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Thread: St Patricks Day hate crime beating in Baltimore

  1. #1
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    St Patricks Day hate crime beating in Baltimore

    When Trayvon was stalked and killed I was as indignant as the next white guy. But lets be honest here. It seems like 90%+ of the hate crimes that take place in America are done by black people viciously attacking and beating up white people. Here is just another case of something you can find pretty much everyday. And for every one that makes it on camera, how many don't?

    The ironic/sad thing about it is how the liberal media refuses to describe the situation correctly. In fact, it is actually funny. Anytime I see the headline for one of these beating videos and race is NOT addressed at all, I always assume it is black people beating up white people and I am always right.

    Look, I know shit went down in the 1700s-1960s and the black man got a bad break. But none of us here were even alive for most of that. If we truly want to address the race issue in America, IMO we have to acknowledge what is going on TODAY, and that is black people running wild in the streets beating on whitey just for being whitey (and the occasional assault on other minorities such as gay people) and the complicity of the liberal media in refusing to acknowledge the group most responsible for hate crimes in America today.

  2. #2
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    That is my city yo!

    This happens all the time, they just caught this one on video.

    Google Zach Sowers, and how the POS n-word criminal loving(former) states attorney Pat Jessamy and her cronies handled that situation. If you think this was bad you aint seen nothing yet. He was riding the bus, got put in a coma and her assistant said the infamous words "he looked like a sleeping baby" while he lay in the hospital near death.

    It is a local pastime for the project n-words to go downtown and look for people to beat up, rob and steal from because they are white.

  3. #3
    Silver ThreeBet's Avatar
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    Don't worry guys, I'm sure Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are on their way to protest this outrage

  4. #4
    Gold Corrigan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post
    we have to acknowledge what is going on TODAY, and that is black people running wild in the streets beating on whitey just for being whitey.
    Yes you have it right. That is what's going on TODAY in the streets.


  5. #5
    Diamond Hockey Guy's Avatar
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    Hate doesn't have a skin colour. It's in all of us to some extent.
    (•_•) ..
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy
    I'd say good luck in the freeroll but I'm pretty sure you'll go on a bender to self-sabotage yourself & miss it completely or use it as the excuse of why you didn't cash.

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