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Thread: Veronica Brill called nasty name at WSOP by "derogatory" guy, and both he and she got a warning... but is that the whole story?

  1. #1
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Veronica Brill called nasty name at WSOP by "derogatory" guy, and both he and she got a warning... but is that the whole story?

    Twitter drama from the WSOP yet again... this time involving Veronica Brill, who is best known as being the whistleblower in the Postle situation.

    Veronica was mostly unknown in poker when she called out Mike Postle in September 2019, for allegedly cheating on the Stones Gambling Hall livestream. Postle eventually claimed in subsequent court filings that Veronica falsely accused him in order to increase her visibility and popularity in poker. While Veronica is indeed far more popular now than when she accused Postle 3 years ago, she was also 100% right in that situation. In fact, as a poker player only known to Sacramento locals, she was risking her own reputation by calling out a local player who was better known than she was.

    Mike Postle sued a bunch of people over those allegations, including me. Only myself and Veronica aggressively fought it with anti-SLAPP motions. Postle eventually dropped the case, and we both won judgments against him for the anti-SLAPP (still not paid). She also came on PFA Radio a few times.

    Veronica posted an interesting tweet today, and it's not at all related to Postle. It's getting mixed reactions in the poker world, so I thought I'd bring it here:

    At first glance, it would appear that Veronica is yet another female being mistreated at the poker tables. It's true that there are some men who are disrespectful to women at the table, and it's easy to just assume that Veronica happened to end up seated at the table with one of those guys, who then got into some kind of altercation with her.

    However, while she got a lot of supportive messages, including white knights offering to come over there and kick the guy's ass, some people are responding to the tweet with skepticism. Some are wondering why she also got a warning if she was the complete victim here. Others criticized her pointing out the exact table and seat number, stating that she was presumably hoping that male followers would show up and confront the guy. (Danielle Anderson even joked that she feels sorry for the next guy to occupy that seat after this guy busts -- which is a good point!) Others were wondering why she was angry at the other men at the table for not defending her, if they weren't involved in the situation themselves.

    Even more interesting is the fact that this guy and another person at the table have apparently shown up in the thread, and disputed her version of events.

    "DVD King" seems to be the guy in question, unless it's just a troll pretending he was involved. My gut feeling is that DVD King really is the guy.

    And another guy named Faisal, who seems to be a legit poker player with some known players following him on Twitter, claims to also have been at the table, and is disputing her version of events:

    It is common in live poker settings for people to sometimes pick up their hand and show what they're folding to nearby tablemates. It seems that the more "social" players tend to do things like this. They like showing their folded hands as conversation topics. Veronica is definitely one of the more social players at the table, so I could picture her doing this. In her defense, while I don't love this practice (it gives away info to people still waiting to act), I typically don't say anything when I see it happening. It's one of those things which is technically against the rules, but isn't an egregious offense, and usually is ignored.

    I will say that if this DVD King got pissed about seeing this, and an argument occurred over it, then this isn't some kind of sexist or misogynistic attack at the table. If that's really what happened, and if he didn't make a gender-related remark (such as "cunt" or "bitch"), then this was really just a case of two players arguing, and shouldn't be framed as a woman being mistreated.

    I realize this is a he-said/she-said situation, but the fact that both of them got warned (and she won't explain why) seems to indicate that this wasn't just a one-sided matter.


      Bilbodoggins: spot-on. I hate seeing this but I never say anything.

  2. #2
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Here she is pathetically begging for attention again.

    Her, and the other phony “hot” women in poker constantly stirring up controversy is really getting old.

    I often wonder how the majority of women (lesser attractive) players feel about all these ridiculous little scandals. And how the talented and hardworking women players feel about the ones who are just there to show off their latest nails & hairdos. FAKE hair and nails, btw.

    I realize I sound like a woman-hater but I cannot be the only one who feels that this shit is getting out of hand.

    That whole Negreanu incident earlier in the Series could’ve been ugly for him if he wasn’t vlogging at the time.

    Bah humbug.

  3. #3
    Diamond dwai's Avatar
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    OMG two players had a dispute in a pot in a poker tournament?

    MY GOD.

    what a sad state poker and this website is in, where this is thread worthy

    on the other hand, fuck this Veronica bitch, always seeking attention
    Last edited by dwai; 07-01-2022 at 05:23 AM.

  4. #4
    Platinum Jayjami's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dwai View Post
    OMG two players had a dispute in a pot in a poker tournament?

    MY GOD.

    what a sad state poker and this website is in, where this is thread worthy

    on the other hand, fuck this Veronica bitch, always seeking attention
    Well said. Two reasons why a don’t play poker for a living: it’s an extremely unhealthy lifestyle and I don’t want to work around assholes all day.

  5. #5
    Gold Cerveza Fria's Avatar
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    So, like the NBA, the floor (ref) gave a double technical foul.

      ftpjesus: Bout sums it up.
    En boca cerrada, no entran moscas

  6. #6

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    I appreciate Veronica's role in the Postle situation.
    I had not heard of her before this.

    Observing her public persona since then -
    She seems to act a lot like the few people I've known, both men and women, who have personality disorders that REALLY start to show themselves in their mid to late 30s; a point at which their attention seeking behavior and need to be either the hero or victim in every situation is apparent to those around them. Their behavior escalates rapidly as feel the need to find more 'supporters' since those around them no longer give them the attention they seek.
    The drama always forms around them, and people care less and less.

    Like I stated - not a gender specific issue. But can anyone really say that this is not what is happening here??

  8. #8
    Diamond dwai's Avatar
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    my bad I thought this was that other bitch that was all over dan bilzerian's nuts, and went from ACR to whatever

    my point remains about this not being thread worthy and poker is dead and gay

  9. #9
    Diamond TheXFactor's Avatar
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    Veronica Brill is a fucking cunt who is trying to make a name for herself in the poker world.

      FRANKRIZZO: dumb meme

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    Idk anything about this lady. I’m fairly certain she wasn’t the actress playing a stepmom in a film I saw recently, but there are some similarities.

    But sometimes pics do say 1k words and those 3 pics seem to possibly encapsulate her being quite well.

    1) “Look at how fabulous I am. I made it!”

    2) “I’m a hot (and thirsty) stepmom.

    3) “Dun dada duhhhhh! I’m Woke Woman - here to save the day (and virtue signal)!”

    Lol at a law being named anti-SLAPP, made me chuckle. It sounds like it should be a domestic violence bill

  11. #11
    Platinum mickeycrimm's Avatar
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    Brill is an exhibitionist. I've seen dozen of pics of her on the internet. She's always posing. Always in skimpy and/or tight clothing. I personally think she's a little to proud for her looks.

    At Caesar's Palace I would come out of the Poker Room to smoke. The sportsbook was on one side and that nightclub was on the other side. When they popped the doors the men had to pay to get in.

    The women were let in free. But there was pecking order. The best looking women were let in first. When the club filled up the rest of the women had to wait outside in line for a chance to get in. People had to leave before any more women got in.

    When they all lined up waiting for the club to open there were a lot of knockout women in line. But the women left standing in line when the place filled up weren't that hot.

    Brill would not be included in the first wave of women allowed in the club.

      Sloppy Joe: Lol incel crimm

  12. #12
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Veronica's appearance isn't really relevant here.

    This looks very much like a mundane argument at the poker table which resulted in two players complaining about each other to the floor. I see this happening multiple times at the average Commerce or Bike poker session.

    It does not appear that this was at all a sexist matter. The exact same argument would have happened if it involved two dudes. Veronica should be careful about framing things like this as male-attacking-female, when sometimes it's simply two human beings not getting along.

    I don't think either party was innocent here. The guy was probably rude/brusque with her because he felt she was affecting the action in his hand, then she probably responded back in an equally rude manner, and then it escalated from there.

    This honestly shouldn't have been something tweeted about. It seems like the floor solved it with the warning, and everything ended there. It should have stayed that way.

  13. #13
    Platinum ftpjesus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlowRoll View Post
    I appreciate Veronica's role in the Postle situation.
    I had not heard of her before this.

    Observing her public persona since then -
    She seems to act a lot like the few people I've known, both men and women, who have personality disorders that REALLY start to show themselves in their mid to late 30s; a point at which their attention seeking behavior and need to be either the hero or victim in every situation is apparent to those around them. Their behavior escalates rapidly as feel the need to find more 'supporters' since those around them no longer give them the attention they seek.
    The drama always forms around them, and people care less and less.

    Like I stated - not a gender specific issue. But can anyone really say that this is not what is happening here??
    Considering Veronica’s only other option in life is to go back to working 12hr shifts on her feet in scrubs and probably shoving needles pushing drugs and wiping asses she might want to ramp it down a little. (Yeah for those who don’t know Brill was a nurse before she became
    Poker famous).

    Something odd about her nursing license info. She was licensed in Alaska originally May 2011. She got a temp license in NV within 2 weeks and a perm license in NV a month later. Not something that is normal other then she went to school up in Alaska and literally bolted immediately for NV as soon as she passed the board exam. Just quirky. Also means she didn’t spend a ton of time as a nurse it appears as she’s been doing poker stuff for a little
    While now. Currently she expires in just under a year again.

  14. #14
    Diamond TheXFactor's Avatar
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    I guess you could say she is "poker hot".

    Which is when a women who is a 5 or 6 becomes a 9 or 10.

    She's going for the sexy librarian look.

  15. #15
    Master of Props Daly's Avatar
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    This is meant to be more of a “in general terms” comment than a dig at V Brill. I do think there is a general understanding in the poker world that things are now more “private game” centric than at any previous point in history. In private game circles there is a general understanding that if you are a poker celebrity -or- a whale/fish then a lot of the general rules don’t apply to you.

    My guess from afar is she’s guilty as charged for showing hands that could have Influenced action, and someone who wasn’t in the club got pissed, as they should.

    I don’t think they/she meant or wanted to turn this into a big deal but probably got caught in a rules for thee not for me situation.

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    When did the "Show one, show all" rule disappear?

    Also, she is poker hot.

  17. #17
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dive_Bar_Dave View Post
    When did the "Show one, show all" rule disappear?

    Also, she is poker hot.
    This wasn't so much about "show one show all", and more about a guy in the hand being concerned that Veronica showing cards could affect action behind her.

    He's right about that, but I also don't think she did it with the belief that she was causing an issue. She was just showing the person next to her (who also had folded) what her cards were, in the manner of "wow look what I'm laying down here".

    The DVD King guy was the original raiser, and was presumably annoyed that people left to act might have either seen the cards or could deduce she was laying down something big, and assumed she had an ace and then lay down one of their marginal hands.

    He's technically right, but again, this is kinda commonplace among the more social players at the table. I've seen it happen a million times. I've even had fish at WSOP events show me the hand they're laying down, but I don't mind that so much because it gives me info on the way they play!

    If it really bothered this guy, he should have just politely said that he'd appreciate if she doesn't do that again, as it can affect action.

    I'm assuming he angrily told her to stop, and then she took it as a personal attack and started getting nasty back with him, and it escalated. Pretty typical poker table argument, to be honest. Veronica shouldn't have brought it to social media. In all likelihood, they both had some fault here, but nobody did anything all that bad.

  18. #18
    Platinum mickeycrimm's Avatar
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    Didn't know Brill was a health care worker. I came into contact with health care workers for the first time a few years ago when I spent 18 days in intensive care. I was highly impressed. That included the nurses too. It's easy to disparage nurses until you need them.

      Bilbodoggins: agree. Also, nursing is not an easy degree at the BS or even AS level

  19. #19
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    And another guy named Faisal, who seems to be a legit poker player with some known players following him on Twitter, claims to also have been at the table, and is disputing her version of events:

    Just FYI: The DJ POOLSON twitter account was opened one month ago so I am assuming thats a burner account and the real owner wants to stay unknown.

  20. #20
    Bronze turdzilla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Didn't know Brill was a health care worker. I came into contact with health care workers for the first time a few years ago when I spent 18 days in intensive care. I was highly impressed. That included the nurses too. It's easy to disparage nurses until you need them.

    She does not deal with patients. working in the IT department of a local hospital, she went back to school, earning a master’s degree in predictive analytics.

    Anyone that wears a bra under her top in a cheesecake photo has a problem with gravity.

    She use to be married to a U2 pilot and lost a child to cancer. She should try something less public to fill in the voids in her life.

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