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Thread: Anyone want to shop at Target in Minneapolis today? (George Floyd police brutality death)

  1. #61
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    As soon as I saw the cop murder that dude I knew it was trouble. Just blatant murder.

    When something is that straight up, I’d have a lot of respect if some police captain took the cop out in the town square as the riot was forming and simply put a bullet in his head.

    That simple. You say “it’s over, and if anyone riots, we are putting snipers on the roofs.”

    Shit is over that moment.

    Let the prosecutor roll out all the vigilante and judge, jury, executioner arguments all they want. Often the system is overrated and shit calls for decisive action. Police captain walks, maybe does a year or two and comes out and gets elected mayor. Dude is a hero to pretty much everyone.

    If little Asian dudes can take a header off a bridge for dishonoring their company, one of these cops can show a little initiative and save lives and millions in the process and serve justice all with one bullet.

    Cops are given such wide latitude. When one fucks up to that degree, someone needs to clean up their own backyard and send a message.

  2. #62
    Platinum duped_samaritan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Okay? I don't watch Cuomo, so I can't comment on that.

    I do go to, which is one of the most visited news sites in the world, and there wasn't one peep about riots at 11:47pm CDT when I took the screen shot. Go back to page one and you'll see I'm correct.

    Was that accidental?

    Quote Originally Posted by duped_samaritan
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Mike McDonald "ideologically" likes the idea of rioting.

    Ike Haxton things rioting is good for the economy and a positive for society.

    How do you think these two pro-riot boys would feel if they were beaten up during a riot as an innocent bystander, or if it were their business destroyed? Ideologically good though, amirite???

    I just can't with these kids....
    America exists literally because of riots.
    Should we go back to the way we were doing things in the 1700s, then?

    Because I don't think black people will go for that.

    Did you read the gawker article? You should. You're making a fool of yourself in the Timex thread.

    "Would you be pro-rioting if a rioter broke your neck and incapacitated you? Or cost you millions by destroying your business?" really?

  3. #63
    Diamond TheXFactor's Avatar
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    They will try to burn down Minneapolis.

    A couple of days from now the D.A. will announce that he's going to indict the police officers.

    They might be arrested but they will be bailed out immediately.

    Chances of a hung jury are 100%.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walter Sobchak View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    So I'll ask you PFA lefties who disagree with me.

    What should have been done with the looters? Nothing? Just let them loot? They should be arrested and charged with whatever criminal charges can be supported by the evidence.

    If so, how long should the looting be allowed to go on? Hours? Days? Weeks? ASAP

    When do we go back to "looting isn't okay anymore because it's been enough time since the police brutality video came out, and you should be able to control yourself now"? I think we are still holding steady at "looting isn't ok."

    Just wondering what you expect here. Expect? I would like you to recognize that longstanding social problems sometimes boil over, but that doesn't mean that people who might be sympathetic with the longstanding social problems also condone this kind of behavior. I'd also like you to recognize that white gun nuts who occupy statehouses and menace the people's elected representatives with guns is a serious problem as well. But I don't expect you to recognize either of these things. I still haven't seen anyone in this thread say they agree with or support what these assholes are doing.

    What about innocent people in the way who get beaten up? Just tough luck on them? I personally believe in victim's compensation funds, but that's a topic for another day. Those who assault people, here or anywhere else, should be charged with crimes.

    What about business owners -- including small businesses -- destroyed and looted by this? Again, just tough luck? Gotta let the people riot because stealing is all about social justice, right? Tough one. They should be insured but most insurance doesn't cover riots. Perhaps businesses under a certain size should also be covered by victim's compensation funds.

    Serious questions here. Tell me when the police are supposed to intervene, and when looting goes from being okay to not okay. I want to know the timeframe where I can score myself some nice new electronics next time something happens. Thanks. If you looted a good tv and it had problems within the warranty period, would you try to return it?
    I'll bite... answers embedded in bold.
    Good point that a lot of insurance doesn't cover riots. That makes this even more reprehensible.

    You may not think the rioting and looting is okay, but many others in your party believe otherwise. I'm debating with several of them on Twitter right now.

    You seem to have a mostly reasonable position on this, so while I disagree with some parts, I won't bother going back and forth. My message wasn't aimed at people like you.

    The one change I'd like to see occur -- which would help weed the bad apples out of the police somewhat -- would be a weakening of police unions. That's actually the root of some of the problem. Too many bad cops are protected until something like this happens.

    I am mostly pro-police, but there still needs to be some reform. Body cams were a very good start. They really need to speed up the process of identifying and removing problem officers, rather than attempting to fight a demon of systematic racism which is more thought policing than anything that can be legislated.

    The police have a tough, dangerous, and sometimes scary job, and I try to keep that in my mind whenever I have encounters with them, such as traffic stops. I do this as a non-threatening-looking middle-aged white guy. If I were black, I would be especially careful in all of my interactions with police, but unfortunately many times the opposite occurs.

  5. #65
    Plutonium big dick's Avatar
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    The pig got fired and is going to be charged.

    Why are there riots?

    I thought the riots start after the cop walks....

    I am not siding with the cops this time but these rioting assholes need to get their fucking asses kicked in and sent into cv19 filled jails

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    What about business owners -- including small businesses -- destroyed and looted by this? Again, just tough luck? Gotta let the people riot because stealing is all about social justice, right?
    In this specific instance I'd be perfectly comfortable with all financial liability falling on the officer that murdered the guy, and the police department, possibly the city itself in that order.

    For good measure throw in any rioters caught in the act obv

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by big dick View Post
    The pig got fired and is going to be charged.

    Why are there riots?

    I thought the riots start after the cop walks....

    I am not siding with the cops this time but these rioting assholes need to get their fucking asses kicked in and sent into cv19 filled jails
    Have they even arrested the guy yet?

  10. #70
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    someone find me a video of a bunch of whites robbing and beating a black man

    not saying there isn't a one out there but I sure haven't seen one.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by duped_samaritan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Okay? I don't watch Cuomo, so I can't comment on that.

    I do go to, which is one of the most visited news sites in the world, and there wasn't one peep about riots at 11:47pm CDT when I took the screen shot. Go back to page one and you'll see I'm correct.

    Was that accidental?

    Quote Originally Posted by duped_samaritan

    America exists literally because of riots.
    Should we go back to the way we were doing things in the 1700s, then?

    Because I don't think black people will go for that.

    Did you read the gawker article? You should. You're making a fool of yourself in the Timex thread.

    "Would you be pro-rioting if a rioter broke your neck and incapacitated you? Or cost you millions by destroying your business?" really?
    Yes, I read the gawker article, though that isn't the point of most my posts in that thread. I made one quick quip about it to Ike Haxton, and then moved onto something else. The gawker article is an idiotic piece from 2014 about the Ferguson riots, trying to state that riots are placing a consequence upon state authorities for bad behavior, and therefore are a net good. This article looks especially foolish six years later. The Ferguson shooting was not the killing of an innocent "unarmed black boy", as the article states, but a violent thug who had just robbed a convenience store and manhandled the much smaller owner of the place. Also, some witnesses later backed the officer's version of events. The response to the riots, and the subsequent "reforms" to how police could and couldn't do their job, led to the first rise in crime in the US in 23 years. It literally changed the 23-year trajectory of decreasing violent crime in this country, and we are still suffering from it today. That's what the riots accomplished.

    Google "The Ferguson Effect". At first doubted and dismissed as fringe racist science, it eventually became somewhat accepted even by some of its harshest critics.

    Regarding the rest of the Timex thread, feel free to point out any tweets where I'm "making a fool of myself".

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by RealTalk View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by big dick View Post
    The pig got fired and is going to be charged.

    Why are there riots?

    I thought the riots start after the cop walks....

    I am not siding with the cops this time but these rioting assholes need to get their fucking asses kicked in and sent into cv19 filled jails
    Have they even arrested the guy yet?
    Idk but I know he is being charged with a crime

    The mayor called for his arrest

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Okay? I don't watch Cuomo, so I can't comment on that.

    I do go to, which is one of the most visited news sites in the world, and there wasn't one peep about riots at 11:47pm CDT when I took the screen shot. Go back to page one and you'll see I'm correct.
    You seemed interested in whether or not CNN was covering it. They were on TV but not on their website till later.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by big dick View Post
    someone find me a video of a bunch of whites robbing and beating a black man

    not saying there isn't a one out there but I sure haven't seen one.
    There's videos of white SJW Antifa types doing this shit in places like Berkeley whenever someone like Ben Shapiro comes to speak on campus.

    But yes, aside from the occasional idiotic white separatist or white supremacist types, you rarely see white right-wingers ever do shit like this.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by duped_samaritan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Okay? I don't watch Cuomo, so I can't comment on that.

    I do go to, which is one of the most visited news sites in the world, and there wasn't one peep about riots at 11:47pm CDT when I took the screen shot. Go back to page one and you'll see I'm correct.
    You seemed interested in whether or not CNN was covering it. They were on TV but not on their website till later.
    Why do you think it didn't hit the website until hours later?

    Too busy researching news about turtles and 13-year-old college students?

    Seriously... they get shit up on their site within minutes if they want to. You can't pretend that this wasn't intentional.

  16. #76
    Plutonium big dick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by big dick View Post
    someone find me a video of a bunch of whites robbing and beating a black man

    not saying there isn't a one out there but I sure haven't seen one.
    There's videos of white SJW Antifa types doing this shit in places like Berkeley whenever someone like Ben Shapiro comes to speak on campus.

    But yes, aside from the occasional idiotic white separatist or white supremacist types, you rarely see white right-wingers ever do shit like this.
    there are videos of white SJW jumping and robbing black people?

  17. #77
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    Minneapolis fucked this up badly, though.

    They should have foreseen that this was going to be another Ferguson, but possibly worse, because at least the "victim" in Ferguson turned out to be an unsympathetic thug, and there were conflicting witness reports about the shooting.

    Here it seems like there's little question or excuse for the way these cops handled the matter.

    They should have made a public arrest and charging of the four cops involved, with the main guy being charged with murder, and immediately started the apology tour to the black community.

    Minneapolis was too slow to act on this, and now the city is getting its shit packed in.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by big dick View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    There's videos of white SJW Antifa types doing this shit in places like Berkeley whenever someone like Ben Shapiro comes to speak on campus.

    But yes, aside from the occasional idiotic white separatist or white supremacist types, you rarely see white right-wingers ever do shit like this.
    there are videos of white SJW jumping and robbing black people?
    No, I misread what you said. Not robbing black people... just videos of white SJWs rioting, beating people up, and destroying shit.

    I actually want everyone aggressively arrested and charged who does this, regardless of race or political party. You will not find one post from me here stating otherwise.

  19. #79
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    What's the over/under on number of pages before drk shows up to explain to us this was a justified use of force by the officer?

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    In before certain PFA leftists make excuses for this, and that these are just protesters who are trying to make a statement against oppression (which happens to involve stealing hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of merchandise).
    I'm what you would call a leftist, and let me tell you most of us here in Minnesota think this shit is fucked up. Obviously that cop was wrong but the majority of us "leftist" don't agree w/ this behavior. Did you see this?

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