Thread: Time to get on the TRUMP train

  1. #25421
    Diamond Mintjewlips's Avatar
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    Well when you're an owner of a medical marijuana dispensary they just let you fuck with out a condom

    So what's a little grab ass

    Joy villa can have my baby....
    "Druff would suck his own dick if it were long enough"- Brandon "drexel" Gerson

    "ann coulter literally has more common sense than pfa."-Sonatine

    "Real grinders supports poker fraud"- Ray Davis


  2. #25422
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mintjewlips View Post
    While we debate logic, China and India are polluting the planet at a rapid pace, who cares how hot the planet will be in ten thousand years if the ocean won't be habitable for marine life in a hundred years.....priorities people......
    The effects will be quite severe within a couple hundred years. You already see huge disruptions in weather patterns. Always the bullshit "well look at X, that makes it ok what we do/believe". (favorite argument of the right)

    I don't think China or India produce near the per capita carbon that the USA does. So basically you couldn't be more wrong. They may pollute in other ways (byproduct of all their exports) but they don't expend near the per capita in energy.

  3. #25423
    Diamond Mintjewlips's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by donkdowndonedied View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mintjewlips View Post
    While we debate logic, China and India are polluting the planet at a rapid pace, who cares how hot the planet will be in ten thousand years if the ocean won't be habitable for marine life in a hundred years.....priorities people......
    The effects will be quite severe within a couple hundred years. You already see huge disruptions in weather patterns. Always the bullshit "well look at X, that makes it ok what we do/believe". (favorite argument of the right)

    I don't think China or India produce near the per capita carbon that the USA does. So basically you couldn't be more wrong. They may pollute in other ways (byproduct of all their exports) but they don't expend near the per capita in energy.

    So a country with 1 billion plus creates LESS carbon per capita than a country with 370 million people? ..........right.......

    Also, way to neglect the fact that China buys most of the recycling materials from around the world only to remanufacture those materials in a way that wouldn't even meet current epa standards...
    "Druff would suck his own dick if it were long enough"- Brandon "drexel" Gerson

    "ann coulter literally has more common sense than pfa."-Sonatine

    "Real grinders supports poker fraud"- Ray Davis


  4. #25424
    Diamond vegas1369's Avatar
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    So this thwarted terrorist attack really didn't get much coverage...

    You would think Trump would have been all over this, especially considering any little terrorist attack involving a Muslim even in Europe gets a mention.... BUT.... not one tweet, not a fucking peep. Gee, wonder why? Oh, right, we're all for law enforcement until they are trying to uncover our crimes... Nope, cant have that...we need to discredit the fuck out of them and NEVER give them praise, even when they are heros who just stopped another horrendous act by a fucking wannabe ISIS member trying to commit mass murder in the United States! #MAGA

  5. #25425
    Diamond Pro Zap_the_Fractions_Giraffe's Avatar
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    people are small and insignificant. the exhaust coming out of my Mercury Cougar XR7 is as natural as honey. if you believe humans can save the world by raising taxes on energy consumption, you are probably not a hip, with-it enlightened white man like me and George Harrison. you are a bigoted egotist

  6. #25426
    Diamond Pro Zap_the_Fractions_Giraffe's Avatar
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    George Harrison also knows who is behind the push for climate change action by the new world order

  7. #25427
    Diamond Pro Zap_the_Fractions_Giraffe's Avatar
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    this triggers the anti-warmth icefag

  8. #25428
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DirtyB View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    "Don't believe in climate change" is not an accurate way of putting it, but the left loves to claim this in order to make Republicans look stupid.

    Most Republicans believe the climate has changed, but some disagree on the cause -- or at the very least, are not sure of it.

    Additionally, some Republicans believe that the consequences of this climate change have been vastly overstated in order to make more of a political impact. Go back to the Al Gore "Inconvenient Truth" days and look at some of the things predicted which didn't come to pass.
    In summary, the vast majority of Republicans, when presented with the unanimous findings of every climate scientist, say "nah, you're probably wrong". Saying they "Don't believe in climate change" is true and accurate on every level. The reason the issue makes the right look stupid is because denying the unanimous findings of thousands of scientists is a stupid thing to do.

    Al Gore's book was written 25 years ago. A 25 year old book about semiconductor manufacturing would sound really stupid because we've learning a lot in the quarter century since. In many ways, the current situation is worse than Gore's book predicted.
    "An Inconvenient Truth" was written in 2006. You're thinking of his similar "The Earth in the Balance" from 1992.

    Did you read the report at the link I posted? As I said, it's nonbiased and gives factual data regarding where Gore was mostly wrong, where he was partially/mostly right, and where the dangers he mentioned actually got worse than expected.

    On the "not nearly as bad as predicted" side was the hurricane situation.

    Admittedly, this article was written in 2016. before the horrendous 2017 hurricane season. However, the article pointed out that hurricanes actually decreased in both frequency and intensity since the book was written, which was contrary to the doomsday scenario presented by Gore.

    Note that Gore's book was written in 2006, which followed the terrible 2005 hurricane season -- the Katrina one.

    Many on the left were insisting that 2005 was the new normal, and that we should expect Katrinas every year from now on. Anyone who doubted that was shouted down as a climate change denier.

    Then 2006 had a calmer than average hurricane season. And just in case you thought that was variance, the entire following decade of 2007-2016 had a cumulative lighter-than-average hurricane incidence.

    Sure, this year was bad, but so were various other individual years, long before climate change was occurring.

    The problem was that, in 2005, the rhetoric from the left was, "See, we told you so! Here are the hurricanes we've been warning you about! Get used to them!", rather than a more calm, reasoned, "This was a bad season, and there's a chance it had to do with global warming, but clearly we need to wait to see the following years before determining they're related."

    The article does state that rising sea levels -- honestly the main danger of global warming -- will be the actual culprit for additional damage from hurricanes. With higher sea levels, coastal damage will be worse, and the damage will extend farther inland.

    So what's my point here?

    It is impossible to have a discussion with most leftists about climate change unless you 100% agree with all their points. If you could go back to 2005 and tell a leftist that the next 11 hurricane seasons would overall be below average, you would get lambasted for your ignorance and stupidity.

    This is an example of how we really DON'T know all that much about climate change, and it is both arrogant and dangerous to assume that we do.

    That's not to say we should ignore the problem. That's not to say we shouldn't set sensible policies to mitigate the possible damage and worsening of the situation. However, just as stubborn people on the right need to acknowledge the climate change which exists, the left needs to concede that they don't know everything (no one does), and that histrionic sky-is-falling claims for political purposes will simply hurt the cause in the long run.

  9. #25429
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mintjewlips View Post
    While we debate logic, China and India are polluting the planet at a rapid pace, who cares how hot the planet will be in ten thousand years if the ocean won't be habitable for marine life in a hundred years.....priorities people......
    ..... and that's the other problem.

    Environmentalism can only work if it's a cooperative effort.

    If the US takes care of the environment for the sake of the planet, but huge third world countries pollute badly and don't give a shit, then our efforts are mainly feelgood with little actual utility.

    Unfortunately this issue is rarely addressed by the left, who will sometimes quietly lament it, but they don't let it affect US policy.

    They have taken more of the position of, "We'll set the example, and eventually everyone else will follow", which simply isn't true when it comes to the third world.

    The problem -- one which is very difficult to solve -- is the fact that it's much easier to care about the environment when enjoying a high standard of living. When large portions of your population are poor and struggling to get by, everyone's mind goes to what's best for right now, rather than what's best for the planet decades or centuries down the line.

  10. #25430
    Diamond Pro Zap_the_Fractions_Giraffe's Avatar
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    I was born in Galveston and grew up on the Gulf Coast. Hurricanes are just weather. They aren't caused by climate change or white people. it's completely irrational and ignorant to think people cause hurricanes. How many people are on Jupiter? Fun fact: Galveston would have been Houston if it weren't destroyed by a hurricane in 1900. Hurricanes fucked up that region long before cars and will continue to fuck up that region long after cars. It's so weird to see left wing atheists whose religion is science spouting irrational shit like "Katrina was caused by global warming and the government can save the Gulf Coast from hurricanes if they introduce new taxes"

      herbertstemple: +1

  11. #25431
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vegas1369 View Post
    All the best people...

    "He grabbed me very boisterously, unexpectedly," Villa said, adding that she thought he was "acting like a clown" and that after the photo was taken he "smacked my ass really hard, almost violent in nature."

    Villa said that after she told him she could report him for sexual harassment, Lewandowski said, "I work in the private sector" and slapped her again.
    Then he "laughed and walked away," she said, adding that his behavior was "boorish and over the top."
    Never knew how that Lewandowski clown rose to the position he did. This fucker must be one smooth talker.

    He managed exactly one major political campaign prior to Trump -- Robert C. Smith, a US Senator from New Hampshire -- in 2002. This campaign ended in absolute failure, with Smith losing by 7 points in the primary, which was the first time since 1992 that a sitting US Senator lost re-election in the primary phase.

    So how you go from that to managing a Presidential campaign 14 years later... I have no fucking clue.

  12. #25432
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    The left also loves to deny science and hard numbers, if it suits them.

    They deny the innate differences between males and females. Many on the left insist that there is little difference between the male and female brain, and that the differences we witness are simply a case of socialization.

    That's what a lot of that flap involving James Damore at Google was about. He was suggesting that PERHAPS there are innate differences between men and women which are at least partially responsible for the vast differences in interest in tech between men and women. He stated that he felt that studying these differences and trying to make the best use of them, rather than artificially forcing equal numbers of coders down gender lines, was better for the company. He was fired for distributing a memo stating this opinion.

    The left will not even entertain the POSSIBILITY that this could be the case. Imagine if the typical male brain actually WAS typically more suited to careers like coding and engineering than the typical female brain. OMG OMG OMG!! The world would end, right? And while we have a long way to go to prove such a thing, you must concede that this is a realistic possibility -- that males and females are (on the whole) born with different strengths and weaknesses, and that some may be politically incorrect to acknowledge. The left will fight tooth and nail to avoid ever acknowledging that this is possible, and will work to discredit any studies which could establish it.

    If your science doesn't mesh correctly with the left's identity politics, then it's science they can't acknowledge.

    What about hard numbers?

    We all know that black men are incarcerated at a far higher level in this country than men of other races. Why is that?

    Ask the typical leftist, and the answer will be "systemic racism".

    No matter what truthful and factual data you throw at them, they will rarely admit that, yes, black males ACTUALLY COMMIT FAR MORE CRIMES PER CAPITA than other races in the US. In the rare case you can get a leftist to acknowledge these hard numbers, you are told that these black males committing crimes are growing up in poverty, and therefore this is the expected result. When you show the leftist poor, rural white towns with almost no violent crime, you rarely get any kind of answer at all.

    I actually believe that there is some racism in the justice system, but that racism has sprung somewhat from the true fact that black men are committing violent crimes at a disproportionately high rate. So anyone exposed to that obvious fact (police, judges, etc) will often develop a bias, even sometimes unintentionally, because the human brain is wired to notice patterns. I'm not defending this bias, but I'm stating that "eliminating racism" will not do very much to reduce the violent crime committed by black men in this country.

    The left will not acknowledge any of this. It's the white racist's fault. The numbers do not matter. It's all a grand conspiracy to lock up black men and make money for privatized prisons.

    And then there's the transgender thing.

    I won't even get into all of that right now. Plenty of science denial going on there, as well.

    The left only loves science when it seems to proves the claims behind their pet causes. When it contradicts their rhetoric, that's when science goes out the window, and the irrational excuse-making starts.

      Zap_the_Fractions_Giraffe: .

  13. #25433
    Diamond Pro Zap_the_Fractions_Giraffe's Avatar
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    Druff, I'm sorry I weaken conservative positions on your site by sometimes being openly racist and sexist and giving ammo to the opposition

  14. #25434
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    Quote Originally Posted by vegas1369 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Tellafriend View Post

    Tilt much?

    Apparently I hit a nerve. You must not be used to that, but you should get used to it.

    It would be easy to continue to pick on you right now, but honestly you seem to be suffering enough.

    However, I will not let you impugn my integrity. So I will post all of our prior communication with regard to our prior wager which you backed out of and then thanked me for not making a big deal out of. I let you out of the bet and didn't say a word to anyone even though you didn't keep your word. All over $1k lol. Now you try to bring it up to make me look bad bc you are being called out?

    You are a joke. I look forward to Seeing how you try to spin your deceit once I post everything tomorrow.
    After that, I'm done with you. But Good luck with the child support payments.
    Thank you for proving to me that you are insane. Appreciate it.

    Oh, and can't wait.

    I am going to be refreshing FS all day for this. The one thing I know from my dealings with tellafriend is that there are several screws loose.

    Please regale us with some juicy facts.

  15. #25435
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Lurker View Post

    I am going to be refreshing FS all day for this. The one thing I know from my dealings with tellafriend is that there are several screws loose.

    Please regale us with some juicy facts.

    I have posted it all you clumsy imbecile.

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Lurker View Post

    The one thing I know from my dealings with tellafriend is that there are several screws loose.

    You really are a bitch. go find something else to fall off of today. or, go find someone else to commit adultery with. either way, first expound on how my screws are loose a little........

      The_Lurker: You posted it AFTER . You have a screw loose

  16. #25436
    Diamond blake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    The left also loves to deny science and hard numbers, if it suits them.

    They deny the innate differences between males and females. Many on the left insist that there is little difference between the male and female brain, and that the differences we witness are simply a case of socialization.

    That's what a lot of that flap involving James Damore at Google was about. He was suggesting that PERHAPS there are innate differences between men and women which are at least partially responsible for the vast differences in interest in tech between men and women. He stated that he felt that studying these differences and trying to make the best use of them, rather than artificially forcing equal numbers of coders down gender lines, was better for the company. He was fired for distributing a memo stating this opinion.

    The left will not even entertain the POSSIBILITY that this could be the case. Imagine if the typical male brain actually WAS typically more suited to careers like coding and engineering than the typical female brain. OMG OMG OMG!! The world would end, right? And while we have a long way to go to prove such a thing, you must concede that this is a realistic possibility -- that males and females are (on the whole) born with different strengths and weaknesses, and that some may be politically incorrect to acknowledge. The left will fight tooth and nail to avoid ever acknowledging that this is possible, and will work to discredit any studies which could establish it.

    If your science doesn't mesh correctly with the left's identity politics, then it's science they can't acknowledge.

    What about hard numbers?

    We all know that black men are incarcerated at a far higher level in this country than men of other races. Why is that?

    Ask the typical leftist, and the answer will be "systemic racism".

    No matter what truthful and factual data you throw at them, they will rarely admit that, yes, black males ACTUALLY COMMIT FAR MORE CRIMES PER CAPITA than other races in the US. In the rare case you can get a leftist to acknowledge these hard numbers, you are told that these black males committing crimes are growing up in poverty, and therefore this is the expected result. When you show the leftist poor, rural white towns with almost no violent crime, you rarely get any kind of answer at all.

    I actually believe that there is some racism in the justice system, but that racism has sprung somewhat from the true fact that black men are committing violent crimes at a disproportionately high rate. So anyone exposed to that obvious fact (police, judges, etc) will often develop a bias, even sometimes unintentionally, because the human brain is wired to notice patterns. I'm not defending this bias, but I'm stating that "eliminating racism" will not do very much to reduce the violent crime committed by black men in this country.

    The left will not acknowledge any of this. It's the white racist's fault. The numbers do not matter. It's all a grand conspiracy to lock up black men and make money for privatized prisons.

    And then there's the transgender thing.

    I won't even get into all of that right now. Plenty of science denial going on there, as well.

    The left only loves science when it seems to proves the claims behind their pet causes. When it contradicts their rhetoric, that's when science goes out the window, and the irrational excuse-making starts.
    druff, i'm curious. considering your rant is about how liberals are "science deniers" when it suits them, you appear to be outright saying that black people are genetically prone to criminality. but you didn't actually say those words.

    can you please confirm that your actual position is that black people are genetically prone to criminality or did you just "misspeak" and, upon further reflection, would like to completely reverse your position and say that the black crime rate is a product of external factors.

  17. #25437
    Plutonium lol wow's Avatar
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    Blake's thug children have already robbed 2 people today

  18. #25438
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    This is an example of how we really DON'T know all that much about climate change, and it is both arrogant and dangerous to assume that we do.

    That's not to say we should ignore the problem. That's not to say we shouldn't set sensible policies to mitigate the possible damage and worsening of the situation. However, just as stubborn people on the right need to acknowledge the climate change which exists, the left needs to concede that they don't know everything (no one does), and that histrionic sky-is-falling claims for political purposes will simply hurt the cause in the long run.
    you somewhat acknowledged this, but the fact that we just had a couple countries get literally leveled by hurricanes a year after the article was written really does fuck up a lot of the author's points.

    but the bigger counterpoint to what you are arguing is that the majority of scientists are basically saying that "the sky is falling" and that if something is not done immediately, we are all doomed.

    if you accept that the scientists are not participating in a global conspiracy and if you accept their premise as true, we can't have a "civil discussion" about it, as the scientists are telling us that our world is literally doomed.

    the reason that people aren't more freaked out about climate change is because it takes a long time so people won't think it will affect them. if even 10% of astronomers said that an asteroid is coming that will wipe out the earth next year, 100% of the people on earth would believe that we should be devoting all of our efforts to some sort of asteroid defense contingency.

  19. #25439
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    Quote Originally Posted by lol wow View Post
    Blake's thug children have already robbed 2 people today
    it's not their fault, it's genetics

  20. #25440
    Platinum DirtyB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by DirtyB View Post

    In summary, the vast majority of Republicans, when presented with the unanimous findings of every climate scientist, say "nah, you're probably wrong". Saying they "Don't believe in climate change" is true and accurate on every level. The reason the issue makes the right look stupid is because denying the unanimous findings of thousands of scientists is a stupid thing to do.

    Al Gore's book was written 25 years ago. A 25 year old book about semiconductor manufacturing would sound really stupid because we've learning a lot in the quarter century since. In many ways, the current situation is worse than Gore's book predicted.
    "An Inconvenient Truth" was written in 2006. You're thinking of his similar "The Earth in the Balance" from 1992.

    Did you read the report at the link I posted? As I said, it's nonbiased and gives factual data regarding where Gore was mostly wrong, where he was partially/mostly right, and where the dangers he mentioned actually got worse than expected.

    On the "not nearly as bad as predicted" side was the hurricane situation.

    Admittedly, this article was written in 2016. before the horrendous 2017 hurricane season. However, the article pointed out that hurricanes actually decreased in both frequency and intensity since the book was written, which was contrary to the doomsday scenario presented by Gore.

    Note that Gore's book was written in 2006, which followed the terrible 2005 hurricane season -- the Katrina one.

    Many on the left were insisting that 2005 was the new normal, and that we should expect Katrinas every year from now on. Anyone who doubted that was shouted down as a climate change denier.

    Then 2006 had a calmer than average hurricane season. And just in case you thought that was variance, the entire following decade of 2007-2016 had a cumulative lighter-than-average hurricane incidence.

    Sure, this year was bad, but so were various other individual years, long before climate change was occurring.

    The problem was that, in 2005, the rhetoric from the left was, "See, we told you so! Here are the hurricanes we've been warning you about! Get used to them!", rather than a more calm, reasoned, "This was a bad season, and there's a chance it had to do with global warming, but clearly we need to wait to see the following years before determining they're related."

    The article does state that rising sea levels -- honestly the main danger of global warming -- will be the actual culprit for additional damage from hurricanes. With higher sea levels, coastal damage will be worse, and the damage will extend farther inland.

    So what's my point here?

    It is impossible to have a discussion with most leftists about climate change unless you 100% agree with all their points. If you could go back to 2005 and tell a leftist that the next 11 hurricane seasons would overall be below average, you would get lambasted for your ignorance and stupidity.

    This is an example of how we really DON'T know all that much about climate change, and it is both arrogant and dangerous to assume that we do.

    That's not to say we should ignore the problem. That's not to say we shouldn't set sensible policies to mitigate the possible damage and worsening of the situation. However, just as stubborn people on the right need to acknowledge the climate change which exists, the left needs to concede that they don't know everything (no one does), and that histrionic sky-is-falling claims for political purposes will simply hurt the cause in the long run.
    Al Gore isn't a climate scientist. The right wing is just obsessed with him because he was promoting the science of climate change in the 1980s while you guys called him a crazy moonbat.

    Would you go to a doctor who agreed with the medical establishment on everything except homeopathy?

    If you want to deny the conclusions of the science community, that's fine. You have the right to do that. But it's pathetic to watch you deny climate change science while also complaining about the mean liberals calling you climate science deniers.

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