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Thread: Three top university presidents on the hot seat for refusing to condemn Jewish genocide remarks on campus

  1. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    1) The number of Palestinian dead are reported by Hamas. You trust them?

    2) Why are civilians dying there? Is Israel targeting them?

    3) What was Israel’s solution otherwise? Just take 1400 targeted civilian murders for the team?
    I don't trust them anymore than all this talk of extreme violence and rapes. It is completely reasonable to question both and in equal amounts.

  2. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalam View Post

    Thats war? According to who, since when? Whose rules?

    You dont seem to have a great grasp of the history of war. The entire idea that your goal should be to minimize the casualties of your enemy is an extremely recent Western idea, that actually hasn't worked out very well, as Western countries dont ever win wars anymore.

    We fought WWII to win it, and did what we had to do to win, which included massive bombing of civilians. And since then the wars we have fought have been more or less optional, we have fought to not win, and we generally have not won.

    Countries like China, Syria, Russia, Turkey and the Janjaweed in Sudan certainly dont care about limiting enemy casualties, and they are doing just fine comparatively. Also, I would definitely argue the whole Western liberal notion of "thou shall not bomb your enemies cities" would be immediately thrown out the window if we felt it was a war we actually had to win for our own survival.

    Israel is fighting this war like they need to win it to survive. Maybe you dont agree with this assessment, but the idea that any country that has the ability to win a war is just going to lose it on purpose and not survive because "those are the rules" is nonsense.
    WWII was a war for survival. This is not. It is questionable whether this will even have the stated outcome. Very.

    It is also questionable whether the people the left is looking out for are particularly "enemies".

    Given we give Israel so much aid I don't think we need to compare them to "China, Syria, Russia, Turkey, etc".

  3. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by donkdowndonedied View Post
    Clearly killing random innocent people is not going to get rid of all the extremism. While they may 'kill hamas' I am not sure what that actually means or ends.

    It seems to me that putting people in a gated boundary, denying them food is not that different from a concentration camp.

    The 'from the river to the sea' statement predates Hamas by decades. It has been used in a variety of contexts. I get it though - Jews feel they should be able to dictate who gets to say this and what it always mean. I personally disagree.

    It is a slippery slope this freedom of speech. Right-wing been whining about big tech and free speech for a few years. Now somehow they've completely changed their mind. Everything not pro-Zionist is apparently to be default interpreted as racist and explicitly disallowed. That is basically what this boils down to and during politics no one is going to approach it sincerely. This is what the questioners did and they created their gotcha moment.

    Speaking of which the House passed a resolution that being anti-zionist means you are racist. Wow. Take that to the logical conclusion. Also a lot of fun little exercises. Some of these Jewish hostages who were released complained about being more scared of being bombed to death than Hamas. Does that mean they are anti-zionist? therefore racist? There are plenty of anti-Zionist jews even in Israel but somehow they're to be condemned by the West. The sheer arrogance of it all is so impressive to me.

    Frankly, I'm pissed I am taxed to give Israel 150 mm artillery shells. WHAT !? Precision killing lmao. At least with abortion the right isn't forced to pay for it.

    Anyway just my take on a few things... hmm but wait a few more.

    Just to put it out there, yes what Hamas did is very awful. I did however look at more details into the settler issues to understand what the current issues are. I read about the relatively minor settler violence and slow but consistent claiming of what were just recently Palestinian lands. This is rarely brought up. I would like to ask Dan Druff a non-self-hating Jew to tell me what should Palestinians do there? Israeli government consistently looks the other way. This in no way justifies what they did but any thinking person should at least look for causes so we don't repeat these things. The rural Palestinians just give up in their villages because their grazing fields are cut off from them.

    What exactly makes Israel our "ally" to the extent that we need to arm them and piss off the rest of the Arab world ? I'm not understanding why they needed aid. Especially 150mm artillery shells. Outside of their contributions to the industrial war machine (they actually do a lot of development & sales to us) what have they done that demonstrates how they are our ally? I'm just wanting to hear the value proposition they give to Americans.

    Anyway these are just some thoughts I've had recently. I mean no harm and sorry if I offend anyone.
    great to see you hoser you pacifist stoner fuck

  4. #104
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    pretty sure I’m the only one on this site who has extensively traveled throughout the middle east

    you people have no idea how deeply rooted the hatred for the west is

    enough with the passive approach for the poor Palestinians

    shame all the videos I saw are gone now I saw the live feeds during the attack they disappeared magically

    Muslims are pure swine and a toxic cancer on this planet

    no such thing as a ‘moderate’ Muslim the entire doctrine and teaching of the Quran repeatedly emphasizes the destruction of Christianity and Israel

    scorched Earth on Hamas all day long no mercy wipe it out

    problem is then we have to deal with Hezbollah and Iran that opens up a brand new can of worms

    Hezbollah makes ISIS look like girl scouts and our military is so depleted we are not ready for that battle

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  6. #106
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  7. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    1) The number of Palestinian dead are reported by Hamas. You trust them?

    2) Why are civilians dying there? Is Israel targeting them?

    3) What was Israel’s solution otherwise? Just take 1400 targeted civilian murders for the team?
    No Hamas isn't credible. Many of them are probably Mossad agents, almost certainly the ones spewing hateful and over the top rhetoric in order to discredit them.
    Don't worry about Hamas's cred, here's what we should concerned about.

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    I was just reading an article
    Israel has Unit 8200 operatives deeply embedded if not leading all big tech platforms., esp yt. Some operatives went from censoring and oppressing Palestinians to overseeing content on google fb etc.

  8. #108

  9. #109
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    Ok lets put this in context.

    There's eight Ivy League Schools and five have Jewish Presidents.
    Three are called to testify before Congress because of antisemitism, guess which three.

    The head of U Penn resigned because of one question, after hours of grilling by pro Israel stooges in Congress she said the definition of infitada depends on context, which it obv does.
    She has been replaced by guess who? That's right 6 of 8 Ivy League Schools are now headed by Jews. One down two to go, I suspect they may be self aware enuf to not appoint Jews to the other two.

    It gets even more absurd.
    As a result of widespread antisemitism on American campuses Planitir has announced 150 job openings for Jews only who feel unsafe on US campusus..

    They feel unsafe on US campuses but you better not complain about the entire country being transformed into a third world slum or you're racist..

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanlmar View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    Penn not private.

    Other 2 also receiving federal funding.
    Federal funding for what? I would rather the Fed’s did not - perhaps it’s research.

    Your response is your typical sophistry. The issue is that Congess has no business conducting hearings on this.
    not only federal grants for research, but students get federal guaranteed loans to pay tuition as well as tax credits to recover some of the tuition paid, and donors to the universities get tax deductions for the amounts gifted (e.g. subsidy indirect); indeed these private colleges get a fair share of public source funding direct or indirect.

    I believe Hillsdale is the only US college entirely free of direct federal support.
    (long before there was a PFA i had my Grenade & Crossbones avatar at DD)

  11. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyde View Post
    pretty sure I’m the only one on this site who has extensively traveled throughout the middle east
    Fuck man, another post where you drone on about your life experiences. Your cruise ship stopped in the Mediterranean and you got off the boat for a few hours. Now all of a sudden 30 years later you are an expert on Muslim experiences.

    You are the same fucking guy who slipped down the steps last year hammered at a Travel Lodge.


      garrett: TYDE some Posters probably from Middle East or Arabic your making assumptions...

  12. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrenadaRoger View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Sanlmar View Post

    Federal funding for what? I would rather the Fed’s did not - perhaps it’s research.

    Your response is your typical sophistry. The issue is that Congess has no business conducting hearings on this.
    not only federal grants for research, but students get federal guaranteed loans to pay tuition as well as tax credits to recover some of the tuition paid, and donors to the universities get tax deductions for the amounts gifted (e.g. subsidy indirect); indeed these private colleges get a fair share of public source funding direct or indirect.

    I believe Hillsdale is the only US college entirely free of direct federal support.
    Oh man those govt grants for "research" have to be one of the greatest swindles of US tax dollars ever. All the elite insiders at these top Universities gift each other these multi-million
    dollar grants. There's so fucking many of them that even the god damn Wuhan Dept of Viroligy was swimming in dough. Even the Chinese Communist govt was bilking our ass.
    Those secret biolabs in Ukraine, just a swindle by Nuland's click. Heck even Rochele Walensky's husband was in the middle of a $10 million dollar research grant. One of the biggest categories;
    "AIDS research" in Africa. That was Rochelle's area of expertise. Welp my research didn't yield any new discoveries, we'll try again next year. $$ Cha ching $$

    Since most of them are there because of nepotism not competance they never discover a god damned thing.
    Next thing you know the entire healthcare system has reverted back to peddling dangerous snake oil and repackaged addictive street drugs.
    My god they are recco'ing sex changes to kids in grade school, face the horror of how bad thing's have gotten.

    Ronald Lauder or some other donor signed a letter of reccomendation for this or that student, approved. That's the admission process at practically all the top colleges and Unis.

  13. #113
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    A piece was published in the New York Times, of all places, calling for Harvard's president to resign. The person who wrote the article is black so its pretty much all over for Ms. Gay at this point. It is embarrassing for Harvard to have allowed this to go on as long as it has. The entire board needs to resign along with the president to restore Harvard's credibility.

    Between the spectacle at Harvard and the mayor of Boston inviting everyone but whites to her elected officials party I am now thoroughly disgusted with the state in which I live.

  14. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post
    A piece was published in the New York Times, of all places, calling for Harvard's president to resign. The person who wrote the article is black so its pretty much all over for Ms. Gay at this point. It is embarrassing for Harvard to have allowed this to go on as long as it has. The entire board needs to resign along with the president to restore Harvard's credibility.

    Between the spectacle at Harvard and the mayor of Boston inviting everyone but whites to her elected officials party I am now thoroughly disgusted with the state in which I live.
    Harvard really taking it on the chin lately. First tons of student groups sign a pledge to blame Israel for the 10/7 attacks, then their president makes those idiotic remarks in front of Congress, and now it's found she plagiarized 40 times, including on her dissertation.

    The board is still defending her, and making excuses regarding her plagiarism. This is supposed to be one of the very top universities in America, and is world famous. What a complete embarrassment.

    Here's a great Boston Globe piece regarding how Harvard and other US universities need to clean up their act:

    It's a nonpartisan article which does not glorify the right, nor Israel for that matter. I felt it was very fair, and very sensible.

    Basically the author makes the point that universities have become hypocritical shitshows, full of draconic rules which are only enforced when convenient. He also makes the point that these universities have become slaves to DEI, to the point where they're afraid to take any action which could possibly cast DEI in a bad light.

      country978: the author wrote the article prior to the evidence of plagiarism and he specifically recommended she not be fired. I think he would like a take back there
      splitthis: Gimme an N Pat
      David USF: Followed by a big C for Nurse Ratched

  15. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post
    A piece was published in the New York Times, of all places, calling for Harvard's president to resign. The person who wrote the article is black so its pretty much all over for Ms. Gay at this point. It is embarrassing for Harvard to have allowed this to go on as long as it has. The entire board needs to resign along with the president to restore Harvard's credibility.

    Between the spectacle at Harvard and the mayor of Boston inviting everyone but whites to her elected officials party I am now thoroughly disgusted with the state in which I live.
    NYT fully in the bag for the joos smh
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

  16. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post
    A piece was published in the New York Times, of all places, calling for Harvard's president to resign. The person who wrote the article is black so its pretty much all over for Ms. Gay at this point. It is embarrassing for Harvard to have allowed this to go on as long as it has. The entire board needs to resign along with the president to restore Harvard's credibility.

    Between the spectacle at Harvard and the mayor of Boston inviting everyone but whites to her elected officials party I am now thoroughly disgusted with the state in which I live.
    Harvard really taking it on the chin lately. First tons of student groups sign a pledge to blame Israel for the 10/7 attacks, then their president makes those idiotic remarks in front of Congress, and now it's found she plagiarized 40 times, including on her dissertation.

    The board is still defending her, and making excuses regarding her plagiarism. This is supposed to be one of the very top universities in America, and is world famous. What a complete embarrassment.

    Here's a great Boston Globe piece regarding how Harvard and other US universities need to clean up their act:

    It's a nonpartisan article which does not glorify the right, nor Israel for that matter. I felt it was very fair, and very sensible.

    Basically the author makes the point that universities have become hypocritical shitshows, full of draconic rules which are only enforced when convenient. He also makes the point that these universities have become slaves to DEI, to the point where they're afraid to take any action which could possibly cast DEI in a bad light.
    Yes, the board has lost its collective mind. What Gay was found to have done 40x, give or take, would have resulted in serious consequences for any of Harvard's students, possibly even expulsion. Imagine ever thinking the once great Harvard University would be lacking in integrity? Times sure have changed.

  17. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    Harvard really taking it on the chin lately. First tons of student groups sign a pledge to blame Israel for the 10/7 attacks, then their president makes those idiotic remarks in front of Congress, and now it's found she plagiarized 40 times, including on her dissertation.

    The board is still defending her, and making excuses regarding her plagiarism. This is supposed to be one of the very top universities in America, and is world famous. What a complete embarrassment.

    Here's a great Boston Globe piece regarding how Harvard and other US universities need to clean up their act:

    It's a nonpartisan article which does not glorify the right, nor Israel for that matter. I felt it was very fair, and very sensible.

    Basically the author makes the point that universities have become hypocritical shitshows, full of draconic rules which are only enforced when convenient. He also makes the point that these universities have become slaves to DEI, to the point where they're afraid to take any action which could possibly cast DEI in a bad light.
    Yes, the board has lost its collective mind. What Gay was found to have done 40x, give or take, would have resulted in serious consequences for any of Harvard's students, possibly even expulsion. Imagine ever thinking the once great Harvard University would be lacking in integrity? Times sure have changed.

    Yeah, how can Harvard expel or suspend students for plagiarism now, especially if it is roughly equivalent to (or less severe than) what Claudine Gay did?

    I could even see a successful lawsuit being brought against them if/when such a thing occurrs.

    Time for the woke board to just admit they fucked up and fire her.

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    It is beyond embarrassing at this point that Ms. Gay has not resigned. It is because she is black and was a DEI hire that this has not happened yet. What other reason could there possibly be for her retaining her job?

    Everyone, except her and the board apparently, knows she cannot remain in her position. She'll be gone soon but the damage caused won't be. Harvad has disgraced itself.

    Those poor little elitist, ignorant antisemite communist pig children. They have no idea what their future holds but no doubt it won't be as bright as their elitist pig parents had once expected of them.
    Last edited by country978; 12-24-2023 at 10:04 AM.

  19. #119
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    Get off of her ass already, do you want diversity or not. If you want black lesbians running Harvard there's nothing wrong with borrowing a phrase every now n then.
    Bringing up that bullshit is white supremacy.

    Now stfu and enjoy the flight.
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      country978: pretty good

  20. #120
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Claudine Gay resigned.

    This came after they found 6 more cases of plagiarism, bringing the total to 50.

    The woman was a complete fraud, who rose up the academic latter due to her race and gender.

      country978: as if 44 weren't bad enough. good riddance

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