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Thread: Buying a new mattress...

  1. #1
    Diamond vegas1369's Avatar
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    Buying a new mattress...

    What's the best out there?

    Druff probably has some great advice here as mattresses, aside from jewelry, are probably one of the highest markups in retail.

    Sleep number has been catching my eye, especially because of the ability to "cool" the mattress with temp control on dual sides, and also adjust the firmness to your needs. Call me old, but the ability to put it in a recline position, which a lot of beds also do, seems like something that might be cool to have as well. Obv the old multi pillow old school technique is still probably the way to go, but that ability to put a bed in the reclining position has always intrigued me.

    What are you all sleeping on?

  2. #2
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    i was looking at the caspers but honestly, for $950 i feel like i can do a hell of a lot better. the reviews just arent that reassuring.

      tyde: lol hilarious how you feel the need to immediately post in every fucking thread. tight life refreshing PFA every 30 seconds 7 days a week. jesus get a life holmes
      vegas1369: Latex loooks like the way to go with the reviews.
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  3. #3
    Diamond vegas1369's Avatar
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    Best reviewed are most definitely Latex.

  4. #4
    Diamond vegas1369's Avatar
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    This actually is very serious biz.

  5. #5
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    how firm are they?

    because $1850 for a cali king says to me im fucking with a Serious Mattress and thats possibly beautiful.
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  6. #6
    Diamond vegas1369's Avatar
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    Tine, read this about the Casper. Most likely a very cognizant review...

    I purchased this bed after I bought a Beautyrest Recharge from Sears. I returned the Beautyrest after 25 days because it was just too hot for me and my wife and caused us to constantly sift our position to find a cooler area of the bed. Loved the bed at first but then it was just too hot to live with...and this was in winter. Sears charges a 15% restocking fee so I decided to go ahead with the Casper since they don't charge anything for returns. In the end, I realized that buying a mattress from a place like Sears is just as big a gamble as buying from an online store like Casper or Amazon. You will never know how your body will react to a mattress unless you sleep on it for several weeks. Not to mention that the demo mattress I tried in store didn't really feel like the mattress i received. So trying a mattress out in a store is very over rated in my opinion and when they charge a restocking fee for returns...its a no brainer.

    I will update this review after I spend a month or so with it and update my review.

    Update: I've had my Casper mattress for about a month and am updating this review. Casper has a great online presence. It almost seems like the "Apple" of mattress companies. They use very descriptive words to describe their mattress. The downside of doing this is that you get people's expectations up.

    I have my California King Casper mattress on a brand new Simple Life Foundation. So far, if I were to rate the mattress I would give it a solid 5 out of 10. Its just good enough. Its not something where I look forward to laying in bed because it doesn't feel all that comfortable, but it doesn't give me any back pains when I sleep on it either. I sleep mostly on my side and the mattress seems to support me sufficiently. The mattress isn't as hot as the Beautyrest and stays cool most of the time.

    Is it too firm or too soft? That's a very difficult question to answer because the mattress is actually both firm and soft. That may sound perfect but its not. You probably want a bed that feels soft but has firm support. But this bed is the opposite. It has a firm feel but has soft support. That is probably because the top layer is Dunlop latex and its sitting on top of memory foam. This bed will probably not feel like anything you've ever slept on. Nevertheless, it seems to support my body relatively well since I am not waking up with any body aches.

    But the big negative is that from my perspective the mattress "feels" cheap. It doesn't "feel" like a high quality mattress. It feels very basic like its from IKEA. My expectations were very high given the company's website and people's review but now I realize that it is mostly brilliant marketing.

    The people who give positive reviews have an incentive to get people to buy because if new purchasers use their discount code, they will also get $50.00 for the referral. After trying the mattress I'm certain that more than half of these positive reviews are tainted. There is no way that nearly 99% of the people who have this mattress are this happy about it, given the actual mattress.

    But it's a difficult decision on whether to return the mattress or not. The mattress is fine and my body doesn't hurt, but its not a bed that I look forward to laying in either. And if I return this mattress, I will have to shop for another mattress and my wife will probably kill me.

    I emailed Casper and they are sending me out a latex mattress topper they have recently made (free of charge) that they say will soften up the mattress. I will update this review again when I have used the mattress topper for a while. If the topper doesn't work out, I will be returning the mattress.

    BTW: Their customer support is exemplary, I just wish I could say the same thing about the mattress.

    UPDATE #2: I received the mattress topper a few weeks ago and have returned to update my review. (I have changed my review from 2 stars to 4 stars) The tag on the mattress topper says "latex" and it looks like its about 1 inch thick. From my research on blogs, this was made available only in late January of 2015. Prior to this Casper sent people memory foam mattress toppers from Amazon. The issue that I had was obviously pretty widespread for them to manufacture their own mattress topper.

    The mattress topper has completely changed the mattress from my perspective. From the first day that I used the mattress topper, the bed has been great. I say this because when I first received and slept on the Casper mattress, I had body aches for about a week until my body got used to the mattress. With the latex mattress topper, it is now the best bed that I have ever slept on. Now the mattress feels soft in the right way and has excellent support. I can sleep on my side and back all night long with no complaints.

    Without the mattress topper, I was experiencing neck pain and thought it was my pillows, but it turned out that it was the original Casper bed. I didn't have any neck pain before the Casper or since I put the latex topper on (too bad I wasted money on buying 3 different pillows in the meantime). Very odd that a bed would strain your neck. But the mattress topper fixed all of that.

    With the latex topper on the bed, the bed now feels like a bed that could fetch $3,000.00. Its really everything I was hoping for in buying this type of latex bed. It doesn't feel cheap anymore and feels high end. My wife, who had no problems with the original Casper bed without the topper, was also amazed at how much better the bed became with the mattress topper.

    It may be odd to hear that a 1 inch latex mattress topper could change the mattress so much...but when you consider that the Casper mattress' comfort layers are only 1.5 inches of latex, sitting on top of 1.5 inches of Memory Foam, I guess an additional 1 inch of latex would make a big difference. I wish that Casper had just built in the additional latex topper into the mattress initially but I also know that this was the first version of their mattress. I wouldn't be surprised if future iterations of this mattress included a little more latex on top.

    The only issue that remains to be seen is durability...but that is something that hopefully takes years to answer.

    Again, the customer service has been really awesome.

    In summary,the Casper bed by itself is sort of an odd duck but with the free latex mattress topper it is a very, very nice bed.

    Go buy this bed and ask for the free mattress topper. If you already have this bed complain about it being too hard and get it for free and you can thank me later...

    BTW: Check out all the attacks I've received below. Although I'm very happy with this bed now with the mattress topper, its a little odd how people feel the need to defend this bed and attack my initial review. After all it is just one man's opinion. Makes me wonder if its people from Casper...

    FINAL UPDATE: Thank you for all the kind comments. I'm sure that the negative comments were from people affiliated with Casper. Who else would take the time to bash a review?

    Anyway, the bed is really awesome now and we love it, btw my wife is pregnant and getting bigger every day. We've stayed at some luxury hotels since we got the Casper mattress topper and mattress, and its always a relief when we get back to our bed.

    The only negative aspect of the bed is that it lacks any kind of edge support. That means if you sit on the edge of the bed or lay too close to the edge, the edge will droop down and you will likely find yourself on the floor. But that is a very minor inconvenience and the only negative I can find. I would buy this bed again and again, as it is right now.

    I've invested a lot of time on this review and the only reason I did so was because the process of buying a bed was such a headache and all of the professional reviews on the web seemed tainted in some way. I hope this helps people who are considering a Casper. If you would like $50.00 off your Casper just send me a message with your email and I'll email it to you personally. If you do so, Casper says that I will also get $50.00 somehow. When I purchased my Casper I used someone's link as well to save $50.00.

    Thing about Latex and memory foam is there are a lot of people that complain they sleep "hot", and that is definitely something that worries me as I've definitely had this issue with beds in the past.

    Air mattress is the best to combat that issue, but it definitely has it's drawbacks as well. Gotta admit, sleep number is smart in being able to adjust firmness. You are basically not stuck with what you bought in a sense and can adjust till you find what works. I imagine this could take months, and would probably change over the years as well. Something about air mattresses though that just bother me.

      sonatine: gimmick mattress for hipsters and college kids , pretty sure

  7. #7
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    I can be of some limited help here.

    I have zero experience with specialty mattresses such as Sleep Number or Craftmatic Adjustable, so this advice may not apply to those.

    As you probably know, the mattress industry is one of the few things left in the US where you can haggle. Even car dealers are starting to transition to a no-haggle model, and negotiating a new car price may be a thing of the past within 10 years. But back to mattresses...

    First off, never pay the sticker price, or anywhere close to it. It's equivalent to walking into a car dealership and agreeing to pay MSRP without trying to negotiate.

    The problem is that, unlike the car buying process, it's often difficult to price shop with mattresses. This is because the same mattress has several different names among different dealers, in order to prevent people from doing this.

    This is what I would suggest regarding purchasing a mattress:

    1) Figure out the type of mattress you want, and go into a store that carries that type. If you don't know, just go to any mattress store and try a few out.

    2) When you find one that you like, note the EXACT name of the mattress, as well as the manufacturer. Then try to negotiate with the salesman. Be really hard line and keep pushing for a better price. Say things like, "This is the one I want, but I can't spend that much on it" or "That's the absolute lowest? Because I might have to shop around and see if I can find a similar one for less." Keep pressing until you get the lowest price the guy is going to give you. You can also just try the direct approach and tell the salesman that you are going to visit several stores and go with the best deal you find, so you'll only be making this purchase if he gives you the best price. Sometimes that brutal honesty makes them cut through the bullshit and immediately go to their best offer.

    3) Tell the salesman you will think about it and go home. Then call around to other mattress stores. Tell them the exact manufacturer and model of that mattress, and ask if they have it, even if it's a different name. Tell them that you are looking for the very best price on it. If they ask what you were quoted, refuse to tell them.

    4) Go with the cheapest one. Make sure they deliver it for free and will set it up for you.

    Using the above tactics, you will often get about a 30-35% savings in most cases, though sometimes more or less, so don't necessarily shoot for those numbers.

    The mattress I bought in 2011 for $1080 was listed at around $1600. It took four phone calls to find a place that sold it cheapest.

    Using the phone to price shop is the best in these situations, because the salesmen feel somewhat powerless, knowing they can't run their bullshit psychological tricks on you when you can easily excuse yourself and hang up if you don't get a direct answer.

      vegas1369: Know your enemy rep
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  8. #8
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    My preference has always been pillow top mattresses. They are great because they are soft, yet can be firm enough to not cause you back problems. I will say that these aren't for you if you have existing back problems. One of my past girlfriends had back issues and absolutely hated my pillow top mattress.

    The one other drawback is that you can't really turn them over when they start getting old and start to smell bad.

    As you said, it's probably smart to stay away from anything described as "sleeping hot", because there's nothing more brutal than waking up, feeling hot bedding, and not being able to fall back asleep. Even when it's cold in the room, I don't like my bedding to be hot.

  9. #9
    Diamond vegas1369's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    My preference has always been pillow top mattresses. They are great because they are soft, yet can be firm enough to not cause you back problems. I will say that these aren't for you if you have existing back problems. One of my past girlfriends had back issues and absolutely hated my pillow top mattress.

    The one other drawback is that you can't really turn them over when they start getting old and start to smell bad.

    As you said, it's probably smart to stay away from anything described as "sleeping hot", because there's nothing more brutal than waking up, feeling hot bedding, and not being able to fall back asleep. Even when it's cold in the room, I don't like my bedding to be hot.
    Current mattress is old school spring with pillow top, which has worked for me since forever. I've had some girlfriends with memory foam and I have never been a fan, at all. Funny that memory foam and latex are the highest rated.

    To me though it's also really a lot about the sheets. IMO NEVER be frugal when it comes to sheets. Softest, best quality material, highest thread count possible, period. This makes a good bed great.

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    time to bump China's washing machine thread obv

  11. #11
    Diamond chinamaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyde View Post
    time to bump China's washing machine thread obv

  12. #12
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    Latex? You shopping at a BDSM site, going for the free fuzzy handcuffs or what.

    I hate that memory foam bullshit, it is hot. I like my sheets and pillow nice n cool when I roll onto a new spot.
    Get the highest rated with zero complaints of feeling hot.

  13. #13
    Platinum Krypt's Avatar
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    With anything, Amazon is probably your safest bet.

  14. #14
    Platinum herbertstemple's Avatar
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    Waterbed FTW,
    Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.

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    Almost bought a beautyrest black king size with the abjustable/automatic boxspring for almost 4 grand last weekend on an impulse buy after looking for couches all day.

    The place was having 0 percent financing for 48 months. Ended up just buying the couch. I felt like a broad with her first credit card after sitting on the bed for a few and justifying why we need a new bed. Our bed s like a year old now, sanity prevailed
    Last edited by unchainedghost; 06-17-2015 at 10:23 AM.

  16. #16
    Diamond shortbuspoker's Avatar
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    The pillowtop Serta i-series is pretty comfortable. The only thing about them is that Serta mandates that they be the same price everywhere so you can never get a deal unless there is a nationwide sale going on.

  17. #17
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Thinking outside the boxsprings here.


    1) Already broken in.

    2) Potential familiar/primal pheromones included, if you will
    (saving literally thousands)

    3) ..... at least half off and possibly free.

  18. #18
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    The only advice I would give is NEVER skimp on mattresses or sheets. Buy at the top. You spend 1/3 of your life in bed. Why people skimp on something they spend 1/3 of your life in I have no idea. I get it if you are poor, but you are not poor.

    I just dropped $350 on some sheets and did not even think twice. I saw some other people milling around the $49 section, stay away from that.

      Daly: This
      vegas1369: Agree

  19. #19
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony View Post
    The only advice I would give is NEVER skimp on mattresses or sheets. Buy at the top. You spend 1/3 of your life in bed. Why people skimp on something they spend 1/3 of your life in I have no idea. I get it if you are poor, but you are not poor.

    I just dropped $350 on some sheets and did not even think twice. I saw some other people milling around the $49 section, stay away from that.
    You're gay, metrosexual or have a brain tumor growing steadily. The bed, yes, worth the investment. Anyone trying to up sell me with stories of thread counts will at that point have drawn the line. I now get those "better sheet's thrown in or I head for the dumpster.

  20. #20
    Platinum thesparten's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I can be of some limited help here.

    I have zero experience with specialty mattresses such as Sleep Number or Craftmatic Adjustable, so this advice may not apply to those.

    As you probably know, the mattress industry is one of the few things left in the US where you can haggle. Even car dealers are starting to transition to a no-haggle model, and negotiating a new car price may be a thing of the past within 10 years. But back to mattresses...

    First off, never pay the sticker price, or anywhere close to it. It's equivalent to walking into a car dealership and agreeing to pay MSRP without trying to negotiate.

    The problem is that, unlike the car buying process, it's often difficult to price shop with mattresses. This is because the same mattress has several different names among different dealers, in order to prevent people from doing this.

    This is what I would suggest regarding purchasing a mattress:

    1) Figure out the type of mattress you want, and go into a store that carries that type. If you don't know, just go to any mattress store and try a few out.

    2) When you find one that you like, note the EXACT name of the mattress, as well as the manufacturer. Then try to negotiate with the salesman. Be really hard line and keep pushing for a better price. Say things like, "This is the one I want, but I can't spend that much on it" or "That's the absolute lowest? Because I might have to shop around and see if I can find a similar one for less." Keep pressing until you get the lowest price the guy is going to give you. You can also just try the direct approach and tell the salesman that you are going to visit several stores and go with the best deal you find, so you'll only be making this purchase if he gives you the best price. Sometimes that brutal honesty makes them cut through the bullshit and immediately go to their best offer.

    3) Tell the salesman you will think about it and go home. Then call around to other mattress stores. Tell them the exact manufacturer and model of that mattress, and ask if they have it, even if it's a different name. Tell them that you are looking for the very best price on it. If they ask what you were quoted, refuse to tell them.

    4) Go with the cheapest one. Make sure they deliver it for free and will set it up for you.

    Using the above tactics, you will often get about a 30-35% savings in most cases, though sometimes more or less, so don't necessarily shoot for those numbers.

    The mattress I bought in 2011 for $1080 was listed at around $1600. It took four phone calls to find a place that sold it cheapest.

    Using the phone to price shop is the best in these situations, because the salesmen feel somewhat powerless, knowing they can't run their bullshit psychological tricks on you when you can easily excuse yourself and hang up if you don't get a direct answer.
    Absolutely true..
    The same mattress can be at 2 stores under 2 different model names and 2 different extreme price points..

    I always just go with Sealy posturpedic and shoes are all florshiem..

    Just can't go wrong with those brands..

    I do agree craftmatic is interesting and very well might be my next one..

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