Originally Posted by
Maybe get Catherine on radio, since STP went out of his way to bother her.
Druff doesn't seem to really want to discuss much Chuck talk on radio. He might mention passing details or respond to chat questions quickly, but in general, he seems to want to keep the forum stuff to the forum, and keep radio generally free from cabbie-related shenanigans. I can see why, since a lot of the podcast listeners may not know or care a lick about this shit, and druff would rather keep it that way. Of course, the Chuck stuff would make for some dazzling radio IMO, and it would be great fun to listen to an open, frank discussion of 6tp and all the related nonsense that he brings to the table.
I'm starting to think Rosseel Radio needs to be a thing. How about it, Druff? One night soon (or whenever you want, obv) you can fire up the servers and give us a one-time show detailing the entire saga, back to front, as you see it. You can have callers, play some scam-related audio clips (of which there are no shortage), SrslySirius's song, all down to whatever the latest developments are in your anti-Chuck action plan.
Long form Druff speaking on a topic he's passionate about. This could be the all-time best PFA radio show, if it ever happens. I think it should happen. I hope it happens.