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Thread: Anyone want to shop at Target in Minneapolis today? (George Floyd police brutality death)

  1. #21
    PFA Emeritus Crowe Diddly's Avatar
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    I'm more sympathetic to the guy the cop killed than Target, tbh.

      JeffDime: +
      1marley1: Stores can be fixed
      MumblesBadly: What 1marley1 said

  2. #22
    Platinum JeffDime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Little old lady in the wheelchair totally deserved it, though.

    How dare she be white and attempting to block people from committing felonies? SHE HAD IT COMING FOLKS! SOCIAL PROTEST IN DA HOUSE!
    There’s no question what happened to the old lady is reprehensible. At the same time what the hell is she trying to accomplish? She should be concerned about her own safety not trying to get some kid to put the tic tacs back on the shelf.

  3. #23
    Plutonium simpdog's Avatar
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    Bunch of Steve’s looting the Target where Manuel is the manager.

    Manuel should be fired and Steve is in the right.

  4. #24
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crowe Diddly View Post
    I'm more sympathetic to the guy the cop killed than Target, tbh.

    yeah but tucker carlson so now this thread exists.
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  5. #25
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    Of all the police killings I’ve seen videoed this one is hands down the worst. I mean what the fuck? Talked to my brother who’s a cop and he doesn’t understand it and no one he works with understands it. They think all the officers involved should go to prison.

    Typically I’d be all over these fuckin idiots destroying the Target but you mix a black dude murdered by a cop with people struggling with the whole Covid thing and it’s not gonna be pretty.

      JeffDime: +

  6. #26
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanlmar View Post
    At this point in history I don’t think the right has any sort of concession on law and order. I once felt that way. I now accept societal mores are fluid. I also don’t tilt at windmills.

    The civil damages that may result and the cost the city (taxpayers) will incur is really the only hope for change with regard to the police pandemic. Hope the insurance companies jack the rates to the point congress includes these losses in the bailout.
    Fox News talking points sure shake Druff to his Hot Dog on a Stick core.

    In before pants up, don't loot.

      MumblesBadly: LOL!
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  7. #27
    Platinum Krypt's Avatar
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    druff with literally no regard for human life. His 9/11 is Target, a company that raked $75 billion in revenue last year, being subjected to petty theft at one of its 1900 locations.

  8. #28
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    The takes in this thread are unbelievable, and very worrisome to me.

    Yes, the video of the Minneapolis police incident was bad. Yes, those cops were pieces of shit and need to be charged with murder.

    What does this have to do with looting Target? Absolutely nothing. The people looting that Target and beating up that 80-year-old woman in a wheelchair trying to block them are greedy animals who are exploiting the situation. Do you hear any chanting for change during the Target looting? Do you see any signs being carried? No. Because these people don't give a shit. They want free stuff. The police are standing down. They're taking it like opportunistic common criminals.

    We saw this same shit in the LA Riots. Do you think 19-year-old gang member Damien "Football" Williams cared about Rodney King? No, he was a piece of shit gangbanger who saw the situation as an opportunity to have fun beating people up. Even Wiliams himself didn't pretend this was about social justice. He claimed he simply got "caught up in the moment" with everyone around him being aggressive. So he ripped a white dude out of the cab of a passing truck and almost beat him to death. Sweet guy.

    You need to separate the protest from the opportunistic assholes trying to exploit the protest for their own gains. The latter deserves zero sympathy or allowances.

    Additionally, even legitimate protesters still need to obey the law. The law doesn't just disappear because you're angry about something. You don't have the right to destroy businesses and beat people up because you're unhappy about a police brutality incident involving people you never met. That's what peaceful protest is for. You don't just get to suspend all laws while you hurt people and destroy their businesses.

    Two things can be true at once.

    The police in the Minneapolis incident are pieces of shit and need to be charged with murder.

    The people looting and rioting and also pieces of shit, and are exploiting the matter for personal gain.

    If you can't see both of the above, you are a gullible moron who is so caught up in virtue signaling that you abandon common sense.

  9. #29
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Far more black people murder white people each year in the US, than the other way around. This is true year after year, and has been true since before I was born.

    Should I protest this by destroying black-owned businesses and beating up little-old black ladies who try to move their wheelchair in my way?

    Do you see how ridiculous this sounds?

    In a huge country with many thousands of police departments, we are going to find some bad apples. The goal is to weed out the bad apples and punish them for their misdeeds. The point is NOT to give people unhappy with the situation carte blanche to destroy businesses, steal, and beat people up, because they're unhappy that every so often a video emerges of a really bad police officer doing bad things.

    Should we be equally angry at black people when we find videos of really awful black people doing awful things? Because there are a ton of them out there.

    I thought the whole point of this exercise was not to judge an entire group by the actions of a small percentage of bad actors?

  10. #30
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    The takes in this thread are unbelievable, and very worrisome to me.

    Yes, the video of the Minneapolis police incident was bad. Yes, those cops were pieces of shit and need to be charged with murder.

    What does this have to do with looting Target? Absolutely nothing. The people looting that Target and beating up that 80-year-old woman in a wheelchair trying to block them are greedy animals who are exploiting the situation. Do you hear any chanting for change during the Target looting? Do you see any signs being carried? No. Because these people don't give a shit. They want free stuff. The police are standing down. They're taking it like opportunistic common criminals.

    We saw this same shit in the LA Riots. Do you think 19-year-old gang member Damien "Football" Williams cared about Rodney King? No, he was a piece of shit gangbanger who saw the situation as an opportunity to have fun beating people up. Even Wiliams himself didn't pretend this was about social justice. He claimed he simply got "caught up in the moment" with everyone around him being aggressive. So he ripped a white dude out of the cab of a passing truck and almost beat him to death. Sweet guy.

    You need to separate the protest from the opportunistic assholes trying to exploit the protest for their own gains. The latter deserves zero sympathy or allowances.

    Additionally, even legitimate protesters still need to obey the law. The law doesn't just disappear because you're angry about something. You don't have the right to destroy businesses and beat people up because you're unhappy about a police brutality incident involving people you never met. That's what peaceful protest is for. You don't just get to suspend all laws while you hurt people and destroy their businesses.

    Two things can be true at once.

    The police in the Minneapolis incident are pieces of shit and need to be charged with murder.

    The people looting and rioting and also pieces of shit, and are exploiting the matter for personal gain.

    If you can't see both of the above, you are a gullible moron who is so caught up in virtue signaling that you abandon common sense.
    No one is cheering on or defending the looting here though, are they?

    Just like no one is championing for trans athletes?

    Or defending late term abortion?

    Or even really defending any aspect of SJW culture?

    Who in the fuck are you babbling to?
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  11. #31
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    So I'll ask you PFA lefties who disagree with me.

    What should have been done with the looters? Nothing? Just let them loot?

    If so, how long should the looting be allowed to go on? Hours? Days? Weeks?

    When do we go back to "looting isn't okay anymore because it's been enough time since the police brutality video came out, and you should be able to control yourself now"?

    Just wondering what you expect here.

    What about innocent people in the way who get beaten up? Just tough luck on them?

    What about business owners -- including small businesses -- destroyed and looted by this? Again, just tough luck? Gotta let the people riot because stealing is all about social justice, right?

    Serious questions here. Tell me when the police are supposed to intervene, and when looting goes from being okay to not okay. I want to know the timeframe where I can score myself some nice new electronics next time something happens. Thanks.

  12. #32
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    The takes in this thread are unbelievable, and very worrisome to me.

    Yes, the video of the Minneapolis police incident was bad. Yes, those cops were pieces of shit and need to be charged with murder.

    What does this have to do with looting Target? Absolutely nothing. The people looting that Target and beating up that 80-year-old woman in a wheelchair trying to block them are greedy animals who are exploiting the situation. Do you hear any chanting for change during the Target looting? Do you see any signs being carried? No. Because these people don't give a shit. They want free stuff. The police are standing down. They're taking it like opportunistic common criminals.

    We saw this same shit in the LA Riots. Do you think 19-year-old gang member Damien "Football" Williams cared about Rodney King? No, he was a piece of shit gangbanger who saw the situation as an opportunity to have fun beating people up. Even Wiliams himself didn't pretend this was about social justice. He claimed he simply got "caught up in the moment" with everyone around him being aggressive. So he ripped a white dude out of the cab of a passing truck and almost beat him to death. Sweet guy.

    You need to separate the protest from the opportunistic assholes trying to exploit the protest for their own gains. The latter deserves zero sympathy or allowances.

    Additionally, even legitimate protesters still need to obey the law. The law doesn't just disappear because you're angry about something. You don't have the right to destroy businesses and beat people up because you're unhappy about a police brutality incident involving people you never met. That's what peaceful protest is for. You don't just get to suspend all laws while you hurt people and destroy their businesses.

    Two things can be true at once.

    The police in the Minneapolis incident are pieces of shit and need to be charged with murder.

    The people looting and rioting and also pieces of shit, and are exploiting the matter for personal gain.

    If you can't see both of the above, you are a gullible moron who is so caught up in virtue signaling that you abandon common sense.
    No one is cheering on or defending the looting here though, are they?

    Just like no one is championing for trans athletes?

    Or defending late term abortion?

    Or even really defending any aspect of SJW culture?

    Who in the fuck are you babbling to?

    I see a lot of people in the thread defending the looting by saying that this incident is so bad that "this is what happens", as if this is a reasonable response to a police brutality video being released.

    Notice none of my post made any excuses for the police officers involved.

    It was strictly focusing upon the pieces of shit who were rioting and looting, and I posted my suggestion as to what to do with them. It seems that most people in the thread either don't agree with me, or are afraid to directly say they don't, so they pivot back to the officer thing and say "What do you expect?"

    But if I'm wrong and you think the looters are pieces of shit who should have been tear gassed and arrested, please clarify for me.


  13. #33
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    Oh, and again, just so you stop using "late term abortion" as a supposed strawman I bring up which very few leftists really support, please explain why the law in more than one state allows for late term abortion for any reason. Clearly this isn't a tiny fringe of the Democratic Party if entire (Democratic) states have laws permitting it.

    And somehow trans women are competing in athletics as women, even though supposedly no mainstream Democrats support that, either. So who is allowing it? Conservatives?

    LOL Democrats and their denial about their crazy positions

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightmarefish View Post
    Of all the police killings I’ve seen videoed this one is hands down the worst. I mean what the fuck? Talked to my brother who’s a cop and he doesn’t understand it and no one he works with understands it. They think all the officers involved should go to prison.

    Typically I’d be all over these fuckin idiots destroying the Target but you mix a black dude murdered by a cop with people struggling with the whole Covid thing and it’s not gonna be pretty.
    So what do you think should be done with the looters?

    Do you think the looters are doing this in protest, or just because they want free shit?

  15. #35
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Still nothing on CNN.

    I'm sure that has nothing to do with political bias.

    I have no idea what Trump is talking about when he calls them fake news. They seem very responsible to me.

    Today I learned on CNN about a turtle and a 13-year-old college student, but not about riots in Minneapolis. Nice.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightmarefish View Post
    Of all the police killings I’ve seen videoed this one is hands down the worst. I mean what the fuck? Talked to my brother who’s a cop and he doesn’t understand it and no one he works with understands it. They think all the officers involved should go to prison.

    Typically I’d be all over these fuckin idiots destroying the Target but you mix a black dude murdered by a cop with people struggling with the whole Covid thing and it’s not gonna be pretty.
    Is this guy bizarro world dorkstar?

  17. #37
    Diamond TheXFactor's Avatar
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    I doubt very much if Druff has been to a Target or Walmart in a poor black neighborhood. They treat you like shit and a criminal as soon as you walk in the door.

    Fuck Target. No way Druff (a white person of privilege) would shop there anyway.

    As for the newest killing in Minneapolis.
    There will be no justice for George Floyd.
    The police officers will just lose their jobs but at least one juror will acquit them. Then the family will receive a multi-million dollar judgement from the city. Next time cops want to kill a black man and want completely get away with it. They just need to remember to confiscate all cellphones and disable all video cameras nearby.

    Last edited by TheXFactor; 05-27-2020 at 11:42 PM.

  18. #38
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    The takes in this thread are unbelievable, and very worrisome to me.
    You came in hot on Target looting not a senseless murder by civil servants.

    Your biggest outrage is with one of the infotainment outlets. I just don’t care. The FOX CNN type thing is just sports for dorks. It’s what WFAN sports talk once did for ratings. It’s fun for some. It’s not important though.

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  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanlmar View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    The takes in this thread are unbelievable, and very worrisome to me.
    You came in hot on Target looting not a senseless murder by civil servants.

    Your biggest outrage is with one of the infotainment outlets. I just don’t care. The FOX CNN type thing is just sports for dorks. It’s what WFAN sports talk once did for ratings. It’s fun for some. It’s not important though.
    How dare you call druff a dork

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheXFactor View Post
    I doubt very much if Druff has been to a Target or Walmart in a poor black neighborhood. They treat you like shit and a criminal as soon as you walk in the door.

    Fuck Target. No way Druff (a white person of privilege) would shop there anyway.

    these are the takes this guy has lol what

    u a target expert bro?

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