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Thread: Got my Vaccine last week....

  1. #61
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by splitthis View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    I quit doing coke a decade before you “called out to God” to help with your crippling alcoholism. I did it because I turned 40 and it was smart, not because my life was a mess. It’s like smoking. Most of the time, if you quit doing shit young, you’ll suffer no ill consequences. Even you being a drunk until almost 60, you’ll likely recover. You’ll die when you take your own life from the mental illness/depression most likely.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by splitthis View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post

    I find it astonishing that the dumbest trash alive are the most worried about mRNA altering their DNA.

    One needs to have an IQ of 80 or lower to ride the short bus to school.

    You 3 morons absolutely lost the genetic lottery and can’t be more than 10 points above that short bus threshold and you’re exactly who is worried about their DNA being “altered.”

    It’s like not wanting a new super lotto ticket despite the one you’re holding already having been drawn and yours has zero correct numbers. You three occupy the very bottom rung of life.

    You should pray something changes your DNA. You have absolutely nothing to lose.

    Any change or even death would be a drastic improvement to your current situation. You are borderline retarded. Death, some improvement, or even being an actual retard would be an upgrade. At least actual retards have an excuse.

    You should be signing up for every medical experiment offered. Anything completely radical. Electric shock therapy at higher levels than ever used. Poisonous snakes biting you in your jugular for some experimental anti-venom. Preventative lobotomies. Your name should be on every clinical trial for everything they’ll ever offer, and be involved in multiple trials all at once. Science done in third world countries.

    You should be the step before they experiment on animals and lab rats.

    Fuck, anything imaginable that gives you some small shot of not dying as you’re living, which is the dumbest person in any room. That’s already the worst case scenario.
    Lolz at a lifelong drug addict with zero education skooling me. Troll. Lolz. Take more pills and vaccines champ. Young people and older who take care of themselves have near zero risk of dying of covid so keep pushing the dumb sheep agenda.

    Such a moron.

  3. #63
    Gold Cerveza Fria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    I quit doing coke a decade before you “called out to God” to help with your crippling alcoholism. I did it because I turned 40 and it was smart, not because my life was a mess. It’s like smoking. Most of the time, if you quit doing shit young, you’ll suffer no ill consequences. Even you being a drunk until almost 60, you’ll likely recover. You’ll die when you take your own life from the mental illness/depression most likely.

    Do any Gringos do Coke anymore? I thought it was just an 80's thing. It was stupid back then too. Never understood what you Gringos got out of it. Elevated heart rate, deviated septum, depleted bank account.

      Jayjami: So true

  4. #64
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cerveza Fria View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post

    I quit doing coke a decade before you “called out to God” to help with your crippling alcoholism. I did it because I turned 40 and it was smart, not because my life was a mess. It’s like smoking. Most of the time, if you quit doing shit young, you’ll suffer no ill consequences. Even you being a drunk until almost 60, you’ll likely recover. You’ll die when you take your own life from the mental illness/depression most likely.

    Do any Gringos do Coke anymore? I thought it was just an 80's thing. It was stupid back then too. Never understood what you Gringos got out of it. Elevated heart rate, deviated septum, depleted bank account.
    The people on Miami Vice doing it looked like they were having fun. Hot chicks at those parties, too. Though I could've done without the shoulder pads.

  5. #65
    PFA Emeritus Crowe Diddly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cerveza Fria View Post

    Do any Gringos do Coke anymore? I thought it was just an 80's thing. It was stupid back then too. Never understood what you Gringos got out of it. Elevated heart rate, deviated septum, depleted bank account.
    it gets you wicked high. I thought everyone knew that.

      gut: wicked rep

  6. #66
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cerveza Fria View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post

    I quit doing coke a decade before you “called out to God” to help with your crippling alcoholism. I did it because I turned 40 and it was smart, not because my life was a mess. It’s like smoking. Most of the time, if you quit doing shit young, you’ll suffer no ill consequences. Even you being a drunk until almost 60, you’ll likely recover. You’ll die when you take your own life from the mental illness/depression most likely.

    Do any Gringos do Coke anymore? I thought it was just an 80's thing. It was stupid back then too. Never understood what you Gringos got out of it. Elevated heart rate, deviated septum, depleted bank account.
    I did 98% of it in my 20s. I liked the go to work on two hours sleep and be fine aspect of it back then as I was out every night. There is probably more gringos doing coke now than minorities. I’m kind of shocked at guys I know still hitting that shit hard at my age and older. Actually by profession, the most I knows are in yours. I’m always telling them we aren’t twenty anymore. You’d be shocked how many guys you work with that probably do it, particularly where you live. Half the buildings were built by it.

  7. #67
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    I’m 48 hours out now and nothing. Easy game. Kind of surprised how little issue there was. I was almost hoping to get sick for a half hour.

    Just a post to get thread back on track. Usually the idiots sidetrack threads, but I’m probably the most guilty in this one.

  8. #68
    Platinum splitthis's Avatar
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    Sorry wrong again bigcokereject. It’s time for your doc to increase your suboxone, you are still drug addicted, just because it is prescribed doesn’t make it less of an addiction.

    Get totally clean then talk coke boy,
    Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.

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  9. #69
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    I’ve never taken suboxone once. When hardcore addicts tear off a corner, that’s shit that scares me.

    I’ll let you have the last insult. I accepted my role and blame in derailing the thread from what it’s intended purpose was. For those who’ve got vaccinated to say how it was. The anti-vax nonsense and memes ruined the other.

    This is how reasonable posting is done. Sometimes it’s you. My anger at anti-vax gibberish made me the problem. Desert should use this as an example of how easy it is. Please continue any insults in the conspiracy Covid thread going forward. This is for those curious as to what to expect. Feel free to make up shit about me or just in general there, not here

    Have a nice day

  10. #70
    Gold Cerveza Fria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crowe Diddly View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cerveza Fria View Post

    Do any Gringos do Coke anymore? I thought it was just an 80's thing. It was stupid back then too. Never understood what you Gringos got out of it. Elevated heart rate, deviated septum, depleted bank account.
    it gets you wicked high. I thought everyone knew that.

    So does Weed, without the addiction.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    I’ve never taken suboxone once. When hardcore addicts tear off a corner, that’s shit that scares me.

    I’ll let you have the last insult. I accepted my role and blame in derailing the thread from what it’s intended purpose was. For those who’ve got vaccinated to say how it was. The anti-vax nonsense and memes ruined the other.

    This is how reasonable posting is done. Sometimes it’s you. My anger at anti-vax gibberish made me the problem. Desert should use this as an example of how easy it is. Please continue any insults in the conspiracy Covid thread going forward. This is for those curious as to what to expect. Feel free to make up shit about me or just in general there, not here

    Have a nice day
    Listen troll, you bring me up in all of your posts lately like an obsessed crack head. I can’t fucking stand you and it’s vice versa, so quit being obsessed with me and go about your way, take that gang gang shit over to the traitor site. Until you get that, we can continue as longgggg as you like.

      BCR: You’re correct. I’m to blame for personalizing this thread. All fault lies with me. I was the problem. I apologize to anyone looking for info and to Druff if he chooses to clean it up for wasting his time.
    Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.

    Ronald Reagan

  12. #72
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    I hope J&J irons out their problems and it makes a quick return.

    Where everyone agrees whether anti-vax or other, is that we’d all like to sit at an NBA playoff game, MLB game, in a casino unmasked and life to return to normal.

    I don’t see that as reality until the intersection of those vaccinated and those who had previous infection intersect at whatever that magical number is. 70-80% hopefully.

    I look at young people as the biggest impediment for obvious reasons. Most people of any political party will get the vaccine over 40-45. They understand the basic risk/reward.

    Young people being at little risk and having worse side effects is a bad situation. I think of myself at 22, out every night, busy constantly, would not be worried about virus, and would definitely stop into walk in clinic and get a one shot deal.

    Making appointments, coming back for second coupled with my friends bitching about side efffets, that would make me in no rush, thus elongating this whole ordeal.

    All the mass clinics here were using J&J for the huge groups of young people I’d see arrive. It wasn’t confined to young people, just they were using those more frequently being busier with school/part time jobs.

    Wanting to see all the lockdown shit over, we need that one shot option to work without issue to finally get over the hump imo. I hope they figure it out quickly.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightmarefish View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by dwai View Post
    Yeah just shut up and take the vaccine! bigot!

    trust the experts, we can go back to normal!

    wait, no we can't, still have to wear masks, still lockdowns, vaccine passports, just shut up and take the vaccine, stop thinking!
    Way to avoid everything I posted.

    Where do you live that's still locked down? California is close to opening everything back up, kids went back to school on 4/12/21. This is because of the people that weren't too pussy to take the vaccine. California currently has the lowest positively rate in the country.

    If not for the vaccine, how do you see the country opening back up? Seriously, what's the path in your mind? You want to be stuck in your house for another 2 years?

    The people that hate the lockdowns the most are also the people that refuse to take the vaccine which is the path out of the lockdowns. wtf
    problem is, doomers run the world

    this will never end

    annual lockdowns, booster shots every 6 months

    masks, social distancing, shaming others for just living their life

    Biden's America

  14. #74
    Diamond Walter Sobchak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by splitthis View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    I’ve never taken suboxone once. When hardcore addicts tear off a corner, that’s shit that scares me.

    I’ll let you have the last insult. I accepted my role and blame in derailing the thread from what it’s intended purpose was. For those who’ve got vaccinated to say how it was. The anti-vax nonsense and memes ruined the other.

    This is how reasonable posting is done. Sometimes it’s you. My anger at anti-vax gibberish made me the problem. Desert should use this as an example of how easy it is. Please continue any insults in the conspiracy Covid thread going forward. This is for those curious as to what to expect. Feel free to make up shit about me or just in general there, not here

    Have a nice day
    Listen troll, you bring me up in all of your posts lately like an obsessed crack head. I can’t fucking stand you and it’s vice versa, so quit being obsessed with me and go about your way, take that gang gang shit over to the traitor site. Until you get that, we can continue as longgggg as you like.
    Is that what Jesus would do?

    SOBCHAK SECURITY 213-799-7798


  15. #75
    Platinum splitthis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walter Sobchak View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by splitthis View Post

    Listen troll, you bring me up in all of your posts lately like an obsessed crack head. I can’t fucking stand you and it’s vice versa, so quit being obsessed with me and go about your way, take that gang gang shit over to the traitor site. Until you get that, we can continue as longgggg as you like.
    Is that what Jesus would do?
    Jesus “defeated” his trolls by refusing to play the game by the rules they created.
    Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.

    Ronald Reagan

  16. #76
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by splitthis View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    I’ve never taken suboxone once. When hardcore addicts tear off a corner, that’s shit that scares me.

    I’ll let you have the last insult. I accepted my role and blame in derailing the thread from what it’s intended purpose was. For those who’ve got vaccinated to say how it was. The anti-vax nonsense and memes ruined the other.

    This is how reasonable posting is done. Sometimes it’s you. My anger at anti-vax gibberish made me the problem. Desert should use this as an example of how easy it is. Please continue any insults in the conspiracy Covid thread going forward. This is for those curious as to what to expect. Feel free to make up shit about me or just in general there, not here

    Have a nice day
    Listen troll, you bring me up in all of your posts lately like an obsessed crack head. I can’t fucking stand you and it’s vice versa, so quit being obsessed with me and go about your way, take that gang gang shit over to the traitor site. Until you get that, we can continue as longgggg as you like.

    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
    It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

    Corinthians: 4,5

  17. #77
    Gold Cerveza Fria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cerveza Fria View Post

    Do any Gringos do Coke anymore? I thought it was just an 80's thing. It was stupid back then too. Never understood what you Gringos got out of it. Elevated heart rate, deviated septum, depleted bank account.
    The people on Miami Vice doing it looked like they were having fun. Hot chicks at those parties, too. Though I could've done without the shoulder pads.
    Always loved watching the show for location flaws. For example, one minute they're driving on Ocean Drive on South Beach. They turn right and they're in Fort Lauderdale.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Sheesfaced View Post
    Serious question as I can’t find anything definitive on this. I’m supposed to get my 2nd shot tomorrow but on Sunday woke up with a cold. Sunday and Monday sucked but yesterday I felt a lot better although still have mild symptoms.

    Assuming I still have some symptoms tomorrow am I good to get the 2nd shot or am I supposed to wait until symptoms are totally gone before getting it? Hopefully it’s moot and cold is completely gone by then but can’t seem to find anything that says what’s the protocol here. Team retard need not reply. Thanks.
    This is another one where it's confusing whether to do it or not.

    In 2010 I had a series of colds and I needed both a flu shot and TDaP booster because I had a baby coming very soon. However, they kept telling me I had to wait for the cold to get mostly better before doing either one of them, unless I absolutely was out of time.

    Well, I finally found a window about a month before Ben was due. First I did the flu shot, then I came back about a week later for the TDaP. I got a strong reaction to the TDaP, but wasn't alarmed because my mom and sister had the same reaction. About 2.5 weeks later, I had shingles. I am almost sure it was brought on by the TDaP shot, but I always thought the cold right beforehand (and the flu shot) might have also played a role in this. There were other anecdotal reports about the TDaP bringing on shingles in some people in the exact same 2.5 week timeframe.

    Anyway, at the moment the general feeling about the COVID vaccine is that it's okay to take with a cold, but they're not 100% sure of it. It's not dangerous to take with a cold, but the effect on efficacy isn't known. I'm not sure why this differs from what I was told about the flu shot and TDaP shot in 2010, though.
    Thanks Druff. That story about getting shingles gives me pause but I’m fairly certain so long as I wake up feeling semi-normal tomorrow I’m going to get the second Pfizer jab. Wife got hers this evening and so far so good for her.

  19. #79
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    Got my 2nd Moderna vax shot around 6pm on Tuesday night. Went home, all good. Went to sleep around 9pmish, my normal time.

    At 3AM i woke up, with chills and mild sweats. By 5am my body was sore AF. Not just the shoulder that was pinned. Every larger muscle in body (legs mostly) felt like they were filled with inflammation. I took my first sick day in years for actually feeling ill.

    Other symptoms: stiff neck; not quite a headache but definite head discomfort; possible fever.

    Im just now over the hump imo.

      Crowe Diddly: Over the hump rep
      BCR: Glad you’ve passed the worst of it.
      Walter Sobchak: well done kunt

  20. #80
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kuntmissioner View Post

    Got my 2nd Moderna vax shot around 6pm on Tuesday night. Went home, all good. Went to sleep around 9pmish, my normal time.

    At 3AM i woke up, with chills and mild sweats. By 5am my body was sore AF. Not just the shoulder that was pinned. Every larger muscle in body (legs mostly) felt like they were filled with inflammation. I took my first sick day in years for actually feeling ill.

    Other symptoms: stiff neck; not quite a headache but definite head discomfort; possible fever.

    Im just now over the hump imo.
    Yeah very normal, actually. The bad symptoms tend to start 6-8 hours after the shot. So you went to sleep 3 hours in, and your body probably didn't wake you up until the 9 hour mark, so you probably slept through a little bit of the crappiness. Unfortunately, if typical patterns hold, this entire day will be shitty, and everything will abruptly improve around midnight.

      Kuntmissioner: seems like the pattern

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