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Thread: My Official Response to Hutmasters Ridiculous Threats, Innuendos and False Claims

  1. #1
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    My Official Response to Hutmasters Ridiculous Threats, Innuendos and False Claims

    Ok cool lets get into this

    I could take a few different angles here, but I'm just going to tell it like it is and acknowledge the facts, as well as disputing certain things posted in his so called 'expose' that simply aren't true.

    Lets start by saying that of course I was extremely grateful for Huts help. When I got back from Mexico, I was pretty much dead broke and heading north up the Pacific Coast highway in my shitty Buick Century with Tommy riding shotgun. Out of options and a little desperate. I don't see the point in sugar coating it, or painting out a different scenario.

    I texted Hut from San Diego when I was grinding 1/3 at Oceans 11 down to my last 800 bucks, and told him I was struggling and heading his way because I was on my way to Sacramento.

    To be perfectly clear, I never asked him for any handouts, or begged him for any cash. He told me he had 5 days comped at a local hotel that I was welcome to stay at. I never solicited any charity or stuck my hand out expecting any freebies. He willingly offered to let me use the comped room before I headed north so I could get a few days rest. I had already been sleeping in my car after crossing the border to save money on hotel rooms, and it was a welcome relief.

    Now, I see that there is a lot of discussion about this bathtub I supposedly lit an M-80 off in or cooked meth in lol

    I can say with 100% certainty that I had absolutely nothing to do with the damage to that bathtub. I have no idea what happened to it, and at the time I was baffled why I was being blamed for it when the hotel manager called Hut and complained.

    I denied it to Hut several times, and when I heard I was being blamed...actually went back to the hotel and requested to speak to the manager directly to plead my case. I have no fucking clue what happened to that stupid bathtub....but I can assure you I had absolutely nothing to do with it. That is a fact.

    If I was responsible for it, I would have immediately accepted responsibility for it and apologized profusely and paid for any damages...But that simply wasn't the case.

    Also, considering the fact that Hut has decided to write his big post, IF I was responsible for it, I can guarantee you I'd admit to it in this thread and laugh my ass off about it...but unfortunately I can't do that because it wasn't my doing

    Not sure how else to explain myself by stating that I have no clue how that bathtub was damaged. I don't see the point in explaining myself any further on the matter. Its that simple.

    OK now with that out of the way...

    Lets address the timeline here for this photo that Hut took of me sleeping in my car.

    He loaned me the 500 bucks literally on the day I left can someone explain to me why he was taking a photo like that in the first place several days/weeks before I left ?

    The simple answer is that he obviously wanted some kind of leverage or evidence to use against me in the future for some unknown reason. I didn't owe him a single dime, and was working for him at his shitty, filthy dive of a pizza restaurant.

    After I got to Lompoc and checked out of the hotel, I asked him if he could give me a few hours to put some cash together and he agreed. He never once said he didn't need the help. If he didn't need the help, all he had to do was say 'I'm sorry I'm fully staffed' and that would have been the end of it. But no, he gave me 4 hours a day for a few weeks which I worked in good faith, giving him an honest effort.

    It was humiliating enough working at his shithole with kids half my age, but the situation I was in gave me enough motivation to just suck it up and try to scrape together some cash...but it wasn't getting me ahead, and basically made just enough to cover my expenses for a motel room and money for alcohol. I was more-less spinning my wheels and looking to get the fuck out of that white trash hell hole Lompoc as soon as possible

    Ok lets move on to a few juicy morsels about Hut...

    First of all, he treats his employees like shit and his place is fucking filthy. The Yelp reviews posted throughout this reply validate that his pizza is garbage, and most of his employees definitely aren't happy working at that dump.


    They are there only because Lompoc isn't exactly a hotbed for employment opportunities, so they only stay with him out of necessity.

    Hut likes to portray himself as some pillar of the community who does all this work for the sake of the town. LOL that is comical. The community work he does is for one reason and one reason promote his soggy pizza in a podunk town like Lompoc. He has no other vehicles to advertise, so he shows up at various events pimping his lackluster excuse for pizza.


    He also landed a contract with the local high school to show up at lunchtime, where he sells these 'mini' pizzas for 5 bucks each that cost him maybe 30 cents a piece to make. His portable ovens don't even work, and by the time the kids come filing out after the lunch bell rings, its ice cold. But they pay it anyway because they are dumb ass high school kids.

    Hut used to laugh at how dumb the kids are.. beaming with pride that he has this gig with the local school district where he can blatantly rip them off. Oh and every few days he goes to the local 99 cent store and buys all the expired candy like M&M's and Nerds, and other shit candy for pennies on the dollar, and then pawns it off on the high school kids for a buck each. lmao talk about a sweet set up. Gotta hand it to him for orchestrating a deal with the school district where he makes several hundred dollars a day with very little effort or money invested. major props for that one


    Back to how Hut treats his own staff and how clueless he is when it comes to personnel management.

    Classic example is this guy 'Gabe' who was easily his most dedicated and hard working employee. The guy was an ex heroin addict who had been to prison a few years before. He was living in a halfway house in Lompoc (a clean and sober environment) and worked as Huts dough guy, doing deliveries in the afternoons.

    He would show up daily at 5 AM and start rolling out pizza dough, proofing them in the walk in refrigerator. Gabe's job was by far the hardest and most physically demanding job there.

    Gabe had some emotional issues and was for lack of a better word, a bit 'off'. He had this propensity to snap on occasion when stressed out, and most of Huts employees kind of accepted that he was slightly disturbed.

    Despite that, Gabe showed up each morning on time, unlocked everything, and performed his tasks with efficiency and without complaint. He had been working there for over 3 years, and Hut the cheap ass Jew had never given him a raise. The guy was still making a shitty 10 bucks an hour. While I was there, apparently Gabe asked Hut for a raise and was flat out denied.

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    Well apparently this didn't sit well with Gabe, and a few weeks after I'd left, Hut texts me and tells me he fired him because one morning he blurted out an F bomb unprovoked. From what I gathered, that was the only reason for it. So after close to four years as a dedicated employee...Hut shitcans his hardest worker for swearing. lol but it gets better...

    There is other guy who Hut just loves. This lazy fat ass piece of shit black dude named 'Kenneth'. Literally nobody liked this guy. He was (and is) a total cancer to the workplace. All the other employees would spread their work around, all working as a team, performing a variety of tasks...but oh no....not Kenneth. He would sit planted by the pizza assembly line never budging unless an order came in.

    When challenged on his lack of contribution to the team, his reply was, "I'm a cook" lmao yea some cook. It sure takes a lot of culinary expertise to slap a few pieces of low grade pepperoni and wilted vegetables on soggy pizza dough. The guy was the joke of the whole 'restaurant' to everyone except Hut.

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    After watching this worthless fuck for a couple of weeks, and listening to some of the other crew complain about his terrible work ethic, I finally approached Hut and said 'dude, you really need to get rid of this fool'...but he was adamant about keeping him for some unknown reason. I couldn't understand why Hut had this man crush on him, considering the fact that he didn't do shit, and was famous for sitting on his fat ass out in the dining room for over an hour after he shift ended....while still 'on the clock'

    Hut was oblivious to the fact that Kenneth was raping him for free food and put very little effort into his job. What a miserable pos he was/is.

    But here's the funny part....about a month after I left Lompoc, I get this text from Hut saying 'Marty you were right about Kenneth'

    It turns out that Kenneth took it upon himself to report Huts restaurant to the local department of health and OSHA for unsanitary conditions, and Hut was fined for various health violations

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    If thats not enough, rather than firing him, what does Hut do ? he invites Kenneth to accompany him to Las Vegas for the annual pizza expo, and gives him a raise lol. You can't make this shit up. To this day, Kenneth is still there, undoubtedly scarfing as much free shitty pizza as he can stuff down his mouth, and milking Hut for countless paid hours while he sits on his ass watching TV in the dining room.


    Oh and it's noteworthy that a little over 2 years ago...Hut was living on his last few weeks of unemployment insurance, broke as step above homelessness...staying at his sisters house with his pig of a prospects.

    His mom passed away and left him like $150,000 which is the only reason that he is now a restaurant owner. He didn't work for shit because his entire life Hut has been a low rent food service worker with no marketable skills other than slinging overpriced generic pizza.

    If it wasn't for him mom passing away leaving him a six figure inheritance, he'd either be still living in his sisters second bedroom, homeless and divorced, or wearing a Domino' hat making deliveries for 10 bucks an hour plus tips.

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    Now lets address this $500.00 debt I owe Hut

    Yes I do owe him the money. Not going to sidestep that or make any kind of lame excuses. But I will explain a few things about the reasons why he has waited for as long as he has. I think its approaching 14 months or so now. Which I confess, is inexcusable. However...

    When I finally got back to Sacramento after leaving Lompoc, I had made the decision to get my paperwork and necessary credentials in order to enable me to start shipping out again. The money was great, and working in Huts filthy pizza hole was a real wake up call that I needed to get my shit together. The whole experience working there was demoralizing, and I began to work towards getting back to work as a merchant marine.

    I borrowed enough money from my mom to facilitate travel, course fees, and union dues and to complete the process that would enable me to resume the lucrative career I had left over 15 years prior. It was a time consuming process, taking almost 4 months to finalize everything. Along the way I stayed in touch with Hut, explaining to him what was going on and that I would pay him his money as soon as I got back from my first trip aboard the ship.

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    So I do 74 days on my first trip back going back and forth from Singapore to Diego Garcia, and saved about 18K. I fly back to Sacramento and immediately paid my mom back in full to the tune of 8 grand, and then bought a 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee for another 5K...leaving me with about 5 grand left. Not exactly swimming in money, and already preparing to get back on another ship.

    I explained my situation to Hut, and asked him if he could hang on until I catch my next ship, and promised to get him back as soon as I got paid off...and he reluctantly agreed. Granted, I was putting him off, and I concede that I should have taken care of him as promised, but I didn't. I don't have any excuse for that.

    That's when the threats started

    After I was on my next ship, I start getting multiple texts from him saying that he was going to 'make a post' if I didn't pay him immediately and how ungrateful I was...calling me a piece of shit, and how he didn't need the help when he gave me hours, and basically what a saint he was by loaning me 500 bucks. I was basically stunned that suddenly it was such a big deal, and more than a little pissed off that he was making these threats to 'expose' me on PFA. I guess he thought that was his big ace in the hole and that he had something on me that if he threatened to make his post, I would frantically send him his 500.

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    But I don't respond well to threats, and made the conscious decision to stall him, if only to piss him off. I had every intention on paying him within a week after being on my next ship, but his attitude sucked ass, and I just thought to myself 'fuck this motherfucker', and put the debt on the back burner...last on my list of priorities.

    So after a few weeks while working, I log into PFA when I was in Spain, and there are like a half a dozen PM's from him threatening me more. I kept telling him to sign up a PayPal account and he's get his money immediately, but he refused. I must have offered to send him $500.00 on PayPal no less than a dozen times. I had the money waiting for him, but he wanted me to sign up with some other payment processor called Venmo I had never even heard of, and I'm like fuck want your money, sign up for PayPal and you'll have it within the hour you fat fuck. But he refused again and began issuing more and more threats of writing a post on whatever.

    Finally fast forward to a couple of months ago when I'm getting ready to ship again, and I call him personally on his cell phone. He picks up a little surprised, but wasn't hostile at all. I sincerely apologized for the extended wait time for not getting paid back, and assured him that I was shipping out the first week of September, and that he had my word I would take care of him as soon as I got my first check. I told him I was going to send him a money order and he was fine with that. We said our goodbyes, and my plan was to pay him as soon as I got my payoff for September. Not once did I ever consider 'rolling' him for a crappy 500 bucks.

    Hut and I go back over 8 years now, back to when he was my 'penis protector' on NWP, so the notion that after an 8 year old friendship, I'm just going to up and rip him off for a stupid five hundo is fucking ridiculous.

    Now it may have been 8 years ago, but Hut has conveniently forgotten to mention that I shadowed him on PokerStars to two final tables, netting him in the neighborhood of $8000.00 and change. I took a small commission for calling every hand, but the truth is that he still banked well over 7 grand for my efforts.

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    Also, while I was in Lompoc, he put me in some MTT at Chumash Casino...I don't remember the buy in, but it was like 60 bucks I think with about 120 or so runners. The deal was a 50/50 stake which was cool by me.

    So I win the tourney and take the 1st place prize money of about $1200.00 and as we are walking out of the poker room, I start to give him his share, and he is like 'nah thats ok you can hold on to it need the money'....but I insisted that he take his share because despite what Hut suggests about my questionable 'honor'...we made a deal which I stuck to, despite needing the extra cash.

    When I was in Mexico back in early 2015 and took down the hatrick of MTTs to the tune of $36,000+, I had several debts to friends and family for roughly 12K....I didn't have to say a fucking word about those wins, but each and every person I owed money to were paid in full. I wanted to clear my plate of debts for my own piece of mind, and to restore the faith in me to people that are important in my life. It stung like a bitch, but I felt much better about it. With that said, this notion that I would deliberately rip off Hut for $500.00 is a joke.

    Did I fuck up by not paying him sooner ? absolutely. I should have gotten this off my books months ago, but I didn't. So part of me doesn't fault Hut for being upset, but I don't respond well to threats and/or ultimatums.

    Hut is not a bad person really, but I'm not surprised that he chose to make his big post after such an extended period of time being owed money. But considering our history, he crossed a line by his lame attempt to 'out' me here, considering the fact that we spoke not even 8 weeks go on the phone and was going to receive his money in a matter of days.

    Now with all that said, I'll be sending Hut a care package in about a few weeks when my contract is finished. My checks are being held back in Sacramento, and since Hut is too retarded to sign up for PayPal to get his money, he can wait another 4 or 5 weeks.

    I'll be sending him a little something extra for his trouble as well

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      4BET: Wow! I guess hut will regret starting that thread because you lit his ass up. I have to agree he does look like a fat pig running a shit hole pizza joint. Do the right thing pay the nickel
      DonaldTrumpsHairPiece: You are literally the definition of ungrateful, speechless.
      Muck Ficon: Ungrateful white trash
      Suicide King: Scummy
      wrenchjockey: all aboard the red train to Delusionville, population: Marty
      Hockey Guy: You sir, are a terrible, terrible human being & should be ashamed of yourself.
      The_Lurker: you need to send him a lot more than $500
      jsearles22: Wooot wooooooooot
      Jayjami: Real classy Marty. Hey, remember when you stole that coke?
      Sloppy Joe: Vile and wrong on every level
      Deal: cunt
      nunbeater: not a good look
      herbertstemple: +1
      jacosta24: Scum of the earth
      Serial Fail: You have mental problems, Marty. You really need to get help.
      Sol: the usual dental rep here, fwiw this would be all green if you were posting about a gook

  2. #2
    Plutonium lol wow's Avatar
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    Thaaaaats a spicy meaaaaatball

      DRK Star: Bonjourno!
      gauchojake: holy crap
      JACKDANIELS: lol perfect
      GambleBotsSatire: lol wow

  3. #3
    Plutonium lol wow's Avatar
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    Also Mort where are we on getting u into draft Kings for our NBA or NFL

  4. #4
    Diamond Mintjewlips's Avatar
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    I doubt he will be satisfied with the care package, im sure he will continue to bring it up, but i agree with paying him back plus interest, the guy obviously has a hard on for you.
    "Druff would suck his own dick if it were long enough"- Brandon "drexel" Gerson

    "ann coulter literally has more common sense than pfa."-Sonatine

    "Real grinders supports poker fraud"- Ray Davis


  5. #5
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    OK, I read it twice, and IMO you only made things worse.

      wrenchjockey: This is correct. I still owe you one for the bathtub n-word meth one though.

  6. #6
    Diamond DRK Star's Avatar
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    In the time it took to type that, you could have binked a $3 Tourney and paid him back from your winnings. But thats none of my business. #KermitTea
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyde View Post
    (I'm) a little preoccupied in Thailand right now

  7. #7
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    I have over 4 grand in my PayPal account right now

    if he doesn't want to wait another 5 weeks for his money...


    sign up a fucking account

    he could have his money within the hour, and could have had it a long time ago if he wasn't such a whiny bitch

    WTF are we even talking about here ?

      Muck Ficon: A 50 year old man sleeping in his care working at a pizza place lol
      Hockey Guy: You're a terrible, terrible human being.
      wrenchjockey: when you borrow money from someone, you pay them back on THEIR TERMS, asshole.
      jacosta24: Broke pos
      Serial Fail: You own him. You pay him back on his terms, Tyde.

  8. #8
    Diamond Mintjewlips's Avatar
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    I have to hand to you marty, you've managed to tilt some of these guys SO FUCKING BAD that years later THEY STILL HATE YOU


      tyde: what can I's a gift
    "Druff would suck his own dick if it were long enough"- Brandon "drexel" Gerson

    "ann coulter literally has more common sense than pfa."-Sonatine

    "Real grinders supports poker fraud"- Ray Davis


  9. #9
    Platinum thesparten's Avatar
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    U asked for a job and he gave u a job.

    U needed a place to stay and u got a place to stay.

    U needed a loan and got a loan..

    Im sure u ate well regardless of the quality. Waking up hungry AND broke SUCKS ASS...

    SO WTF? DUDE.. sounds like he was nothing but decent..

    I appreciate you Tyde. But gotto call u on this one. We all fuck up in different ways from time to time. These elitest nit LIBTARDS are the filthiest of them all, they act all perfect.

    But I think your taking out and displacing some personal failure,s on others.. we are just human.

  10. #10
    Diamond blake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyde View Post
    Hut is not a bad person really,
    rofl, you really are tone deaf

    you mean a guy who gave charity to a homeless grifter is not a bad guy?

    thanks for clearing that up. we all thought he was the villain in this

  11. #11
    Diamond blake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyde View Post
    Now, I see that there is a lot of discussion about this bathtub I supposedly lit an M-80 off in or cooked meth in lol

    I can say with 100% certainty that I had absolutely nothing to do with the damage to that bathtub. I have no idea what happened to it, and at the time I was baffled why I was being blamed for it when the hotel manager called Hut and complained.

    I denied it to Hut several times, and when I heard I was being blamed...actually went back to the hotel and requested to speak to the manager directly to plead my case. I have no fucking clue what happened to that stupid bathtub....but I can assure you I had absolutely nothing to do with it. That is a fact.

    If I was responsible for it, I would have immediately accepted responsibility for it and apologized profusely and paid for any damages...But that simply wasn't the case.

    Also, considering the fact that Hut has decided to write his big post, IF I was responsible for it, I can guarantee you I'd admit to it in this thread and laugh my ass off about it...but unfortunately I can't do that because it wasn't my doing
    um no you wouldn't if you were using it to cook meth

  12. #12
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    Tyde: pay your own way you broke fag

    Oh, the irony of you repping me this just days ago. I never look a gifthorse in the mouth. You are such a morally corrupt individual.

      blake: ironic
      wrenchjockey: dontcha think
      nunbeater: a liitle
      GambleBotsSatire: tyde is like rain on your wedding day

  13. #13
    Platinum thesparten's Avatar
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    And u should have paid back all your debts before you spent any $ on yourself..

    U don't tell someone to wait after spending all those k$

  14. #14
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    Oh and Hut looks like Bert Kreischer

      adamantium: THE MACHINE
      GambleBotsSatire: #bertisfat

  15. #15
    Diamond Mintjewlips's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OSA View Post
    Oh and Hut looks like Bert Kreischer

    More like fat Bert.
    "Druff would suck his own dick if it were long enough"- Brandon "drexel" Gerson

    "ann coulter literally has more common sense than pfa."-Sonatine

    "Real grinders supports poker fraud"- Ray Davis


  16. #16
    Gold DonaldTrumpsHairPiece's Avatar
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    There are homeless right now, with internet service apparently which have read these threads and hate Tyde for giving them a bad name.

    You have sunk lower than homeless, you are an ungrateful and hateful homeless person who reached out, was helped and when you failed to live up to your promise bit back at the person who helped you. Instead of manning up (not the transgender manning but actual manning) apologizing and paying him back you sought to ruin his reputation and business a business in which he used to help you, totally the worst I have read online in a long time.

  17. #17
    Diamond Mintjewlips's Avatar
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    Oh god here comes the pile on....

    In before druff chimes sure he's firing away as we speak.
    "Druff would suck his own dick if it were long enough"- Brandon "drexel" Gerson

    "ann coulter literally has more common sense than pfa."-Sonatine

    "Real grinders supports poker fraud"- Ray Davis


  18. #18
    Platinum Baron Von Strucker's Avatar
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    god dam you are a ungrateful douche pay the guy how ever he wants you pretty much stole from him.

      Muck Ficon: :this
    all hail Hydra

    Originally Posted by DanDruff:Since I'm a 6'2" Republican with an average-sized nose and a last name which doesn't end with "stein", "man", or "berg", I can hide among the goyim and remain undetected unless I open my mouth about money matters.

  19. #19
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    Wow Marty you are so full of shit it is amazing. You are a pathetic sad excuse for a man. Let me address some of the complete bullshit you just posted, you fucking ungrateful loser.

    First of all, I don't believe I stated you asked me for any help other than when you were leaving town. I offered you help because I considered you a friend and you were in a bad way. I've never asked you for one cent back other than the $500 that you were supposed to build a website for. The point of me posting all of it was to show that I went above and beyond to help you and then you basically shit on me.

    Taking your picture was not done for some diabolical reason or some grand scheme to eventually make a thread. If that was the case I would have tried repeatedly to actually take a good picture. You slept in your car many a night. You even jokingly referred to yourself as the Mayor of the Walmart parking lot.
    Why did you take my picture? You posted one, you took many. I took one where you aren't even identifiable.

    Now as for my shitty, filthy dive of a restaurant. I run a pizza place not a Maestros. It's western themed and rustic. Shitty? I've been open 4 1/2 years and in that time more than doubled the sales, been voted best pizza in town 2 years running (dethroning a place that's been around 25 years and had won 11 years in a row since the inception of the poll), and had a top 5 finish at the International Pizza Competition in Vegas.

    I am a pillar in the community because of the way I run my business. I lend my support to all the youth sports leagues, the high schools and virtually any charitable endeavor. I have a close working relationship with the Air Force Base. I have been named the official pizza of both high school athletic departments. I have been named the Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year, The Air Force Association Partner of the Year and received the Economic Vitality Award from the city. I was the subject of a feature article in a national trade magazine. I've helped raise thousands of dollars for local groups thru our fundraiser programs. Do I do it for purely altruistic reasons? Of course not, I've built a name for myself as a business that gives back and thus people want to do business with me. A couple years ago an entire volunteer effort built an amazing bike park for the kids of the community, I donated lunch to them whenever they had a work day. Those folks are now amongst my best customers. That's just one example of how I help support things in the community. I give a lot to the community because its the right thing to do and also because its great marketing.

    Marty claims I have no other ways to market my place...LOL First I have 2 vehicles that are wrapped, a van and a little Fiat 500. They are literally rolling billboards that are seen all over town. I use direct mail, targeted e-mail and text marketing, social media, etc... My prices aren't cheap yet I thrive because people are willing to pay for quality. A Papa Johns and a Pizza Hut have opened since I've been open and my sales still continue to go up.

    Marty decided to post some bad yelp reviews trying to prove I run a crappy place. Why didn't he post all the positive ones? I have a 4 star overall rating on Yelp. I have 70 reviews and 51 of them are 4 or 5 stars. Yes some people don't like my pizza, yes sometimes we've had some service issues, but overall we are quite well received.

    My family and I are always looking to try local restaurants and we found this hidden gem. We ordered a chicken, jalapeno and garlic with alfredo sauce pizza which was delicious and gave us the heat we were looking for. Cannoli was good and we received all three of them.
    The guy who delivered our meal was full of energy and appeared to love his job. My husband and I agree that we have found our new pizza place and will be back.

    Hello thank u so much for all the pizzas today that were given to the sheriff and volunteers that were looking for a girl that went missing... and yes she was found safe and home with family. We we needed it!! Wild West is great always helping out Lompoc in a time of need. *Also one of the search and rescue guys came from sb and now LOVES ur pizza the best he has ever had. He is going to bring his family up maybe this weekend if not soon he said..

    FAST delivery, AMAZING food and nice customer service!! Placed a delivery order through yelp for the Jalapeno popper pizza, meatballs, and penne marinara..right after the order was placed we got a call saying they were unfortunately out of meatballs and asked if we would like anything else instead so we got the cowboy sausage..Yelp confirmation quoted the order 45 -60 min which we were fine with....only 30 min after our order was placed it arrived at the door and everything was AMAZING..the pizza was delicious and cooked perfectly, I'm so glad they were out of the meatballs cuz the sausage was super tasty and even the penne marinara did not disappoint... Will definitely be ordering from here more often!

    FAST delivery, AMAZING food and nice customer service!! Placed a delivery order through yelp for the Jalapeno popper pizza, meatballs, and penne marinara..right after the order was placed we got a call saying they were unfortunately out of meatballs and asked if we would like anything else instead so we got the cowboy sausage..Yelp confirmation quoted the order 45 -60 min which we were fine with....only 30 min after our order was placed it arrived at the door and everything was AMAZING..the pizza was delicious and cooked perfectly, I'm so glad they were out of the meatballs cuz the sausage was super tasty and even the penne marinara did not disappoint... Will definitely be ordering from here more often!

    Pizza is great and consistent. Love the city slicker with pepperoni and snake eyes pizza w/pesto . Theirs wings made me change my liking for them . Absolutely amazing *every time

    Absolutely the best pizza in Lompoc! Have always received nothing but top notch service. Great delivery crew as well!
    FYI, ask for jokes (any kind) or math problems written on your box. They are great at coming up with both.
    Highly recommend their two large two topping pizza coupon online. Fresh ingredients, tasty linguica, great sauce and fantastic crust.
    They are my Sunday regular!

    Couldn't figure out how to do those little screen grabs like Marty, but those are just some 4 and 5 star reviews which vastly outnumber the negative ones Marty chose to post.

    Marty is really showing his true colors here with his lies. As far as sales at the school. I have no contract, they allow me to park my catering van in front of the school and sell to students at lunch. The principal loves us because it keeps kids on campus instead of rushing into town to hit the fast food restaurants.
    I hardly rip the kids off. I charge them less at the school than my restaurant prices. It's $5 for a personal pizza, a bag of chips and a soda. Seems pretty reasonable. I also sell a few large and mediums at the school priced at $10 and $8, much lower than my restaurant price. I lower my prices because they are students and I do a lot of volume there in a short period (40 minutes) of time. I never buy outdated candy from the 99 cent store. That was Marty's shitty idea. He wanted me to buy it there for a dollar and charge the kids $2. I buy all my candy daily at Smart N Final or Costco and I charge $1. You cant buy it that cheap at 7/11. The pizzas sell so fast they are always warm when the kids get them, since Marty has left though we use a generator and keep the cabinets at a constant heat.

    My employees love me. I have low turnover because they enjoy working for me. If people hated me and their jobs it would be reflected in a trend of bad service and that just isn't the case.

    I will not address specific personnel decisions on here as this isn't an appropriate place for that. Let's just say I had my reasons for firing those I've fired and keeping those that I've kept. I have NEVER been fined for any safety or cleaning issues. Marty is grasping at straws and talking out his ass.

    My sister lives over 100 miles away and has for the past 10+ years since I moved to my present location. I didn't live with her before that either. I purchased the restaurant in July of 2013, my mother passed away in February of 2016. I'm college educated and have always been gainfully employed in the restaurant business in some form of management....General Manager, District Manager, Marketing Leader, etc... Yes I inherited some money from my mother but it had nothing to do with the purchase of the restaurant. Marty should be grateful to her, maybe its why I was so generous to his broke homeless ass.

    Marty left Lompoc and moved back in with mommy. She loaned him some money and he of course drank and gambled some away. He was close to completing what he needed to do to get back on a ship and messaged me begging for a loan. Telling me he would pay me a bonus on any loan once he got his first check. I initially refused. Then I reluctantly told him I would lend him $200. He sent me an invoice from Baja Media on Paypal to send it. I thought about it some more and decided not to give him anymore money and he threw a fit.

    There were never any threats. LOL I sent Marty a text in January after he returned that simply said "Show me the money" He told me he was waiting on his vacation check and that is pay pal was frozen. He said he'd pay me when his check arrived.

    Something Marty hasn't mentioned is that he was FIRED from his first ship for being drunk. He was removed from the ship by British Military on Diego Garcia. He was at risk of losing his credentials and was supposed to enter a rehab place in San CLemente but his insurance hadn't kicked in yet to cover it. I believe he said ultimately he had to take a suspension for a few months but was going to be allowed to ship out and serve it at a later date.

    The only texts Marty ever received were me the money, pay the man his money, etc.... every couple of months as he was out to sea and unavailable. He could have sent the money via Venmo just needed my name. He came back to town in May, we hung out, he claimed a problem with paypal and he couldn't access any money. He messaged me in July mad because I relayed a story and called him a drunk. He got pissy again when I mentioned the money. Then he said he would pay me with his 1st check in September after shipping out again. Never received a dime.

    A few days ago I sent this: Pay that man his money
    I'm still waiting! yawn

    That's when marty decided to tell me I was a cheap fucking jew, how I was harassing him, etc.... I was sick of his shit and hence my post.

    Oh and its fucking laughable that because he helped me in a couple of MTTs 8 years ago which I believe I gave him $1200, that I should be so grateful to him now.

      4BET: Ok, Sorry about the remarks you are back in the lead. Jewdonks response?
      Suicide King: Kind heart
      The_Lurker: sorry you have to put up with this shit
      jsearles22: Fucking headshot
      rollinx420: Doughy crust sucks
      hongkonger: Jesus shitballs
      nunbeater: motherfucking point set match

  20. #20
    Platinum Lord of the Fraud's Avatar
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    Don't know if hut has already posted his pic and restaurant info on PFA before today. But if not, then edit and remove. The hand-picked yelp reviews is also a little naughty. Fuck that site, it's open to massive abuse. So be a sport and remove those as well.

    Can't somebody who is tight with hut not take the $500 from Tyde via PayPal and ship him a wire w/e?

    Going to need answers on the mashed potato pizza too. Who's idea was that ffs?

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