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Thread: Weird things I have done on Message Boards! LMAO! :D

  1. #21
    100% Organic MumblesBadly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karen Nathan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Karen Nathan is a real account, not a dupe, and I've seen both a picture and a video of her. She found her way here from Vegas Casino Talk, and was a member of various advantage play forums before that. I don't believe she's an actual advantage player in any way, though.

    It was long suspected and debated on the other forums that she was a dupe or a gimmick, but indeed she's real.

    However, she does have a problem with MAKING really terrible dupes, and I actually had to temporarily ban her on Vegas Casino Talk for continuing to do so, after I had asked her to stop. She's back on there, though.
    Thank you Dan for standing up for me.
    Truth be told... I’m glad you aren’t a dupe. But I can’t get past that when I first glance at the title of this thread on the Flying Stupidity threads page, I initially read it as “...MAssage Board...”, which momentarily quickens my heart rate and piques my curiosity, then when I see how the title really goes, I get a little letdown.
    Last edited by MumblesBadly; 07-10-2020 at 12:42 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I actually hope this [second impeachment] succeeds, because I want Trump put down politically like a sick, 14-year-old dog. ... I don't want him complicating the 2024 primary season. I just want him done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Were Republicans cowardly or unethical not to go along with [convicting Trump in the second impeachment Senate trial]? No. The smart move was to reject it.

  2. #22
    Diamond Walter Sobchak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MumblesBadly View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen Nathan View Post

    Thank you Dan for standing up for me.
    Truth be told... I’m glad you aren’t a dupe. But I can’t get past that when I first glance at the title of this thread on the Flying Stupidity threads page, I initially read it as “...MessAge Board...”, which momentarily quickens my heart rate and piques my curiosity, then when I see how the title really goes, I get a little letdown.

      MumblesBadly: LOL! I meant “...MAssage board...”! Fixing it now!

    SOBCHAK SECURITY 213-799-7798


  3. #23
    Diamond dwai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walter Sobchak View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by MumblesBadly View Post

    Truth be told... I’m glad you aren’t a dupe. But I can’t get past that when I first glance at the title of this thread on the Flying Stupidity threads page, I initially read it as “...MessAge Board...”, which momentarily quickens my heart rate and piques my curiosity, then when I see how the title really goes, I get a little letdown.
    okay it's now confirmed mumbles' dupe

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by dwai View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Walter Sobchak View Post

    okay it's now confirmed mumbles' dupe

    Dan just confirmed that I am NOT a Dupe of anyone on here.

  5. #25
    Diamond Walter Sobchak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karen Nathan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by dwai View Post
    okay it's now confirmed mumbles' dupe

    Dan just confirmed that I am NOT a Dupe of anyone on here.
    That doesn't mean you don't have to show your tits. Every woman here did it.

    SOBCHAK SECURITY 213-799-7798


  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walter Sobchak View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen Nathan View Post

    Dan just confirmed that I am NOT a Dupe of anyone on here.
    That doesn't mean you don't have to show your tits. Every woman here did it.

    Here. You want my Tits so bad? Here you go.

    MY TITS.

      Walter Sobchak: clap clap clap

  7. #27
    Hi Todd JACKDANIELS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karen Nathan View Post
    In random order.

    Joined a messageboard and my very FIRST thread was asking the Older Members to help me with my personal problem. I got dragged and ragged so hard for that one by at least one Older Member. I said I didn't deserve the dragging and ragging I got for my question. I was expecting sympathy and support for how bad that Older Member was treating me.

    But another Older Member was lije,"No, Allison is right to drag you and rag on you. In fact, I was about to drag and rag on you hard myself, but she beat me to the punch. We don't know you so we don't care about your personal problem. In fact, it was really rude of you as a brand new Member to ask us to help you with your personal problem.

    We MAY have treated you better had you been an Established Member and then asked us to help you with your personal problem. Let the dragging and ragging you received for this be a Learning lesson for you. " Needless to say, I didn't last long there.

    I got banned from a website and came back under a new name. And confessed that I was the banned Member when asked. Not surprisingly, I was banned under the new name soon after confessing I was the banned Member. That was a beyond stupid decision(This was one of my early Socks ).

    I was both Chone Wilson and Karice on the old Imdb messageboards and I made sure to make Chone Wilson and Karice seem like two different people. Chone was a Rude Douchebag, LMAO , and Karice was nice and sweet. I was doing a very good job of making Chone and Karice seem like two different people until the fateful day when Karice came back from "Vacation," in reality, I had just stopped posting as Karice for about a week and was now "Back,". A Poster asked,"Hi, Karice. It's good to see you back. How was your vacation?" Chone answered,"My vacation was great. I loved it. Thanks for asking. "

    The Poster asked,"Uh, Chone why did you answer the question I asked Karice?" Oops. I had forgotten to logout as Chone and login as Karice. I made one of the lamest excuses ever and claimed that I thought they were asking me(Chone) that question. The Poster responded,"No way in hell could you get Chone Wilson and Karice mixed up(It wasn't even plausible like Kate and Katie or Jimmy and Jim) And besides, you didn't go on vacation! You've been here all along!

    Other Posters noticed the "Mistake," and commented on it and I finally came clean and confessed to being both Chone and Karice and The Poster was like,"I knew it as soon as you replied under the wrong name! Lots of Posters had a good laugh about that.

    I was an Established Member on a website and asked Other Members for Advice with a Personal Problem(Learned my lesson about being a New Member and asking for help with my personal problem right off the bat. On this website, I still got dragged and ragged on hard.... Because I confessed to being 26 on a website that catered to TEENS. The Teens were like,"Holy shit! You're a 26 year old Adult? What the hell you doing on a website that is for Teens? Get out of here oldey moldy!"

    Another Poster wrote,"This 26 year old Adult hanging out on a TEENAGE website comes off as a huge Loser. The only ADULTS that should be on Teenage websites are Parents of Teenagers as a way of keeping tabs on what their teenagers are up to. Any other Adult just comes off as a Loser." In my defense, I was actually a Teen when I signed up and had stayed on for about a Decade.

    It got so bad, I created a Sock to defend myself chewing out the Teens for harassing someone who adked an Innocent question and I as my Sock claimed to be even older than my Main Account(A 30 year old) and said I was appalled that the Teens were so rude to berate someone for being 26 instead of answering an Innocent question. The Teens shot back,"Before you call us rude amd appalling, remember who raised us," which was actually kind of creepy as a 30 year old would have been a Teen parent when they had Teens. In hindsight, creating a 16 year old Sock to defend my 26 year old Main Account probably would have been better.

    On a gambling website, I was banned as a brand new Newbie for asking something like,"Can you be trespassed for gambling with money you found on a Casino floor?" I honestly wanted to know. I figured that with me being a brand New Newbie I'd be given a LOT of slack. I was banned only about 12 hours later, after multiple Older Members rallied for my Banning, stating that I was a Troll. not even a full day of being a brand New Newbie.

    In fact, before my banning, I told another Board that I was a brand-new Newbie and Posters were already rallying for my banning. The other Posters looked at the website and were like,"LOL. You haven't even been there for a full day and they already see what a Troll you are and are already begging the Admins to ban you. " On the other website,"Ban this Troll!" Was the exact post one of the Older Members posted.

    Another Poster wrote something lije,"This Nathan Troll is clearly NOT a real Member and I am afraid this Nathan Troll will discourage the REAL Posters from Posting here. It was clear that the writing was already on the wall even though I did make a decent pist about how horrible it was that a guy did a Max Bet and got almost a full screen of the top Symbol and only got about 5 times his bet.

    On a gambling website, as a brand new Newbie older Members thought I was a Troll and actually set me up to start to get banned. In hindsight, doing exactly what they asked me to do was stupid and although I absolutely didn't know it was a setup I still should have refused.

    Here's what happened. I claimed a Woman said that she was playing China Shores slot Machine and she got like 15 CS Symbols and they offered her either Cash Prize or free Games(15 Symbols is worth a LOT of free games. ) She was just about to choose "Free games," when a hand came out of nowhere and pressed "Cash Prize," she was livid when it gave her the lowest Cash Prize. She cussed out the stranger and kicked his ass for costing her her free games and causing her to get the lowest cash prize. It turns out this guy had been pressing cash out on a bunch of random people's machines and stealing the TITOs and had gotten lots of complaints made about him.

    When he pressed cash prize on this woman's game, he expected her TITO to come out so he could steal it. Instead of the Casino trespassing the woman for cussing him out and beating him up, the Casino Staff apologized to her for him costing her a lot of free games and trespassed him and gave her in free play the equivalent of what she could have gotten had he not pressed "Cash out."

    The Older Members asked me for proof of what I was saying as they were skeptical. So, I linked to the website and pointed out where her post was. The older Members did not thank me for providing the proof they asked me for. I thought that was strange.

    Later that day, I got message from The Admin. Being a Newbie I assumed it was a "Warm welcome," type of message. Instead it was a message informing me that I got one strike for linking to someone else's post on another website without their permission as doing so was actually against the rules. Three strikes meant permanent Banning. I was informed that the link had been removed and the thread was closed. The Admin said that they already received Multiple Complaints about me asking if I was a Troll despite me just joining and even they questioned my motives.

    The Admin heavily implied that the "Show proof," request was actually a setup by The Older Members to get me a Strike. I was permanently BANNED after admitting on another unrelated website I was the same person when asked if I was run off the other website. What did being the same person on an unrelated website have to do woth the first to get me banned? If anything that should have been a SECOND strike, not the THIRD. I still should have had another chance.

    On the old Imdb website, I had an obsession with Get Him To The Greek movie and kept gushing about it. The GHHTG Board wanted to run me off the GHHTG Board... For talking way too much about GHTTG movie. LMAO! Ironic! I soon defended myself pointing out it wasn't like I went to Star Wars: A New Hope Board and begun gushing a lot about GHHTG movie. I joined WWE:Raw Board and gushed about how "Real," the Wrestling looked. People dragged and ragged on me hard for that saying something like,"Wrestling is obviously scripted and stayed you idiot!"

    A Poster who harassed me on the GHTTG movie board followed me to the Raw board and harassed me there too. At first he was supported by the Raw Posters, but then they quickly realized that ALL of his posts were talking shit about me and he never posted anything Wrestling related. Posters were like,"Is talking shit about Nathan all you can do? You are so pathetic. How about posting about Wrestling? My Stalker responded,"Why are you guys ragging on me? You guys also talk shit about Nathan.

    The Posters responded,"We are ragging on you because ALL of your posts on here are about talking shit about Nathan. It's clear you came here for the sole purpose of harassing Nathan and not to actually talk about Wrestling. Nathan may be an idiot, but Nathan actually posts about Wrestling which makes Nathan technically a much more valuable Poster than you."

    Another Poster wrote,"This Poster who stalked Nathan from GHTTG movie board to here to harass Nathan. is a Loser. He's no better than Nathan. Nathan has a very poor following. Why is this Idiot Stalking Nathan of all people? This post right here was what led me to believe he was DEFENDING me. I thought he was feeling sympathy for me. So I was surprised and confused when he soon called me a Moron. I asked why he called me a Moron when he just defended me against my Stalker.

    Other Posters replied,"Uh, he wasn't defending you. He was actually calling you BOTH losers." He responded something like,"I can't believe this Nathan idiot thought I was DEFENDING them when I told their Stalker that. This Nathan idiot can't tell the difference between a defending comment and an insulting comment! I kind of feel sorry for this stupid idiot! (my Stalker ran off the board when it became clear that Posters would not continue supporting his harassing of me)Me thinking this guy was DEFENDING me when he was actually insulting me led to a long internet war between me and this guy.

    About GHTTG, a guy named Movie Lover and I had a nice chat about the GHHTG movie. I thought we were Friends. On the Raw board, I was being harassed, and I saw Movie Lover's name under a thread talking shit about me and I thought,"Oh, tge Raw Posters are going to get it now. Movie Lover is going to drag and rag on the Raw Posters for attacking me. He is going to stand up for me against my Raw Harassers!"

    The post from Movie Lover not only did NOT defend me, he attacked me too! He wrote something like,"I don't blame you guys one bit for harassing Nathan. I had a one time nice conversation with Nathan on the GHHTG movie board when I was in a good mood but then realized how creepy Nathan's obsession with the GHTTG movie was. I couldn't stand Nathan's creepy obsession with the GHTTG movie and the creepy obsession with the GHTTG movie actually begun to turn me off of it. I cut off all ties with Nathan after our one time nice conversation about the GHTTG movie. Nathan is one annoying, obsessed, and creepy person and deserves all the attacks you are giving."

    I was shocked that Movie Lover turned on me so bad when I thought Movie Lover was my Friend. I seemed to be a lot more mature back then because I simply wrote something like,"Wow. I thought Movie Lover was my Friend judging by our nice conversation. I've gotta stop thinking that just anyone who talks to me nice is my Friend." Nowadays, I definitely would have constantly ragged on and on about how Movie Lover turned on me.
    such a good post i read it twice

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