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Thread: Time to get on the TRUMP train

  1. #2081
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    Trump now leading in CNN poll 48-45

    Tied in CBS 46-46.

  2. #2082
    Photoballer 4Dragons's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaturalBornHustler View Post
    Trump now leading in CNN poll 48-45

    Tied in CBS 46-46.
    Overall national polls don't mean shit. There are 5 States in play and that's all that really matters. But from that I saw that they were statistically tied in a majority of them.

  3. #2083
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4Dragons View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NaturalBornHustler View Post
    Trump now leading in CNN poll 48-45

    Tied in CBS 46-46.
    Overall national polls don't mean shit. There are 5 States in play and that's all that really matters. But from that I saw that they were statistically tied in a majority of them.
    This is the first time where Trump has taken lead in a polls like CNN/CBS, and it represents huge bounce. That is why it is significant.

  4. #2084
    Silver VaughnP's Avatar
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    And he's up at least a point or two in every single poll that has data post July 20th according to RCP and their average.

    Are the rest of you still thinking that Hilldawg is going to win in a landslide? This whole Bernie fallout and what may happen as result, plus claimed nuclear bomb leaks from Assange yet to come could very easily lead to a negative, post convention bounce for the cunt. Every single democrat I know is furious. The 18-35 vote is gone for her essentially, and you're a fool if you think the blacks are going to turn out and vote for her anywhere close to like they did for Obama. I'm loving this because it's waking people up to the Libertarian party.

    I have spent a decent amount of time in 5 different states throughout the primary process and seriously didn't come across a single Hillary supporter or see a single bumper sticker, yard sign etc. until just two weeks ago, and it was an old white lady with a Hillary "I'm with her" sign in her back window of a Honda hybrid who appeared to be wearing a pant suit - no lie. She has to be the least popular candidate ever. Obama had support all across Texas even that I personally witnessed. He even got a few of my white guilt friends. Trump might end up crushing her, especially if he handles the debates well.

  5. #2085
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    Nate Silver now has Trump as the FAVORITE to win the election. And there are more e-mails to come. It's gonna be Trump in a landslide and Libs everywhere can feel this seismic shift taking place.

  6. #2086
    Platinum thesparten's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mintjewlips View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TheXFactor View Post
    5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win
    by Michael Moore

    1. Midwest Math, or Welcome to Our Rust Belt Brexit.
    Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, if Trump wins all these states it's over.

    2. The Last Stand of the Angry White Man.
    Our male-dominated, 240-year run of the USA is coming to an end. A woman is about to take over! How did this happen?
    Will every white man and most white women come out and vote for Trump?

    3. The Hillary Problem.
    Nearly 70% of all voters think Hillary Clinton is untrustworthy and dishonest.

    4. The Depressed Sanders Vote.
    Think most of the Bernie Sanders supporters will vote for Clinton? Think again.

    5. The Jesse Ventura Effect.
    Remember back in the ‘90s when the people of Minnesota elected a professional wrestler as their governor? They didn’t do this because they’re stupid or thought that Jesse Ventura was some sort of statesman or political intellectual. They did so just because they could. Minnesota is one of the smartest states in the country. It is also filled with people who have a dark sense of humor — and voting for Ventura was their version of a good practical joke on a sick political system. This is going to happen again with Trump.


    libtards just can't come to the realization that Trump not only is going to get the "angry white vote", but millions of "minority" votes as well. Not to mention disgruntled Bernie voters.

    The "only angry white guys are voting for trump" narrative is and has been pushed by not only the MSM, but both Bernie and Hillary. Just goes to show how naive libtards can be. Just because Trump rallies aren't attend by a significant amount of minorities doesn't mean that there aren't a huge amount of disenfranchised sections of minorities that will vote Trump.

    Trump isn't going to win with just angry white guys, if he wins he is going to need some minorities to vote for him.

    The strategy is clear for Trump, convince people he's the lesser of two evils, which he is going to do with precision. While she harps on how he called a woman fat, he will simply remind people who put the crooked in crooked Hillary.
    It's not the Muslim killing people it's the Constitution, s fault. We need more Sharia less Constitution.

    It's not the ever growing despair and welfare lines it's about the bathrooms.

    In Europe it's not the colonization by Muslims there. I mean immigration.
    It's the lack of tolerance of the non Sharia adherent Europeans. Not the Muslims..

    It's not about school choice but raising taxes for an education monopoly.

    It's not the govt pensions but the private workers who don't work hard enough or long enough and should contribute more.

    Brexit is not about freedom but there just isolationist that don't want to join the collective. How rude of them. The E.u is becoming a modern fuedel system!!

    Libtards are absolutely insane..

    It's not that trump is the best person for the job at hand. It's all about ideological purity I guess..

    I think more jobs at higher wages cures all(most) ills the fairest most efficient way.
    That would put the DEMS out of business,

      Sanlmar: Angry white guys need a voice in Washington.
    Last edited by thesparten; 07-25-2016 at 06:39 AM.

  7. #2087
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4Dragons View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
    Anyone here want to put their money where their mouth is? I take Clinton, you take Trump, $1000. Escrow with Druff. (Sound of crickets chirping)Name:  
    Winning the election has no bearing on how evil the democratic party is. That is just a statement on how the psychos have taken over the asylum.
    Psychos taking over the Democtatic Party? Did you even watch the GOP convention?

  8. #2088
    100% Organic MumblesBadly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by 4Dragons View Post

    Winning the election has no bearing on how evil the democratic party is. That is just a statement on how the psychos have taken over the asylum.
    Psychos taking over the Democtatic Party? Did you even watch the GOP convention?
    Which might explain the subject of this Fox News segment.

      4Dragons: shill
      handicapme: A mumbles fuck post.
      big dick: offset
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I actually hope this [second impeachment] succeeds, because I want Trump put down politically like a sick, 14-year-old dog. ... I don't want him complicating the 2024 primary season. I just want him done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Were Republicans cowardly or unethical not to go along with [convicting Trump in the second impeachment Senate trial]? No. The smart move was to reject it.

  9. #2089
    Photoballer 4Dragons's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by 4Dragons View Post

    Winning the election has no bearing on how evil the democratic party is. That is just a statement on how the psychos have taken over the asylum.
    Psychos taking over the Democtatic Party? Did you even watch the GOP convention?
    I don't know if you intentionally rephrased what I said there to fit your lame joke narrative or if you have comprehension issues.

  10. #2090
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4Dragons View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
    Psychos taking over the Democtatic Party? Did you even watch the GOP convention?
    I don't know if you intentionally rephrased what I said there to fit your lame joke narrative or if you have comprehension issues.
    Sorry. I am just not very smart. Perhaps you could educate me, but I am Democrat so it would probably be a futile effort.

      NaturalBornHustler: Love elitist limosine libs.

  11. #2091
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    Wikileaks just tweeted more coming soon on ol Hilldawg and the DNC. Just getting started.

  12. #2092
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  13. #2093
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    I kinda agree with Ben Shapiro about Trump. Sure well have an Republican in office for 4 years, but afterwards, I have a feeling that he will ruin the chance for any other Republican winning for another 20 years.

  14. #2094
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    Quote Originally Posted by BiffCo99 View Post
    Nate Silver now has Trump as the FAVORITE to win the election. And there are more e-mails to come. It's gonna be Trump in a landslide and Libs everywhere can feel this seismic shift taking place.

    The fact that he has Trump a 57.5% to 42.5% favorite and him flipping Pennsylvania now should be enough to make a believer out of the people in this thread who say he has no chance. Nate Silver literally called all 50 states correctly in the last presidential election.

  15. #2095
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    Julian Assange has made an incredible statement in an interview with ITV. Assange says that Wikileaks, the infamous whistle-blowing website, will soon be publishing documents that contain “enough evidence” for the Department of Justice to indict Hillary Clinton, the expected Democratic nominee.

    is it really out of the range of possibility that hillary's private server emails end up on wikileaks?

  16. #2096
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    Quote Originally Posted by VaughnP View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BiffCo99 View Post
    Nate Silver now has Trump as the FAVORITE to win the election. And there are more e-mails to come. It's gonna be Trump in a landslide and Libs everywhere can feel this seismic shift taking place.

    The fact that he has Trump a 57.5% to 42.5% favorite and him flipping Pennsylvania now should be enough to make a believer out of the people in this thread who say he has no chance. Nate Silver literally called all 50 states correctly in the last presidential election.
    Hard to take Silver seriously regarding Trump, though, because he's been way wrong about him the entire way.

    I still don't believe he wins PA, but even if he does, he still has to take FL, OH, and NC, plus cover everything Romney won in 2012.

    I just don't see it happening, unless more really damaging stuff related to the Hillary e-mails either comes out or blows up huge in the media.

  17. #2097
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by VaughnP View Post

    The fact that he has Trump a 57.5% to 42.5% favorite and him flipping Pennsylvania now should be enough to make a believer out of the people in this thread who say he has no chance. Nate Silver literally called all 50 states correctly in the last presidential election.
    Hard to take Silver seriously regarding Trump, though, because he's been way wrong about him the entire way.

    I still don't believe he wins PA, but even if he does, he still has to take FL, OH, and NC, plus cover everything Romney won in 2012.

    I just don't see it happening, unless more really damaging stuff related to the Hillary e-mails either comes out or blows up huge in the media.
    Druff, have you honestly looked at the data? Virginia, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Colorado, are all close enough to be flipped, and then there are Pennsylvania, Nevada, Florida, Ohio, and New Hampshire that data suggest already have been --- Every state listed is a state that Obama won in 2012. Connecticut and Maine could even possibly be in play.

      NaturalBornHustler: No, he hasn't

  18. #2098
    Platinum thesparten's Avatar
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    Don't forget that there are tons of people who answer that survey that will not PuBlicly expose there voting for trump, but absolutely will.

    Trump has over performed every survey on almost every election

  19. #2099
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VaughnP View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    Hard to take Silver seriously regarding Trump, though, because he's been way wrong about him the entire way.

    I still don't believe he wins PA, but even if he does, he still has to take FL, OH, and NC, plus cover everything Romney won in 2012.

    I just don't see it happening, unless more really damaging stuff related to the Hillary e-mails either comes out or blows up huge in the media.
    Druff, have you honestly looked at the data? Virginia, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Colorado, are all close enough to be flipped, and then there are Pennsylvania, Nevada, Florida, Ohio, and New Hampshire that data suggest already have been --- Every state listed is a state that Obama won in 2012. Connecticut and Maine could even possibly be in play.

    I'm not saying you're wrong, or Trump won't win, but 538 is simply a snapshot in time. Last week was the opposite. In between conventions always favor the party that just had their convention. Go back and look through history. If Trump is favored in late August, then Hillary is in deep trouble.

    Such a strange election. Obama at historically high approval of 56% in a bad poll for Hillary is so bizarre. Tbh, the numbers have never added up for the polling so far. Both parties nominated the only person in the world who could lose to the other. The GOP convention was a comedy of errors, and now the Dems are going to have DWS banging the gavel to a chorus of boos.

    The worst part for Hillary is that these polls were compiled largely before the DNC hack news. She could drop another 3 points before her convention bump in a week,

    If anyone wants to bet on PA going red, I'll gladly take the other side with Druff escrow. (not referring to you Vaughn, just anyone else who hasn't been around forever) to be fair-predictit has it at 65-35, I'd lay 550-400, but not 65/35
    Last edited by BCR; 07-25-2016 at 09:38 AM.

  20. #2100
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by VaughnP View Post

    Druff, have you honestly looked at the data? Virginia, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Colorado, are all close enough to be flipped, and then there are Pennsylvania, Nevada, Florida, Ohio, and New Hampshire that data suggest already have been --- Every state listed is a state that Obama won in 2012. Connecticut and Maine could even possibly be in play.

    I'm not saying you're wrong, or Trump won't win, but 538 is simply a snapshot in time. Last week was the opposite. In between conventions always favor the party that just had their convention. Go back and look through history. If Trump is favored in late August, then Hillary is in deep trouble.

    Such a strange election. Obama at historically high approval of 56% in a bad poll for Hillary is so bizarre. Tbh, the numbers have never added up for the polling so far. Both parties nominated the only person in the world who could lose to the other. The GOP convention was a comedy of errors, and now the Dems are going to have DWS banging the gavel to a chorus of boos.

    The worst part for Hillary is that these polls were compiled largely before the DNC hack news. She could drop another 3 points before her convention bump in a week,

    If anyone wants to bet on PA going red, I'll gladly take the other side with Druff escrow. (not referring to you Vaughn, just anyone else who hasn't been around forever)
    And you nailed it right there. Won't be any post DNC bump, and actually could go the opposite way. Which would be a CRUSHING blow for Hilldawg if they came out of both conventions down 3-5, after being UP 3-5 just a couple weeks ago.

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