to collect from me directly instead of escrowing in the first place, I'm going to guess that the answer is no.

    This sketchy demeanor of yours and all the lies about the fall classic, cancer, etc. have me questioning the legitimacy of this bet. If not for Druff's stress and health issues, I would probably ask him to take a hard look at all this before making any payout decisions. But $250 isn't worth it to me to put him through that, so at this point I just accept that I might be getting rolled.

    But you do sound extremely full of shit, China.


      gauchojake: WubbaLubbaDubDub!!!!!

  15. #15
    Platinum duped_samaritan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Sanchez View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by chinamaniac View Post
    Druff can't do anything about this bet accept pay whoever wins whatever he has in escrow which is like $600 or so and has really no say in how the bet goes down.
    Says who? By definition, the escrow is the arbiter because he's the one holding the fucking money. He decides whether or not the conditions that both parties agreed upon have been met, and disperses funds accordingly. You are in no position to make rules or demands of him.

    Does it even really matter though? I have inquired multiple times as to whether or not you even escrowed, and apparently you're still incapable of giving straight answers. Given similar cryptic one-liners you gave to straightfoward questions in the CMoney thread, and the fact that you tried to collect from me directly instead of escrowing in the first place, I'm going to guess that the answer is no.

    This sketchy demeanor of yours and all the lies about the fall classic, cancer, etc. have me questioning the legitimacy of this bet. If not for Druff's stress and health issues, I would probably ask him to take a hard look at all this before making any payout decisions. But $250 isn't worth it to me to put him through that, so at this point I just accept that I might be getting rolled.

    But you do sound extremely full of shit, China.

    Is there only $300 bet against him?
    Or is there $600 bet against him and you're accusing him of not sending his own $600 to Druff. (or some other number?)

    Quote Originally Posted by chinamaniac View Post
    Druff has confirmed he has received funds from $50 Snowtracks and $250 from SrslySirius so I just shipped him $300 now

    Other goals I am going to try and hit on my mission to -85 lbs is to be able to bench press 225 X 20 and multiple reps of 300 by the time this ends. As of right now I can prob get double digits of 225 and maybe a 285 max

  16. #16
    Diamond chinamaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Sanchez View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by chinamaniac View Post
    Druff can't do anything about this bet accept pay whoever wins whatever he has in escrow which is like $600 or so and has really no say in how the bet goes down.
    Says who? By definition, the escrow is the arbiter because he's the one holding the fucking money. He decides whether or not the conditions that both parties agreed upon have been met, and disperses funds accordingly. You are in no position to make rules or demands of him.

    Does it even really matter though? I have inquired multiple times as to whether or not you even escrowed, and apparently you're still incapable of giving straight answers. Given similar cryptic answers you gave in the CMoney cancer thread, and the fact that you tried to collect from me directly instead of escrowing in the first place, I'm going to guess that the answer is no.

    This sketchy demeanor of yours and all the lies about the fall classic, cancer, etc. have me questioning the legitimacy of this bet. If not for Druff's stress and health issues, I would probably ask him to take a hard look at all this before making any payout decisions. But $250 isn't worth it to me to put him through that, so at this point I just accept that I might be getting rolled.

    But you do sound extremely full of shit, China.

    What I am saying regarding Druff making rules is , Druff can't just go making up rules etc because he feels like it... just because he wants to or because the Baron Von Struckers of the world say he should. The bet was agreed to is in action and when I weigh in the bet is over whether I win or lose.

    As far as the bet is concerned I have complied with everything so far 100 % thus far. A post about cancer and your dislike of how the spring classic was run has nothing to do with this bet

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Sanchez View Post

    Does it even really matter though? I have inquired multiple times as to whether or not you even escrowed, and apparently you're still incapable of giving straight answers.


    If you asked me via Rick Sanchez then you probably did not get an answer because I do not believe I have ever read a Rick Sanchez post on PFA, let alone replied to one until now. While it is possible I have it is unlikely.

    Last I remember you talk your ball and went home crying over how the spring classic was run and said you were done posting so how am I supposed to know you are now posting under some other account?

    I posted when the bet was made that I sent Druff the money and he confirmed you sent your money in. So ask Druff , he is the one holding the money. I have only sent him proof of transfer and had him confirm it 3 or 4 times in the past 10 months.

    I sent him a screenshot when I sent, and have sent him a screenshot of this transaction probably 3 times since the bet started.

    In fact I skyped you a few days ago and told you that he inquired about this FOR THE THIRD TIME (probably because someone is nagging him) ,
    and you asked me what I said when he asked me for a screenshot and I told you I sent him the screenshot. What more do you want? Do you want me to patch you in on TeamViwer so we can go over my bank transfers? Again confirm it with Druff, coming at me from a Rick Sanchez account is not the best way to find out if I sent money to Druff

    So where is your issue with the escrow brah? Todd should be able to confirm this in 30 seconds

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Sanchez View Post
    If not for Druff's stress and health issues, I would probably ask him to take a hard look at all this before making any payout decisions.
    What exactly would you have Druff look at? I weighed in, nobody had any issues. We are 10 months in and I weigh in again in 2 months. As far as the final weigh in goes I said I will weigh in anywhere anyone wants me to and anyone who bet me is welcome to show up. I have no problems with any of that.

    And get things straight, it was the Spring classic, NOT THE FALL CLASSIC guy, and I thought I did a pretty good job with the spring classic as did most others . Just because a SJW warrior like you did not agree with how it was ran then too fucking bad, it has nothing to do with the bet me and you made, the cancer story has nothing to do with the bet we made either.
    Last edited by chinamaniac; 08-30-2018 at 04:26 PM.

  17. #17
    Diamond chinamaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by duped_samaritan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Sanchez View Post

    Says who? By definition, the escrow is the arbiter because he's the one holding the fucking money. He decides whether or not the conditions that both parties agreed upon have been met, and disperses funds accordingly. You are in no position to make rules or demands of him.

    Does it even really matter though? I have inquired multiple times as to whether or not you even escrowed, and apparently you're still incapable of giving straight answers. Given similar cryptic one-liners you gave to straightfoward questions in the CMoney thread, and the fact that you tried to collect from me directly instead of escrowing in the first place, I'm going to guess that the answer is no.

    This sketchy demeanor of yours and all the lies about the fall classic, cancer, etc. have me questioning the legitimacy of this bet. If not for Druff's stress and health issues, I would probably ask him to take a hard look at all this before making any payout decisions. But $250 isn't worth it to me to put him through that, so at this point I just accept that I might be getting rolled.

    But you do sound extremely full of shit, China.

    Is there only $300 bet against him?
    Or is there $600 bet against him and you're accusing him of not sending his own $600 to Druff. (or some other number?)

    Quote Originally Posted by chinamaniac View Post
    Druff has confirmed he has received funds from $50 Snowtracks and $250 from SrslySirius so I just shipped him $300 now

    Other goals I am going to try and hit on my mission to -85 lbs is to be able to bench press 225 X 20 and multiple reps of 300 by the time this ends. As of right now I can prob get double digits of 225 and maybe a 285 max

    He bet me 250

    Snowtracks bet me 50

    I sent the money to Druff in early November of 2017

    Druff confirmed it then and has asked me for screenshot of xfer 3 or 4 times since then and I have sent it to him 3 or 4 times.

    Don't know why Tom can't just ask Druff about the money and get proof because Druff was sent the money.

    If Rick Sanchez has every asked me a question there is a 99 % chance I have not even read it. Did not know who Rick Sanchez was until 2 -3 days ago
    Last edited by chinamaniac; 08-30-2018 at 01:01 PM.

  18. #18
    Diamond mulva's Avatar
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    china is a stand up guy. i co-owed venom with him, and i would trust him more than anyone here

    he's always been a neutral guy liked by all, not taking sides, so i really can't believe many forum members want blood from him because of the c-money thing

    he even mediated a a SB bet gamblebot took over 6 months to pay..because he told me gamble was goot for it.....

      tony bagadonuts: Pocket fisherman rep
    Quote Originally Posted by bottomset_69 View Post
    Johnny Manziel will be the 1st pick in the draft. I truly believe not only will Johnny Manziel be rookie of the year, quite possibly he will be MVP as his style will shock defensive coordinators. Manziel may only be 6 feet tall, but he has size 15 feet. And he has HUGE hands. I know some NFL scouts so I know what I am talking about.

  19. #19
    Gold SetofKs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mintjewlips View Post
    We need moar Chinamaniac coke stories right about now......a1 shit......
    well i'll tell you what. me my brother and china had an apartment for the wsop in 2010. we did coke a couple times. when we'd do coke, i would drink about 40 beers which i thought was alot. my bother was bigger and could get up to about 45. but china would honestly drink 90 beers in a coke bender. he would have to bring all of his cases of beer up on one of those little carts. the security thought were were throwing a party, but all those cases of beer were just for china.

      duped_samaritan: Thats almost 150 lbs of beer.
      Mintjewlips: Fucking hof lmao

  20. #20
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    China sent me evidence of $300 he sent me back in October, and that money was supposed to be $250 for SrslySirius and $50 for snowtracks.

    This is likely true, though my head got all messed up lately from my medical issues, thus I don't remember this escrow in October too well. But I'll assume it's true, so I'll go as far to say I'm holding that $300 from China for those two people.

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