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Thread: Lauren Duca: Millennial left-wing darling faces backlash after she abuses students during NYU course

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    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Lauren Duca: Millennial left-wing darling faces backlash after she abuses students during NYU course

    Lauren Duca had a series of fortunate events, starting in December 2016.

    She burst into the public consciousness with a piece shortly following the Trump election, entitled, "Trump is Gaslighting America". It was very well received, and the young, attractive Duca instantly became a left-wing darling, and was thought to be the left's answer to the then-popular Tomi Lahren.

    It kept getting better. She appeared on Tucker Carlson later that month, argued with him, and was lauded when she mouthed, "You're as sexist pig" as they cut away from her at the end of the interview.

    Duca even got to play the victim card -- she was harassed on Twitter by one of the most hated men alive, Phrama Bro Martin Shkreli.

    But just as things seemed to be going perfectly for Duca, things started to fall apart.

    Stories started to come out about her abuse of other employees while she worked at Huffington Post, including a bizarre (but likely credible) allegation that she created a fake e-mail account to harass other employees, while sending insults to herself as well, in order to prevent suspicion.

    In 2018, she sent out a tone-deaf tweet wishing everyone a "Happy Pride Day, because no one is 100% straight", which angered many gay people who felt she was co-opting Pride Day in order to include herself in it. Laughably, her response to critics was that she sent the tweet because she was beaming after "just having eaten pussy for the first time" (lol).

    Now, on the verge of releasing a new book, she is again under fire, after she taught a summer class at NYU, and nearly the entire class submitted a unified complaint about her abusive and strange behavior, as well as accusations that she didn't teach them anything.

    Mind you, those taking the NYU class were not resentful right-wingers, but rather woke leftists like Duca herself, who found themselves shocked by her behavior. Instead of teaching journalism, she spent much of the class time telling personal stories, assigning the class to write tweets, disappearing for 45 minutes at a time to go "meditate" while the class was left scratching their heads, and oddly repeatedly bullying a student whose first language wasn't English.

    Not exactly woke behavior, amirite?

    Here's an article on Buzzfeed all about Duca and her class. It's quite long, and you will need to scroll down if you just want to read the NYU class stuff, which is the best part:

    Here's a sample:

    All five students alleged that Duca’s class was disorganized and “a master class in Lauren Duca’s personal life.” (“The point of it is that I'm oversharing all the time. And I think that, yeah, some people like it, some people don't. Apparently you fucking hate it, but that's fine,” Duca told me.) They said that she would vanish for 30 to 45 minutes per class to “meditate.” (“It was a three-hour class and we took a break and I would meditate for 15 minutes and they would be gone getting snacks and stuff,” Duca responded.) And that the class was a “waste of six weeks for all of us, and we don’t want anyone else to make this mistake again.” They claim Duca would snap at them for small problems, accuse them of not having done the readings, and never actually read any of the assignments they submitted to her.

    Duca responded that she did read all the assignments, though she added: “It's okay if I'm not a great teacher because I'm great at lots of other things.”

    But most galling is that all the students — both in interviews and in the formal complaint to the college — claim that Duca went out of her way to target one student in particular: an exchange student who was visiting New York for school. “Her English wasn’t perfect but that’s hard,” one student told me. “She came from another country. She was very courageous for taking this class.”

    The students claimed that Duca would unfairly admonish this particular individual in class. “We all clocked it two or three classes in,” said a classmate. They claimed that Duca said the student “won’t have a lot to say” during class presentations, that she refused to accept assignments from this student while accepting them from others, that she called her work “basic” and “vague,” and that during one class Duca made the student cry during a one-on-one meeting. To this Duca responded, “I said, ‘You need to do the work’; she cried. Like, come on. Is that targeting? What am I supposed to do? ‘You didn't do the work; here's a trophy’?”

    Is this great, or what?

    You really have to read the entire article, but once you do, you'll come away with the impression that Lauren Duca is a spoiled, entitled, limousine liberal, who treats people like shit and doesn't live by any of the morals she claims to hold dear.

    Somewhere in federal prison, Martin Shkreli is smiling.

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    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Keep in mind that all of this backlash is coming from the left, and not from the right.

    Sure, the right hates her, but they have for years.

    The recent complaints, covered by heavily-left-leaning sites like Buzzfeed, are basically a story of many on the left finally being fed up with Lauren Duca and her abusive hypocrisy.

    In general, though, today's woke left has a real problem. They keep ending up finding that their loudest virtue signalers are actually hypocritical narcissists and/or phonies.

    This happened during Gamergate, it happened with Shaun King (though somehow he's mostly gotten a pass), and it has happened several times over since then, with Lauren Duca being the latest example.

  3. #3
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    shes just a shitty teacher.

    thats literally the whole story here.
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

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    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    shes just a shitty teacher.

    thats literally the whole story here.
    Not really.

    A shitty teacher wouldn't be worthy of a huge Buzzfeed article bashing her.

    She's engaged in a lot of narcissistic, abusive, and bizarre behavior over the past few years, and people have mostly kept quiet about it because she was a left-wing darling and a supposed voice of millennial progressives.

    The NYU class is the latest in a series of troubling incidents. It was bad enough to where the students actually submitted a class-wide complaint about her, with the final straw being her weird obsession with picking on a foreign student who couldn't speak English well.

    This wasn't just an example of a good writer who couldn't teach well. The entire class and her behavior throughout gave the appearance of an unhinged and self-obsessed lunatic, as opposed to a leader in modern feminist thought.

    I mean, even if you throw out the NYU thing, check out the Huffington Post accusation. She created some fake e-mail account and repeatedly sent nasty insults to/about her fellow co-workers like a psycho. In order to avoid being the one blamed, the account insulted her as a "feminazi". Eventually it was traced back to her, and nobody could figure why the fuck she did this.

    The girl has major issues. Is this a huge scandal? Not really. But is this entire thing a huge embarrassment to those on the left who promoted her as an important voice in new feminism?

    Yes, yes, it is.

  5. #5
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    ok but the whole buzzfeed article was about her being a shitty teacher... sooooo...?
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

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    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    She sounds like 50% of millennials and young people. I’m constantly amazed how polarized that generation is. They either have their shit together in a way that I didn’t until 35 at 22, or they have this amazing overconfidence in shit they’re incredibly average at. They’re honestly delusional. The girls are 180 and think they’re beautiful. The dudes think they’re good at sports and shit despite a lifetime of sitting on their ass playing video games. One of my great joys is smoking twenty somethings like in some pickup basketball game when I hear them taking about how great they are. I just go at them and usually give them some throwaway comment about I was an outside kid, not sitting on my phone all day. The ones that are actually good and would smoke me are humble.

    This girl reminds me of a lot of her generation. Any problem is someone else’s fault and she’s great regardless. I was confident and self-centered at that age. Fuck I still am, but I was never delusional. If I was out of shape or someone was better at something, I knew it. If I fucked up, I owned it. That praising kids for everything after our generation had struggles morphed into a huge overcompensation and created some real assholes, supremely confident assholes


  7. #7
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    ok but the whole buzzfeed article was about her being a shitty teacher... sooooo...?

    That was only part of the article. Read the whole thing and tell me that this is someone you think young, progressive women should be looking up to.

  8. #8
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    She sounds like 50% of millennials and young people. I’m constantly amazed how polarized that generation is. They either have their shit together in a way that I didn’t until 35 at 22, or they have this amazing overconfidence in shit they’re incredibly average at. They’re honestly delusional. The girls are 180 and think they’re beautiful. The dudes think they’re good at sports and shit despite a lifetime of sitting on their ass playing video games. One of my great joys is smoking twenty somethings like in some pickup basketball game when I hear them taking about how great they are. I just go at them and usually give them some throwaway comment about I was an outside kid, not sitting on my phone all day. The ones that are actually good and would smoke me are humble.

    This girl reminds me of a lot of her generation. Any problem is someone else’s fault and she’s great regardless. I was confident and self-centered at that age. Fuck I still am, but I was never delusional. If I was out of shape or someone was better at something, I knew it. If I fucked up, I owned it. That praising kids for everything after our generation had struggles morphed into a huge overcompensation and created some real assholes, supremely confident assholes
    Can't argue with any of this, but I think there's more than just the millennial factor going on here.

    This really looks like a situation where a psychotic bitch with narcissistic personality disorder kinda lucked into fame because she was a good op-ed writer and caught the right people's attention, and then it took a few years for people to catch on that she wasn't exactly a role model.

    Now they're finally trying to put that genie back in the bottle.

  9. #9
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    She sounds like 50% of millennials and young people. I’m constantly amazed how polarized that generation is. They either have their shit together in a way that I didn’t until 35 at 22, or they have this amazing overconfidence in shit they’re incredibly average at. They’re honestly delusional. The girls are 180 and think they’re beautiful. The dudes think they’re good at sports and shit despite a lifetime of sitting on their ass playing video games. One of my great joys is smoking twenty somethings like in some pickup basketball game when I hear them taking about how great they are. I just go at them and usually give them some throwaway comment about I was an outside kid, not sitting on my phone all day. The ones that are actually good and would smoke me are humble.

    This girl reminds me of a lot of her generation. Any problem is someone else’s fault and she’s great regardless. I was confident and self-centered at that age. Fuck I still am, but I was never delusional. If I was out of shape or someone was better at something, I knew it. If I fucked up, I owned it. That praising kids for everything after our generation had struggles morphed into a huge overcompensation and created some real assholes, supremely confident assholes

    Can't argue with any of this, but I think there's more than just the millennial factor going on here.

    This really looks like a situation where a psychotic bitch with narcissistic personality disorder kinda lucked into fame because she was a good op-ed writer and caught the right people's attention, and then it took a few years for people to catch on that she wasn't exactly a role model.

    Now they're finally trying to put that genie back in the bottle.
    I don’t doubt that, but in todays culture, is that unique? Do we not have a president who pretty clearly is a narcissist?

    As I get older, it kind of surprises me that being crazy isn’t really penalized all that often if you can generate $ or clicks. Morality isn’t a real thing anymore.

    Things are constantly evolving downward in a simple decency way. Like when the Trump grabbing pussies tape came out my aging sensibilities thought he was stone cold dead. Far lesser shit than that was a death blow in times past. It was a death blow on the left, forget about the religious right. Who wouldn’t have fucked Donna Rice? I couldn’t, and still can’t, believe the family values people embraced him. Not that they just voted for him, but he’s as popular with evangelicals as anyone has been. It’s beyond the pragmatic we needed a win compartmentalization, but actually turned into full throated defense of him. That’s some impressive mental gymnastics. This isn’t pointing at Trump, he’s merely a symptom of who we are.

    So this girls general incivility and incompetence as a teacher and mental illness is only as relevant as what groups she offended. All old rules no longer apply to either party. Like Trump would have to want to grab every gun in America to lose his people. That’s the benchmark that family values used to be.

    That this girl might be a fraudulent jackass headcase is only as relevant as to what particular special interest group she offended and the zeitgeist of the moment. It’s ever shifting. The Martina Navritolova’s of the world are now enemies of segments of transgender athletes and gay rights, which is mind blowing. Anticipating which misstep takes down any particular advocate is highly unpredictable unless they call someone a n-word.

    It just results in the left laughing at the hypocrisy of the right after 40 years of family values shit and the right pointing fingers and laughing at a girl like this who is clearly not all that woke when she was a darling for a minute. Civility and standards are irrelevant though. It’s trench warfare where your fellow soldier is more likely to stick a bayonet in your ear than the enemy if you offend their sensibilities and fuck trying to figure out what they’re sensitive about on any given day.

  10. #10
    Diamond dwai's Avatar
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    can't wait for mumbles to come rambling in here all unshowered sticking up for this lunatic

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    Quote Originally Posted by dwai View Post
    can't wait for mumbles to come rambling in here all unshowered sticking up for this lunatic

    forgot about that GOOD LORD

  12. #12
    Silver cleatus's Avatar
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    fuckin nutjob also calls for Eric Prince's company, Academi formerly Blackwater, to take over all duties currently performed by the Army, Marine Corps and CIA field operators. and wants a complete rollback of the National

    Environmental Protection Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Clean Air Act. She proselytizes for the reintroduction of lead in gasoline, water pipelines and paint and other household items as a way to help the lead

    mining companies. Lauren is on record in efforts to streamline the cell phone biz by having two providers be the only manufacturers and service providers, Apple and Goggle. The money saved through typical

    consolidation procedures will greatly help the companies top execs and directors. And she pays for a team of lawyers that lobby in DC for a new law that criminalizes the funding of political candidates by individuals unable

    to contribute less than $25k at a time.

  13. #13
    Gold SPIT this's Avatar
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    No pics of her with comments on her looks? Come on Druff, you're off your game today

      MumblesBadly: :this

  14. #14
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    She tried to cuck the Tuck.

    No one cucks the Tuck.

  15. #15
    Silver JohnCommode's Avatar
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    I never heard of this woman until today and I have no idea how old this photo is, but I would have enjoyed having a professor that looked like this.

    Name:  download.jpg
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      MumblesBadly: Until she slams you with a D grade for being a white male.

  16. #16
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Lauren Duca is an activist first, an author second and journalist third.

    She is not a teacher but I guess she thought she could.
    The class ( ten students) was on journalistic feminism which is an oxymoron.
    You don't become a journalist to support one specific cause.

    Activists do certain things to motivate others whether you agree with
    what they do or not.

    The plane story was not right. It was never made clear what she said but
    if she was thrown off the plane I would have applauded.

    Any known person who makes claims against a sitting president
    is going to have people come after them either in print or elsewhere.

    But she does somewhat represent those not yet in the political mix
    who hope to bring change, and that never comes easy.

    Oh and she handled Tucker Carson perfectly.

  17. #17
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnCommode View Post
    I never heard of this woman until today and I have no idea how old this photo is, but I would have enjoyed having a professor that looked like this.

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    That photo is pretty close to what she looks like, though I've seen some variance where she looks different from one photo to the next.

    Her looks and gender were a big part of why she blew up in the first place. Conservatives had Tomi Lahren at the time (before she fell out of favor), and the left wanted their own pretty, brash, young white female spouting off on their side.

    They found it in Lauren Duca. In some ways, Duca was better, because she came off as intelligent, while Tomi seemed somewhat like a blonde airhead reading from a script.

    All good things have to come to an end, though. The Buzzfeed article (and other similar ones around the web) is essentially the left declaring that they're done with her.

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