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Thread: Corrupt Harry Reid might sell out his beliefs to back Sheldon Adelson

  1. #1
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Corrupt Harry Reid might sell out his beliefs to back Sheldon Adelson

    I am the last one to engage in "sky is falling" panic regarding the poker legalization fight, but this one actually concerns me.

    First, some background:

    Harry Reid, the current (but outgoing) Senate Majority Leader, is corrupt. This has been known for years. He grew up watching his dad run a whorehouse in tiny Searchlight, Nevada, and has been notoriously out for himself while pretending to serve the people. Numerous allegations of bribery have surfaced over the years, but none have stuck. A particularly interesting (and likely true) bribery allegation came from telemarketing scammer and online poker payment processor Jeremy Johnson, who said that Full Tilt had him put $1 million into a weird bank account that was being funneled to Reid. Indeed, right around the time Johnson alleges that happened, Reid suddenly threw his support behind a pro-online poker bill (which went nowhere).

    So how could Reid, a guy who once went to bat for online poker and seen to be somewhat of a slave to the Nevada casino industry, turn the opposite way and support a ban of online poker?

    For that, we need some more background:

    Harry Reid was very unpopular in 2010. People in Nevada hated him, were tired of his corruption, and wanted him out. It was widely assumed that Reid would be defeated by any Republican Senate candidate that year, even if the GOP's candidate was very average. Unfortunately, the GOP failed to field that average candidate. Instead, the Tea Party influence served up crazy Sharon Angle as the primary's victor. Angle did and said lots of stupid things, to the point where even the biggest Reid-haters were afraid to vote for her. So Reid didn't really win in 2010. The Republicans beat themselves. I lived in Nevada at the time and was furious at the Republican Party for blowing this easy chance to finally get rid of Reid.

    So back to today...

    Sheldon Adelson is trying to pressure lawmakers to pass the Restore America's Wire Act (RAWA), which essentially modifies the 1961 Wire Act to include a complete ban on internet gambling. If RAWA passes, it would spell the end for both the existing state-level sites and any new ones (such as California) which are likely to come to exist in 2016 and beyond. Thanks in part to Ron Paul, who sees RAWA as an assault on states' rights (which it is), there is suddenly huge conservative opposition to the bill, and its future looked dim.

    Desperate to see RAWA pass before the new Congress takes over in 2015, Adelson looks like he might be throwing up a Hail Mary. Harry Reid is going to likely face very popular Nevada governor Brian Sandoval in the 2016 Nevada Senate race. Most believe that Sandoval will absolutely crush him, as he is an experienced and popular Nevada politician, rather than a crazy Tea Party freak who would inevitably implode. It is now believed that Adelson might be offering financial support to Reid's 2016 campaign in exchange for passing RAWA. Or, at the very least, Adelson might be promising Reid to keep his money out of that race, rather than using it to bolster Sandoval as he had originally planned.

    While a principled politician would tell Adelson to go jump in Lake Mead with his proposal, Reid is anything but principled. If Reid thinks this is his ticket to possibly beating Sandoval in 2016, there's a good chance he will flip-flop and take it.

    In fact, Reid and Adelson have already been close for awhile now. In May, Reid said, "I know Sheldon Adelson. He's not in this [the online poker ban] for money; he's in this because he's got certain ideological views. Don't pick on [Adelson]. He's not in it to make money."

    Adelson right-hand-man Andy Abboud was also very confident in RAWA's ability to pass. In a November interview, Abboud said "Adelson and Senator Reid have a very genuine friendship."

    Abboud then added, "The die is cast on this [RAWA]. The cake is baked.”


    In order to prevent a government shutdown, Congress has to pass a large spending bill before December 11. When this occurs, party leaders meet behind closed doors and basically offer concessions to one another regarding minor issues in order for everyone to leave happy. Kind of a situation where one says, "X is important to me, and Y is important to you, but I don't care much about Y and you don't care much about X. So how about you get behind X and I'll get behind Y, and let's get this done." And then the other agrees, and it's done.

    Some fear that House Speaker John Boehner, who likely opposes RAWA but doesn't care too much about it, will agree to pass it if Reid concedes on some other small issue important to Boehner or his colleagues.

    So just like the crippling UIGEA was passed at the last minute as part of a LOL Port Security Bill, this also might be a last minute compromise which can kill online poker.

    And if that happens, we will have Harry Reid to blame.

  2. #2
    Bronze SpewArtist's Avatar
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    Will this happen today or next couple days? When/how will we know? I have no idea about politics.

    This looks like a good sign though?:

  3. #3
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Probably today.

    Anyway, now it's looking like Boehner isn't having any of this.

    From Rich Muny (PPA) Facebook page:

    Reports are coming in suggesting that House Majority Leader John Boehner has rebuffed Sheldon Adelson's push to move RAWA in the lame duck.

  4. #4
    Plutonium big dick's Avatar
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    Good chance I will be voting for a few r's come 2016. This issue is really starting to give me a change of heart, gotta say the R's are standing up for liberty and the american way when it comes to this issue.I used to despise Grover Norquist(not anymore)


  5. #5
    Platinum Jayjami's Avatar
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    Harrry Reid, corrupt? Shocking. Alert the media.

  6. #6
    Gold abrown83's Avatar
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    RAWA gets attached to the government spending bill that has to pass by Thursday or the government gets shut down. If they don't pass a continuance this shit is getting added to the spending bill. You heard it here first.

  7. #7
    Bronze SpewArtist's Avatar
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    From Chad Holloway @ChadAHolloway

    Scary. Rep. Jon Porter just gave chances of Adelson's Reinstatement of Wire Act being fixed to lame duck budget bill by next week at 50/50.

  8. #8
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpewArtist View Post
    From Chad Holloway @ChadAHolloway

    Scary. Rep. Jon Porter just gave chances of Adelson's Reinstatement of Wire Act being fixed to lame duck budget bill by next week at 50/50.
    So we're not nearly out of the woods yet.

    LOL @ Rep. Porter though.

  9. #9
    Mad Neg Repper 1marley1's Avatar
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    no need to worry. PPA is on top of this one...

    We are entering the last week of the Congressional "lame duck" session and the opponents of online poker are working overtime to ban the game in the US forever. Congress will pass one more major bill this week and we need your help to make sure it does not include Sheldon Adelson's online poker prohibition.

    In just a couple of minutes, you can make a huge difference and put an end to their outrageous plan to sneak in an online poker ban. You don't want that to happen. We don't want that to happen. And together we can put a stop to this foolishness.

    Please take a moment to call your Senators and Representative today. Your phone call is a powerful way to make your voice heard and, now more than ever, we need you to pick up the phone. This is not a drill. This is the real deal. Please take action today to protect the game we love.

    Please Call These Lawmakers Now!

    Sen. Elizabeth Warren, (202) 224-4543

    Sen. Edward J. Markey, (202) 224-2742

    Rep. Katherine M. Clark, (202) 225-2836

    Tell Them (this is just a guide feel free to use your own words):
    I am a concerned constituent.
    The Congressman/Senator must not let Congress pass a bill in the lame duck that prohibits Internet poker.
    This bill has not been subject to a single hearing or any debate. Including it in a last minute bill would be a failure in governance.
    This bill would strip MA of the right to authorize Internet poker sites and is too radical to rush through in the lame duck.
    Please do everything in your power to protect the rights of our state and other states across the country that want to properly license and regulate Internet poker.
    To help us tally our advocacy efforts, please click here after you made your calls.

    Thank you taking a moment to stand up for poker!

    Proud to play,
    John A. Pappas
    Executive Director, PPA
    The Poker Players Alliance
    Dedicated to Protecting America's Favorite Card Game

    The Poker Players Alliance is a nonprofit membership organization comprised of poker players and enthusiasts from around the United States who have joined together to speak with one voice to promote the game and to protect poker players' rights. Visit us at

      RegGaymer: ead

  10. #10
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    AP reports that the spending bill is now a done deal. Text of it has not been seen.

    However, this LV Review Journal article says that Boehner rejected inclusion of RAWA, and personally called Adelson to tell him:

  11. #11
    Plutonium big dick's Avatar
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    Pathetic that he has to call that cocksucker

  12. #12
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    He probably called him to kiss ass so Adelson doesn't spend money against him in the future.

    Anyway, it wasn't included, so we dodged a bullet here.

    PPA taking credit, which I think is mostly BS, as I believe this was more Ron Paul's doing than anything.

  13. #13
    PPA Vice President TheEngineer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    PPA taking credit, which I think is mostly BS, as I believe this was more Ron Paul's doing than anything.
    Did you speak to lawmakers who gave you data on the effectiveness of the anti-RAWA parties? If not, it's funny to me that you'd post this. After all, PPA does a ton in the fight and achieved a terrific victory here. I've not heard anyone else deny this, so it's odd that you say this with no supporting info.

    The poker community, with leadership from my Poker Daily Action Plan, was very effective in telling Congress to oppose RAWA. This had a huge impact, as it brought Adelson's bill out of the shadows and into the light of day. And, that helped us get supporters like Ron Paul fully engaged.

    Speaking of Ron Paul, PPA cosponsored Campaign for Liberty’s (C4L) Liberty Political Action Conference in Washington D.C. three months ago, where John Pappas, Greg Raymer and I had a terrific opportunity to meet with Dr. Paul (who is the C4L president and founder), liberty-minded politicians, and C4L leadership on the issue. Shortly thereafter, Dr. Paul appeared on my webcast (listen here) and authored a terrific piece strongly arguing against RAWA. This was followed by action alerts from Dr. Paul and C4L asking their membership to tell Congress to oppose RAWA.

    Do you not think the PPA outreach helped to put this on Dr. Paul’s front burner? I mean, I was cleared by my doctors to fly out there just three days prior to the event. If I could make it, surely other poker advocates could have, but I didn't see you out there asking Dr. Paul to put this on the top of his very long list. I just saw us out there.

    Name:  1960810_795959057113174_7168528836639495453_o.jpg
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    I'm sorry that you don't see the value in PPA's lobbying and advocacy actions for our game, but many others do. I hope we'll all unite in 2015, as Adelson is not giving up.

    For PPA in general, check out this cool podcast from early last year for all the work PPA does on Capitol Hill and in statehouses across America:

  14. #14
    Gold Bootsy Collins's Avatar
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    From all of us at PokerFraudAlert we wish that you choke on a dick.

      haleylh: +1 to both of you guys just for the chortle...

  15. #15
    PPA Vice President TheEngineer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bootsy Collins View Post

    From all of us at PokerFraudAlert we wish that you choke on a dick.
    Merry Christmas to you too pal.

      haleylh: ... and who knows? Maybe Santa brought some wienerschnitzel.

  16. #16
    Gold Bootsy Collins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheEngineer View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Bootsy Collins View Post

    From all of us at PokerFraudAlert we wish that you choke on a dick.
    Merry Christmas to you too pal.
    Let's get one thing straight Rich, I ain't your pal. But since I just got out of Christmas Mass and I'm in the holiday spirit, Merry Christmas to you too.

  17. #17
    Platinum herbertstemple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    He probably called him to kiss ass so Adelson doesn't spend money against him in the future.

    Anyway, it wasn't included, so we dodged a bullet here.
    Anyone that gives as much money to your party as Adelson does, you don't want as an enemy. Guessing the call was more like now is not the time for RAWA.

    Boehner has pissed off the Evangelicals before so at least hes not in their pockets. He's been accused of being a small govt. guy so that could be in our favor. Doubt he would be willing to fall on the sword for internet poker.

    I think the best chance of internet poker remaining legal is for Adelson to die(of natural causes of course) real soon. Hes 81 so he should just shut the fuck up and try to spend his $37,000,000,000.

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