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Thread: *** OFFICIAL *** PokerFraudAlert Emergency Car Radio Thread

  1. #21
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy View Post
    Everybody is lining up to take one side over the other. Don't you see that they're both wrong? They're both on super monkey tilt.

    Micon is wrong because he can't or won't honour a contract & for everyone that says Todd would get laughed out of court by the judge: give your head a shake. Judges take the breaking of a legal document very seriously whether any fucktards on the internet think it is a waste of time. If Todd won this lawsuit he would be awarded court costs also so, if he really believes it's a slam dunk, he's in a no lose situation other than trying to collect. I'm not a lawyer & have not seen the document but if it is legal binding then Micon is being a douche & will lose a lawsuit. If it's just a gentleman's agreement type document & not really legally binding then Micon is still a douche for going back on his word & a man's word is all he really has.

    Druff is wrong because after a while he should just STFU & handle it in private, although a little drama is always entertaining for the users. I understand that's not his nature but how many times do you have to repeat your position & take cheap shots at someone? How can Micon defend himself against the Bitcoin story? It's a he-said, he-said situation that can't be resolved without a bunch of name calling & mud-slinging. Unless he has indisputable proof, & hearsay is not indisputable even if he heard it directly from Micon unless he taped the conversation, he should just keep that story to himself.

    Also to contact Micon's sponsors to make them aware is also uncool. If he is going to do that, than wait a couple of days & cool off first. By doing it almost immediately he looks like exactly what he's making Micon out to be, someone who is tilted & doing something out of spite. He may think he's not, & rationalize it in his own mind that he's doing it for noble purposes, but that is exactly what it looks like & perception is reality. It's not like waiting a few days to cool off is going to make any difference. I'm sure DD & Draftday aren't in negotiations to increase their sponsorship from $500/month to $1 million/month but, I guess if they were, then he was correct in doing what he did.

    Just my take on the situation.
    This is an intelligent and fair take on the situation, including your criticism of me.

    I will respond to this post, and will ignore the lame trolling by Micon nuthuggers like Baron.

    It's funny when you mention the "judge will laugh this out of court thing", because those statements come from naive simpletons who think that court works like internet forums. It doesn't. As you said, a legal contract is a legal contract, and the judge isn't going to care if it's about a serious matter or LOL internet stuff -- it's still a contract and the one blatantly violating it will lose.

    While none of you have seen the contract, I can assure you that it is both notarized and legally binding. I even had an attorney with 35+ years experience in the field look it over before submitting the final version to Micon, and he gave the thumbs up.

    Regarding DraftDay, I won't be contacting them right away. I do think that they have a right to know what's going on with all of this (especially since they also do business with Micon), but I agree that it would be better to wait a few days to see how this situation starts to play out.

    The little story I told about the Donate Button and the bitcoins was just a little LOL story. I know there's no way to verify it, but I should note that I didn't get my 26.4% of the Donate Button money until a month after I left DD. This was because Micon didn't have the money anymore, and yes, it had to do with bitcoins. I can't prove it, and it really isn't important, but I decided to drop that little anecdote because I thought it would entertain the listeners, and Micon definitely didn't deserve better treatment after the shit he pulled today with posting my niece's picture on his site.

    Should I have kept this private? You may think so, but I don't agree. Micon banned my account for no reason, lied to everyone about it (including slandering my name by saying that I was engaging in a conspiracy to edit posts about Peterdc), and then lied again about me abusing the moderator power I still had on DD. I had to defend myself. Also, why should I keep my unfair and agreement-breaking ban on DonkDown a secret? Micon always postures to his users that he's all for free speech and doesn't ban anyone unless they're "fucking it up for everyone." I felt it was important for people to see the true Micon.

    Anyway, thanks for your commentary. Even though I don't agree with all of your points, I feel it's overall a fair and unbiased assessment of the situation.

  2. #22
    Diamond Hockey Guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy View Post
    Druff is wrong because after a while he should just STFU & handle it in private,

    Regarding DraftDay, I won't be contacting them right away. I do think that they have a right to know what's going on with all of this (especially since they also do business with Micon), but I agree that it would be better to wait a few days to see how this situation starts to play out.

    Should I have kept this private? You may think so, but I don't agree.

    I never said you should just keep it quiet. After making your points(& good points I might add)several times in public, they should stop being so public & become a little more private since all it does is let the he-said, he-said, he's a fucking liar, you're a liar, to escalate.

    As for Draftday, I thought you said on the radio that you had already contacted them. If this was incorrect, than I apologize & I stand corrected.
    (•_•) ..
    ∫\ \___( •_•)
    _∫∫ _∫∫ɯ \ \

    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy
    I'd say good luck in the freeroll but I'm pretty sure you'll go on a bender to self-sabotage yourself & miss it completely or use it as the excuse of why you didn't cash.

  3. #23
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    Regarding DraftDay, I won't be contacting them right away. I do think that they have a right to know what's going on with all of this (especially since they also do business with Micon), but I agree that it would be better to wait a few days to see how this situation starts to play out.

    Should I have kept this private? You may think so, but I don't agree.

    I never said you should just keep it quiet. After making your points(& good points I might add)several times in public, they should stop being so public & become a little more private since all it does is let the he-said, he-said, he's a fucking liar, you're a liar, to escalate.

    As for Draftday, I thought you said on the radio that you had already contacted them. If this was incorrect, than I apologize & I stand corrected.
    I included @DraftDay on some of my tweets about Micon on Saturday. I haven't contacted them directly, and as I said, won't be doing so for at least a few days.

    I was mainly including the @DraftDay on my tweets because I wanted Micon to understand that there's far-reaching reputation consequences to your reputation when you breach a contract and slander someone's name in order to justify doing it.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy View Post

    I never said you should just keep it quiet. After making your points(& good points I might add)several times in public, they should stop being so public & become a little more private since all it does is let the he-said, he-said, he's a fucking liar, you're a liar, to escalate.

    As for Draftday, I thought you said on the radio that you had already contacted them. If this was incorrect, than I apologize & I stand corrected.
    I included @DraftDay on some of my tweets about Micon on Saturday. I haven't contacted them directly, and as I said, won't be doing so for at least a few days.

    I was mainly including the @DraftDay on my tweets because I wanted Micon to understand that there's far-reaching reputation consequences to your reputation when you breach a contract and slander someone's name in order to justify doing it.

    You mainly included draftday because you are on serious medically retarded, monkey tilt. Even if you are in "the right" IMO legally, the fact that you cannot control the situation or control Micon puts you on this shortbus tilt. So even though you can still alert draftday weeks from now and get the same result, you can't wait because you are so pissed off and on such tilt.

    You make up excuses for emergency radio and threats etc, but there is only one reason. You aren't getting what YOU want and what YOU think is fair right this second. So your brain conjures up solutions and methods of "solving" the problem to get what you want. Now this generates many guffaws in our community and I for one certainly thank you, but just know you look like a complete asshole, and a fucking freak.

    STFU Todd. Hit the showers. Take a breather. If your foal was really to protect your family, why stir up the trolls. This is the equivalent to almost any action Amrty hasdone for the last 40 years. Deal with this situation without having to control everything and dictate YOUR terms in black and white. Use you brain to get what you want...............and use patience. You can't outthink people if you are on tilt. Period. Not even you. Your failure to manipulate Micon properly is extremely disappointing son.

    Blowing up like this, and playing most or all of the cards in your deck all at once makes you look like a moron. You aren't a moron normally obv, but you are certainly looking and acting like one right now. Take a deep breath and deal with this situation later. The sooner you learn you are a control freak, the sooner your life will improve. I promise you I just had to go through a divorce because I refused to learn this lesson into the bitter end. My trophy, for always being "in the right".
    Last edited by GAMBLE-BOT; 04-09-2012 at 05:05 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by 408Mike View Post
    My mom has a few special requests actually, Vwls do you do any freelance work? For fun or at least pretty cheap? Mostly cutesy stuff with her horses and baby foal who is still a baby but a freaking huge one let me tell you.

  5. #25
    Diamond DRK Star's Avatar
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    Gamble and Hockey Guy making some great points here.

  6. #26
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GAMBLE-BOT View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    I included @DraftDay on some of my tweets about Micon on Saturday. I haven't contacted them directly, and as I said, won't be doing so for at least a few days.

    I was mainly including the @DraftDay on my tweets because I wanted Micon to understand that there's far-reaching reputation consequences to your reputation when you breach a contract and slander someone's name in order to justify doing it.

    You mainly included draftday because you are on serious medically retarded, monkey tilt. Even if you are in "the right" IMO legally, the fact that you cannot control the situation or control Micon puts you on this shortbus tilt. So even though you can still alert draftday weeks from now and get the same result, you can't wait because you are so pissed off and on such tilt.

    You make up excuses for emergency radio and threats etc, but there is only one reason. You aren't getting what YOU want and what YOU think is fair right this second. So your brain conjures up solutions and methods of "solving" the problem to get what you want. Now this generates many guffaws in our community and I for one certainly thank you, but just know you look like a complete asshole, and a fucking freak.

    STFU Todd. Hit the showers. Take a breather. If your foal was really to protect your family, why stir up the trolls. This is the equivalent to almost any action Amrty hasdone for the last 40 years. Deal with this situation without having to control everything and dictate YOUR terms in black and white. Use you brain to get what you want...............and use patience. You can't outthink people if you are on tilt. Period. Not even you. Your failure to manipulate Micon properly is extremely disappointing son.

    Blowing up like this, and playing most or all of the cards in your deck all at once makes you look like a moron. You aren't a moron normally obv, but you are certainly looking and acting like one right now. Take a deep breath and deal with this situation later. The sooner you learn you are a control freak, the sooner your life will improve. I promise you I just had to go through a divorce because I refused to learn this lesson into the bitter end. My trophy, for always being "in the right".


    Last night had all the trappings of a guy who is emotionally addicted to Donkdown, like clinically.

    It was a thousand times more awkward and embarrassing than the pics I posted of the physically handicapped couple having sex.

    Is it suddenly news that Micon has lost his fucking gourd? To no one but you apparently.

    Its my opinion that you provoked Micon into violating the terms of your undoubtedly hilarious "contract" so you could once again have an excuse to climb up on The Worlds Shortest Pulpit and claim moral and legal superiority over a guy who's biggest claim to fame is posting noodz of his best friend as an act of vengeance for not receiving a loan.

    Here is an example of an emotionally balanced and generally level headed individual reacting to the news that Micon terminated his access on a internet poker forum almost no one has ever heard of:

    "Huh... fuck it. Wife, lets make love."

    Compare that with your last 24 waking hours and youll see clearly why trolls from around the planet converge on you for sport. You're like the Alaskan herring run for trolls right now. The "say fuck it and walk away" gene is completely missing in you and it's time for you to really start looking into how to mitigate that, because honestly, the streets are watching.

  7. #27
    Bronze pikachar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post

    Last night had all the trappings of a guy who is emotionally addicted to Donkdown, like clinically.

    It was a thousand times more awkward and embarrassing than the pics I posted of the physically handicapped couple having sex.

    Is it suddenly news that Micon has lost his fucking gourd? To no one but you apparently.

    Its my opinion that you provoked Micon into violating the terms of your undoubtedly hilarious "contract" so you could once again have an excuse to climb up on The Worlds Shortest Pulpit and claim moral and legal superiority over a guy who's biggest claim to fame is posting noodz of his best friend as an act of vengeance for not receiving a loan.

    Here is an example of an emotionally balanced and generally level headed individual reacting to the news that Micon terminated his access on a internet poker forum almost no one has ever heard of:

    "Huh... fuck it. Wife, lets make love."

    Compare that with your last 24 waking hours and youll see clearly why trolls from around the planet converge on you for sport. You're like the Alaskan herring run for trolls right now. The "say fuck it and walk away" gene is completely missing in you and it's time for you to really start looking into how to mitigate that, because honestly, the streets are watching.
    +1 'Tine, found something for you!

    USE it well
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  8. #28
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  9. #29
    Platinum devidee's Avatar
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    I've thought long and hard about everything that has gone down and...

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by devidee View Post
    I've thought long and hard about everything that has gone down and...

    where is said radio show

    thanks in advance


    everyone who isnt on the internet 24 7

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by drufdajewgod View Post
    where is said radio show

    thanks in advance


    everyone who isnt on the internet 24 7
    No clue. I didn't listen to it.

  12. #32
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    druff said it didnt get recorded for technical reasons.

  13. #33
    Bronze pikachar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    druff said it didnt get recorded for technical reasons.
    Basically he didn't want Micon to post about it via twitter...

  14. #34
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    I have been in the process of creating a real archive system here rather than the current method of me just posting a link to the MP3 file of the show.

    Part of that process is a script that automatically copies the radio MP3 file over to the directory where the archives will be located. Unfortunately the script did not have the proper permission to that directory, and I didn't remove the line which deletes the original file after copying it.

    The problem has now been fixed. Unfortunately, I had no visibility into it occurring until hours after the show completed, because I was in my car during the show itself.

    Apologies to those who missed it and wanted to hear the show. The good news is that I am in the process of developing a regular radio show and I think a lot of you will enjoy it.

  15. #35
    Gold tommyt's Avatar
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    damn i wanted to download it. i guess ill go hang myself now

  16. #36
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    Druff has every right to be angry over the situation and to take the actions he has taken.
    Micon has failed to respect the legally binding agreement regarding Druff's ongoing DD admin access.
    Micon has proven himself to be very dishonourable in all aspects of his personal and businesss relationships and must be stopped from continuing with his extremely reprehensible behaviour.

    Druff doesn't need to apologize to anyone for taking the measures he has taken for posting details of the break-up, or for publicizing micon's personal financial details on the interwebs, or for threatening legal action where the circumstances and surrounding issues make the legal action justified.

    And lastly, if I am Taylor Caby and I knew my advertising dollars spent at donkdown were being used by micon to develop the seals with clubs scam site that is full of security gaps, I would cancel my DD advertising immediately. I would not want to be in any business relationship with such an insincere individual.

    my 2 cents.

  17. #37
    Gold Bootsy Collins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neveragain39 View Post
    Druff has every right to be angry over the situation and to take the actions he has taken.
    Micon has failed to respect the legally binding agreement regarding Druff's ongoing DD admin access.
    Micon has proven himself to be very dishonourable in all aspects of his personal and businesss relationships and must be stopped from continuing with his extremely reprehensible behaviour.

    Druff doesn't need to apologize to anyone for taking the measures he has taken for posting details of the break-up, or for publicizing micon's personal financial details on the interwebs, or for threatening legal action where the circumstances and surrounding issues make the legal action justified.

    And lastly, if I am Taylor Caby and I knew my advertising dollars spent at donkdown were being used by micon to develop the seals with clubs scam site that is full of security gaps, I would cancel my DD advertising immediately. I would not want to be in any business relationship with such an insincere individual.

    my 2 cents.

    Quote Originally Posted by RealTalk View Post
    Lol at the amount of effort that druff's friends have to exert trying to do an internet podcast without offending him.

  18. #38
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bootsy Collins View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by neveragain39 View Post
    Druff has every right to be angry over the situation and to take the actions he has taken.
    Micon has failed to respect the legally binding agreement regarding Druff's ongoing DD admin access.
    Micon has proven himself to be very dishonourable in all aspects of his personal and businesss relationships and must be stopped from continuing with his extremely reprehensible behaviour.

    Druff doesn't need to apologize to anyone for taking the measures he has taken for posting details of the break-up, or for publicizing micon's personal financial details on the interwebs, or for threatening legal action where the circumstances and surrounding issues make the legal action justified.

    And lastly, if I am Taylor Caby and I knew my advertising dollars spent at donkdown were being used by micon to develop the seals with clubs scam site that is full of security gaps, I would cancel my DD advertising immediately. I would not want to be in any business relationship with such an insincere individual.

    my 2 cents.

    Agreed. I love it when two Harvard grads like Gamblebrag and SonaPhile
    let it be known how things should go.
    Boys did you ask Druff for advice on your failing marriage or how to stop
    staring at small boys while eating a box of
    cookies? No,you didn't so shut the fuck up.


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