BTW, out of everyone here, I have taken the brunt of the most creepy stalking and harassment by former users.

And not even because I've picked fights with people and then earned their wrath.

For example, SixToedPete flipped out on me and harassed me for years because I wouldn't ban funny GIFs of him, after he had trolled people here for 9 months. The SEO ramifications of the shit he did remains to this day.

There have been plenty of others who have reacted in similar ways, simply because I was the sole administrator and owner of this forum, and I made decisions they didn't like.

Many people would have shut this thing down a long time ago if they had to deal with crap like that.

I definitely can appreciate people's desire NOT to have forum stuff reach into their real lives.

At the same time, I want to mostly let the community solve its own problems, and only resort to bans of longtime community members when absolutely necessary.

I do not feel that splitthis is a danger to PFA, and I think she's all talk. She does need to control herself, and that's what my conclusion here accomplishes.