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Thread: Fucking Auto Insurance

  1. #1
    Platinum splitthis's Avatar
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    Fucking Auto Insurance

    So I finally gave my kid the boot off my insurance now that 3 years have passed since her accidents. I really dont get the wide range of quotes, 250 range for 6 mos up to 800.

    It seems that since having auto insurance became mandatory there are less people insured because many cant afford the ridiculous rates. I get that cars cost as much as a house which is also fucking bs, roll back to the good ole days of steel and no safety features, extras bs crap. I remember as a kid riding without seatbelts in a car that didnt have a floor in the front seat lolz.

    I have been with Nationwide since I was 16 and had to dump them because there rates are so ridiculous now. I told them instead of dumping large sums on hospitals and Jack Hanna bs, fucking get a clue on how unreasonable you are for someone with nothing on their record. The smoker bar chick on the other end of the phone said she would hang up because I was swearing and I told her her voice sounds well versed with profanities, she hung up before I added and dicks.

      sonatine: and dicks.
      herbertstemple: Use GEICO & hope to God you do not have a wreck.

  2. #2
    Diamond Hockey Guy's Avatar
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    She hung up because you're a cunt & totally out of line.

    She doesn't set the rates you fucking idiot, she works in a call center.

      SrslySirius: rofl
      Kilgore Trout:
      jacosta24: Had to be said
      MumblesBadly: Sadly, I have to agree. Sorry, split.
      splitthis: The 'lawyer' is back
      varys: Ruthless
      WillieMcFML: lol
      simpdog: golf clap
      JACKDANIELS: got her
      FPS_Russia: PFA cares about the plight of call center rep, lol please. What did she do?
      Sludge: Call center people’s lives matter.
    (•_•) ..
    ∫\ \___( •_•)
    _∫∫ _∫∫ɯ \ \

    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy
    I'd say good luck in the freeroll but I'm pretty sure you'll go on a bender to self-sabotage yourself & miss it completely or use it as the excuse of why you didn't cash.

  3. #3
    Silver snowtracks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy View Post
    She hung up because you're a cunt & totally out of line.

    She doesn't set the rates you fucking idiot, she works in a call center.

    Wow Hockey Guy.. You and Handicapme have become the biggest dicks on this Site Lately...

    What Living in The Socialistic Country of Canada where every thing is free.. and don't have to pay for Car Insurance cause you all ride Horses!

      Hockey Guy: I thought you & me were cool. I guess not.
      WillieMcFML: he's been on the rag ever since his boyfriend got 86'd
      splitthis: Offset willie

  4. #4
    Diamond Hockey Guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowtracks View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy View Post
    She hung up because you're a cunt & totally out of line.

    She doesn't set the rates you fucking idiot, she works in a call center.

    Wow Hockey Guy.. You and Handicapme have become the biggest dicks on this Site Lately...

    What Living in The Socialistic Country of Canada where every thing is free.. and don't have to pay for Car Insurance cause you all ride Horses!

    Do you honestly think somebody who has nothing to do with setting the rates for the insurance company & works in a call center deserves to be verbally abused? Seriously, this is something she should be proud of?
    (•_•) ..
    ∫\ \___( •_•)
    _∫∫ _∫∫ɯ \ \

    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy
    I'd say good luck in the freeroll but I'm pretty sure you'll go on a bender to self-sabotage yourself & miss it completely or use it as the excuse of why you didn't cash.

  5. #5
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    Wow, another premium splitthis thread. I can't wait for other such hits like "My tooth hurts" and "I just saw a squirrel outside". You keep hitting those home runs!

    If it makes you feel any better, feel free to go through my post history again and furiously mash that red rep button. I have lots of fake internet points to spare.

      splitthis: Megadouche
      adamantium: when youre right, youre right
      WillieMcFML: split offset

  6. #6
    Diamond shortbuspoker's Avatar
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    Insurance rates are based in part on your credit score so maybe that's part of it.

      adamantium: zing
      splitthis: Mine is 844 but thanks anyways

  7. #7
    Diamond hongkonger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowtracks View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy View Post
    She hung up because you're a cunt & totally out of line.

    She doesn't set the rates you fucking idiot, she works in a call center.

    Wow Hockey Guy.. You and Handicapme have become the biggest dicks on this Site Lately...

    What Living in The Socialistic Country of Canada where every thing is free.. and don't have to pay for Car Insurance cause you all ride Horses!

    One thing that is most definitely not free in Canada is auto insurance.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by snowtracks View Post

    Wow Hockey Guy.. You and Handicapme have become the biggest dicks on this Site Lately...

    What Living in The Socialistic Country of Canada where every thing is free.. and don't have to pay for Car Insurance cause you all ride Horses!

    Do you honestly think somebody who has nothing to do with setting the rates for the insurance company & works in a call center deserves to be verbally abused? Seriously, this is something she should be proud of?
    post should be directed at druff

  9. #9
    Diamond Hockey Guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SysOp View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy View Post

    Do you honestly think somebody who has nothing to do with setting the rates for the insurance company & works in a call center deserves to be verbally abused? Seriously, this is something she should be proud of?
    post should be directed at druff
    Pretty sure Druff is never outright rude, swearing & calling these people names like split admits to here. Big, big difference IMO.

      handicapme: This pains me... but man has a point
    (•_•) ..
    ∫\ \___( •_•)
    _∫∫ _∫∫ɯ \ \

    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy
    I'd say good luck in the freeroll but I'm pretty sure you'll go on a bender to self-sabotage yourself & miss it completely or use it as the excuse of why you didn't cash.

  10. #10
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    Where i'm from if you get caught driving w/o insurance it's mandatory they impound your car for 30 days which usually costs about $800 just in storage and various Mormon charges. If you're a couple days late on a payment the motor vehicle dept auto cancels your vehicle registration. Add to that the police have license plate scanners that I assume auto read all plates they cross, it's quite a racket.

    Then the rates are outrageous because the Jews... Just kidding

      big dick: I laughed

  11. #11
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      splitthis: Jailhouse post

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by GambleBotsChafedPenis View Post
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    While we're on the subject, it's pretty funny that splitthis is still allowed to post to here. Druff likes to ignore these psychopath stalker situations (SEE: lewfather, sixtoedpete, tehcollector) until they're completely out of control, and sometimes even then still look the other way. I hope this doesn't get him into legal trouble some day.

      splitthis: Its hilarious

  13. #13
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SrslySirius View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by GambleBotsChafedPenis View Post
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    While we're on the subject, it's pretty funny that splitthis is still allowed to post to here. Druff likes to ignore these psychopath stalker situations (SEE: lewfather, sixtoedpete, tehcollector) until they're completely out of control, and sometimes even then still look the other way. I hope this doesn't get him into legal trouble some day.
    That's not really a fair characterization of what has happened here.

    techcollector was here very briefly, and then left voluntarily when I expressed to him privately that I wasn't going to allow threatening of other members. That one actually ended the easiest. He said that he respected me and would leave without incident, and did.

    Sixtoedpete was just a longtime troll and idiot, but then he graduated into threatening people. Almost immediately after, people found the Cash Gifting Cabby videos, and started posting them like crazy (and making GIFs, etc). Then Sixtoedpete demanded to me that I remove them, I refused, and that's when he turned his entire focus onto me, and threatened me. Then he threatened to post my dad's personal info, and I banned him, and that's when his obsession with me began.

    lewfather was the only one I should have taken action against sooner, but the problem was that every report about him was, "Don't say anything to him, because I don't want him freaking out, but..." And he was a longtime member here. So I felt it was hard to just ban someone like him without being able to cite justification to the community. "He was harassing people but I can't say who or when" didn't seem like it would fly. Everyone who reported it seemed to be doing it in a "FYI" type way, and all claimed to have pretty much handled it (mainly by mostly ignoring him). Still, I should have put an end to the whole thing earlier, and I won't let anything like that happen again.

    In splitthis' case, she's also a longtime member of this community, and has no history of harassing or threatening people in real life. Still don't know what set her off to such a degree about Kilgore, but honestly she does need to tone it down. I don't feel splitthis needs a ban at this point. I've always just seen her as the salty, brash, middle-aged midwestern woman type, and not really as an actual threat to anyone here.

  14. #14
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Regarding auto insurance, it's actually smart to not only shop around, but to shop around EVERY RENEWAL PERIOD to see if there's a significant difference.


    First off, there's a huge variance in rates in auto insurance, and no company is one-size-fits-all cheaper than everyone else. Depends upon age, area, driving record, etc.

    Second, insurance companies do NOT like to lower rates for normal drivers with clean records. That's because they figure if you're willing to pay $X with a clean record in 2017, you'll pay $X again with a clean record in 2018. They don't need to offer you $X-100 to get you to continue.

    Why should rates go down? Because your vehicle depreciates, and thus the cost of insuring it is less.

    However, a NEW company will take the lesesr cost of your vehicle into consideration (because you aren't currently with them), and thus Company A which was more expensive in 2017 may be cheaper in 2018 than Company B who currently insures you.

    You should also tailor your insurance rates to your personal life situation.

    Are you well-off enough to where $500 and $1000 deductibles won't make much of a difference in your life if you have to pay them? Then go with the $1000 deductible if the savings seem good enough.

    If you're broke and likely to remain broke/poor, just get the cheapest liability insurance, as your pockets are shallow and you won't be a lawsuit target.

    If you have assets, get the $250k/$500k coverage, or you'll be sorry when you accidentally hurt someone with your car and they sue you for a massive amount above what your paltry insurance covered.

    Don't bother with bullshit extras like rental car add ons. That's a waste of money, and usually you can find a body shop which will agree to loan you a car for free while they're fixing yours (that's what I did in 2016 after the deer ran into my car).

    Quality of insurance company actually DOES make a difference. Dealing with shit insurance companies is a nightmare. I've dealt with good ones, and I've dealt with horrid ones, and I can tell you that it's worth it to pay a little more for the better ones. However, don't pay an exorbitant amount more. If it's fairly close, though, go for the better-rated one.

    You also might want to avoid the most commonly used company in your area. In California, tons of people use Mercury. Unfortunately, when an accident occurs between two Mercury customers, they try very hard to declare the fault "50-50", because then they get to raise both people's rates. (An accident only "counts" against your record if you're 50% or more at fault.) I've seen some egregious situations (not involving me) where Mercury tried to allege 50-50 fault, despite it being obvious the fault was 100-0. I helped a few friends out of this by arguing on their behalf with Mercury, who eventually changed it. But again, it's a nightmare. So consider that, as well.

      splitthis: Good advice

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by SrslySirius View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by GambleBotsChafedPenis View Post
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    While we're on the subject, it's pretty funny that splitthis is still allowed to post to here. Druff likes to ignore these psychopath stalker situations (SEE: lewfather, sixtoedpete, tehcollector) until they're completely out of control, and sometimes even then still look the other way. I hope this doesn't get him into legal trouble some day.
    Oookkkay seriously clueless. How bout you, Harry the Hunter looking freak, go make some more juvenile videos against the closet gays of the pokerworld.

    Peace and love, Split.

      handicapme: you have some serious issues...
      WillieMcFML: yep

  16. #16
    Speedster Out of Clemson adamantium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by splitthis View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SrslySirius View Post

    While we're on the subject, it's pretty funny that splitthis is still allowed to post to here. Druff likes to ignore these psychopath stalker situations (SEE: lewfather, sixtoedpete, tehcollector) until they're completely out of control, and sometimes even then still look the other way. I hope this doesn't get him into legal trouble some day.
    Oookkkay seriously clueless. How bout you, Harry the Hunter looking freak, go make some more juvenile videos against the closet gays of the pokerworld.

    Peace and love, Split.
    Every time I see one of your posts I picture white trash, why is that?

      splitthis: Who cares what u picture
      handicapme: I do.
    Slava Ukraini!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SrslySirius View Post

    While we're on the subject, it's pretty funny that splitthis is still allowed to post to here. Druff likes to ignore these psychopath stalker situations (SEE: lewfather, sixtoedpete, tehcollector) until they're completely out of control, and sometimes even then still look the other way. I hope this doesn't get him into legal trouble some day.
    That's not really a fair characterization of what has happened here.

    techcollector was here very briefly, and then left voluntarily when I expressed to him privately that I wasn't going to allow threatening of other members. That one actually ended the easiest. He said that he respected me and would leave without incident, and did.

    Sixtoedpete was just a longtime troll and idiot, but then he graduated into threatening people. Almost immediately after, people found the Cash Gifting Cabby videos, and started posting them like crazy (and making GIFs, etc). Then Sixtoedpete demanded to me that I remove them, I refused, and that's when he turned his entire focus onto me, and threatened me. Then he threatened to post my dad's personal info, and I banned him, and that's when his obsession with me began.

    lewfather was the only one I should have taken action against sooner, but the problem was that every report about him was, "Don't say anything to him, because I don't want him freaking out, but..." And he was a longtime member here. So I felt it was hard to just ban someone like him without being able to cite justification to the community. "He was harassing people but I can't say who or when" didn't seem like it would fly. Everyone who reported it seemed to be doing it in a "FYI" type way, and all claimed to have pretty much handled it (mainly by mostly ignoring him). Still, I should have put an end to the whole thing earlier, and I won't let anything like that happen again.

    In splitthis' case, she's also a longtime member of this community, and has no history of harassing or threatening people in real life. Still don't know what set her off to such a degree about Kilgore, but honestly she does need to tone it down. I don't feel splitthis needs a ban at this point. I've always just seen her as the salty, brash, middle-aged midwestern woman type, and not really as an actual threat to anyone here.
    If you couldn't see it coming with tehcollector, I don't know what to tell you. He spent a great deal of time boasting about how good he was at stalking and harassing people, before threatening to stalk and harass members here.

    Everyone else mentioned spent a good deal of time stalking and harassing people before being stopped, including splitthis who has already intimidated a member off this forum. She also exhibits obsessive behavior towards me and other members she doesn't like, I guess as a veiled threat of being next. As far as anyone can tell, it's merely because she had admitted to sucking dick for money and doesn't like people bringing that up. Oops, am I going to have my family members contacted on Facebook now? Apparently that's fair game around here.

    Mistakes happen, I don't really mean to give you hard time about the handling of past incidents. It's just funny that nothing changes. I know for a fact that some people are reluctant to bring this stuff up for fear of being targeted.

  18. #18
    Platinum splitthis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SrslySirius View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    That's not really a fair characterization of what has happened here.

    techcollector was here very briefly, and then left voluntarily when I expressed to him privately that I wasn't going to allow threatening of other members. That one actually ended the easiest. He said that he respected me and would leave without incident, and did.

    Sixtoedpete was just a longtime troll and idiot, but then he graduated into threatening people. Almost immediately after, people found the Cash Gifting Cabby videos, and started posting them like crazy (and making GIFs, etc). Then Sixtoedpete demanded to me that I remove them, I refused, and that's when he turned his entire focus onto me, and threatened me. Then he threatened to post my dad's personal info, and I banned him, and that's when his obsession with me began.

    lewfather was the only one I should have taken action against sooner, but the problem was that every report about him was, "Don't say anything to him, because I don't want him freaking out, but..." And he was a longtime member here. So I felt it was hard to just ban someone like him without being able to cite justification to the community. "He was harassing people but I can't say who or when" didn't seem like it would fly. Everyone who reported it seemed to be doing it in a "FYI" type way, and all claimed to have pretty much handled it (mainly by mostly ignoring him). Still, I should have put an end to the whole thing earlier, and I won't let anything like that happen again.

    In splitthis' case, she's also a longtime member of this community, and has no history of harassing or threatening people in real life. Still don't know what set her off to such a degree about Kilgore, but honestly she does need to tone it down. I don't feel splitthis needs a ban at this point. I've always just seen her as the salty, brash, middle-aged midwestern woman type, and not really as an actual threat to anyone here.
    If you couldn't see it coming with tehcollector, I don't know what to tell you. He spent a great deal of time boasting about how good he was at stalking and harassing people, before threatening to stalk and harass members here.

    Everyone else mentioned spent a good deal of time stalking and harassing people before being stopped, including splitthis who has already intimidated a member off this forum. She also exhibits obsessive behavior towards me and other members she doesn't like, I guess as a veiled threat of being next. As far as anyone can tell, it's merely because she had admitted to sucking dick for money and doesn't like people bringing that up. Oops, am I going to have my family members contacted on Facebook now? Apparently that's fair game around here.

    Mistakes happen, I don't really mean to give you hard time about the handling of past incidents. It's just funny that nothing changes. I know for a fact that some people are reluctant to bring this stuff up for fear of being targeted.
    It is dumbfounding how incredibly stupid you are. I have never outwardly attacked anyone for no reason, I have only retaliated against those as seriously dumb to poke this bear. I suggest you ask willie for advice, he is younger but much smarter than you. So, let me spell it out for you, dont poke or get poked employee of Polk. If you feel the necessity to continue to defend a criminal, go ahead, but if you think I will put up with your verbal shit, you will get in return. Simple. How you want it to roll is up to you. The forum nowadays are tame. I was groomed long ago before your time on an original forum full of hell. Peace, love Split.

      handicapme: you need a nap...
      WillieMcFML: WE CALL BS

  19. #19
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    Bravo split, these thinly-veiled threats totally refute my claims.

      splitthis: Oh Lord you are stupid

  20. #20
    Gold handicapme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by splitthis View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SrslySirius View Post

    If you couldn't see it coming with tehcollector, I don't know what to tell you. He spent a great deal of time boasting about how good he was at stalking and harassing people, before threatening to stalk and harass members here.

    Everyone else mentioned spent a good deal of time stalking and harassing people before being stopped, including splitthis who has already intimidated a member off this forum. She also exhibits obsessive behavior towards me and other members she doesn't like, I guess as a veiled threat of being next. As far as anyone can tell, it's merely because she had admitted to sucking dick for money and doesn't like people bringing that up. Oops, am I going to have my family members contacted on Facebook now? Apparently that's fair game around here.

    Mistakes happen, I don't really mean to give you hard time about the handling of past incidents. It's just funny that nothing changes. I know for a fact that some people are reluctant to bring this stuff up for fear of being targeted.
    It is dumbfounding how incredibly stupid you are. I have never outwardly attacked anyone for no reason, I have only retaliated against those as seriously dumb to poke this bear. I suggest you ask willie for advice, he is younger but much smarter than you. So, let me spell it out for you, dont poke or get poked employee of Polk. If you feel the necessity to continue to defend a criminal, go ahead, but if you think I will put up with your verbal shit, you will get in return. Simple. How you want it to roll is up to you. The forum nowadays are tame. I was groomed long ago before your time on an original forum full of hell. Peace, love Split.
    Shit like this is why we can't have nice things. Like honestly, read what you wrote lady... The kid has done nothing but call you out on a forum and hasn't threatened your livelihood or anything else, yet you feel the need to threaten his real life because he insulted you on the forum? I've said this so many times, but this shit isn't okay and if you can't take someone calling you out without immediately going towards threatening their real life then you shouldn't be here. The bolded part is just uncalled for and is really just disturbing as fuck.
    "I GOT NO TOE"

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