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Thread: Any risk of selling items for commission on CL?

  1. #1
    Gold 408Mike's Avatar
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    Any risk of selling items for commission on CL?

    As I am apparently still post restricted I now have to stoop this low to post folks-I am editing and deleting past posts to communicate here.

    That is really weird, and not at all user friendly druff.

    Anyway, I decided after some reading online this was a raw deal on multiple fronts, these are the things which really stood out to me after having reviewed laws pertaining to receiving of stolen property- The guy seemed to have a large and wide ranging list of things to sell, all of which sounded appealing, which is uncommon. Not many people have large expensive things to sell such as harley parts (easy to price, easy to find buyer, and black market buyers would be common) semi-high end paintings (ditto) and...of all things, ivory (I damn near dropped my phone when he said that) and really, if you think about it, the cops have this set up completely idiotproof to get their convictions if any arrests are made as NO jury in the country is going to sit there and listen to me or anyone ramble on about how some guy i barely knew wanting me to sell ivory didn't throw up any red flags etc.

    I learned quite a bit researching various laws last night to see what I might be getting into, and I was stunned to find out a person can and will be convicted of felony receiving of stolen property if two things happen-#1 Actor receives the property and knows or suspects (and by suspects, I mean the slightest tinge of doubt possible would be enough to say guilty from a jury here, and you have to figure the jurors have egos too, I can imagine the prosecutor grilling them making them look like idiots if they say no, it's possible he didn't suspect anything etc) that the property is stolen and #2 Actor must then NOT attempt to return the items to their rightful owner within a 'reasonable' amount of time. Meaning say I showed up at dudes house and chatted real quick, took pictures of items didn't say a word and ran out the door, no crime has been committed until I arrange a buyer and arrangements are made which involve me taking possession of the item and not intending on returning the item to it's legal owner but, instead, intending on delivering the item to another person. Once the item is in my hand I would now have a "reasonable" amount of time to either find the legal owner and make every possible attempt to mate him/her with stolen goods or I'm screwed.

    The catch all here is this- by that point I would be fucked because let's say, for example, once the painting gets into my hand, I decide to ask the guy if he bought the painting originally and he shrugs and says "sure". Any competent prosecutor is going to know a typical juror is going to be saying to themselves "hey wait a minute, why did he ask about where the painting came from now? If he was suspicious enough to ask by this point, it stands to reason he had been suspicious the entire time, or at least prior to taking possession" and that's where the whole "reasonable amount of time" line is literally bullshit.

    The funny part is I can definitely see the convo I had with the guy on the phone being more than enough evidence for a prosecutor to make a solid case that I "should have known" the items Might have been hot, and thus from there it's not unreasonable to assume the officer I would have been dealing with would do nothing, just sit around while I make the ads and research prices and he might even agree up front to handle shipping, just in case a somewhat clever thief tries to cover his own ass by never handling the merchandise himself, but come the day of the show you can bet your life Mr. Coppertop will suddenly have a bad back or some kind of plausible emergency, and thus the crook would have to handle the product (cop might even leave a door unlocked or something who knows)

    I was essentially doing this research because I was going to base my decision to go and talk to the guy or not on two very important things- 1- Would I ever be able to know, for sure, that the stuff this guy has is NOT stolen? (I refuse to dabble in stolen merchandise on any level as doing so funds crime and hurts the society I live in and draw from) and 2- Could I be absolutely SURE this was not a sting of some kind?

    Well the 1st question was pretty easy to answer, this guy would absolutely need some legit matching and feasible stories as to where his things came from and also how he could afford them, and I am not stupid. I'd be asking for receipts or some kind of proof of payment for a large percentage of items, and he'd better not have been sketchy about anything i asked at any point or no dice.

    The 2nd question was the real deal breaker because if there is any chance of this being a sting, it would very LIKELY be one. I determined based on the conversation I had with the guy that this is definitely a sting trying to catch crooks and hopefully lead LE to some fencing operations. I say that because during one single 10 minute conversation the guy says he is inept with computers (going so far as to misspell his post very awkwardly, people who cannot spell do not misspell like that) he also managed to say kind of on the dl "yeah I am hoping to find someone who can connect me with buyers for this stuff" he never blinked an eyelash when I told him my fee was as high as %35 (closer to %30 is typical, sometimes mid 20's) and he just had the right kind of stuff a guy wanting a fast buck with no regard to where stuff came from would be looking for- small parts that are worth a very decent amount which can be priced and sold with verrrrrry little effort, which just never happens) and of course he also says, again under his breath "and if this works out I can get more stuff, and i have friends who can get stuff" and the tone of his voice changed to sounding very submissive and passive, very willing if you know what I mean.

    The debate in my mind after last night was never whether or not I was going to head over (NOT happening) but actually whether or not the guy was a crook and I should alert SJPD (I planned on it as of this morning, at least to notify them of what I had learned) -or- was this guy an actual undercover cop?

    He is clearly a cop because in the first 10 minutes on the phone with a total stranger he mentioned (more than once) that he had ivory he wanted me to sell along with the other stuff. NO criminal in their right mind would ever be that trusting, and thus he seemed to have NO fear I might be LE at any point, never questioned my legitimacy on any level, and a criminal stealing fairly high end things like these is really never going to commit the theft without a fence to take it all to, and he is absolutely positively not going to tell a stranger where his stolen ivory is being kept. Good lord.

    Methinks the ivory was thrown in to weed out potential non-baddies like me, had to be.
    Last edited by 408Mike; 12-01-2012 at 07:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Diamond vegas1369's Avatar
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    This should go well.

  3. #3
    PFA Emeritus Crowe Diddly's Avatar
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    It's one thing to not know you are buying stolen property, or are somehow receiving something stolen from someone. It is quite another to be paid a fee by someone to sell a bunch of things for them, when it's quite clear to anyone with a thimbleful of sense in their head that shit ain't above board, not in the slightest. In those cases, you may have a much larger responsibility to find out about what you are selling.

    Did you look for the single shadiest opportunity you could find, or just the easiest money possible in the hopes its not a scam?

  4. #4
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    Just came across this image, seemed relevant.

  5. #5
    Platinum Muck Ficon's Avatar
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    Mike, GET A REAL FUCKING JOB. Lol at you calling someone lazy and not wanting them to benefit from your work. You are on food stamps, you are benefiting from other people's work. Have you checked out Tydepoker? You should join the Empower network if you want to make some quick cash.
    Quote Originally Posted by Baron Von Strucker View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by kmksmkn View Post
    Does anybody know if u can get a work visa for playing online poker in the UK
    I have had Issues with credit cards in Europe
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyde View Post
    you're more consumed with accumulating wealth than achieving spiritual enlightenment
    Quote Originally Posted by tgull View Post
    Getting a little surf and turf tonight. In my world that is Sea Bass with a nice lobster tail on the side. And grilled asparagus. It's nice having money.

  6. #6
    Gold 408Mike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crowe Diddly View Post
    It's one thing to not know you are buying stolen property, or are somehow receiving something stolen from someone. It is quite another to be paid a fee by someone to sell a bunch of things for them, when it's quite clear to anyone with a thimbleful of sense in their head that shit ain't above board, not in the slightest.
    I agree with you with respect to the fact that selling items you know are stolen would be a very bad thing to do, I disagree with your premise that the person I am talking about must have stolen items. I have not met the person (though I have spoken to him) nor have I taken a look at what he has to sell, and from what he told me he's had a few people help him in the same way and they moved on over time. I think he said something about owning a jewelry store and one of the items (a nice piece of artwork) he received in trade when he sold some gold to another jeweler or something along those lines.

    Also the area where he lives isn't far from me, median home value approx 550,000, which isn't super fancy schmancy but he's certainly not poor. He does sound a bit older, late 40's at youngest early 60's youngest. Either age range it's not uncommon for me to show up to do computer work for a customer and find out that person doesn't know how to do more than clicking the power button and literally has no clue what to do otherwise.

    In those cases, you may have a much larger responsibility to find out about what you are selling.
    This is precisely why I posed the question and wrote the thread. I want to know how much responsibility would a contractor coming in be under in order to determine whether or not the items he is going to be selling are stolen or not, and also let's say the guy does tell me x y z are stolen, and he turns out to be a cop and I go to jail and then court. How am I supposed to KNOW the items were stolen? What proof do I have? Maybe this guy is saying things are stolen as a brag or possibly just to confuse me a bit so I don't realize how much money he has. Maybe he says stuff is stolen but in my mind I know it's possible he's lying and I really need to make money, all of those reasons seem like a jury would find them plausible and thus it's highly unlikely this could be some kind of sting, and it is also pretty unlikely the guy is a crook stealing things with no certain means to sell them. So it is most likely an inept older person who legit needs some help or some guy who wants me to do the leg work of researching item info and finding fair market pricing and then stealing my ads and collecting the money later on.

    Not being an attorney, I am still on the fence about all of this, but I do work for an attorney (defense atty locally) so on monday I will ask his opinion and weigh it against others I see in this thread.

    Did you look for the single shadiest opportunity you could find, or just the easiest money possible in the hopes its not a scam?
    Of course not, nor do I ever. I do not dabble in shady business deals bro, I have been selling things for friends and family for months now and have gotten quite good at it. I saw an ad maybe a week ago from a woman up north who offered a similar percentage for the same exact work, however she and I could not meet on the terms (she wanted to pay me fucking 15% commission only and all of the items were small and low value=lots and lots of time researching items worth very little) but the point is other people are out there looking for people who can do what I do.

    Anyway I browse cl daily and in the wanted for today I see this
    Ineed some one who can help me sell my stuff on ebay craigs list or any where i have lots of antiques,art,electronics,car parts harlry parts,and more call me Dan im looking for a pro
    I figured a call wouldn't hurt as he lives a few miles from me and there just happened to be a few flags of wtf? flying about in my mind so I decided to ask more knowledgeable and experienced people.

  7. #7
    PFA Emeritus Crowe Diddly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 408Mike View Post
    let's say the guy does tell me x y z are stolen, and he turns out to be a cop and I go to jail and then court. How am I supposed to KNOW the items were stolen? What proof do I have? Maybe this guy is saying things are stolen as a brag or possibly just to confuse me a bit so I don't realize how much money he has. Maybe he says stuff is stolen but in my mind I know it's possible he's lying and I really need to make money, all of those reasons seem like a jury would find them plausible and thus it's highly unlikely this could be some kind of sting, and it is also pretty unlikely the guy is a crook stealing things with no certain means to sell them. So it is most likely an inept older person who legit needs some help or some guy who wants me to do the leg work of researching item info and finding fair market pricing and then stealing my ads and collecting the money later on.
    lol at me trying to help you. I forgot you live in fantasy land.

    gl, dude.

  8. #8
    Photoballer 4Dragons's Avatar
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    This thread is the premise for a reality tv show.

  9. #9
    Platinum Muck Ficon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 408Mike View Post
    He does sound a bit older, late 40's at youngest early 60's youngest.

    Quote Originally Posted by 408Mike View Post
    let's say the guy does tell me x y z are stolen, and he turns out to be a cop and I go to jail and then court. How am I supposed to KNOW the items were stolen?
    Because he told you they were stolen.

    Quote Originally Posted by 408Mike View Post
    other people are out there looking for people who can do what I do.
    Putting lunch meat in stuffed animals and fucking them?

    Quote Originally Posted by 408Mike View Post
    Not being an attorney, I am still on the fence about all of this, but I do work for an attorney (defense atty locally) so on monday I will ask his opinion and weigh it against others I see in this thread.
    Good idea. People on PFA are much more qualified to give you legal advice than an attorney.
    Quote Originally Posted by Baron Von Strucker View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by kmksmkn View Post
    Does anybody know if u can get a work visa for playing online poker in the UK
    I have had Issues with credit cards in Europe
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyde View Post
    you're more consumed with accumulating wealth than achieving spiritual enlightenment
    Quote Originally Posted by tgull View Post
    Getting a little surf and turf tonight. In my world that is Sea Bass with a nice lobster tail on the side. And grilled asparagus. It's nice having money.

  10. #10
    Diamond Walter Sobchak's Avatar
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    The ivory is illegal.

    SOBCHAK SECURITY 213-799-7798


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    I have a bunch of baby seal skins that I need someone to sell.

  12. #12
    Gold Deal's Avatar
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    While you are deciding what to do with your life why not work a temp job between now and January. Apply to UPS, FedEx, etc as a delivery truck driver. One word of advise if you do go this route. Please don't parlay it into stealing packages and selling them on the internet.

  13. #13
    One Percenter Pooh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deal View Post
    While you are deciding what to do with your life why not work a temp job between now and January. Apply to UPS, FedEx, etc as a delivery truck driver. One word of advise if you do go this route. Please don't parlay it into stealing packages and selling them on the internet.
    Zero percent chance of getting a job driving. However its very likely to become a driver's bitch for a couple months....doubt he'd pass the drug test though.

  14. #14
    Diamond Walter Sobchak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooh View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Deal View Post
    While you are deciding what to do with your life why not work a temp job between now and January. Apply to UPS, FedEx, etc as a delivery truck driver. One word of advise if you do go this route. Please don't parlay it into stealing packages and selling them on the internet.
    Zero percent chance of getting a job driving. However its very likely to become a driver's bitch for a couple months....doubt he'd pass the drug test though.
    Why do you say so?

    SOBCHAK SECURITY 213-799-7798


  15. #15
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walter Sobchak View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Pooh View Post

    Zero percent chance of getting a job driving. However its very likely to become a driver's bitch for a couple months....doubt he'd pass the drug test though.
    Why do you say so?
    I don't think he has a license and if he does not much experience driving. A more likely opportunity would be a bike courier.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Walter Sobchak View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Pooh View Post

    Zero percent chance of getting a job driving. However its very likely to become a driver's bitch for a couple months....doubt he'd pass the drug test though.
    Why do you say so?
    Are you serious??

  17. #17
    One Percenter Pooh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walter Sobchak View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Pooh View Post

    Zero percent chance of getting a job driving. However its very likely to become a driver's bitch for a couple months....doubt he'd pass the drug test though.
    Why do you say so?
    I wasn't busting his balls particularly. I mean nobody off the street is getting a seasonal driving position with a UPS. There are people lined up 5 years deep to get into that coveted position. Like I said, he could be a drivers helper. Meaning he will be running packages to doors. Not a terrible gig. I did this in my early twenties as well as loading trucks for the season. Loading trucks sucked ass.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooh View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Walter Sobchak View Post

    Why do you say so?
    I wasn't busting his balls particularly. I mean nobody off the street is getting a seasonal driving position with a UPS. There are people lined up 5 years deep to get into that coveted position. Like I said, he could be a drivers helper. Meaning he will be running packages to doors. Not a terrible gig. I did this in my early twenties as well as loading trucks for the season. Loading trucks sucked ass.
    Yeah LOL at him thinking they hired random people off the streets to drive.

    I know people who worked there for 10 years before they got that opportunity, and even when they did it was a route through the fucking hood that no one else wanted.

  19. #19
    Diamond Walter Sobchak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooh View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Walter Sobchak View Post

    Why do you say so?
    I wasn't busting his balls particularly. I mean nobody off the street is getting a seasonal driving position with a UPS. There are people lined up 5 years deep to get into that coveted position. Like I said, he could be a drivers helper. Meaning he will be running packages to doors. Not a terrible gig. I did this in my early twenties as well as loading trucks for the season. Loading trucks sucked ass.
    That's interesting. I had no idea those positions were so coveted.

    SOBCHAK SECURITY 213-799-7798


  20. #20
    Platinum Baron Von Strucker's Avatar
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    0.0 redeming qualities to this thred, honest hard work is obvously not in mikes vocabulary.

    i have never observed sombody trying not to do actual work and belive there on the right track to success, even though advice from seemingly educated successful people try to steer him in the right direction and is completly ignored.

    this thred has LOOSER written all over it.
    sorry buddy
    all hail Hydra

    Originally Posted by DanDruff:Since I'm a 6'2" Republican with an average-sized nose and a last name which doesn't end with "stein", "man", or "berg", I can hide among the goyim and remain undetected unless I open my mouth about money matters.

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