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Thread: The news the MSM ignores because it does not fit the narrative

  1. #401
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    As my previous post showed we're importing almost all Africans 19,000l WTF are they testing for HIV?
    Under Trump's watch we've already imported around 20,000 Afghans, they're not listed as immigrants, they supposedly translators and listed as such and covered in the defense budget.
    ]Both groups can bring in unlimited family members under chain migration.
    You can look up your state and other statistics in link, my state is getting blacked. Link to immigrant crime the MSM fails to cover, yes there's already acid attacks etc in America.
    These are all the gov contractors who resettle immigrants, notice the all the churches
    Church World Service (CWS) (71%)
    Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) (secular)(93%)
    Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) (99.5%)
    Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) (57%)
    International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular) (66.5%)
    US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) (secular) (98%)
    Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS) (97%)
    United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) (97%)
    World Relief Corporation (WR) (72.8%)

    I URGE YOU TO LISTEN TO THIS 1998 BROADCAST called the lesson of South Africa.
    It's not about blaming only Jews, it's about the role of mainly the church's, big business, the politicians, the media, the US trade embargo against SA and most importantly white stupidity.
    Cliffs: What happened is SA is what's happening here, almost exactly.

    Can anyone explain why we're bringing in mostly Africans? (not the white ones, Australia may take em) That's sketchy AF it's as if they want trouble makers they can count on imo.

  2. #402
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    Quote Originally Posted by devidee View Post

    What do these countries have in common?


    They all have universal health care, and strict gun laws?

  3. #403
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    I doubt this story is gonna get any play at CNN. So many layers of horrible in this. Who the hell has a school play for 7 year olds centered around a theme of white supremacy? And who the hell thinks it is ok to get a 7 year old girl to be "the racist." Seriously, it is so sad there is so much completely innapropriate propoganda going on in America where everyone is just taught to hate white people. That is the only reason anyone would ever have a play like that in a grade school, would be as propaganda to make people hate each other more.

  4. #404
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    welcome back FPS. I don't go to 4 Chan or other alt-right sites so I actually appreciate your presence here, because it allows me to get a feel for the pulse of the alt right. I realize that a lot of people think the way you do, and I think it is vitally important to hear what people are saying and get the pulse of the room, than to just dismiss them, even if they say things you don't agree with.

  5. #405
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    Thx verm, i don't think i'll be posting anymore offensive memes that may galvanize you and your tribe. Like most other Jews esp liberals I see you're hyper sensitive to whites being racially aware. Here's my theory and solution to that issue. If it was up to me i'd have a movement of matchmakers on the campuses of all elite universities to make sure Jews intermarry w non Jews. Just enough to dilute your peoples irrational hatred of white people and to end white genocide. Of course it wasn't irrational when your people were running around Europe playing on our gullibility n such until eventually getting kicked out but is now. Remember, white people are nice.
    Now on to the corporations...

    Back to SA, it's basically a Black Lives Matter SJW Marxist movement that's taken power and is seizing private property like commies do. They think all crime and poverty will be gone w these farmers gone. Here's a part of the same vid above with video, the Black guy featured in this video from 2011 has now taken power. Warning graphic images.
    You can see the size of the graveyard then vs thumbnail above.

    Here's a recent video from one of the white farmers, powerful video. It'll be a cold day in hell that you see this In the MSM. The plight of black people from every shit hole imaginable will get covered relentlessly.

    The US military should step in here but that'll never happen.

  6. #406
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    I'm curious what the white South African farmers thought was going to happen. History, both modern history in other places in Africa, and world history period, would indicate a very high likelihood their land would eventually be taken from them eventually under one pretense or another.

    I am not even commenting on whether it is right or wrong, just saying it is a very predictable outcome. The day Apartheid ended, for good or bad, white South African farmers should have saw the writing on the wall and planned accordingly.

  7. #407
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    Don't ever take freedom of speech for granted, once it goes you're fucked.

    who knew

    Anyways, yea I'm highly skeptical of the nerve agent story. After the Anthrax inside job there's no fuckin way i'd go along with the neocon agenda just because it's from Russia. Go find the perp and prove it or the Neocons can go fuck themselves imo. Better yet idgaf if it was Putin, if the Neocons are for it then i'm against it period, drop it and lets move on.

    That one oligarch Khordovsky has an interesting bbc interview. He says Putin's a puppet ( Pierce said the same thing) but this interview wow. I've never heard anyone say prison wasn't to bad until now, from Russia's richest man to almost ten years in a Russian prison. I have to wonder if this dude didn't have special arrangements but if he didn't how bad is communism, geez.

  8. #408
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    Quote Originally Posted by FPS_Russia View Post
    Thx verm, i don't think i'll be posting anymore offensive memes that may galvanize you and your tribe. Like most other Jews esp liberals I see you're hyper sensitive to whites being racially aware. Here's my theory and solution to that issue. If it was up to me i'd have a movement of matchmakers on the campuses of all elite universities to make sure Jews intermarry w non Jews. Just enough to dilute your peoples irrational hatred of white people and to end white genocide. Of course it wasn't irrational when your people were running around Europe playing on our gullibility n such until eventually getting kicked out but is now.
    This is actually going on A LOT in California. The issue is that most of the interracial marriage/breeding is with East Asians and Indians (dot), who also tend to be highly educated and socially liberal, so I dunno how that factors into your narrative.

  9. #409
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    Check out this commie media outlet. This chick is suspected of receiving food, haha the look on her face.
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    "The search warrant was based on the fact that I had received a food package from an organization in the United States that they say is counterrevolutionary,"
    Wow that's pretty serious
    Seven policemen, who arrived in two patrol cars and three motorcycles, searched the house for 30 minutes, in particular "my living room, my kitchen, the refrigerator and the bathroom," Mariño said.

    "They wanted to see where I had the food and the bill and I told them I did not have the food or the bill," Mariño said. "I explained that I had received the package, but I stopped at the door of my house and gave it to all the people in need, and went to the homes of other people who have food needs and I gave them that food," he said.
    But yea that's tyranny.

    Don't get the wrong idea because we need him in 2020(and they need him), but yeah they are ok w Bernie. Interesting to see the Naval traffic, I guess they monitor our subs.
    Last edited by FPS_Russia; 03-18-2018 at 02:34 AM.

  10. #410
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    I knew mueller was the sept 11 and Anthrax cleaner but I didn't know he knowingly lied us into the iraq war.

    Wesley Clark said just a week after sept 11 the decision to attack Iraq and six other nations was already made. So don't let them say it was bad intelligence or whatever. Mueller knowingly lied us into the war, that's treason and he's a fuckin traitor. Not once did he mention all the Israelis arrested or the van of explosives. He quietly classified shitloads of documents and deported them. Lol at the media painting him as a man of unrivaled character and integrity.

    Lol at his Anthrax investigation, no one can deny he's a criminal but what are you gonna do. Now that we see his position on WMD's and all that i mean why not turn the Russia investigation over to Bill Kristol the Kagans and Perle.

    Graham: Trump firing Mueller would be 'the beginning of the end of his presidency'
    McCain: Mueller must be allowed to finish investigation 'unimpeded'
    Yep the fix is in

    Someone tell Trump to fire all three and reopen the Sept 11 investigation, oh wait he can't.
    Last edited by FPS_Russia; 03-19-2018 at 03:58 AM.

  11. #411
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    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post

    I doubt this story is gonna get any play at CNN. So many layers of horrible in this. Who the hell has a school play for 7 year olds centered around a theme of white supremacy? And who the hell thinks it is ok to get a 7 year old girl to be "the racist." Seriously, it is so sad there is so much completely innapropriate propoganda going on in America where everyone is just taught to hate white people. That is the only reason anyone would ever have a play like that in a grade school, would be as propaganda to make people hate each other more.

    You make it sound like CNN viewers are interested in someone's highchool play? Or is it the big cover up.....

  12. #412
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    Let me hook up Verm w a nugget from the alt right or something like that. For the most part the alt right doesn't even know about this, there's still debates as to whether Trump is 'their guy' LOL

    Setting: This is from when Pat Buchanan was running for potus 1999, I remember on pfa radio Brandon mentioned pat's lack of jewish support obv. Here's a bit of BTS strategy to stop Pat and who really owns Trump.
    4:40 to 8;40 min stray out of that at your own risk. It's interesting they didn't put these discussions online as early as 99, you had to subscribe..

    Fun trivia, which two political figures sort of predicted the Sept 11 attacks in their respective books? Trump and Bibi.
    FPS are you saying Trump may be connected to 911? With the 1999 video in mind, decide for yourself. Go to that yt channel and look at the other evidence. Lets be honest, trump dgaf about a bunch of strangers getting killed, not one bit. The alt right twitter purge revealed too in the vid below

    That channel has stuff about sept 11 ive never seen.
    Last edited by FPS_Russia; 03-19-2018 at 04:30 AM.

  13. #413
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    Quote Originally Posted by donkdowndonedied View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post

    I doubt this story is gonna get any play at CNN. So many layers of horrible in this. Who the hell has a school play for 7 year olds centered around a theme of white supremacy? And who the hell thinks it is ok to get a 7 year old girl to be "the racist." Seriously, it is so sad there is so much completely innapropriate propoganda going on in America where everyone is just taught to hate white people. That is the only reason anyone would ever have a play like that in a grade school, would be as propaganda to make people hate each other more.

    You make it sound like CNN viewers are interested in someone's highchool play? Or is it the big cover up.....
    They would be extremely interested if it was a 95% white school and they had a black kid playing a slave in a play. This story would be the front page of every website and newspaper for 2 days straight. All the race baiters would be coming out of the wood work and it would be a circus. But the other way around, not so much interest. Move along, nothing to see here.

  14. #414
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    SJW open border cuck interviews Nehlen. I'm calling on Jews to lobby twitter for his reinstatement, watch this and tell me he's not a righteous guy.

  15. #415
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    Just in case anyone still doubts who's behind the flood of immigrants. As we know the African refugees in Israel are treated like dogs. Housed in the worlds biggest prison complex while they built a fence and then thrown the fuck out (i'm surprised we're not taking in all of them). I was curious to see what kind of brainwashing material the ADL was pushing on American HS students.

    We know they hammer kids w Holo. propaganda but as Israel boots immigrants the ADL is teaching American HS students about the Syrian refugess, the Rohingya people and what to think of the European refugee crisis. That's political and none of their fucking business since they have a dog in that fight.
    Hey Goy, don't you feel guilty?
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    I doubt they're going to mention that Sarkozy (Richard Perle too shhh) accepted $42 million from Ghadafi and then stabbed him in the ass literally and voted to remove him from power so Europe gets flooded w refugees and to cover up his corruption. Then Sarkozy has the nerve to threaten the people who elected him that they better start fucking blacks and race mixing or the govt will step in, he looked so sincere and caring.

    This lil cabal on phonies frauds and traitors get some official platform and then media legitimizes them and they legitimize each other by propping each other up. Put some banner and podium and gather the media there ya go, it's official, these guys know what's best. Think for yourself, if it wasn't for their vast network of media and nepotism they'd be at the carnival urging you to toss a ball in the basket to win a brand new flatscreen tv.

  16. #416
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    With Bolton, Pompeo and Mueller in place and the Al Jazeera AIPAC sting shelved and the Neocon think tanks and the MSM selling lies. Let the treason begin!
    Lets check in w BN.

    FDD was exposed in the aipac sting as AN Israeli front.
    Hey Goy, the Saudi's are lying you into war.

    John Bolton, he's dangerous and Pompeo's dangerously dumb, here we go.

  17. #417
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    ADL posted this while winking.

    He said much more than monkey but you'd never guess by reading any MSM.

  18. #418
    Platinum devidee's Avatar
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    Average number of deaths in the U.S. per day:

    Medical errors: 685
    Accidents: 401
    Opioids: 115
    Drunk driving: 28
    Underage drinking: 11
    Teenage texting-while-driving: 8
    All Rifles: 1

  19. #419
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    Quote Originally Posted by devidee View Post
    Average number of deaths in the U.S. per day:

    Medical errors: 685
    Accidents: 401
    Opioids: 115
    Drunk driving: 28
    Underage drinking: 11
    Teenage texting-while-driving: 8
    All Rifles: 1
    The people behind the medical errors and the opioids are the same and we know the opioids was intentional. Are any of these guys fired or thrown in jail? I seriously doubt it. That gives credence to a couple of my theories,
    1. Certain groups are gifting each other prestigious degrees.
    2. There's a certain group almost exempt from our American laws.
    If you're a doctor I'd just like to say fuck you! You're a rip off and you fuckin suck at what you do. If antibiotics don't take care of your ailment you're entering dangerous territory.

    I'm just shocked the entire healthcare industry has transformed into the most fucked up scam in history, almost like the college loan industry. Not.

  20. #420
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    Goddamn Texas hicks...

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