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Thread: I have banned Republicans from my home game

  1. #41
    Platinum mickeycrimm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CryptoNinja View Post
    I love how the same people who signed off on trickle down economics also say Dems only care about corporate interests. Let’s take a look at recent history:

    Bush 1 hands a wrecked economy to Clinton, 8 years later Clinton hands a government in surplus to Bush 2

    Bush 2 hands a wrecked economy to Obama, 8 years later Obama hands a well functioning economy to Trump who of course takes credit for it on day 1

    Trump hands a wrecked economy to Biden ... starting to see a pattern? Republican “economics” is celptocracy.

    A functioning economy puts money in all of our pockets.
    Trumps economy was going gangbusters, strongest ever, until the Chi-Comms sabotaged it with covid. China Joe Biden is the Chi-Comm's bitch.

  2. #42
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    Druff made an argument for why someone might go from Democrat to conservative, but that’s nonsense here, and he knows she didn’t go from Democrat to Reagan Republican. The idea that Obama’s last two uneventful years would turn someone from Democrat to thinking Bill Gates is part of a plandemic to microchip us with Mike fucking Dewine and globalist elites for a worldwide socialist agenda is pure absolute cult gibberish.

      Walter Sobchak: this
      MumblesBadly: The partisan delusion is strong with that one.
      splitthis: Dumb

  3. #43
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by splitthis
    If they were rich and self serving I could let it slide, but there is nothing worse than a poor ignorant hillbilly republican voting to put more money in the rich mans pocket. Repubs smart using god, guns, and NASCAR to summon the idiot vote."

    The highlighted above is no different today. Did you jump several tax brackets or does skin colour affect you so much that you would turn your back on liberalism?

  4. #44
    Platinum mickeycrimm's Avatar
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    Libtards don't get that we stick with Trump because of fear of the lefty socialist revolution that will destroy the country like it has destroyed every other country it was tried in. And don't try to point out Scandinavia. Those countries are not socialist. They are market economies. The republican party without Trump is nothing more than democrat lite and will sell the middle class out.

    Also, Obama wasn't lazy. He set the record for playing the most golf and basketball while president.

      Sloppy Joe: Lol scared cuck faggot
      splitthis: Offset

  5. #45
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Libtards don't get that we stick with Trump because of fear of the lefty socialist revolution that will destroy the country like it has destroyed every other country it was tried in. And don't try to point out Scandinavia. Those countries are not socialist. They are market economies. The republican party without Trump is nothing more than democrat lite and will sell the middle class out.

    Also, Obama wasn't lazy. He set the record for playing the most golf and basketball while president.
    Do you realize that the American left is right of Canada's right and very much right of Scandinavia's ruling parties?

  6. #46
    Plutonium big dick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    She’s talked about “crying out in despair” just a few days ago. She talked about depression multiple times. Alcohol abuse. She went through the radical God phase where she’d preach in one post and brag about her promiscuity in the next.

    She was obviously radicalized into a cult in the same manner any cult indoctrinates new converts who find themselves at a psychological crossroads during a transitional period.

    Trumpism is a pure cult. Disinformation overload, weird religious rhetoric, and now have moved into domestic terrorism and radicals funded by the Christian Right. Same as Middle East.

    Nothing exciting or even hard to figure out. Just a standard garden variety radicalization.

      splitthis: Dumb

  7. #47
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CryptoNinja View Post

    You have to understand, to smart people that don’t like Trump, almost all the other people we know also don’t like Trump and it’s hard for us to imagine that someone smart, like you, would support him. We don’t know ppl like that irl. So it’s easy for us to dismiss it all as hillbillies. Especially for people like me who has been all over this country but never Florida, never the South. It’s hard for us to comprehend, but we do notice that all the Rs up there defending Trump in the House and Senate all have Southern accents.

    So, it isn’t so much that we are mislead by the media or stereotyping Trump voters as it is a defense mechanism to explain something we have trouble understanding.
    I don't support Trump anymore. I don't think there's reason to impeach him, but I will agree his last two months in office were bad, and his refusal to accept defeat was embarrassing.

    That doesn't change my politics. I'm still a conservative as I always have been, and I have no inclination to support Democrats, especially since their policies are almost 100% opposite of what I believe.

    However, I find it amazing that the left can't see that they've created their own cult -- one with followers just as devoted as MAGA types -- and with a larger number of people.

    I'm tired of arguing what splitthis was thinking when she switched parties, because I'm not in her head, and there's only so much I can say. She will have to elaborate.

    I'm just saying that, in general, people switch parties all the time, and it's due to a variety of circumstances. As I said, this thread isn't any kind of gotcha, because she didn't ever claim to have been a lifelong Republican. Even Mumbles was once a Republican. I bet if we found his thoughts about Democrats in 1988, they wouldn't be very flattering.

      MumblesBadly: So you would be okay with a Democratic president inciting a riot to stop the Electoral College vote certification in order to stay in power??? Riiiiiiight!
      splitthis: Offset

  8. #48
    Diamond Walter Sobchak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    How is this some sort of gotcha?

    We have guys like rum dick who say they were lifelong Republicans and moved to the left because of Trump, and everyone on Team Feelings applauded him.

    Then it's found that split was a Democrat until Obama's antics pushed her right, and everyone's acting like this is some kind of major gotcha.

    When did split ever claim to be a lifelong Republican? People change their politics. It happens. As long as you're honest about what you are now, I have no issue with people changing their views.

    The only thing that annoys me is when someone moves to the other side and then continues to identify with their former party, while holding none of the ideology anymore. "Look, I'm a Republican, and I can tell you Trump is ruining this country!"
    For me it's not a gotcha. But we were 3/4 of the way through Obama's presidency and she was calling out Republicans as ignorant hillbillies. So what did Obama do in the last 1/4 of his presidency to change her so radically, making her hate him and love Trump, and make herself into one of those ignorant hillbillies? What did he do in that last 1/4 that he didn't do in the first 3/4? The answer is: it's not him, it's her.

      splitthis: Dumb

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  9. #49
    Diamond Walter Sobchak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by CryptoNinja View Post
    I love how the same people who signed off on trickle down economics also say Dems only care about corporate interests. Let’s take a look at recent history:

    Bush 1 hands a wrecked economy to Clinton, 8 years later Clinton hands a government in surplus to Bush 2

    Bush 2 hands a wrecked economy to Obama, 8 years later Obama hands a well functioning economy to Trump who of course takes credit for it on day 1

    Trump hands a wrecked economy to Biden ... starting to see a pattern? Republican “economics” is celptocracy.

    A functioning economy puts money in all of our pockets.
    Trumps economy was going gangbusters, strongest ever, until the Chi-Comms sabotaged it with covid. China Joe Biden is the Chi-Comm's bitch.
    That was Obama's economy and Trump claimed credit for it. You're welcome.

      splitthis: Dumb

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  10. #50
    Diamond Walter Sobchak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Libtards don't get that we stick with Trump because of fear of the lefty socialist revolution that will destroy the country like it has destroyed every other country it was tried in. And don't try to point out Scandinavia. Those countries are not socialist. They are market economies. The republican party without Trump is nothing more than democrat lite and will sell the middle class out.

    Also, Obama wasn't lazy. He set the record for playing the most golf and basketball while president.
    the lefty socialist revolution that you've been warning about for 40 years but has never come even during Democratic presidencies? Watch out for the boogeyman!

    SOBCHAK SECURITY 213-799-7798


  11. #51
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by jsearles22 View Post

    So Obama’s antics made Split think Republicans were no longer poor ignorant hillbillies? She also now supports using god, guns, and NASCAR to summon the idiot vote?
    I can't speak for her, but I believe she realized that most Republicans being "ignorant hillbillies" was just propaganda from the left in order to claim the intellectual high ground.

    She probably realized how full of shit the left was, and how hostile they really were toward working-class white people.

    Trump won states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania in 2016 because the Democratic Party, Hollywood, and the media were basically telling the lower-middle-class whites there that they are privileged and need to feel guilty for how good they have it. That message didn't fly. Trump was good at speaking to these people, telling them he wasn't going to go along with this nonsense.
    This is a delusional generalization that comes only from a steady diet of right wing propaganda.

    While it influenced some, the main reason Trump had his four years because he ran against the most unlikable female who was vilified for reasons both fair and unfair. The gender piece is essential, because had it been a male candidate with Hilary's resume we wouldn't be here. Everyone with a semblance of objectivity knows this; the right wing media machine would not have been able to offset Trump's resume by juxtaposing it against a lifelong male politician with Hilary's credentials. Pair that with Trump's brand of trolling, celebrity and unique skillset to pump up life losers like Pockles and other breeds of trailer trash and you got yourself a president and new republican party.

    Druff is a unique lemming, as he self-reported that he couldn't pull the trigger for Trump in 2016, but could after four years of demonstrated leadership and logic.

    The fact that a large enough member of the populace wasn't as brainwashed is encouraging.
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  12. #52
    Plutonium big dick's Avatar
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    he like trumps policies

      MumblesBadly: Even if it takes ignoring fascist actions by a GOP president to help the be implemented.

  13. #53
    Platinum splitthis's Avatar
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    It’s simple, when I used to abuse alcohol I was Democrat, clearly see things without substances now. BCR should try it.

      dwai: rofl
      big dick: .
      Walter Sobchak: tomato queen
    Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.

    Ronald Reagan

  14. #54
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    I can't speak for her, but I believe she realized that most Republicans being "ignorant hillbillies" was just propaganda from the left in order to claim the intellectual high ground.

    She probably realized how full of shit the left was, and how hostile they really were toward working-class white people.

    Trump won states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania in 2016 because the Democratic Party, Hollywood, and the media were basically telling the lower-middle-class whites there that they are privileged and need to feel guilty for how good they have it. That message didn't fly. Trump was good at speaking to these people, telling them he wasn't going to go along with this nonsense.
    This is a delusional generalization that comes only from a steady diet of right wing propaganda.

    While it influenced some, the main reason Trump had his four years because he ran against the most unlikable female who was vilified for reasons both fair and unfair. The gender piece is essential, because had it been a male candidate with Hilary's resume we wouldn't be here. Everyone with a semblance of objectivity knows this; the right wing media machine would not have been able to offset Trump's resume by juxtaposing it against a lifelong male politician with Hilary's credentials. Pair that with Trump's brand of trolling, celebrity and unique skillset to pump up life losers like Pockles and other breeds of trailer trash and you got yourself a president and new republican party.

    Druff is a unique lemming, as he self-reported that he couldn't pull the trigger for Trump in 2016, but could after four years of demonstrated leadership and logic.

    The fact that a large enough member of the populace wasn't as brainwashed is encouraging.

    Women were the ones who made the difference between 2016 and 2020.

    Trump lost suburban women with his antics on Twitter and elsewhere. I know you love screaming "muh sexism" about Hillary's loss, but it wasn't about Hillary's gender. It was a variety of factors, some of which had to do with Hillary herself (her past, her personality) and some of which had to do with the new woke uprising which working class swing voters found obnoxious and exclusionary.

    Even you, a smug Portland lib, occasionally admit that you've become exasperated at times with the growing woke wing of your party. (Of course, then you snap back into lemming mode, and insist that it only represents a tiny percentage of Democrats.)

      garrett: lmao... "Even you, a smug Portland lib" good one haha

  15. #55
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by splitthis View Post
    It’s simple, when I used to abuse alcohol I was Democrat, clearly see things without substances now. BCR should try it.

  16. #56
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by splitthis View Post
    It’s simple, when I used to abuse alcohol I was Democrat, clearly see things without substances now. BCR should try it.
    So quitting alcohol made you lose 30IQ points off an already very average intellect? I mean, you think Mike Dewine, a fiscal conservative lifelong Republican known for privatization and furthering right wing ideology was in bed with a globalist socialist takeover to microchip people. That’s a retarded radicalized cult level idiocy. You’ve always been a depressive. You were a target for really dumb misinformation that anyone with an above room temp IQ would disregard, but it got you hook, line, and sinker.

    End of story.

  17. #57
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post

    This is a delusional generalization that comes only from a steady diet of right wing propaganda.

    While it influenced some, the main reason Trump had his four years because he ran against the most unlikable female who was vilified for reasons both fair and unfair. The gender piece is essential, because had it been a male candidate with Hilary's resume we wouldn't be here. Everyone with a semblance of objectivity knows this; the right wing media machine would not have been able to offset Trump's resume by juxtaposing it against a lifelong male politician with Hilary's credentials. Pair that with Trump's brand of trolling, celebrity and unique skillset to pump up life losers like Pockles and other breeds of trailer trash and you got yourself a president and new republican party.

    Druff is a unique lemming, as he self-reported that he couldn't pull the trigger for Trump in 2016, but could after four years of demonstrated leadership and logic.

    The fact that a large enough member of the populace wasn't as brainwashed is encouraging.

    Women were the ones who made the difference between 2016 and 2020.

    Trump lost suburban women with his antics on Twitter and elsewhere. I know you love screaming "muh sexism" about Hillary's loss, but it wasn't about Hillary's gender. It was a variety of factors, some of which had to do with Hillary herself (her past, her personality) and some of which had to do with the new woke uprising which working class swing voters found obnoxious and exclusionary.

    Even you, a smug Portland lib, occasionally admit that you've become exasperated at times with the growing woke wing of your party. (Of course, then you snap back into lemming mode, and insist that it only represents a tiny percentage of Democrats.)
    Of course it was gender, you fatuous blowhard.

    Reading comprehension is right up there next to respect and integrity in terms of things you've lost recently.

    I'm not Democrat and have voted all over until 2018. I think the party has serious, long term issues that are being helped by a GOP that has severed itself from reality.

    I'm anti being retarded and don't vote for people who tell me to drink bleach.

      garrett: lol Trump did imply drinking bleach may kill the virus iirc, he so dumb haha....
      MumblesBadly: If you oppose Druff’s position to the left of him in any way, you are in his mind a “Democrat”.
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  18. #58
    Diamond dwai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    Women were the ones who made the difference between 2016 and 2020.

    Trump lost suburban women with his antics on Twitter and elsewhere. I know you love screaming "muh sexism" about Hillary's loss, but it wasn't about Hillary's gender. It was a variety of factors, some of which had to do with Hillary herself (her past, her personality) and some of which had to do with the new woke uprising which working class swing voters found obnoxious and exclusionary.

    Even you, a smug Portland lib, occasionally admit that you've become exasperated at times with the growing woke wing of your party. (Of course, then you snap back into lemming mode, and insist that it only represents a tiny percentage of Democrats.)
    Of course it was gender, you fatuous blowhard.

    Reading comprehension is right up there next to respect and integrity in terms of things you've lost recently.

    I'm not Democrat and have voted all over until 2018. I think the party has serious, long term issues that are being helped by a GOP that has severed itself from reality.

    I'm anti being retarded and don't vote for people who tell me to drink bleach.
    yeah Druff he's not a Democrat he just happens to have the same positions as twitter, apple, Amazon, bank of America, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, burger King, McDonald's, etc....

  19. #59
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dwai View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post

    Of course it was gender, you fatuous blowhard.

    Reading comprehension is right up there next to respect and integrity in terms of things you've lost recently.

    I'm not Democrat and have voted all over until 2018. I think the party has serious, long term issues that are being helped by a GOP that has severed itself from reality.

    I'm anti being retarded and don't vote for people who tell me to drink bleach.
    yeah Druff he's not a Democrat he just happens to have the same positions as twitter, apple, Amazon, bank of America, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, burger King, McDonald's, etc....
    Team Retard's lapdog lackey continues to try with the words.
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

  20. #60
    Diamond dwai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by dwai View Post
    yeah Druff he's not a Democrat he just happens to have the same positions as twitter, apple, Amazon, bank of America, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, burger King, McDonald's, etc....
    Team Retard's lapdog lackey continues to try with the words.
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      Sloppy Joe: Good dog

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