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Thread: Had weird dream 2 nights ago, featuring mickeycrimm

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    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Had weird dream 2 nights ago, featuring mickeycrimm

    I tend to have a lot of dreams regarding hiking/visiting (fictional) places out in nature. While this sounds pleasant/relaxing, I often run into frustrating or disturbing situations which turn it into a bothersome dream or a nightmare. For example, sometimes it abruptly gets dark, sometimes I get lost, sometimes I lose the other people I'm with (this is probably the most common), sometimes I find myself super far away from where I parked my car, and sometimes there's an artificial barrier like a wall which is blocking me from getting back. Occasionally these are even worse, where some kind of violence occurs, or someone is attempting to kill/hurt me.

    Would be great if I could just have nice, relaxing hiking dreams, especially because the places themselves are often beautiful and sometimes otherworldly. But my brain won't just let it be easy.

    In this case, I was with a big group of poker players, and we were hiking in some kind of beautiful rocky canyon looking area, similar to what one might find in Arizona or Utah. Everything was normal until we got to some kind of concrete rest house, which I think was supposed to be at the trailhead. Most of the poker players in the group were fictional. One of the guys was tall, around 30, and overweight, and while he was supposed to be a fellow poker pro, he doesn't exist in real life. He announced, "I really need to piss", and then whipped it out and just started spraying piss into the crowded room. I was closest to him, and tried to get away, and everyone else jumped back. The piss shot really far, and ended up hitting both me and another dude. Both of us were really grossed out and angry, especially because we kept yelling at him to stop, and he didn't.

    When the pissing stopped, the other victim of the urination ran up and tried to fight the guy, but he got pulled away. Right then, I felt like a pussy for sitting there with piss on me, and not doing anything about it like the other guy tried to do. So I then ran up to the dude also and tried to hit him for this, but was separated by someone trying to get in between us.

    As hard as I tried, I couldn't get to him. I temporarily let it go, but I saw the guy again in some weird tunnel thing we were walking through, so I tried to hit him again, and once again someone got in between and stopped it. Instead, I settled for just insulting him, and saying as mean of things as I could. (I don't remember exactly what I said.)

    Eventually I found myself outside again, but it was dark, and implied to be hours (or even a day) later. I was in front of a chasm where people were allowed to go down via steep steps. I heard some commotion coming from there, and I could swear I was hearing my name and unflattering things being said.

    I approached closer, and I saw mickeycrimm in the chasm, speaking to a group of people, who were also in there. They had on some kind of yellow lantern illuminating it. I watched Mickey give his speech, and it turned out the entire bass of it was telling everyone what a horrible person I was, and how I can't control my temper.

    Angry at Mickey, but not wanting to start a confrontation with him in front of his entire group, I walked away. However, some random approached me and told me I should be ashamed of myself. I asked why, and the person was shocked I didn't know.

    "He killed himself. You're telling me you don't know that?", the person said.

    "Who killed himself?", I asked.

    "The guy you tried to fight with, and whom you said all of those awful things. It really got to him. He took his own life yesterday, and he wrote in the suicide note that it was because of you", the person condescendingly explained.

    The rest of the dream was people glaring at me like I was a terrible guy, and I realized that everyone in poker blamed me for this dude's suicide. I guess I didn't have the right to insult him after he literally pissed on me (and another guy) for no reason.

    I also felt immense guilt that my words caused the dude to kill himself. So I had this really depressing feeling of both guilt and dread. I thought I would forever be branded an asshole who caused a guy to commit suicide.

    I called my girlfriend and explained the situation to her.

    "I messed up. I was too mean," I told her. "Now he's dead, and between the guilt and knowing how everyone is going to see me forever, I don't know how I'll ever get over this."

    Then I woke up.

    Thanks, Mickey.

  2. #2
    Platinum splitthis's Avatar
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    You need to go to temple. You are visioning the afterlife, the one you don’t want.

    Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.

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  3. #3
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    desertrunner, thoughts?

      Sheesfaced: lol
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  4. #4
    Flashlight Master desertrunner's Avatar
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    Had weird dream 2 nights ago, featuring mickeycrimm

    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    desertrunner, thoughts?
    What I think prompted this thread from Druff- I texted him this morning because I had a very realistic dream about him last night.

    Here it goes- Druff and I were in a 3rd world nation, I want to say Mexico or Costa Rica. Druff and I were in some sort of hotel, 3rd floor and Druff shot some dude with a 45 auto pistol, 3 shots. I remember that Druff knew I didn’t want him to shoot anyone, but he was bent on it and I wasn’t going to change his mind.

    It was specifically THREE shots by Druff, that stood out and he just didn’t t care. So I’m an effort to help Druff, I grabbed the 3 casings and hid them, that was my job.

    I’m conclusion, I don’t know why Druff shot that guy, but he felt he had to, I just could not stop him. And next, I don’t know what happened, all I did was hide the spent casings to help him, like down the street from the hotel. Druff simply didn’t care if he got caught. I don’t know what the final outcome was, but I get the feeling Druff didn’t get arrested and nothing came out of the shooting.

    That’s all I have. I did not know about any of Druff’s previous dreams or stories prior. This one came out of no where.

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    A little off topic but after smoking weed pretty much all day, every day for more than 10 years I stopped 3 weeks ago. While smoking weed I never woke up remembering a dream and now I do. A couple nights ago I had a dream I pulled out my front tooth with pliers and last night I strangled a former friend who betrayed me. I'm not sleeping well or as long as I normally would either but I am running almost daily and have lost weight.

    The only reason I've stopped is for poker. I want to be more sharp and focused at the table leading up to my wsop event in June.

  6. #6
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by desertrunner View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    desertrunner, thoughts?

    youve absolutely broken him druff.
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  7. #7
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Worried about mickeycrimm seeing Inception and figuring out a way to burrow into Druff's subconscious with all of these dicks and piss flying around.

    Druff, was mickey holding it down in the Rascal? Seating or standing is crucial context.
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

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    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    Worried about mickeycrimm seeing Inception and figuring out a way to burrow into Druff's subconscious with all of these dicks and piss flying around.

    Druff, was mickey holding it down in the Rascal? Seating or standing is crucial context.
    Mickey was very able-bodied. Not only was he not in a Rascal, but he was able to climb into the chasm on his own.

    Great success!

  9. #9
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by desertrunner View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    desertrunner, thoughts?
    What I think prompted this thread from Druff- I texted him this morning because I had a very realistic dream about him last night.

    Here it goes- Druff and I were in a 3rd world nation, I want to say Mexico or Costa Rica. Druff and I were in some sort of hotel, 3rd floor and Druff shot some dude with a 45 auto pistol, 3 shots. I remember that Druff knew I didn’t want him to shoot anyone, but he was bent on it and I wasn’t going to change his mind.

    It was specifically THREE shots by Druff, that stood out and he just didn’t t care. So I’m an effort to help Druff, I grabbed the 3 casings and hid them, that was my job.

    I’m conclusion, I don’t know why Druff shot that guy, but he felt he had to, I just could not stop him. And next, I don’t know what happened, all I did was hide the spent casings to help him, like down the street from the hotel. Druff simply didn’t care if he got caught. I don’t know what the final outcome was, but I get the feeling Druff didn’t get arrested and nothing came out of the shooting.

    That’s all I have. I did not know about any of Druff’s previous dreams or stories prior. This one came out of no where.

    thats so cool, that you have intense realistic dreams about druff murdering someone.
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  10. #10
    Flashlight Master desertrunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    thats so cool, that you have intense realistic dreams about druff murdering someone.
    I know, it’s was very real and bothers me. The other part is that I went with him to do the deed. Druff also knows I would do this with him in real life.

    I will be back later to this thread to explain part 2 as it came to me earlier today. I now know why Druff killed this person and it’s not good.

      sonatine: perfect ty looking forward to it

  11. #11
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by desertrunner View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    thats so cool, that you have intense realistic dreams about druff murdering someone.
    I know, it’s was very real and bothers me. The other part is that I went with him to do the deed. Druff also knows I would do this with him in real life.

    I will be back later to this thread to explain part 2 as it came to me earlier today. I now know why Druff killed this person and it’s not good.
    You would help druff commit murder?
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

  12. #12
    Flashlight Master desertrunner's Avatar
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    Had weird dream 2 nights ago, featuring mickeycrimm

    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    You would help druff commit murder?
    Yes, for real. Because the bad guy hurt or killed Druff’s son, we had to do what we had to do.

    The part 2 is- That person hurt or killed Druff’s son, so we had to go there. Part 2 came to me while conscious and awake. It all came to me like 2 puzzle pieces connecting. And that’s why I could not stop Druff from shooting that guy. Druff was going to kill him either way, he really didn’t need me there, but I still went.

    In the dream, after I dumped the 3 bullet castings down the street, I didn’t see Druff again, but could tell he got away. I assume we met up later on, but that’s just a guess. But Druff was hell bent on killing this person that day and no one was stopping him. It’s was realistic to me, it’s scary.

    Oh and the 45 pistol, Druff got that on the black market in the 3rd world country. I don’t know anything else about the gun.

    Druff and we’re also wearing regular street clothes, nothing special. I also never saw any money being exchanged at any time.

    No poker was involved in this dream. Also, no police or federales ever arrived. I don’t know if Druff paid them off or not, but no cops were there. I also don’t think the dead guy was poker related or mafia. I don’t know anything about him except the son connection.

    That’s all I can remember, but damn, Druff was a cold blooded shooter in the dream. He didn’t care about anything else and his mind was set. And I don’t blame him at all.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post
    A little off topic but after smoking weed pretty much all day, every day for more than 10 years I stopped 3 weeks ago. While smoking weed I never woke up remembering a dream and now I do. A couple nights ago I had a dream I pulled out my front tooth with pliers and last night I strangled a former friend who betrayed me. I'm not sleeping well or as long as I normally would either but I am running almost daily and have lost weight.

    The only reason I've stopped is for poker. I want to be more sharp and focused at the table leading up to my wsop event in June.
    this is 100% true. Dreams come back vivid as ever when you stop smoking. Country I remember youre from western mass you play at MGM at all? Also Foxwoods has a bunch of WSOP qualifiers goin this weekend if you check bravo

      country978: Home boy!

  14. #14
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LegalizeMeth View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post
    A little off topic but after smoking weed pretty much all day, every day for more than 10 years I stopped 3 weeks ago. While smoking weed I never woke up remembering a dream and now I do. A couple nights ago I had a dream I pulled out my front tooth with pliers and last night I strangled a former friend who betrayed me. I'm not sleeping well or as long as I normally would either but I am running almost daily and have lost weight.

    The only reason I've stopped is for poker. I want to be more sharp and focused at the table leading up to my wsop event in June.
    this is 100% true. Dreams come back vivid as ever when you stop smoking. Country I remember youre from western mass you play at MGM at all? Also Foxwoods has a bunch of WSOP qualifiers goin this weekend if you check bravo

    yeah theres some science to it vis a vis beta waves or something.

      country978: please not another night of bad dreams
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

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    Quote Originally Posted by LegalizeMeth View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post
    A little off topic but after smoking weed pretty much all day, every day for more than 10 years I stopped 3 weeks ago. While smoking weed I never woke up remembering a dream and now I do. A couple nights ago I had a dream I pulled out my front tooth with pliers and last night I strangled a former friend who betrayed me. I'm not sleeping well or as long as I normally would either but I am running almost daily and have lost weight.

    The only reason I've stopped is for poker. I want to be more sharp and focused at the table leading up to my wsop event in June.
    this is 100% true. Dreams come back vivid as ever when you stop smoking. Country I remember youre from western mass you play at MGM at all? Also Foxwoods has a bunch of WSOP qualifiers goin this weekend if you check bravo
    Funny you should ask this - I just got home from MGM. I usually go there every Friday but not for poker. Ever been to the Red Rose? My best pal and I usually go there for a meal then get free play for the slots and play $20-30 or so and head home.

    About 2 1/2 years ago my wife and I reconciled and put the family back together so now I'm in Worcester with her, back in my own house. I've been playing almost exclusively at Chasers in Salem, NH. I just don't care very much for the MGM poker crowd and much prefer the New Hampshire folks.

    We did decide today to start playing at the Mohegan on Friday's going forward. Foxwoods can go screw. Its awfully hard to explain to someone who can't relate to what that place was like in the 90's vs. what it is now. It went from the best casino and poker room in all of New England to a dump. There are no good restaurants and the poker room is nothing like what it used to be. The tournament schedule since covid is also totally lame.

    I haven't played at Encore Boston since 2019 but that is now the most active room in the area and I do intend to get there soon also.

    Drinking a little wine now and headed to bed hoping for a night free of violent dreams.

      Sanlmar: always enjoy a trip report

  16. #16
    Cubic Zirconia call me ray's Avatar
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    You guys are lucky to remember your dreams. Then again, maybe you're cursed. I can't remember what I ate for dinner yesterday let alone my dreams.

  17. #17
    Flashlight Master desertrunner's Avatar
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    Important note- I rarely have dreams, usually zero per week. Why this random Druff shooting came up, don’t know.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by LegalizeMeth View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post
    A little off topic but after smoking weed pretty much all day, every day for more than 10 years I stopped 3 weeks ago. While smoking weed I never woke up remembering a dream and now I do. A couple nights ago I had a dream I pulled out my front tooth with pliers and last night I strangled a former friend who betrayed me. I'm not sleeping well or as long as I normally would either but I am running almost daily and have lost weight.

    The only reason I've stopped is for poker. I want to be more sharp and focused at the table leading up to my wsop event in June.
    this is 100% true. Dreams come back vivid as ever when you stop smoking. Country I remember youre from western mass you play at MGM at all? Also Foxwoods has a bunch of WSOP qualifiers goin this weekend if you check bravo
    Agreed. When I (rarely) stop smoking dope for a while, I remember my dreams much better.

  19. #19
    Flashlight Master desertrunner's Avatar
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    Had weird dream 2 nights ago, featuring mickeycrimm

    Quote Originally Posted by call me ray View Post
    You guys are lucky to remember your dreams. Then again, maybe you're cursed. I can't remember what I ate for dinner yesterday let alone my dreams.
    I agree, my short term memory is weak because of stress and my long term memory is pretty good.

    And a note about the above dream with Druff, nothing was made up, all organic. I would not come here and post BS. Druff knows I’m straight with him and always truthful.
    Last edited by desertrunner; 04-13-2024 at 11:59 AM.

  20. #20
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by LegalizeMeth View Post

    this is 100% true. Dreams come back vivid as ever when you stop smoking. Country I remember youre from western mass you play at MGM at all? Also Foxwoods has a bunch of WSOP qualifiers goin this weekend if you check bravo
    Funny you should ask this - I just got home from MGM. I usually go there every Friday but not for poker. Ever been to the Red Rose? My best pal and I usually go there for a meal then get free play for the slots and play $20-30 or so and head home.

    About 2 1/2 years ago my wife and I reconciled and put the family back together so now I'm in Worcester with her, back in my own house. I've been playing almost exclusively at Chasers in Salem, NH. I just don't care very much for the MGM poker crowd and much prefer the New Hampshire folks.

    We did decide today to start playing at the Mohegan on Friday's going forward. Foxwoods can go screw. Its awfully hard to explain to someone who can't relate to what that place was like in the 90's vs. what it is now. It went from the best casino and poker room in all of New England to a dump. There are no good restaurants and the poker room is nothing like what it used to be. The tournament schedule since covid is also totally lame.

    I haven't played at Encore Boston since 2019 but that is now the most active room in the area and I do intend to get there soon also.

    Drinking a little wine now and headed to bed hoping for a night free of violent dreams.
    tbf Foxwoods in 2006-2008 was complete and utter madness. The months leading up to the housing meltdown … people had zero regard for money. I was not technically great but the action was so choice I literally moved in and lived there.

    It was and probably still is the largest poker room in the world. However, in 2007 you had 120 tables with a waiting list. I sat around for more than an hour quite often. There was no booking online or anything of the sort back then. I can’t do the chaos the justice it deserves

    Vanessa Selbst is one of the first people that comes to mind from those days oddly enough.

    In 2006 you could still eat chicken tenders with ranch dressing at the tables. There wasn’t a clean chip in the entire establishment. That was living.

    When I read your post I suddenly thought, “do I still have my Black Card?” I tossed it not being a particularly nostalgic sort. Shame.

    I haven’t been to a New England casino in years and years but something about your post triggered me a little. Foxwoods is a dump as I recall from my last visit. Banned. Really never looked back.

    Never had any dreams about Foxwoods either.

    Please do more about poker room experiences in 2024. You really are the last guy on PFA to do that sort of thing.

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