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Thread: Conservative internet media companies CRTV (Cary Katz) and TheBlaze (Glenn Beck) merge

  1. #1
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Conservative internet media companies CRTV (Cary Katz) and TheBlaze (Glenn Beck) merge

    Pretty big story if you follow conservative media on the internet.

    Glenn Beck founded TheBlaze in 2011, and it is carried both on the internet and on various TV providers. TheBlaze was responsible for the rise of barbie doll / angry conservative chick star Tomi Lahren, until her pro-choice comments torpedoed her career and created a rift with Beck.

    CRTV was founded by billionaire (and sometimes poker player) Cary Katz in 2014, and meant to be a direct competitor of TheBlaze. However, it was not on any television stations, and was subscription only.

    CRTV recently has been involved in some controversy, due to a lawsuit against one of its former hosts (Mark Steyn), and Katz suing his own company regarding a loan he gave, which some believed was related in some way to the Steyn suit.

    CRTV's best known hosts are Mark Levin, Michelle Malkin, Steven Crowder, Gavin McInnes, Phil Robertson, and Eric Bolling.

    TheBlaze's best known hosts are Glenn Beck, Stu Burguiere, and Pat Gray. They once had S.E. Cupp, Dana Loesch, and Tomi Lahren, but clearly they've been short on name talent as of late.

    Despite the "merger", the company will continue under TheBlaze brand despite the majority of hosts on the new network hailing from CRTV.

    Even the company's new banner on features Crowder, Beck, and Levin, where 2/3 came from CRTV.

    TheBlaze has fired a lot of company executives in recent years, and there have been rumors that they were struggling financially. Beck walked off a CNN interview in June, when it was suggested that TheBlaze was in trouble.

    It is unclear what terms are involved in this merger. Was it a straight sale where Cary Katz decided to wash his hands of the CRTV headache? Or was this a situation where Katz is content to simply take an ownership stake in TheBlaze and give the wheel to Beck to handle the day-to-day management?

    Some also are theorizing that this merger is taking place because Fox News has recently launched their own online conservative media service, and this merger is meant to compete with them.

    Steven Crowder, who is now probably the network's #2 star behind Beck, announced in late November that he's been experiencing health problems, and is suspending the show until mid-January "in order to heal". He claimed to have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Clearly he really does plan to return in January, as I'm sure his continued production of new shows was a large element to this deal.

    Crowder also mentioned in that episode that he will come back to a much larger staff and would be moving studios again, presumably cryptically referencing the upcoming merger.

    TheBlaze is available on Frontier/Verizon FIOS, Dish Network, Cablevision, and various other cable providers. It is not clear if the subscription-only content on CRTV will now be available for free on the Blaze TV network.

  2. #2
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    I just turned on BlazeTV, and it's embarrassingly bad.

    I'm watching "Pat Gray Unleashed", and it's this Pat Gray guy (who doesn't have much television presence) and some sidekick sitting in the blaze offices, talking on a podcast-looking microphone hooked into a laptop.

    When they go to commercial breaks, it's Beck himself promoting shady looking websites.

    No wonder this thing was failing miserably. Now they have the CRTV group of hosts, so we will see if they can do something with it, or if Beck will fuck that up, too.

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    Now Pat Gray is using part of the show to hawk $75 disaster emergency kits.

      MumblesBadly: Finally... Fair and balanced coverage

  4. #4
    Platinum thesparten's Avatar
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    From what I understand it was the lawsuit with stien that sent them for a tumble...

    Every time I think about cord cutting crtv waS one of my options.

    Now with the merge there is NO WAY I would get it and I used too get the blaze when they first came out..

    The blaze is unwatchable and just awful.

    Glenn Beck destroyed himself when he said he preferred Hillary over Trump.

    After all his lecture's about the GLOBALIST and what's happening above the Geo political matrix that is provided for us by mainstream and it's faux binary argument,s.
    Glenn had nothing , absolutely nothing complimentary too say about Trump haveing the balls too stand up and call them out ..

    Even too this day they are just snide remarks about Trump.

    Glenn has proven too be a false prophet..

    Crtv should of just held out!!!!

    Infowars now offers 11 hours of programming from 3 hosts WITH 3 DISTINCT PERSONALITIES. and has created a forum infocomm and are expanding.

    I guess my 2lbs of Patriot coffee(30days)
    Vitmain mineral fusion
    2x alpha male
    Survival shiled
    Dna force(60 days)
    Bone broth
    Living defense(90 days)
    Liver shield.

    Has helped!! I
    Last edited by thesparten; 12-04-2018 at 08:47 AM.

  5. #5
    Platinum duped_samaritan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thesparten View Post
    Infowars now offers 11 hours of programming from 3 hosts WITH 3 DISTINCT PERSONALITIES. and has created a forum infocomm and are expanding.

    I guess my 2lbs of Patriot coffee(30days)
    Vitmain mineral fusion
    2x alpha male
    Survival shiled
    Dna force(60 days)
    Bone broth
    Living defense(90 days)
    Liver shield.

    Has helped!! I
    You're serious...aren't you.

  6. #6
    Platinum thesparten's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by duped_samaritan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by thesparten View Post
    Infowars now offers 11 hours of programming from 3 hosts WITH 3 DISTINCT PERSONALITIES. and has created a forum infocomm and are expanding.

    I guess my 2lbs of Patriot coffee(30days)
    Vitmain mineral fusion
    2x alpha male
    Survival shiled
    Dna force(60 days)
    Bone broth
    Living defense(90 days)
    Liver shield.

    Has helped!! I
    You're serious...aren't you.

    I also forget my scent diffuser with the 10 pack of organic oils and the new green hexogan t shirt and hat hillaryfor prison and Hillary Medusa t shirts but they were one time purchases the above are subscription,s

    In the beginning I used too donate my Patriot points back too them but I just use them too buy the one time purchases now.
    Last edited by thesparten; 12-04-2018 at 09:07 AM.

  7. #7
    Platinum duped_samaritan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thesparten View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by duped_samaritan View Post

    You're serious...aren't you.

    I also forget my scent diffuser with the 10 pack of organic oils and the new green hexogan t shirt and hat hillaryfor prison and Hillary Medusa t shirts but they were one time purchases the above are subscription,s

      thesparten: I guess this is from. The chicks with diks crowd. Because that's what all the beta males say too feel better about themselves

  8. #8
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    I do wonder if this merger will shield CRTV from liability (or at least necessity to pay) regarding the Steyn lawsuit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I do wonder if this merger will shield CRTV from liability (or at least necessity to pay) regarding the Steyn lawsuit.

    Good luck.

    So many variables regarding fees.

  10. #10
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Is Bill O’Reilly still too toxic to latch onto one of these fringe channels? Serial rape is where the line is drawn?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    Is Bill O’Reilly still too toxic to latch onto one of these fringe channels? Serial rape is where the line is drawn?
    No. Look up Gavin McInnes and The Proud Boys. McInnes only very recently disassociated from them, presumably because of this merger coming up. Basically the dude was a white supremacist who transitioned to mainstream conservative media because there was more money in it.

    In general, I find most right-wing internet channels/media to be garbage. They know they're preaching to the choir and do not even attempt to be accurate or introspective. In addition, many of them don't have a particularly good broadcast presence or entertainment talent.

    There are some exceptions. Steven Crowder is reasonable in most of his views (at least the ones expressed on show), isn't extreme, and has legitimate wit and comedic talent. That's why he was elevated to headline status on CRTV so quickly, and is considered one of the top 3 on the new Blaze channel. They realize he's good, and not just a hack saying what the audience wants to hear.

    Ben Shapiro doesn't have much of a broadcast presence, but he's very smart and is an excellent debater, thus making him very watchable. However, he's not part of this new Blaze, as he's associated with a different network (The Daily Wire).

    For the most part, I don't watch or listen to conservative media other than Crowder. I do watch Fox News every so often, just to get away from the increasingly obvious liberal bias of the other news networks, but Fox News' bias also annoys me, even though it's a bias on my side of the fence.

    Honestly the ideal show for me would be one with a conservative slant which also isn't afraid to delve into areas where the right sometimes isn't correct (or is at least partially incorrect). Crowder does this occasionally, but he stops short of saying anything too harsh, so as to not alienate his base.

    I actually read as many left wing sites as I do right wing sites, so I can see both sides and decide the truth for myself. It is comical how misinformed some people are when they only expose themselves to echo chamber news -- and I'm talking about those both the left and right.

  12. #12
    Platinum thesparten's Avatar
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    I used to like Shapiro, very smart and Witty but he is actually just another rhino globalistt which by definition is treason..

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    Is Bill O’Reilly still too toxic to latch onto one of these fringe channels? Serial rape is where the line is drawn?
    No. Look up Gavin McInnes and The Proud Boys. McInnes only very recently disassociated from them, presumably because of this merger coming up. Basically the dude was a white supremacist who transitioned to mainstream conservative media because there was more money in it.

    In general, I find most right-wing internet channels/media to be garbage. They know they're preaching to the choir and do not even attempt to be accurate or introspective. In addition, many of them don't have a particularly good broadcast presence or entertainment talent.

    There are some exceptions. Steven Crowder is reasonable in most of his views (at least the ones expressed on show), isn't extreme, and has legitimate wit and comedic talent. That's why he was elevated to headline status on CRTV so quickly, and is considered one of the top 3 on the new Blaze channel. They realize he's good, and not just a hack saying what the audience wants to hear.

    Ben Shapiro doesn't have much of a broadcast presence, but he's very smart and is an excellent debater, thus making him very watchable. However, he's not part of this new Blaze, as he's associated with a different network (The Daily Wire).

    For the most part, I don't watch or listen to conservative media other than Crowder. I do watch Fox News every so often, just to get away from the increasingly obvious liberal bias of the other news networks, but Fox News' bias also annoys me, even though it's a bias on my side of the fence.

    Honestly the ideal show for me would be one with a conservative slant which also isn't afraid to delve into areas where the right sometimes isn't correct (or is at least partially incorrect). Crowder does this occasionally, but he stops short of saying anything too harsh, so as to not alienate his base.

    I actually read as many left wing sites as I do right wing sites, so I can see both sides and decide the truth for myself. It is comical how misinformed some people are when they only expose themselves to echo chamber news -- and I'm talking about those both the left and right.
    Ben Shapiros has a very good podcast that has been bouncing around top 25 in the apple store for quite a while. He's crazy good at making points and not being too much of a douche. 100 times more palatable than Hannity or Tucker.

  14. #14
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    Is Bill O’Reilly still too toxic to latch onto one of these fringe channels? Serial rape is where the line is drawn?
    No. Look up Gavin McInnes and The Proud Boys. McInnes only very recently disassociated from them, presumably because of this merger coming up. Basically the dude was a white supremacist who transitioned to mainstream conservative media because there was more money in it.

    In general, I find most right-wing internet channels/media to be garbage. They know they're preaching to the choir and do not even attempt to be accurate or introspective. In addition, many of them don't have a particularly good broadcast presence or entertainment talent.

    There are some exceptions. Steven Crowder is reasonable in most of his views (at least the ones expressed on show), isn't extreme, and has legitimate wit and comedic talent. That's why he was elevated to headline status on CRTV so quickly, and is considered one of the top 3 on the new Blaze channel. They realize he's good, and not just a hack saying what the audience wants to hear.

    Ben Shapiro doesn't have much of a broadcast presence, but he's very smart and is an excellent debater, thus making him very watchable. However, he's not part of this new Blaze, as he's associated with a different network (The Daily Wire).

    For the most part, I don't watch or listen to conservative media other than Crowder. I do watch Fox News every so often, just to get away from the increasingly obvious liberal bias of the other news networks, but Fox News' bias also annoys me, even though it's a bias on my side of the fence.

    Honestly the ideal show for me would be one with a conservative slant which also isn't afraid to delve into areas where the right sometimes isn't correct (or is at least partially incorrect). Crowder does this occasionally, but he stops short of saying anything too harsh, so as to not alienate his base.

    I actually read as many left wing sites as I do right wing sites, so I can see both sides and decide the truth for myself. It is comical how misinformed some people are when they only expose themselves to echo chamber news -- and I'm talking about those both the left and right.
    Never heard of this Ben Shapiro so I do the Google and it brings up the Youtube entitled
    Ben Shapiro - The Truth About Millenials

    If you consider this guy a sharp thinker because of such subjects then you better consider your own judgements.
    This isn't a comedic take from what I watched.
    How many people qualify as a millennial? Judging people for when they were born is idiotic. I have no further trust in this person to tell me anything

  15. #15
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    TheBlaze has fired Gavin McInnes, in what seems to be an attempt to distance itself from the alt right.

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    I was thinkingb about that in another way.

    Eric boiling who used to work at Fox and was very Trump supportive also has changed aever since going to crtv..

    He was on the Alex jones show and I couldn't wait too hear it becouse I thought that he would gel with Jones .
    (Behind all the hiberbali, Jones is not exactly wrong about a lot of things)

    But Eric was acting "all mainstream"..

    I really think all the tech shadow banning and cencership and corporate control is haveing an effect..

    There all scared now and homegenizing...

    But also don't forget that Glenn and mark Levin we're/are "never trumpers"..

    Even though before Trump , they were both for closed borders and against globalism UNTILL SOMEONE WAS ACTUALLY GOING TOO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT(WINK WINK)..

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by thesparten View Post
    He was on the Alex jones show and I couldn't wait too hear it becouse I thought that he would gel with Jones .
    bless your heart

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    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

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  19. #19
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    Even though before Trump , they were both for closed borders and against globalism UNTILL SOMEONE WAS ACTUALLY GOING TOO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT(WINK WINK)..

    A lot of "conservative,s" were for all the things Trump is trying too do but it was ALL AN ACT..

    when we finally got a president too accomplish it, they turned on him..

    Down with the fakes and ALL the so called conservative talking heads and GLENN BECK. Is #1 on that list.
    Last edited by thesparten; 12-10-2018 at 01:46 AM.

  20. #20
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Michelle Malkin quit TheBlaze on December 3, in what appears to be due to disdain for Glenn Beck.

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