Thread: Time to get on the TRUMP train

  1. #38001
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    does anyone know anyone at all who didnt vote for trump but is like 'wow im really into the job hes doing, i think ill vote for him this time'?

    anyone at all, anyplace.

      devidee: Yes.
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  2. #38002
    Platinum duped_samaritan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I actually do feel there was a racist President in recent years. That would be a guy who interjected himself into complex racial issues, stated his opinion, and worsened race relations in this country, after decades of slow improvement. That would be a gentleman named Barack Hussein Obama.

    Obama - Racist for interjecting, stating opinion, and making things worse.
    Trimp - Not racist. Just wants to keep Mexicans and Muslims from hurting our country.

      MumblesBadly: Druff is beyond hope on this issue.

  3. #38003
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by duped_samaritan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I actually do feel there was a racist President in recent years. That would be a guy who interjected himself into complex racial issues, stated his opinion, and worsened race relations in this country, after decades of slow improvement. That would be a gentleman named Barack Hussein Obama.

    Obama - Racist for interjecting, stating opinion, and making things worse.
    Trimp - Not racist. Just wants to keep Mexicans and Muslims from hurting our country.
    Trump wants to keep ILLEGALLY IMMIGRATING Mexicans from our country, and wanted to temporarily ban Muslims from immigrating until they could be vetted here, since there was a serious effort by terrorists to sneak into this country and kill people.

    Neither of these are racist motivations. Who is honestly more likely to commit acts of terror in the US -- Muslim immigrants, or non-Muslim immigrants?

    Why is it a bad thing if we expend greater effort to prevent ILLEGAL immigration into this country?

    How is any of this racist?

    The left wants to live in a world where every group is equal in all ways, and where saying otherwise is evil.

    Men and women are identical, and neither gender has any strengths or weaknesses compared to the other gender. Hell, gender doesn't exist anyway because it's a social construct, right?

    Musilms are no more likely to commit acts of terror in western countries than non-Muslims. It's just the racist right wing media making you think that.

    If black men are incarcerated at a much higher rate than white men in the US, it's only because our police are racist and our court system is racist. In reality, all races commit violent crimes at an exact equal rate, and saying otherwise makes you a bigoted asshole.

    Wanting to keep illegal immigrants out of this country is racist because those people are mostly nonwhite, thus any attempt to thwart this is racist.

    Women seeking abortions at the 8.5 month mark are always doing it because of a tremendous physical health risk, and not a single woman alive would ever use the legality of such procedures to commit murder of a fully developed and viable child for convenience sake. Not one. Never. All women walking the earth are saints, so we must craft our laws allowing them to murder children if they think that's what's best.

    If a 3-year-old boy says he feels like a girl, we should permanently give him hormone treatment to sterilize him and raise him as a girl. Because all 3-year-olds have the capacity to make major life decisions for themselves, and it would be transphobic to think otherwise.

    I mean... it's just a complete abandonment of common sense. This is why I can't ever vote Democrat. The detachment from reality is growing by the day.

      MumblesBadly: Raising ridiculous straw man arguments no reasonable person on the left makes. But good try repeating disingenuous rightwing talking points.
      RS_: Mumbles explains it perfectly -- there are no reasonable people on the left.

  4. #38004
    Diamond TheXFactor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    If a 3-year-old boy says he feels like a girl, we should permanently give him hormone treatment to sterilize him and raise him as a girl. Because all 3-year-olds have the capacity to make major life decisions for themselves, and it would be transphobic to think otherwise.
    If a 65 year old man cuts his dick off and gets breast implants does that make him a woman?

  5. #38005
    Diamond blake's Avatar
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    druff, you keep ducking the fact that you conceded that trump probably thinks negatively of certain races; e.g., blacks are lazy. that is racist. please stop saying it's not.

    i know, i know, everybody's racist. ok, cool. that doesn't mean he's not.

    on the other hand, i'm not necessarily telling you that his policies are racist or necessarily come from racism. wanting to keep illegal immigrants out, ending birthright citizenship, means testing, etc., are all perfectly reasonable policies.

  6. #38006
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    I view trump as more racist in that he plays to irrational fears better than anyone I’ve ever seen. He overemphasizes those issues for political gain, and in doing so, incites and plays to the lowest common denominator. He’s a horrible human being in that he’s a narcissist waxing on about people and situations that he doesn’t understand, and was born with the biggest silver spoon ever. He has the potential for disaster because he doesn’t know shit, but it hasn’t resulted in disaster yet and I assume a whole bunch of people give him a fake nuclear football and pat him on the head and indulge him because they know he’s good at exciting the unwashed to the polls. They know they lack charisma and he has the ear of the don’t tread on me flag crowd.

    I don’t have a problem with strict immigration. Other countries viewed as more progressive don’t want me unless I fill a specific niche, which I don’t, or demonstrate a wealth that allows them to know they’ll never have to support me. That’s rational and fine. That’s far more strict than we are. Give us your poor and wretched masses yearning was idealistic jingo at a time we needed slews of unskilled labor.

    Ending immigration influx will create rise of low end real wages. It has to. We’ve needed that for a long time. Democrats have wanted that for a long time. In retrospect, when historians talk about the time we lived, it will largely be viewed as some transitional period where the world was moving from an industrial to technological world where we faced a slew of problems like any period of change. They’ll view trump as a look at how fucked up
    it got situation that they resorted to that footnote.

      devidee: The globo-homo era is dying.
      big dick: another gem
      Jayjami: Solid
      MumblesBadly: What Jayjami said.

  7. #38007
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    does anyone know anyone at all who didnt vote for trump but is like 'wow im really into the job hes doing, i think ill vote for him this time'?

    anyone at all, anyplace.
    I do know a few people that fall into this category. I’m currently not one of them but I’m certainly not voting for one of the current possible Dem noms. I’ll probably sit out or burn my vote on an independent like I did last time.

      sonatine: fair, thanks

  8. #38008
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    Quote Originally Posted by blake View Post
    druff, you keep ducking the fact that you conceded that trump probably thinks negatively of certain races; e.g., blacks are lazy. that is racist. please stop saying it's not.

    i know, i know, everybody's racist. ok, cool. that doesn't mean he's not.

    on the other hand, i'm not necessarily telling you that his policies are racist or necessarily come from racism. wanting to keep illegal immigrants out, ending birthright citizenship, means testing, etc., are all perfectly reasonable policies.
    Maybe the question is, if his policies aren’t racist then does it matter if he’s a racist behind closed doors? I personally think Trump is similar to many people his age in that fact that he is unintentionally racist at times. My mom will say some shit sometimes that I tell her she can’t say. She doesn’t even realize what she said could be considered racist and she has no malintent. I don’t consider her a racist because I believe intent matters and if I told her she was racist she wouldn’t understand it and be devastated. Btw, she’s a moderate republican that hates Trump and lives in a red state.

    Of course there is the argument that Trump is the President of the United States and should be aware of the impact of every word that comes out of his mouth, which is very hard to dispute. Of all his flaws, Maybe Trump’s biggest problem is his lack of self awareness and extremely low emotional intelligence.

  9. #38009
    Diamond blake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightmarefish View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by blake View Post
    druff, you keep ducking the fact that you conceded that trump probably thinks negatively of certain races; e.g., blacks are lazy. that is racist. please stop saying it's not.

    i know, i know, everybody's racist. ok, cool. that doesn't mean he's not.

    on the other hand, i'm not necessarily telling you that his policies are racist or necessarily come from racism. wanting to keep illegal immigrants out, ending birthright citizenship, means testing, etc., are all perfectly reasonable policies.
    Maybe the question is, if his policies aren’t racist then does it matter if he’s a racist behind closed doors? I personally think Trump is similar to many people his age in that fact that he is unintentionally racist at times. My mom will say some shit sometimes that I tell her she can’t say. She doesn’t even realize what she said could be considered racist and she has no malintent. I don’t consider her a racist because I believe intent matters and if I told her she was racist she wouldn’t understand it and be devastated. Btw, she’s a moderate republican that hates Trump and lives in a red state.

    Of course there is the argument that Trump is the President of the United States and should be aware of the impact of every word that comes out of his mouth, which is very hard to dispute. Of all his flaws, Maybe Trump’s biggest problem is his lack of self awareness and extremely low emotional intelligence.
    ideally, trump's views on race shouldn't affect how we debate his policies, but trump's extreme "racial insensitivity" (to be kind) makes having an intelligent discussion difficult. when half the country thinks he's a racist due to all the idiotic things he says, it makes it impossible for anyone to work with him.

    i said it before in this thread, but i truly think any hope of trump having the democrats work with him on anything ended the day he announced he was running for president when he gave his mexicans are rapists speech.

    could you guys imagine how unstoppable trump would be in 2020 if he was sane and didn't have so many self-inflicted wounds? with this economy and a pro-america, anti-establishmemt message, he should be one of the more popular presidents in our lifetime.

  10. #38010
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    Quote Originally Posted by blake View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by nightmarefish View Post

    Maybe the question is, if his policies aren’t racist then does it matter if he’s a racist behind closed doors? I personally think Trump is similar to many people his age in that fact that he is unintentionally racist at times. My mom will say some shit sometimes that I tell her she can’t say. She doesn’t even realize what she said could be considered racist and she has no malintent. I don’t consider her a racist because I believe intent matters and if I told her she was racist she wouldn’t understand it and be devastated. Btw, she’s a moderate republican that hates Trump and lives in a red state.

    Of course there is the argument that Trump is the President of the United States and should be aware of the impact of every word that comes out of his mouth, which is very hard to dispute. Of all his flaws, Maybe Trump’s biggest problem is his lack of self awareness and extremely low emotional intelligence.
    ideally, trump's views on race shouldn't affect how we debate his policies, but trump's extreme "racial insensitivity" (to be kind) makes having an intelligent discussion difficult. when half the country thinks he's a racist due to all the idiotic things he says, it makes it impossible for anyone to work with him.

    i said it before in this thread, but i truly think any hope of trump having the democrats work with him on anything ended the day he announced he was running for president when he gave his mexicans are rapists speech.

    could you guys imagine how unstoppable trump would be in 2020 if he was sane and didn't have so many self-inflicted wounds? with this economy and a pro-america, anti-establishmemt message, he should be one of the more popular presidents in our lifetime.
    This is what I’m talking about with intent. You really think he meant that the average Mexican is a rapist or do you think he was talking about MS-13? Same with “there were good people of both sides”, he wasn’t talking about white supremacists and Antifa being good people, he was talking about the peaceful protesters that were there.

  11. #38011
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightmarefish View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by blake View Post

    ideally, trump's views on race shouldn't affect how we debate his policies, but trump's extreme "racial insensitivity" (to be kind) makes having an intelligent discussion difficult. when half the country thinks he's a racist due to all the idiotic things he says, it makes it impossible for anyone to work with him.

    i said it before in this thread, but i truly think any hope of trump having the democrats work with him on anything ended the day he announced he was running for president when he gave his mexicans are rapists speech.

    could you guys imagine how unstoppable trump would be in 2020 if he was sane and didn't have so many self-inflicted wounds? with this economy and a pro-america, anti-establishmemt message, he should be one of the more popular presidents in our lifetime.
    This is what I’m talking about with intent. You really think he meant that the average Mexican is a rapist or do you think he was talking about MS-13? Same with “there were good people of both sides”, he wasn’t talking about white supremacists and Antifa being good people, he was talking about the peaceful protesters that were there.
    even if you're correct in his intent, it's his own fault that no one will work with him (and that he's getting impeached) because he constantly comes off as a lunatic racist. coming off as a lunatic and a racist has consequences.

    we really shouldn't have to constantly try to explain what the president of the united states "really meant". he's got to do better. deliberately (or idiotically) provoking half the country is not a great governing strategy.

    sidenote, but i would argue that "good people" wouldn't be marching peacefully side-by-side with people in KKK robes and others holding torches chanting "jews will not replace us." like, if i'm marching to protest global warming and a guy in a nazi outfit is standing next to me holding a "save the earth" sign, i'm getting the fuck out of there.

      tony bagadonuts: Strong

  12. #38012
    Platinum devidee's Avatar
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    Boris Johnson has a muh Russian first name.


  13. #38013
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    Quote Originally Posted by blake View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by nightmarefish View Post

    This is what I’m talking about with intent. You really think he meant that the average Mexican is a rapist or do you think he was talking about MS-13? Same with “there were good people of both sides”, he wasn’t talking about white supremacists and Antifa being good people, he was talking about the peaceful protesters that were there.
    even if you're correct in his intent, it's his own fault that no one will work with him (and that he's getting impeached) because he constantly comes off as a lunatic racist. coming off as a lunatic and a racist has consequences.

    we really shouldn't have to constantly try to explain what the president of the united states "really meant". he's got to do better. deliberately (or idiotically) provoking half the country is not a great governing strategy.

    sidenote, but i would argue that "good people" wouldn't be marching peacefully side-by-side with people in KKK robes and others holding torches chanting "jews will not replace us." like, if i'm marching to protest global warming and a guy in a nazi outfit is standing next to me holding a "save the earth" sign, i'm getting the fuck out of there.
    Trump isn’t going to change or do a better job at being politically correct. I told you he is who he is, his emotional intelligence is close to zero.

    Those protesters weren’t marching side by side with the KKK anymore than liberals on the other side were marching with Antifa. There were normal people in there marching for the right reasons and then dipshits on the far left and right showed up and Things got ugly. Watch Trump’s entire statement on what happen, not just what CNN wants you to hear. He flat out condemns white supremacy.

      Tellafriend: don't bother them with facts, they get in the way of their narrative
      devidee: LULZ at emotional intelligence equaling political correctness

  14. #38014
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightmarefish View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by blake View Post

    even if you're correct in his intent, it's his own fault that no one will work with him (and that he's getting impeached) because he constantly comes off as a lunatic racist. coming off as a lunatic and a racist has consequences.

    we really shouldn't have to constantly try to explain what the president of the united states "really meant". he's got to do better. deliberately (or idiotically) provoking half the country is not a great governing strategy.

    sidenote, but i would argue that "good people" wouldn't be marching peacefully side-by-side with people in KKK robes and others holding torches chanting "jews will not replace us." like, if i'm marching to protest global warming and a guy in a nazi outfit is standing next to me holding a "save the earth" sign, i'm getting the fuck out of there.
    Trump isn’t going to change or do a better job at being politically correct. I told you he is who he is, his emotional intelligence is close to zero.

    Those protesters weren’t marching side by side with the KKK anymore than liberals on the other side were marching with Antifa. There were normal people in there marching for the right reasons and then dipshits on the far left and right showed up and Things got ugly. Watch Trump’s entire statement on what happen, not just what CNN wants you to hear. He flat out condemns white supremacy.
    you're clearly right regarding his emotional intelligence. i honestly think he's suffering from a number of disorders, and is more than likely a retard.

    re: charlottesville, i'm not personally offended by a robert e. lee monument and i get that if we start taking down monuments, we get into a slippery slope where all of our founding fathers are viewed as villains as they were largely slaveholders.

    that being said, if you take the time to go and protest the removal of a robert e. lee monument, you're a racist. i don't care if you're not personally in a white hood. sorry, this is a scientific fact. there are literally no non-racists that would take the time out of their day and go to such a protest. i've actually done the math.

    also lol at being a "good person" and not realizing the klan would be marching with you. they were too stupid to realize that a protest to prevent the removal of robert e. lee monument would be a haven for white supremacists?

    but fine, if the normals only marched with the guys holding torches, but didn't actually chant "jews will not replace us," they're ok i guess.

  15. #38015
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    Druff, if this anti-racist rhetoric isn’t quelled I’ll have no choice but to report this site to the ADL.

  16. #38016
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightmarefish View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by blake View Post

    even if you're correct in his intent, it's his own fault that no one will work with him (and that he's getting impeached) because he constantly comes off as a lunatic racist. coming off as a lunatic and a racist has consequences.

    we really shouldn't have to constantly try to explain what the president of the united states "really meant". he's got to do better. deliberately (or idiotically) provoking half the country is not a great governing strategy.

    sidenote, but i would argue that "good people" wouldn't be marching peacefully side-by-side with people in KKK robes and others holding torches chanting "jews will not replace us." like, if i'm marching to protest global warming and a guy in a nazi outfit is standing next to me holding a "save the earth" sign, i'm getting the fuck out of there.
    Trump isn’t going to change or do a better job at being politically correct. I told you he is who he is, his emotional intelligence is close to zero.

    Those protesters weren’t marching side by side with the KKK anymore than liberals on the other side were marching with Antifa. There were normal people in there marching for the right reasons and then dipshits on the far left and right showed up and Things got ugly. Watch Trump’s entire statement on what happen, not just what CNN wants you to hear. He flat out condemns white supremacy.
    How do you think the guys holding the torches, and anyone who supported them, and anyone who was considering becoming one of them, interpreted the 'good people on both sides' statement. How many of them do you think believed Trump thought they were one of the 'bad people'. That's really all that matters.

    He has definitely convinced all of Antifa that he thinks they're pieces of shit, so at least there's that. White supremacists...not so much.

      devidee: Referring to antics members as “good people” shows a lack of emotional intelligence
    Last edited by duped_samaritan; 12-13-2019 at 12:35 PM.

  17. #38017
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    Quote Originally Posted by devidee View Post
    Druff, if this anti-racist rhetoric isn’t quelled I’ll have no choice but to report this site to the ADL.
    5 shekels and the secret handshake makes that problem go away.
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  18. #38018
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    I view trump as more racist in that he plays to irrational fears better than anyone I’ve ever seen. He overemphasizes those issues for political gain, and in doing so, incites and plays to the lowest common denominator.

    Sound like anyone else we know?
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  19. #38019
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    Quote Originally Posted by blake View Post
    re: charlottesville, i'm not personally offended by a robert e. lee monument and i get that if we start taking down monuments, we get into a slippery slope where all of our founding fathers are viewed as villains as they were largely slaveholders.
    How does this not make society more empathic and responsible?
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  20. #38020
    Platinum duped_samaritan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by blake View Post
    re: charlottesville, i'm not personally offended by a robert e. lee monument and i get that if we start taking down monuments, we get into a slippery slope where all of our founding fathers are viewed as villains as they were largely slaveholders.
    How does this not make society more empathic and responsible?

    While Lee protested he had sympathetic feelings for blacks, they were subordinate to his own racial identity.[75] While Lee held slavery to be an evil institution, he also saw some benefit to blacks held in slavery.[76] While Lee helped assist individual slaves to freedom in Liberia, and provided for their emancipation in his own will,[77] he believed the enslaved should be eventually freed in a general way only at some unspecified future date as a part of God's purpose.[75][78] Slavery for Lee was a moral and religious issue, and not one that would yield to political solutions.

    In 1859, three of the Arlington slaves—Wesley Norris, his sister Mary, and a cousin of theirs—fled for the North, but were captured a few miles from the Pennsylvania border and forced to return to Arlington. On June 24, 1859, the anti-slavery newspaper New York Daily Tribune published two anonymous letters (dated June 19, 1859[61] and June 21, 1859[62]), each claiming to have heard that Lee had the Norrises whipped, and each going so far as to claim that the overseer refused to whip the woman but that Lee took the whip and flogged her personally. Lee privately wrote to his son Custis that "The N. Y. Tribune has attacked me for my treatment of your grandfather's slaves, but I shall not reply. He has left me an unpleasant legacy."[63]

    I think there's enough there for Druff to conclude Lee wasn't racist, he was just doing what he perceived as what was best for his business and country.

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