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Thread: Never Forget..

  1. #21
    Gold DonaldTrumpsHairPiece's Avatar
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    Oops DP

  2. #22
    Platinum duped_samaritan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DonaldTrumpsHairPiece View Post
    You don't sacrifice XXXX's perhaps XXXXX's to save XX? maybe XXX's?

    It is a very cold way to look at it but at some point you have to "do the math".
    After the first plane hit, it took about 1hr 15min for the first tower to come down and people were burning up the whole time. Every minute that went by resulted in more first responders running to their death.

    Their math was fine. They just got unlucky.

  3. #23
    How Could You? WillieMcFML's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kuntmissioner View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ftpjesus View Post
    Most know my story at least.. I was there at the Pentagon,
    I must have somehow missed any previous discussion of your 9 11 experience, ftp, but since you started this thread perhaps a retelling is in order.

    You were at the Pentagon when the plane hit?
    i, also, have never heard a lick of this

    ftp, were you there during 9/11? did the missile hit close to your department?? we need answers
    Hi Lew!!!

  4. #24
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    One of the least discussed aspects of 9/11 is how people in the second tower were stupidly told to stay put, instead of evacuating.

    The thought at the time was that debris from the fire and the plane at the first tower could fall and injure people escaping tower #2, and that the crash was an accident, so tower #2 wasn't likely to be hit.

    Even if you want to say that not suspecting terrorism was reasonable (and it wasn't reasonable), it's incredibly stupid to have people stay in a high rise when the high rise next door is on fire -- even if the cause was 100% verified accidental.

    Had I been in that second tower, I would have ignored the directions and left anyway (as many people did).

    But that was a huge blunder by emergency personnel which has rarely been discussed since 9/11.

    Also, while some of you assholes might mock "never forget" statements and threads like these, it's actually a worthwhile message. The US mostly let its guard down during the 1990s regarding terror threats, even when the writing was on the wall that something like this would be happening soon. This was the wakeup call the US needed to be a lot more vigilant, but unfortunately it came at the expense of 3000 lives. The only silver lining is that there hasn't been a single successful organized terror attack in the US in the 18 years since. We have had a lot of spree killings and a some lone wolf type terror attacks, but no organized plots like this one have hit the US, and may have been thwarted, which otherwise would have succeeded prior to the vigilance started after 9/11.

  5. #25
    Platinum ftpjesus's Avatar
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    On Sept 11,2001 I was at my IT job early that morning in Northern VA. I worked as the Network Manager for a software company that's job was to coalesce banking software when two banks merged. I just kept our servers running and network up and going and occasionally had to fix something one of our software engineers broke they shouldn't have.. Anyway side note I was also at the time a FF/Medic in Northern VA primarily as a volunteer but as fully qualified some of us were eligible for call pay meaning if the SHTF through a disaster we were subject to potential recall like fully paid career staff.. When the first plane hit in NY our receptionist who had been listening to morning news on the radio was like OMG a plane hit one of the big towers in NYC.. Well like most it was assumed it was a freak accident.. until the second hit and then I was like OH FUCK... I knew what was coming or should've I guess. I made a call to our local Department Chief and while I was on the phone with him the Pentagon was hit.. He said might as well tell me now that recall would be activated..

    Now at the time given the location and such we figured like most Mutual Aid situations where agencies are further out are called in to fill and cover calls closer into the scene and after we'd gathered and checked out trucks we were told we would be rolling up the Interstate and that a Regional command involving the Agencies of Fairfax County, Arlington, City of Alexandria even Washington DC would be figuring out where to send us to fill in as they had sent a lot of apparatus to the scene already.. So we marked up as Disaster Task Force I expecting to be individually diverted to cover regular EMS and Fire calls.. Half way up we were told "Divert to Pentagon South Parking for staging and transport" Ill never forget that because we were headed into the belly of the beast.. Arrived at sheer chaos with a little sense of control but I mean little.. We were grabbing patients out of triage and heading to various trauma centers including MedStar in Washington DC as it had the biggest burn unit.. I still can remember a couple who were screaming in pain despite getting all the pain meds we could.. That day was bad enough but as I was fully qualified spent the 12th and 13th on the scene assisting with S&R both inside and doing some standby outside as we tried to rotate people through in and out due to concerns much like NYC of we didn't know what the fuck was inside the buildings etc.. NYC was obviously a much bigger mess but still when your dealing with old office buildings the concerns of asbestos exposure among other things isn't anything to joke about.. Also SOPs were a lot different back then they are now.. Was common place to do overhaul on a fire without an SCBA on.. Those stupid air filter masks you saw people using in NYC were about as useful as tits on a bull and I suspect are the root cause of why so many pulmonary and other diseases have cropped up over the years..

    My regular employer actually paid me for my entire week that week and didn't charge me any PTO which they could've and I would've been paid by Uncle Sam indirectly.. They also told me if I had to go to NYC to assist they would support me.. I was asked I declined honestly those 3 days were like a living hell to me and seeing on TV what was going on in NYC as well as talking to some friends who actually had packed up to assist in the S&R at "The Pile" Im not sorry I didn't I suspect I would've easily become a statistic of those 2000.. As it stands now I have some pulmonary issues that my MD cant quite get a fix on but could be just from exposures over the years vs tying directly to 9/11.

    I just want to clarify something.. Im not a hero.. I don't think any of us really felt we were that day be it DC or NYC.. We just did what we trained to do even in the worst of circumstances.. I don't go tooting my horn (unlike a separate issue which lead to a significant issue in 2016/17 due to a certain claimed first responder who I actually knew and was a partner with occasionally with my department).. The issue Im talking about was the infamous Faithless Elector Chris Suphrin who was in 2001 a member of my department and also being hired by a nearby city agency.. He repeatedly claimed to have 'self-dispatched' and showed up at the Pentagon to help.. Well first off Rule #1 you don't just magically show up on a major disaster scene especially one at the biggest military office centers in the world.. It bothered me more so because I knew Chris, he and I had run many calls together and I considered him a friend but he did the unthinkable which was trying to gain glory and notoriety and even worse he lied about it.. He wasn't there at least that I know of on Sept 11 for sure as he claims.. (I know this isn't totally relevant but in a way it was this clown was literally out throwing first pitches at minor league baseball games in TX after he moved there citing his 9/11 responder status again Im not jealous so much as I feel like he broke the biggest unwritten rule of being a First Responder.. Seeking his own glory and recognition.. Ya just don't do that.. If that's what your about then you have no business being one to start with.. Its about other people not to get selfish attention for yourself).

    On a final note from this.. It took me almost 2 yrs to figure out what was going on with me.. The hypervigilance etc.. I was irritable and hell was even suggested I might have suddenly become Bipolar (unlikely at nearly age 30 by then). Putting the pieces together helped me deal with the demons I had developed but also lead me to the decision I needed to get away from it maybe forever. (Ive been out of Fire/EMS since late 2003 after starting out as a JR member in 1989). Do I miss it.. Yeah 15+ yrs later I do somewhat and maybe if I get out of AZ and to a nice quiet southern Locale in Southern VA or possibly TN I can become involved again because I do miss helping others somewhat even if its 3am in a ditch with it pouring rain . But it all depends on where things take me.. Im realistic that my own body may not allow me to ever due to the lower back chronic issue and the cyst on my upper spinal cord.. Whatever happens will be.. Im not bitter except for those bastards who killed nearly 3000 that day.. That day truly broke me in that I saw how low and evil man could be to his fellow man simply in th ename of religion and religious zealotry.. I also saw the best in people trying to help and make a difference as best they could.. The irony is On Sept 12,2001 I was supposed to go to my Dads Cemetary plot at Arlington National Cemetary as it was the one year anniversary of his passing and I hadn't been back since his funeral and burial there in 2000.. I didn't make it back till 10 yrs later in 2010 because in the intervening time I moved to NC for several yrs and then went to nursing school and in a way going to see him would bring me close to the Pentagon and that actually would make me very uneasy..

    I will be posting later today 9/12 about stuff but off the bat let me say this.. IT WASNT A FUCKING MISSILE!!!! JFC Im so sick of those tinfoil comments.. Had it been a missile there would've been much more significant damage to the Pentagon then what there was.. The damage was all kinetic in nature.. If a true cruise missile as has been postulated by several tinfoilers would've done more then just wipe out the farthest out ring of the building wall.. A cruise missile would've had much more explosive power and penetrated deeper as is its design.. How many of you have actually seen the footage of the damage after Flt 77 hit??? Name:  010914-F-8006R-002-1024x667.jpg
Views: 542
Size:  306.5 KB
    As you can see the damage and destruction was confined to the E ring the furthest outer most of the Pentagon and it pancaked collapsed had it been a missile there would've been blowback damage likely taking out D ring and C ring partially... Also let me add a little more food for thought and this is a quote from a HS friend of mine who is a telcom engineer and was on top of the tallest office building in Arlington and within easy Eye shot of the Pentagon when it happened as he was working on the roof at the time of the Gannett Bldg..

    Duane Hegy "XXXXX XXXXX, I physically saw the plane disappear into the Pentagon. I had no clue what was going on, was on the roof working on a antenna when it happened. Building engineer came running out and told me we had to clear the roof. Watched the TV in his office in the penthouse of all the mess. Got a Nextel out to my wife letting her know, then got the call about heading to NY. Took forever to get out of Rosslyn and try to get out."

    So a guy who was actually within eye shot of the Pentagon is lying?? JFC.. I guess the rest of us who saw the debris and were there are lying also.. Yeah 300 fucking first responders all in a God Damn fucking conspiracy.. Do you realize how fucking stupid you sound?? Youd never get that many people to agree to keep such a secret believe me.. Its ok people will believe what they want I guess.. I have a decent distrust of the government for my own reasons but of this Im sure.. The evidence does not nor has it EVER supported this idiotic theory of a missile hitting the Pentagon.. Ive seen some supposed video proof but its also been examined and was likely edited to appear to meet the demands of some tin foil hats.. Id dare say my friend from HS who is an engineer and saw it with his own eyes (heard the plane too as it was coming down the Potomac looking for what is now believed an attempt to strike the WH or Congress) would have a better idea having seen first hand from a short distance away..

      sah_24: It sure as fuck wasn't an airplane ...
      Ryback_feed_me_more: counter tinfoiler rep.. If I could red rep Sah I would..
    Last edited by ftpjesus; 09-12-2019 at 02:02 PM.

  6. #26
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    absolutely no one of any intellectual significance thinks it was a missile.

      sah_24: irony ...
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  7. #27
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Just preparing for work on that day and the news came over the radio. Switch it on and........

    It was obviously a moment no one would ever forget yet I grab a VCR tape and captured it

    I have never watched that tape and I avoid any replay of that day. Too much

    Actually I did watch the documentary by the French film crew who were shooting something

    completely different on the day.

  8. #28
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    I was living in relative poverty at the time on the west coast and my cable tv had been cut off because I needed that money for records and drugs while 'between jobs', so I was woken up by my roommate bursting into my room at some god forsaken hour saying UHHH SOMETHINGS HAPPENING IN NEW YORK and having to watch network news channels using a clothes hanger as an analog antenna. The fuzzy footage made it almost impossible to really understand what the fuck was going on.

    I had no idea my dad was in a plane that had taken off from JFK shortly after the first plane struck, and that he could literally see the flames/smoke pouring into the sky as they banked after leaving the airport. Plus it was a cross country flight and as such an ideal candidate for hijacking.

    Was a hell of a day.
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  9. #29
    Diamond Pro Zap_the_Fractions_Giraffe's Avatar
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      sah_24: Exactly ... lol the boomers ITT are peak hilarity

  10. #30
    100% Organic MumblesBadly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Also, while some of you assholes might mock "never forget" statements and threads like these, it's actually a worthwhile message. The US mostly let its guard down during the beginning of George W. Bush’s first term in office regarding terror threats, even when the writing was on the wall that something like this would be happening soon. This was the wakeup call the US needed to be a lot more vigilant, but unfortunately it came at the expense of 3000 lives. The only silver lining is that there hasn't been a single successful organized terror attack in the US in the 18 years since. We have had a lot of spree killings and a some lone wolf type terror attacks, but no organized plots like this one have hit the US, and may have been thwarted, which otherwise would have succeeded prior to the vigilance started after 9/11.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I actually hope this [second impeachment] succeeds, because I want Trump put down politically like a sick, 14-year-old dog. ... I don't want him complicating the 2024 primary season. I just want him done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Were Republicans cowardly or unethical not to go along with [convicting Trump in the second impeachment Senate trial]? No. The smart move was to reject it.

  11. #31
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    One of the least discussed aspects of 9/11 is how people in the second tower were stupidly told to stay put, instead of evacuating.

    The thought at the time was that debris from the fire and the plane at the first tower could fall and injure people escaping tower #2, and that the crash was an accident, so tower #2 wasn't likely to be hit.

    Even if you want to say that not suspecting terrorism was reasonable (and it wasn't reasonable), it's incredibly stupid to have people stay in a high rise when the high rise next door is on fire -- even if the cause was 100% verified accidental.

    Had I been in that second tower, I would have ignored the directions and left anyway (as many people did).

    But that was a huge blunder by emergency personnel which has rarely been discussed since 9/11.

    Also, while some of you assholes might mock "never forget" statements and threads like these, it's actually a worthwhile message. The US mostly let its guard down during the 1990s regarding terror threats, even when the writing was on the wall that something like this would be happening soon. This was the wakeup call the US needed to be a lot more vigilant, but unfortunately it came at the expense of 3000 lives. The only silver lining is that there hasn't been a single successful organized terror attack in the US in the 18 years since. We have had a lot of spree killings and a some lone wolf type terror attacks, but no organized plots like this one have hit the US, and may have been thwarted, which otherwise would have succeeded prior to the vigilance started after 9/11.
    Playing devil's advocate here. I did not know people were told to stay put in tower two but obviously this
    would have been before it too was struck. If that is the case it makes perfect sense to stay put.
    One airplane striking one tower was mind boggling enough. For it to happen again would be unimaginable at the time.

    Also no one anticipated the collapse of either tower even as they were on fire.

  12. #32
    Gold SPIT this's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ftpjesus View Post
    Name:  010914-F-8006R-002-1024x667.jpg
Views: 542
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    Please show me where the wings and other plane parts are in this photo. A plane flew into the pentagon and then just disappeared? Do you believe in magic, too?

      sah_24: Ya those giant Boeing engines just became dust lol ... oh boomers

  13. #33
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SPIT this View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ftpjesus View Post
    Name:  010914-F-8006R-002-1024x667.jpg
Views: 542
Size:  306.5 KB
    Please show me where the wings and other plane parts are in this photo. A plane flew into the pentagon and then just disappeared? Do you believe in magic, too?
    You're serious?

    Name:  800px-Flight_77_CVR.jpg
Views: 259
Size:  130.2 KB

    "A photograph of the cockpit voice recorder from American Airlines Flight 77

    Investigators eventually identified 184 of the 189 people who died in the attack.[86] The remains of the five hijackers were identified through a process of eliminationInvestigators eventually identified 184 of the 189 people who died in the attack.[86] The remains of the five hijackers were identified through a process of elimination."

    Did you ask yourself what happened to flight 77 if what you say hit the Pentagon was a missile?

      sah_24: Lol ... your stupidity is truly amazing
      SPIT this: You seriously believe this made up government concoction?

  14. #34
    Gold SPIT this's Avatar
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    Lmao, you're citing wikipedia as a source? Give me 5 minutes to edit and I'll tell you the real story

  15. #35
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SPIT this View Post
    Lmao, you're citing wikipedia as a source? Give me 5 minutes to edit and I'll tell you the real story
    Why don't you do just that. Edit Wikipedia and see how far you get. Please tell me the real story. Tell me
    where Flight 77 and it's passengers are now.

    So you think the whole of 9/11 is an inside job? Please tell us how it happened.
    And if you think it was all your government's doings then why would you still live in a shithole
    country that would do such a thing?

    I cannot believe the idiots on this site. It is stunning

      Ryback_feed_me_more: I never thought Id see the say Les and Ftp agreed on something.. Hell has frozen over

  16. #36
    Gold SPIT this's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by limitles View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SPIT this View Post
    Lmao, you're citing wikipedia as a source? Give me 5 minutes to edit and I'll tell you the real story
    Why don't you do just that. Edit Wikipedia and see how far you get. Please tell me the real story. Tell me
    where Flight 77 and it's passengers are now.

    So you think the whole of 9/11 is an inside job? Please tell us how it happened.
    And if you think it was all your government's doings then why would you still live in a shithole
    country that would do such a thing?

    I cannot believe the idiots on this site. It is stunning
    Why do you think I live in America? I moved to Canada almost two years ago. Even Druff has admitted he thinks part of 9/11 was an inside job. Let me guess, you think he's an "idiot" too.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by SPIT this View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by limitles View Post

    Why don't you do just that. Edit Wikipedia and see how far you get. Please tell me the real story. Tell me
    where Flight 77 and it's passengers are now.

    So you think the whole of 9/11 is an inside job? Please tell us how it happened.
    And if you think it was all your government's doings then why would you still live in a shithole
    country that would do such a thing?

    I cannot believe the idiots on this site. It is stunning
    Why do you think I live in America? I moved to Canada almost two years ago. Even Druff has admitted he thinks part of 9/11 was an inside job. Let me guess, you think he's an "idiot" too.
    Good you got out. Where do you live? I would like to see if you have two eyes, ears etc.
    And yes, everyone who thinks the U.S. government would, could or should terrorize
    their own countrymen is an idiot.

    Just answer one question please. Flight 77 was a real flight bound for California. Real people, real relatives etc. Where are they?

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by limitles View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SPIT this View Post
    Why do you think I live in America? I moved to Canada almost two years ago. Even Druff has admitted he thinks part of 9/11 was an inside job. Let me guess, you think he's an "idiot" too.
    Good you got out. Where do you live? I would like to see if you have two eyes, ears etc.
    And yes, everyone who thinks the U.S. government would, could or should terrorize
    their own countrymen is an idiot.

    Just answer one question please. Flight 77 was a real flight bound for California. Real people, real relatives etc. Where are they?
    I was living in Detroit, so I just hopped across the border to Windsor, but I may be relocating to Toronto soon. As for your other question, there's a lot of theories regarding that, but I won't get into that now. Do your own research is all I can say. Don't just blindly believe everything you read on wikipedia

  19. #39
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SPIT this View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by limitles View Post

    Good you got out. Where do you live? I would like to see if you have two eyes, ears etc.
    And yes, everyone who thinks the U.S. government would, could or should terrorize
    their own countrymen is an idiot.

    Just answer one question please. Flight 77 was a real flight bound for California. Real people, real relatives etc. Where are they?
    I was living in Detroit, so I just hopped across the border to Windsor, but I may be relocating to Toronto soon. As for your other question, there's a lot of theories regarding that, but I won't get into that now. Do your own research is all I can say. Don't just blindly believe everything you read on wikipedia
    I used Wikipedia because it's quick. I could and will if you like cite every major news outlet known to man.
    That does not mean Alex Jones or Brietbart.

    It's a simple question. Flight 77 was tracked doing a sky U turn and then it disappeared. Where did it go?

    What a coincidence that it just vanished on a certain day? Do you realize how many people it would take to engineer the whole 9/11 disaster and how difficult it would be to prevent anyone from ever saying anything about it?

  20. #40
    Gold MrTickle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by limitles View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SPIT this View Post
    Lmao, you're citing wikipedia as a source? Give me 5 minutes to edit and I'll tell you the real story
    Why don't you do just that. Edit Wikipedia and see how far you get. Please tell me the real story. Tell me
    where Flight 77 and it's passengers are now.

    So you think the whole of 9/11 is an inside job? Please tell us how it happened.
    And if you think it was all your government's doings then why would you still live in a shithole
    country that would do such a thing?

    I cannot believe the idiots on this site. It is stunning
    How can you not believe? have your eyes been closed all these years?

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