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Thread: Anyone want to shop at Target in Minneapolis today? (George Floyd police brutality death)

  1. #101
    Gold MrTickle's Avatar
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    Good to see Todd stand up for the little guy, that small mom-and-pop store Target!

    The US gvt loots from the poor to bail out huge companies all the time and you don't say shit. If you really cared about theft you'd be worried about the billions stolen from taxpayers to give to huge "too big to fail" companies.

    You don't care about theft. You don't care about people. You just care about perpetuating your capitalist shite and oppressing the working class. You poor black people stay in your box while capitalism continues to keep you down. And don't step out of line - or we just might kill you and get away with it.

    The American Dream.

      MumblesBadly: Nailed it.

  2. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I'm so sick of seeing opportunists do this shit

      Sheesfaced: lol
      Krypt: lmao
      MumblesBadly: Epic!

  3. #103
    Diamond TheXFactor's Avatar
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    I'm sure what worked in Baltimore, will also work in Minneapolis.

  4. #104
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by OSA View Post

    True, but the rage and animosity of this event should not supersede his death and this is what people are accusing you of in this thread.

    Usually, TODD IS GOD, but not here. However, if someone got hurt or killed/injured from these events, then these people are just as culpable as that officer, maybe even moreso.
    I guess I could have led off with my opinion of the police brutality situation, but I assumed that everyone already knew the story, and I also assumed everyone felt the same way about it.

    Unfortunate story, unnecessary death, and people have a right to be angry and outraged about it. I don't think anyone here has argued against that. That wuold be an incredibly boring discussion because everyone would agree. I'm not into virtue signaling by complaining publicly about something nearly everyone in the country agrees upon already.

    I brought up the looting angle because I'm so sick of seeing opportunists do this shit whenever a story like this hits the news, and I'm sick of the apologists who really believe that stealing shit from stores and destroying businesses is a form of social protest. It's not. It's an excuse to commit crimes for profit and/or fun, and know you'll get away with it.

    I think that's more discussion worthy than asking, "Was this bad behavior by the police, and should the guy be charged with murder?" Yes and yes. Now let's discuss the more interesting angles to this.

    We actually still have people making excuses for CNN, and why they're not a horrible news organization, despite the fact that they had like 50 stories on the front page, and not one was about the riots, for several hours while they were going on. We still have some delusional leftists in the thread who think this was unintentional.
    It is the same society that has the cop torturing and killing a suspect while knowingly on video that is looting the store.

    It’s the same society that is losing its shit in the streets about masks.

    Fox News and CNN will incite their feeb viewers for ratings. Trump will probably be the last guy to plead for calm.

    We are a little unruly. It’s all pretty consistent Druff. Ask yourself why you own a gun and in most other countries you would not.

    Civil unrest just isn’t that big a deal atm.

  5. #105
    Platinum duped_samaritan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Regarding the rest of the Timex thread, feel free to point out any tweets where I'm "making a fool of myself".
    They were having a grown up discussion. You don't have to agree with their opinions but you didn't even listen to them. Reminded me of jewdonk.

    How is it relevant if his opinion would change if he broke his neck in a riot? Maybe it would create an emotional anti-riot bias, so what? It's like asking how you would feel if your kid was the one murded by the cops that people were rioting about. Would the emotional trauma change your opinion at all?

  6. #106
    Diamond TheXFactor's Avatar
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    Target needs to get better security.

    It's funny but Jennifer may be the only one charged with a crime because she was stabbing or attempting to stab people with a knife.

  7. #107
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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      JeffDime: +
      MumblesBadly: Serves them right for systematically cheating customers on french fry orders!
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  8. #108
    Platinum JeffDime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by OSA View Post

    True, but the rage and animosity of this event should not supersede his death and this is what people are accusing you of in this thread.

    Usually, TODD IS GOD, but not here. However, if someone got hurt or killed/injured from these events, then these people are just as culpable as that officer, maybe even moreso.
    I guess I could have led off with my opinion of the police brutality situation, but I assumed that everyone already knew the story, and I also assumed everyone felt the same way about it.

    Unfortunate story, unnecessary death, and people have a right to be angry and outraged about it. I don't think anyone here has argued against that. That wuold be an incredibly boring discussion because everyone would agree. I'm not into virtue signaling by complaining publicly about something nearly everyone in the country agrees upon already.

    I brought up the looting angle because I'm so sick of seeing opportunists do this shit whenever a story like this hits the news, and I'm sick of the apologists who really believe that stealing shit from stores and destroying businesses is a form of social protest. It's not. It's an excuse to commit crimes for profit and/or fun, and know you'll get away with it.

    I think that's more discussion worthy than asking, "Was this bad behavior by the police, and should the guy be charged with murder?" Yes and yes. Now let's discuss the more interesting angles to this.

    We actually still have people making excuses for CNN, and why they're not a horrible news organization, despite the fact that they had like 50 stories on the front page, and not one was about the riots, for several hours while they were going on. We still have some delusional leftists in the thread who think this was unintentional.

    CNN has actually been covering the protests today as the police chief has just apologized for the looting & property destruction last night. He was saying there was a noticeable different group last night than the night prior. Their goal was just to take advantage of the situation. I am not giving CNN much credit because their website seemed to not have a mention of it last night & the prime time anchors are really more opinion than news people.

    I can only speak for myself and while I agree with you that the looting is opportunistic and most taking part don’t care about the protest itself it was just too early for me to move my focus off the murder I had just watched on tape. My mind was just not ready to shift to the property damage and looting at that time. I suspect I am not alone in that is that is why these opportunists take advantage of people’s outrage to go profit & have a good time destroying all kinds of property. Add to that people are wearing masks for COVID and they have the perfect time for them to strike.

    You make very valid points and I do hope tonight’s protest are much more peaceful. I just really want that officer arrested and charged already.

  9. #109
    Diamond blake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by OSA View Post

    True, but the rage and animosity of this event should not supersede his death and this is what people are accusing you of in this thread.

    Usually, TODD IS GOD, but not here. However, if someone got hurt or killed/injured from these events, then these people are just as culpable as that officer, maybe even moreso.
    I guess I could have led off with my opinion of the police brutality situation, but I assumed that everyone already knew the story, and I also assumed everyone felt the same way about it.

    Unfortunate story, unnecessary death, and people have a right to be angry and outraged about it. I don't think anyone here has argued against that. That wuold be an incredibly boring discussion because everyone would agree.

    you really thought some people here would be pro-rioters?

  10. #110
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanlmar View Post
    At this point in history I don’t think the right has any sort of concession on law and order. I once felt that way. I now accept societal mores are fluid. I also don’t tilt at windmills.

    The civil damages that may result and the cost the city (taxpayers) will incur is really the only hope for change with regard to the police pandemic. Hope the insurance companies jack the rates to the point congress includes these losses in the bailout.
    Quote Originally Posted by blake View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    I guess I could have led off with my opinion of the police brutality situation, but I assumed that everyone already knew the story, and I also assumed everyone felt the same way about it.

    Unfortunate story, unnecessary death, and people have a right to be angry and outraged about it. I don't think anyone here has argued against that. That wuold be an incredibly boring discussion because everyone would agree.

    you really thought some people here would be pro-rioters?
    Druff lives and dies on straw man arguments like all 'conservatives' in 2020.

    Directing outrage toward looters instead of engaging with police killings is deeply established in the Fox News playbook.

    Just put Druff's head on the Jewdonk monkey video and press play.
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

  11. #111
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    Us liberals are all pro-rioters - we loot, we don't shoot.

  12. #112
    aka PP23 badguy23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    The takes in this thread are unbelievable, and very worrisome to me.

    Yes, the video of the Minneapolis police incident was bad. Yes, those cops were pieces of shit and need to be charged with murder.

    What does this have to do with looting Target? Absolutely nothing. The people looting that Target and beating up that 80-year-old woman in a wheelchair trying to block them are greedy animals who are exploiting the situation. Do you hear any chanting for change during the Target looting? Do you see any signs being carried? No. Because these people don't give a shit. They want free stuff. The police are standing down. They're taking it like opportunistic common criminals.

    We saw this same shit in the LA Riots. Do you think 19-year-old gang member Damien "Football" Williams cared about Rodney King? No, he was a piece of shit gangbanger who saw the situation as an opportunity to have fun beating people up. Even Wiliams himself didn't pretend this was about social justice. He claimed he simply got "caught up in the moment" with everyone around him being aggressive. So he ripped a white dude out of the cab of a passing truck and almost beat him to death. Sweet guy.

    You need to separate the protest from the opportunistic assholes trying to exploit the protest for their own gains. The latter deserves zero sympathy or allowances.

    Additionally, even legitimate protesters still need to obey the law. The law doesn't just disappear because you're angry about something. You don't have the right to destroy businesses and beat people up because you're unhappy about a police brutality incident involving people you never met. That's what peaceful protest is for. You don't just get to suspend all laws while you hurt people and destroy their businesses.

    Two things can be true at once.

    The police in the Minneapolis incident are pieces of shit and need to be charged with murder.

    The people looting and rioting and also pieces of shit, and are exploiting the matter for personal gain.

    If you can't see both of the above, you are a gullible moron who is so caught up in virtue signaling that you abandon common sense.
    I just go loot Princes compound if I were you Druff Pretty sure he was from Minny.

    Don't take this shit lying down Dan.

  13. #113
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    Druff is not wrong for being outraged about innocent business owners getting rekt. The worrisome issue is that the people getting so angry about that seem far less concerned about this murder and the pervasive clusterfuck that is our militarized police forces.

    The tone of Druff's posts about Target are striking. You rarely see him so upset about anything.

    But when it comes to George Floyd a lot of people are like "Yes, that's obviously bad, but..."


  14. #114
    Platinum JeffDime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheXFactor View Post
    Target needs to get better security.

    It's funny but Jennifer may be the only one charged with a crime because she was stabbing or attempting to stab people with a knife.

    This woman really perplexes me. I get that a secret service agent is supposed to use his body as a shield in case of an attack on the President. Was she really using her body as a shield to protect a barrel of cheese balls or whatever? Target should give her lifetime 25% off at a minimum.

  15. #115
    Platinum JeffDime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Sanchez View Post
    Druff is not wrong for being outraged about innocent business owners getting rekt. The worrisome issue is that the people getting so angry about that seem far less concerned about this murder and the pervasive clusterfuck that is our militarized police forces.

    The tone of Druff's posts about Target are striking. You rarely see him so upset about anything.

    But when it comes to George Floyd a lot of people are like "Yes, that's obviously bad, but..."
    I get his frustration. The tape was so clear I can see why he thought it wasn’t necessary to go on about how horrible the act was before discussing an ancillary matter. To be fair he shouldn’t have to preface every argument with an acknowledgment of how horrific that murder was and it clearly became a very frustrating night.

  16. #116
    Platinum gimmick's Avatar
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    There's also the part where we're supposedly concerned about the integrity of the media in a thread that started with a Andy Ngo tweet. Interesting tactic.

      sonatine: muh #antifa
      dwai: fixed
      adamantium: fixed
      Krypt: fixed

  17. #117
    Diamond dwai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmick View Post
    There's also the part where we're supposedly concerned about the integrity of the media in a thread that started with a Andy Ngo tweet. Interesting tactic.
    shut it down, I think you're Jimmyg and you're both parody accounts

    it's literally impossible for anyone to be as stupid and outrageous as your takes are on EVERYTHING on a consistent basis

      gimmick: rerefixed
      adamantium: fixed

  18. #118
    Platinum gimmick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dwai View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by gimmick View Post
    There's also the part where we're supposedly concerned about the integrity of the media in a thread that started with a Andy Ngo tweet. Interesting tactic.
    shut it down, I think you're Jimmyg and you're both parody accounts

    it's literally impossible for anyone to be as stupid and outrageous as your takes are on EVERYTHING on a consistent basis
    Is your username ironic? Is that the thing? You seem to worry about everything. Maybe work on that.

  19. #119
    Diamond dwai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmick View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by dwai View Post
    shut it down, I think you're Jimmyg and you're both parody accounts

    it's literally impossible for anyone to be as stupid and outrageous as your takes are on EVERYTHING on a consistent basis
    Is your username ironic? Is that the thing? You seem to worry about everything. Maybe work on that.
    Good post! Good post!

      gimmick: fixed
      splitthis: Refixed
      adamantium: fixed

  20. #120
    Platinum splitthis's Avatar
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    All fast food joints need to be burned down.
    Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.

    Ronald Reagan

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