Thread: Time to get on the TRUMP train

  1. #34201
    100% Organic MumblesBadly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by duped_samaritan View Post

    She's been getting called out all over the place by Democrats.
    Correct. That is now. But in the words of Bob Dylan, "times, they are a changing". I have a feeling within the next 15 years a Democratic candidate will run for Presidency with BDS being part of their platform, and when that happens Jews will join the rest of white America and vote majority Republican.
    To be frank, I tend to agree with the notion that this is a trend among Dems to be less supportive of Israel. The takeover of the Israeli government by the extreme rightwing is going to get increasing pushback as it becomes clearer to them what their ultimate objective is, as mentioned in this recent Hareetz article:
    Israel proves, on a daily basis, that those who said from the beginning of the twentieth century that the Zionist project was colonialist and expansionist were correct. The explanation that Nazism and its corollaries pushed a critical mass of Jews who were not previously Zionists to emigrate to Palestine has lost its relevance over the years. Israel rejected with both hands the opportunity the Palestinians offered it in the Oslo accords – to stop its expansionist settlement enterprise and check the entrenchment of a supremacist mentality.


    The rightist, messianic and expansionist camp is growing in Israel. It believes that this yearning to empty the land of Palestinians is achievable, or can be made achievable. Our role on the left is not to compete in verbal radicalism or to argue about the future, over whether there will be another mass expulsion and whether it will devolve into mass murder. Our role is to thwart such a horrific scenario.
    But BDS won’t be anymore of a feasible policy position for the Dems in 15 years than it is is today given the on-the-ground reality of how much the Israeli government has physically fractured Palestinian-occupied portions of the West Bank. And those Israel settlements, legal or otherwise, aren’t going to be turned back over to the Palestinians come hell or highwater.

    Meaning, the only feasible plan that the Dems as a party could get behind for an effective solution is a massive aid program, with cooperation from the surrounding Arab countries, to peacefully resettle the remaining West Bank Palestinians somewhere else in the Middle East.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I actually hope this [second impeachment] succeeds, because I want Trump put down politically like a sick, 14-year-old dog. ... I don't want him complicating the 2024 primary season. I just want him done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Were Republicans cowardly or unethical not to go along with [convicting Trump in the second impeachment Senate trial]? No. The smart move was to reject it.

  2. #34202
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    Quote Originally Posted by blake View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post

    Correct. That is now. But in the words of Bob Dylan, "times, they are a changing". I have a feeling within the next 15 years a Democratic candidate will run for Presidency with BDS being part of their platform, and when that happens Jews will join the rest of white America and vote majority Republican.
    maybe, but keep in kind american jews tend to hate israel and its politics
    Well, they tend to hate the current regime, which is basically their version of a highly corrupt war hawk Republican Party.

    But let’s be honest here, the true goals of the BDS movement is eradication of Israel as a Jewish state, and if/when this happens there will be a real genoxide whereby Jews will be pushed out of the last place they have in the Middle East (they have already been pushed out everywhere else). and even the most progressive Jews are probably gonna have to take pause and do a little soul searching when this becomes an official platform of the Democratic Party.

  3. #34203
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    No middle eastern country would ever allow the Palestinians to immigrate there. This could have been done anytime in the last 70 years and everyone would have moved on and be living happily ever after. They are all playing the long game.

    Everyone knows there is no viable 2 state solution. The game is to use the Palestian people as pawns to oppose Israel and garner foreign sympathy/support until the time is right to take over Israel/Palestine for good, either through direct force or more likely diplomatic pressure.

  4. #34204
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    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by blake View Post

    maybe, but keep in kind american jews tend to hate israel and its politics
    Well, they tend to hate the current regime, which is basically their version of a highly corrupt war hawk Republican Party.

    But let’s be honest here, the true goals of the BDS movement is eradication of Israel as a Jewish state, and if/when this happens there will be a real genoxide whereby Jews will be pushed out of the last place they have in the Middle East (they have already been pushed out everywhere else). and even the most progressive Jews are probably gonna have to take pause and do a little soul searching when this becomes an official platform of the Democratic Party.

    You're a lunatic. What garbage do you read or watch to come up with such nonsense?

    Jewish Israel is one of the most powerful and influential places on earth. Nobody will ever get close to eradicating Jewish Israel.

    I for one, hate what they've done and continue to do to the Palestinians. The land they've stolen and how they went about stealing that land is an outright fucking disgrace, and the Palestinians have every right to fight & defend what is theirs. They shouldn't have to move anywhere.

    That said. If any army or organisation tried to eradicate Jews from Israeli land, I would support and push for my own government to send over every troop we have to fight for the Jewish people. And I mean that.

  5. #34205
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of the Fraud View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post

    Well, they tend to hate the current regime, which is basically their version of a highly corrupt war hawk Republican Party.

    But let’s be honest here, the true goals of the BDS movement is eradication of Israel as a Jewish state, and if/when this happens there will be a real genoxide whereby Jews will be pushed out of the last place they have in the Middle East (they have already been pushed out everywhere else). and even the most progressive Jews are probably gonna have to take pause and do a little soul searching when this becomes an official platform of the Democratic Party.

    You're a lunatic. What garbage do you read or watch to come up with such nonsense?

    Jewish Israel is one of the most powerful and influential places on earth. Nobody will ever get close to eradicating Jewish Israel.

    I for one, hate what they've done and continue to do to the Palestinians. The land they've stolen and how they went about stealing that land is an outright fucking disgrace, and the Palestinians have every right to fight & defend what is theirs. They shouldn't have to move anywhere.

    That said. If any army or organisation tried to eradicate Jews from Israeli land, I would support and push for my own government to send over every troop we have to fight for the Jewish people. And I mean that.
    Yeah from what I can tell the Palestinians aren't keen on emigrating

  6. #34206
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    Quote Originally Posted by limitles View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of the Fraud View Post

    You're a lunatic. What garbage do you read or watch to come up with such nonsense?

    Jewish Israel is one of the most powerful and influential places on earth. Nobody will ever get close to eradicating Jewish Israel.

    I for one, hate what they've done and continue to do to the Palestinians. The land they've stolen and how they went about stealing that land is an outright fucking disgrace, and the Palestinians have every right to fight & defend what is theirs. They shouldn't have to move anywhere.

    That said. If any army or organisation tried to eradicate Jews from Israeli land, I would support and push for my own government to send over every troop we have to fight for the Jewish people. And I mean that.
    Yeah from what I can tell the Palestinians aren't keen on emigrating
    This take is beyond horrible. The Palestinian people are just people, just like everyone else. They are just pawns in a horrible geopolitical game. At any point in the last 70 years the UN and Arab world could have orchestrated an emigration, and there may have been some grumbling, but it would have happened and everyone would be better off for it.

    Pretty much every one of the 6 billion people in the world today are the defendants of someone that had to undergo a forced emigration at some point in the past, many of us not even going back very many generations. Most of the Jewish people living in Israel today are recent descendants themselves of forced emigration, and no-one is championing their right of return.

  7. #34207
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by limitles View Post

    Yeah from what I can tell the Palestinians aren't keen on emigrating
    This take is beyond horrible. The Palestinian people are just people, just like everyone else. They are just pawns in a horrible geopolitical game. At any point in the last 70 years the UN and Arab world could have orchestrated an emigration, and there may have been some grumbling, but it would have happened and everyone would be better off for it.

    Pretty much every one of the 6 billion people in the world today are the defendants of someone that had to undergo a forced emigration at some point in the past, many of us not even going back very many generations. Most of the Jewish people living in Israel today are recent descendants themselves of forced emigration, and no-one is championing their right of return.
    You are a complete lune. I'm no expert but the Palestinians are a little pissed, if you've noticed, that their homeland has been
    usurped by the Israelis/United Nations. They've made a bit of a fuss over it, again if you've noticed, so I don't see carving out
    a secondary homeland for them will do. Do you?

  8. #34208
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of the Fraud View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post

    Well, they tend to hate the current regime, which is basically their version of a highly corrupt war hawk Republican Party.

    But let’s be honest here, the true goals of the BDS movement is eradication of Israel as a Jewish state, and if/when this happens there will be a real genoxide whereby Jews will be pushed out of the last place they have in the Middle East (they have already been pushed out everywhere else). and even the most progressive Jews are probably gonna have to take pause and do a little soul searching when this becomes an official platform of the Democratic Party.

    You're a lunatic. What garbage do you read or watch to come up with such nonsense?

    Jewish Israel is one of the most powerful and influential places on earth. Nobody will ever get close to eradicating Jewish Israel.

    I for one, hate what they've done and continue to do to the Palestinians. The land they've stolen and how they went about stealing that land is an outright fucking disgrace, and the Palestinians have every right to fight & defend what is theirs. They shouldn't have to move anywhere.

    That said. If any army or organisation tried to eradicate Jews from Israeli land, I would support and push for my own government to send over every troop we have to fight for the Jewish people. And I mean that.
    Do you have any strong thoughts on any of the other other 100 humanitarian crisis going on in the world today? Or just this one?

    As far as having every right to defend what is theirs and not having to move anywhere, in the last 100 years you could make the same argument for probably 100 other communities that lost a war(s) and have had to undergo a forced migration as a result. For example, the millions of Iraqi and Syrian refugees today undergoing forced migrations into Jordan and Europe. But noone is making that argument. How come?

    You guys are so naive. You really envision this as some romanticized Hollywood movie of the noble, oppressed savage fighting the evil invader. It is nothing of the sort. The Palestinian people aren't noble freedom fighters. They are miserable pawns that have been completely sacrificed by their own side in a horrible geopolitical game where they are guaranteed to be the biggest losers, no matter what happens. It really is a tragedy.

      limitles: speaking of tragedies

  9. #34209
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    Quote Originally Posted by limitles View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post

    This take is beyond horrible. The Palestinian people are just people, just like everyone else. They are just pawns in a horrible geopolitical game. At any point in the last 70 years the UN and Arab world could have orchestrated an emigration, and there may have been some grumbling, but it would have happened and everyone would be better off for it.

    Pretty much every one of the 6 billion people in the world today are the defendants of someone that had to undergo a forced emigration at some point in the past, many of us not even going back very many generations. Most of the Jewish people living in Israel today are recent descendants themselves of forced emigration, and no-one is championing their right of return.
    You are a complete lune. I'm no expert but the Palestinians are a little pissed, if you've noticed, that their homeland has been
    usurped by the Israelis/United Nations. They've made a bit of a fuss over it, again if you've noticed, so I don't see carving out
    a secondary homeland for them will do. Do you?
    You watch too many movies. That isn't how reality works. If it was, most of the 6 billion people alive in the world today would be pissed, fighting for right to return to some random homeland some ancestor was expelled from sometime in the past.

    If the Palestinian leadership and Arab world had allowed it, the Palestinian people would have moved on and been better for it, the same as the Syrian and Iraqi refugees of today, and the 100 other similar stories that have happened in the recent past.

  10. #34210
    Diamond Mintjewlips's Avatar
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    The world as we know it was/is/always will be built on conquest. The Israelis were on the winning side, so to the victor go the holy land.

    Jerusalem has changed hands so many times, it shouldn't surprise anyone that has studied history.

    I'm never for innocent people getting brutally murdered, or crimes against humanity, but when you roll the dice of war, you'd better be prepared for the outcome.
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  11. #34211
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    I especially appreciate the irony of all the Americans who are so outraged by the Palestinian refugee crisis, who are seemingly so at peace with the genocide and forced emigration that went on in the recent past of their own nation.

    Maybe Israel should follow the US model, and instead of giving the Palestinians right of return they should encourage them to live in trailer parks and drink themselves to death and build casinos in their refugee camps, so the Palestinian people can become drunk gambling addicts.

  12. #34212
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post
    I especially appreciate the irony of all the Americans who are so outraged by the Palestinian refugee crisis, who are seemingly so at peace with the genocide and forced emigration that went on in the recent past of their own nation.

    Maybe Israel should follow the US model, and instead of giving the Palestinians right of return they should encourage them to live in trailer parks and drink themselves to death and build casinos in their refugee camps.
    Fuck off stupid.....forced emigration re: native Americans.......where did they emigrate to?
    Yeah every American should wince about the treatment of American aboriginals and the slavery of
    Africans and the continued racism towards both but two wrongs don't make a right.

    If you're going to take pride in your life/heritage you should be prepared to die for it and
    this is what you're seeing over the last several decades in the middle east.


  13. #34213
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mintjewlips View Post
    The world as we know it was/is/always will be built on conquest. The Israelis were on the winning side, so to the victor go the holy land.

    Jerusalem has changed hands so many times, it shouldn't surprise anyone that has studied history.

    I'm never for innocent people getting brutally murdered, or crimes against humanity, but when you roll the dice of war, you'd better be prepared for the outcome.
    This is a little too Darwinian for me. I don't think the Palestinian people ever really had a chance, no matter what they did. Following WWII, Europe had a Jewish problem of what to do with the remaining live Jewish refugees and their solution to the problem was to support the Zionists and give them the green light and means to conquer what we now call Israel. And this is exactly what happened. Similar scenarios have happened thousands of times in history, and are even ongoing today. The tragedy and uniqueness of this situation is the rest of the world conspiring to not allow the Palestinian refugees to leave and move on with their lives, and instead forcing them to live in squalid camps to act as a buffer against Israel expansion. And the rest is history.

  14. #34214
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    Quote Originally Posted by limitles View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post
    I especially appreciate the irony of all the Americans who are so outraged by the Palestinian refugee crisis, who are seemingly so at peace with the genocide and forced emigration that went on in the recent past of their own nation.

    Maybe Israel should follow the US model, and instead of giving the Palestinians right of return they should encourage them to live in trailer parks and drink themselves to death and build casinos in their refugee camps.
    Fuck off stupid.....forced emigration re: native Americans.......where did they emigrate to?
    Yeah every American should wince about the treatment of American aboriginals and the slavery of
    Africans and the continued racism towards both but two wrongs don't make a right.

    If you're going to take pride in your life/heritage you should be prepared to die for it and
    this is what you're seeing over the last several decades in the middle east.

    Actually, we are seeing a lot of migration, much of it forced, out of the Middle East. Millions and millions of people. The Palestinians are noted exceptions in their being forced to live in refugee camps in generational perpetuity instead.

  15. #34215
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    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post

    Do you have any strong thoughts on any of the other other 100 humanitarian crisis going on in the world today? Or just this one?

    A truly classic line right here. Offer an opinion on one of the most controversial conflicts in the history of mankind and out comes the not so subtle Antisemitic seeding.

    And the rest of your post was one of the worst I've seen on here and definitely not worthy of any sort of debate.

  16. #34216
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    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mintjewlips View Post
    The world as we know it was/is/always will be built on conquest. The Israelis were on the winning side, so to the victor go the holy land.

    Jerusalem has changed hands so many times, it shouldn't surprise anyone that has studied history.

    I'm never for innocent people getting brutally murdered, or crimes against humanity, but when you roll the dice of war, you'd better be prepared for the outcome.
    This is a little too Darwinian for me. I don't think the Palestinian people ever really had a chance, no matter what they did. Following WWII, Europe had a Jewish problem of what to do with the remaining live Jewish refugees and their solution to the problem was to support the Zionists and give them the green light and means to conquer what we now call Israel. And this is exactly what happened. Similar scenarios have happened thousands of times in history, and are even ongoing today. The tragedy and uniqueness of this situation is the rest of the world conspiring to not allow the Palestinian refugees to leave and move on with their lives, and instead forcing them to live in squalid camps to act as a buffer against Israel expansion. And the rest is history.

    I totally agree.

    So why doesn't the Palestinian leadership realize that they lost Jerusalem, regardless of why or who is responsible, why don't they sue for some kind of peace agreement and end this reprehensible ideological effort in futility, why don't the Palestinians come to some accord with the Israelis and get on with their lives?.

    Sure, obviously it wont be on the Palestinians terms, and it's fucked up, but continuing this futile effort to regain control of Jerusalem by proclaiming a jihad is just counterproductive to the survival of the people that are suffering the most.

    Concede Jerusalem, work out a treaty, and let civility flourish...
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  17. #34217
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    Just as I'm about to sit back with a cup of tea and watch the cricket I have to go and read a verminaard post on the Israel/Palestine conflict.

    I'll never forgive myself for this.

  18. #34218
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of the Fraud View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post

    Do you have any strong thoughts on any of the other other 100 humanitarian crisis going on in the world today? Or just this one?

    A truly classic line right here. Offer an opinion on one of the most controversial conflicts in the history of mankind and out comes the not so subtle Antisemitic seeding.

    And the rest of your post was one of the worst I've seen on here and definitely not worthy of any sort of debate.
    Why is this conflict so controversial and say the current Yemeni one not? You are obsessed with the Israel issue because you are a pawn of bigger forces that want you to be obsessed with it. And you couldn't give 2 fucks about the Yemeni one because the people pulling the strings dont want you to have an opinion on it.

    I doubt you are really an anti-Semite. You just chose the blue pill and going in whatever direction your puppet master is telling you to. Today they want you to care about the Palestinian crisis. Who knows what they will want you to care about tomorrow?

  19. #34219
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mintjewlips View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post

    This is a little too Darwinian for me. I don't think the Palestinian people ever really had a chance, no matter what they did. Following WWII, Europe had a Jewish problem of what to do with the remaining live Jewish refugees and their solution to the problem was to support the Zionists and give them the green light and means to conquer what we now call Israel. And this is exactly what happened. Similar scenarios have happened thousands of times in history, and are even ongoing today. The tragedy and uniqueness of this situation is the rest of the world conspiring to not allow the Palestinian refugees to leave and move on with their lives, and instead forcing them to live in squalid camps to act as a buffer against Israel expansion. And the rest is history.

    I totally agree.

    So why doesn't the Palestinian leadership realize that they lost Jerusalem, regardless of why or who is responsible, why don't they sue for some kind of peace agreement and end this reprehensible ideological effort in futility, why don't the Palestinians come to some accord with the Israelis and get on with their lives?.

    Sure, obviously it wont be on the Palestinians terms, and it's fucked up, but continuing this futile effort to regain control of Jerusalem by proclaiming a jihad is just counterproductive to the survival of the people that are suffering the most.

    Concede Jerusalem, work out a treaty, and let civility flourish...
    I don't really think the true puppet masters think it is a futile effort. I think they are playing the long game which they think they can win, and they are willing to sacrifice several generations of Palestinians to achieve their ends.

  20. #34220
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