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Thread: RIP Toby Keith

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    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    RIP Toby Keith

    Toby Keith was guy I didn't expect to die early, when he was at his height of prominence in the early 2000s.

    He became known exactly when I started to become a fan of country music -- 1993. He had big hits with "Should've Been a Cowboy", "He Ain't Worth Missing'", and "A Little Less Talk and a Lot More Action".

    He had a number of other hits in the 1990s, but he came into the most prominence in the early 2000s, thanks to a controversial song and a battle with the Dixie Chicks.

    In March 2001, Keith's father died, and he thought that he'd like to write a song honoring him at some point soon. Six months later, the 9/11 attacks occurred, and Toby was inspired to write a song covering both subjects. While memorializing his patriotic late father, Toby wrote what was essentially a fight song for the US, promising retribution against al Qaeda for the attacks. While al Qaeda and 9/11 are not specifically mentioned, the message was very clear. The attack was referenced as "a mighty sucker punch flying in, from somewhere in the back", and promised a response where "it'll feel like the whole wide world is raining down on you.... brought to you courtesy of the red white and blue!"

    Unlike a lot of other bland country songs quickly released to reference the 9/11 attacks, this was actually a good song, and very catchy. In fact, I played it to open PFA Radio the night Trump was elected in 2016, as a middle finger to the libs who had been shrieking the entire year about the collapse of America if he were to win.

    This song was released in May 2002, and was a huge hit. Toby was invited to appear on ABC to sing it on a patriotic special airing soon after.

    The song shouldn't have been controversial, as it was patriotic but contained no racist, Islamophobic, or xenophobic elements to it. It was very straightforward -- promising retribution to the terrorists who attacked America on its homeland.

    However, insufferable Canadian lib Peter Jennings was somehow offended by it, and demanded Toby Keith "soften the lyrics" if he wanted to appear on the ABC special. Keith told him to fuck off, and didn't appear on the special.

    In August 2002, Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks, another insufferable lefty who originally rose to prominence in country while hiding her true political views, picked a fight with Toby about the song for no good reason. She stated, "I hate it. It's ignorant, and it makes country music sound ignorant. It targets an entire culture - and not just the bad people who did bad things. You've got to have some tact. Anybody can write, 'We'll put a boot in your ass.' But a lot of people agree with it."

    This was an unfair criticism, as the song never "targeted an entire culture", and in fact never mentioned Islam at all.

    This already irritated country fans, but Maines put the final nail in her career's coffin six months later, when she criticized George W. Bush and the Iraq War while performing on foreign soil, and claimed to be ashamed to be from Texas.

    In May 2003, with her career spiraling, Maines appeared at the Country Music Awards wearing a shirt reading "FUTK". She refused to admit that it meant "Fuck You Toby Keith", instead claiming it meant "Friends United for Truth and Kindness". Three years later, she admitted it really meant FU Toby Keith.

    By this point, Keith had stopped feuding with her, and basically let her tilt her face off into oblivion, which is exactly what she did.

    He followed up his "Courtesy of the Red White and Blue" success with hits such as "Who's Your Daddy" (about an older man romancing a college girl while her fellow students are 'home for the summertime') and "Beer For My Horses", a duet with Willie Nelson about Old West vigilante justice.

    Both had entertaining videos which had little to do with the song. "Who's Your Daddy" featured a hot chick breaking into Toby's house while he was away, acting like she lived there, only to have it revealed that his gardener pretended it was his house and had invited her over. "Beer for My Horses" featured Keith, Nelson, and Corin Nemec (formerly "Parker Lewis" from the early '90s TV show), and involved a slapstick hunt for a serial killer.

    Keith's album in 2010 failed to produce any real hits, and that was the end of his prominence in the country music space. By that point, Toby was in his late 40s, and country music had been changing to favor younger stars who would sing about partying and chasing girls. Keith's music, which was more of a '90s style, simply didn't fit anymore.

    For that reason, I had lost track of Keith, and hadn't seen a picture of him in awhile. My last look at him was that of a tall, strong looking guy in his late 40s, who was the opposite of sickly. However, the more recent pictures of Toby Keith looked like a different person. His body had been ravaged by stomach cancer, which was diagnosed at the end of 2021, at age 60. He passed away yesterday.

    There are some unfair and incorrect beliefs about Toby Keith. Some on Twitter today were suggesting he "threatened to kill" the Dixie Chicks, which never happened. All of the aggression in that feud was on Natalie Maines' side, and she was factually wrong. Others are still incorrectly casting his "Red White and Blue" song to be racist, which it wasn't at all. Even others believed he was a right wing fanatic, when in reality he was a centrist. As late as 2008, Toby Keith was still identifying as a Democrat, and in fact said Barack Obama was a good candidate. He spoke out against the 2003 Iraq War, saying that "some things didn't add up". It was only after 2008 when Keith officially left the Democratic Party, claiming it had changed and "didn't stand for anything anymore". He never registered as a Republican. He did perform at Trump's inauguration, but thanked Barack Obama for his service during that performance.

    Toby Keith was a class guy, and I was sorry to hear about his cancer and his death. Unlike many other celebrities who died young (he was 62), his passing was simply a result of bad luck.


      Mission146: I'm certainly not going to top that!

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    Mad Neg Repper 1marley1's Avatar
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    He looked completely unrecognizable in his last few public appearances. Cancer is a real son of a bitch.

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    He was also known as the Uncle Milty/ Forrest Tucker of his era being rumored to have possessed the largest cock in country music.

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    This was my favorite Keith song. My recollection is half his songs were about partying and chasing girls, so not sure that was the reason his music faded.

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      Tellafriend: unnecessary at best
      splitthis: Horrible as usual, it’s you brand
      Sloppy Joe: Straight cucked
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  7. #7
    Silver Mission146's Avatar
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    They should have made Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American) our country's National Anthem before Toby died rather than sometime after, but I guess we'll all have to wait.

    I'd really prefer not to comment on The Dixie Chicks/Natalie Maines in this thread, but since Dan brought it up, I'll offer a very brief defense. To be clear, I don't really care for their music, aside from the fact that I liked the cover of Landslide.. EDIT TO ADD:-My defense was not particularly brief; I always felt like they were treated with a bit more vitriol than necessary, though.

    My problem with The Dixie Chicks thing is the way that people reacted to it; not with anything the band actually did. You're talking about women in their late-20's/early 30's who were opposed to war and didn't care for George W. Bush or the invasion of Iraq. I don't think they were literally ashamed to be from Texas; it could have been Wisconsin; they were just saying that being from the same state as Bush was a disgrace.

    As it turns out, Iraq didn't actually have any WMD's and the Bush Administration blatantly lied (huge fucking surprise, there), so The Dixie Chicks were kind of right. In fact, safely over half of the U.S. Veterans who actually fought in the war:

    Now say that the war was not worth fighting.

    Granted, Natalie Maines shouldn't have spoken that way about Toby's song, but that's not what got people running over Dixie Chicks albums with tractors---it was the (now majority believes correct) comments on Operation Iraqi Freedom that did that. Maines did unfairly portray the song as being against an entire culture, though as Dan pointed out, the song doesn't say one negative word about any culture or race, in particular. Al-Qaida are, in fact, Muslims and are, in fact, Islamic extremists. In lyrical terms, it's such a generic fight song (I don't mean that in a negative way) that it could be used if we're ever attacked, by anyone, in the future.

    While I obviously disagree with Maines' characterization of the song, I don't think it's beyond dispute that some individuals chose to take it that way and there certainly was an Anti-Muslim (in general terms) sort of mindset among a good many Republicans in the time after 9/11. Regardless of the degree of actual anti-Muslim prejudice that exists, there can be no question:

    That the perception of general anti-Muslim prejudice exists to a large degree.

    Did Toby Keith's song cause that? Absolutely not. Al-Qaida attacking our country caused that, but it remains that any general anti-Muslim sentiment is unfair.

    As some people might recall, I delivered for a pharmacy for awhile during Covid-19 lockdowns mostly because everyone was paranoid and they couldn't find any drivers. Me? I was pleased as punch just to get out of the house. They could have probably gotten away with not paying me anything aside from reimbursing my gas costs and car upkeep and I'd have just been thrilled to be doing something and having a reason to get outside. Anyway, many of the customers were Muslims and I can say, in my personal experience, these people were unfailingly polite, to the individual. I'm not even embellishing; they were simply some of the most polite people I've ever dealt with in my life and I've worked many customer service jobs in my time.

    With that, Maines was clearly in the wrong to portray Toby's song, and by extension, Toby himself, that way. Toby always seemed like a genuinely likable guy who just loves his country and I couldn't imagine him ever harboring hatred for an entire race, culture or religion. In terms of country stars that people can actually look up to, Toby Keith should be S-Tier.

    However, in terms of popular opinion, Maines' comments on Operation Iraqi Freedom now seem quite justified; we also found no WMD's...and even if they did would have been ones that we sold to them. That was WAY overblown and you had people running over Dixie Chicks albums with tractors, setting them on fire and treating the band as though they were Benedict Arnold reincarnate; it was honestly pretty ridiculous.

    In particular, I disagree with:

    In August 2002, Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks, another insufferable lefty who originally rose to prominence in country while hiding her true political views,
    (Bold Added)

    Did she hide her true political views? How many times had George W. Bush declared war on Iraq before that? Let's also not forget the song Goodbye, Earl, a 1999 release that was controversial in that it was about two friends from high school who murder one of their husbands after (presumably) years of physical abuse at his hands; the song also briefly comments on the inefficacy of restraining orders. It wasn't terribly popular amongst some people. Sin Wagon is another example of a song by The Dixie Chicks that I don't think it's a bridge too far to construe as a feminist anthem; it was also released in 1999. Finally, Natalie Maines appeared on Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, in 1999.

    With that, I would argue that, if Natalie Maines 'hid her true political views' at all, she certainly didn't go to great effort to do so.

    Is it possible that a large segment of their fanbase would assume The Dixie Chicks, and particularly Maines, would be staunchly conservative since they sing country music? Sure. It's also possible that a large segment of The Dixie Chicks fanbase are idiots---the type of people who think that running over albums with tractors, or setting them on fire, is some sort of meaningful political statement about a war that, as it turns out, they were on the wrong side of anyway.


    With that out of the way, I would hope that Toby Keith will be well remembered and missed by all. Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American) is an absolute monster of a song and one of the greatest things to ever happen. If that song doesn't want to make you don an American flag T-shirt and pound down some Buds (oh, shit...I can't use that example) down some, I don't know, Millers? PBR? Whatever. Pound some beers, then you just don't have a soul.

    All of Toby's other releases are just feel good songs and I always found him publicly affable. It really doesn't surprise me that Keith didn't have an initial response to Maines' characterization of his song because he seems like the type of dude who figures she can say whatever she wants to. Keith actually expressed regret that he finally did respond, instead opining that he might have taken the high road instead:

    Keith says, "I really disappointed myself in that, but you live and learn, and hopefully next time somebody decides to critique my music, another artist, maybe I'll take the high road next time."

    Merle Haggard, one of his idols, even suggested he should do a concert with the Dixie Chicks. Keith says, "Merle called me one day. He said, 'Let's all three get together and I will be the ambassador, and we will all get together.'"

    Keith adds, "He said, 'We will go to New York and make a big deal and I want to be the one that says everybody can speak their mind and we can all still get along.' I said, 'Well, anything you ever want to do, Haggard, I'm in on it, and you got my peace offering, but good luck, brother.'"
    That's just who Toby Keith was. A straight-shooter who loves his country, his country's values (such as freedom of speech) and mostly wanted his music to be a good time for those listening. Publicly, I don't think anyone in his position could have handled himself better. Speaking of liberal positions:

    Country music star Toby Keith (pictured) recently told CMT Insider in an interview, “That whole gay issue thing, that’s never bothered me. I’ve never seen what that affects and [why] anybody should care—and they never do affect me. First of all, we’re going to stop somebody from getting a marriage license because they’re gay? You won’t stop them from living together, so what have you accomplished? Wasting a lot of money here and a lot of time that could be spent working on this deficit that we’re under. I never saw the reasoning behind getting in people’s personal lives.”
    With that, I have no trouble believing that Keith has always just wanted whomever he thinks would be the best POTUS for the country, at any given time. It doesn't surprise me at all that he would support both Obama and Trump. He's sure as hell not going to be the guy to ever point at someone and say, "That's not my President." I've always seen him as having a bit of Libertarian in him.

    R.I.P. Toby Keith. A truly great man and great American; he was always as good as he once was and always will be.

      tigerpiper: Thank the lord you didn't write a long defense
    Don't Tread on Anyone, mothafucka!

  8. #8
    Gold The Boz's Avatar
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    Too much to quote Mission, but Fuck the DIXIE Chicks. They changed their name out of some fake outrage. The name Dixie is still used by many, not as a racist word, but as a symbol of the south. But in trying to find some relevance they jumped in the BLM mob controversy with this ridiculous name change.

    Meanwhile here is a little known Toby Keith video showing his incredible talent.

      ftpjesus: Agrred fuck the Dixie Bitches and especially that cunt Natalie

  9. #9
    Silver Mission146's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Too much to quote Mission, but Fuck the DIXIE Chicks. They changed their name out of some fake outrage. The name Dixie is still used by many, not as a racist word, but as a symbol of the south. But in trying to find some relevance they jumped in the BLM mob controversy with this ridiculous name change.

    Meanwhile here is a little known Toby Keith video showing his incredible talent.

    I don't have a problem with that. There's no question that they jumped on the faux outrage train...despite not being particularly relevant anymore, though maybe that was why...and also the fact that they're politically Democrat toadys; I just don't think they ever made a huge secret of that, as Dan stated. I'll check that video out.

    My point was just about Maines' statements vis-a-vis Operation: Iraqi Freedom; the backlash was a retarded backlash carried out by retarded people; more than that, she was actually right. For all I know, it's the only thing that she's ever been right about, but she definitely got that one. I just remembered seeing the videos of people running the albums over with tractors, setting them on fire and that I laughed hysterically at how pointless and retarded people can be. The albums were still purchased, at some point---some people probably actually bought an album just so they'd have one to burn. Speaking of lighting things on fire, Natalie Maines could light a fraction of her net worth on fire and it'd still be more than most of the people who set Dixie Chicks albums on fire will ever make in their lives.

    I just don't understand how someone's opinion could possibly mean that much to people. Dave Mustaine, as far as I can tell, is a Christian Conservative...he's also definitely an asshole for non-political reasons, but Megadeth still fucking rules. Ted Nugent? No question there. Damn Yankees could have been one of the greatest bands of all time had they stayed together.

    It's just...not only who gives a shit, but also, who could ever give that much of a shit?
    Don't Tread on Anyone, mothafucka!

  10. #10
    Hurricane Expert tgull's Avatar
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    My ex used to get free concert tickets all the time given her job. We saw him live and he put on a great show. I am not a country music fan, but he gave everyone's their money's worth, crowd was literally signing along, he had quite the following. I read somewhere he had the most played song in the 90s, I should have been a Cowboy or something like that. I also saw Garth Brooks as well, his show was much more manufactured and planned. Looking back I think Garth was there simply for the payday and Toby Keith was there because he generally enjoyed performing. RIP.

  11. #11
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Too much to quote Mission, but Fuck the DIXIE Chicks. They changed their name out of some fake outrage. The name Dixie is still used by many, not as a racist word, but as a symbol of the south. But in trying to find some relevance they jumped in the BLM mob controversy with this ridiculous name change.

    Meanwhile here is a little known Toby Keith video showing his incredible talent.

    I don't have a problem with that. There's no question that the jumped on the faux outrage train...despite not being particularly relevant anymore, though maybe that was why...and also the fact that they're politically Democrat toadys; I just don't think they ever made a huge secret of that, as Dan stated. I'll check that video out.

    My point was just about Maines' statements vis-a-vis Operation: Iraqi Freedom; the backlash was a retarded backlash carried out by retarded people; more than that, she was actually right. For all I know, it's the only thing that she's ever been right about, but she definitely got that one. I just remembered seeing the videos of people running the albums over with tractors, setting them on fire and that I laughed hysterically at how pointless and retarded people can be.The albums were still purchased, at some point---some people probably actually bought an album just so they'd have one to burn. Speaking of lighting things on fire, Natalie Maines could light a fraction of her net worth on fire and it'd still be more than most of the people who set Dixie Chicks albums on fire will ever make in their lives.

    I just don't understand how someone's opinion could possibly mean that much to people. Dave Mustaine, as far as I can tell, is a Christian Conservative...he's also definitely an asshole for non-political reasons, but Megadeth still fucking rules. Ted Nugent? No question there. Damn Yankees could have been one of the greatest bands of all time had they stayed together.

    It's just...not only who gives a shit, but also, who could ever give that much of a shit?

    The jingoistic and moronic antics and anthems appeal to the retards. Not a surprise he was a big wrestling fan. Kid rock shooting beer cans is the 2020s version of the same direct appeal to the white trash. And I don’t even disagree with the sentiment of the trans shit is silly and mental illness, but the going out and shooting beer cans shit is just a blatant appeal to the trash to get worked and they are already constantly worked up and angry.

    It all feels like a wrestling storyline.

    Dude is famous for being a huge cheerleader for one of the biggest and most expensive fails in American history. The only nice thing I can say about him is at least he mostly went away after making a fool of himself. That’s better than the present double down on stupid culture.


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    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post

    The jingoistic and moronic antics and anthems appeal to the retards. Not a surprise he was a big wrestling fan. Kid rock shooting beer cans is the 2020s version of the same direct appeal to the white trash. And I don’t even disagree with the sentiment of the trans shit is silly and mental illness, but the going out and shooting beer cans shit is just a blatant appeal to the trash to get worked and they are already constantly worked up and angry.

    It all feels like a wrestling storyline.

    Dude is famous for being a huge cheerleader for one of the biggest and most expensive fails in American history. The only nice thing I can say about him is at least he mostly went away after making a fool of himself. That’s better than the present double down on stupid culture.
    (Quote-in-Quote Removed)

    I guess I'm a retard because I think we should make Courtesy our national anthem! If that's the case, I'm perfectly fine with being a retard; it's a killer song and fun to sing at top volume. Toby's also in my (very limited) range. I was a wrestling fan growing up, but I eventually became disinterested.

    We're definitely in lockstep on the fact that Kid Rock is a retard; he's also a talentless career poser who can't actually sing whatsoever. If you want to talk about people, 'Faking it,' can we create an SS-tier for Kid Rock? He's definitely something above S-Tier in the being a sanctimonious phony department.

    I don't think Toby ever actually supported the War on Iraq; quite the contrary, I believe. Keith's dad was a veteran and Keith had wanted to write a song he could dedicate to him for some number of months; Courtesy came to him very shortly after the 9/11 attacks. Don't forget that Toby was also a Democrat at the time; he just had a little more business sense than to speak so candidly against the Iraq War, or alternatively, didn't have a strong opinion on it.
    Don't Tread on Anyone, mothafucka!

  13. #13
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    Guy was a country music legend, esp as the genre turned to utter shit.

    has anyone heard if he had colonoscopies? i keep reading and its never mentioned one way or the other. if he did and still died, that is a really bad beat.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tellafriend View Post

    Guy was a country music legend, esp as the genre turned to utter shit.

    has anyone heard if he had colonoscopies? i keep reading and its never mentioned one way or the other. if he did and still died, that is a really bad beat.
    Think he had stomach cancer from what I’m reading. That’s diagnosed with upper endoscopy, not colonoscopy. I assume with his money he had both, but they definitely push the colonoscopies more if you don’t have reflux or pain. Might have just caught it late.

    I think stomach cancer can be really excruciating. I don’t know if it always is. Some cancers are more painful than others. I’ve heard that one can be rough.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post

    The jingoistic and moronic antics and anthems appeal to the retards. Not a surprise he was a big wrestling fan. Kid rock shooting beer cans is the 2020s version of the same direct appeal to the white trash. And I don’t even disagree with the sentiment of the trans shit is silly and mental illness, but the going out and shooting beer cans shit is just a blatant appeal to the trash to get worked and they are already constantly worked up and angry.

    It all feels like a wrestling storyline.

    Dude is famous for being a huge cheerleader for one of the biggest and most expensive fails in American history. The only nice thing I can say about him is at least he mostly went away after making a fool of himself. That’s better than the present double down on stupid culture.
    (Quote-in-Quote Removed)

    I guess I'm a retard because I think we should make Courtesy our national anthem! If that's the case, I'm perfectly fine with being a retard; it's a killer song and fun to sing at top volume. Toby's also in my (very limited) range. I was a wrestling fan growing up, but I eventually became disinterested.

    We're definitely in lockstep on the fact that Kid Rock is a retard; he's also a talentless career poser who can't actually sing whatsoever. If you want to talk about people, 'Faking it,' can we create an SS-tier for Kid Rock? He's definitely something above S-Tier in the being a sanctimonious phony department.

    I don't think Toby ever actually supported the War on Iraq; quite the contrary, I believe. Keith's dad was a veteran and Keith had wanted to write a song he could dedicate to him for some number of months; Courtesy came to him very shortly after the 9/11 attacks. Don't forget that Toby was also a Democrat at the time; he just had a little more business sense than to speak so candidly against the Iraq War, or alternatively, didn't have a strong opinion on it.
    I was just referring to him on my tv every night during the early stages of the war and the Dixie Chicks saga reminding me of wrestling. I’m not the guy on country music as I think 99.999% is horrible.

  16. #16
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    Team Retard basically is in lockstep with Natalie Maines' assessment of W now, lol.

    Too bad 'boot in your ass' ended up being an endless war with the Taliban remaining in power, lol.

    Nonetheless, a catchy song that galvanized Americans.

    Fired up a classmate enough that he enlisted and became target practice for Taliban snipers in the Korengal Valley.

    His unit is featured in the docs Restrepo and Korengal, although he's not one of the subjects.

    Came back with the usual PTSD and addictions, think he's OK now though.
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    BCR, as my writeup stated, and Mission also mentioned, Toby was not a cheerleader of the Iraq War. In fact, when asked about it, he said that some things "didn't add up" and he couldn't throw his support behind it.

    His controversial song was simply about the upcoming retribution against those who did 9/11.

    The entire controversy was bizarre to me, because the song was not something which should have offended anyone. It ran into pushback from BOTH Peter Jennings (resulting in Toby not appearing on the ABC patriotic special) and Natalie Maines, who bashed the song and stood by her criticism even when it was pointed out how stupid and misinformed it was.

    I just felt Toby Keith was very misunderstood from the entire thing, to the point where you have idiot wokes on Twitter going on about how he sang about killing brown people and threatened Maines.

    Even "Futurama" made a short segment lampooning the Toby Keith controversy, again portraying him as overly jingoistic:

    To show you how much the country has changed, this 2003 episode featured a hippy-like liberal character who was wiling to die to defend free speech. Two decades later, how many liberals think that way?

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    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Tellafriend View Post

    Guy was a country music legend, esp as the genre turned to utter shit.

    has anyone heard if he had colonoscopies? i keep reading and its never mentioned one way or the other. if he did and still died, that is a really bad beat.
    Think he had stomach cancer from what I’m reading. That’s diagnosed with upper endoscopy, not colonoscopy. I assume with his money he had both, but they definitely push the colonoscopies more if you don’t have reflux or pain. Might have just caught it late.

    I think stomach cancer can be really excruciating. I don’t know if it always is. Some cancers are more painful than others. I’ve heard that one can be rough.
    Here's an interesting stomach cancer fact.

    As many of half of Americans have a bacterium living in their stomach called H.Pylori. It is associated with issues such as reflux, hiatal hernia, and worst of all, stomach cancer. Having H.Pylori makes your chance of getting stomach cancer much more likely. I tested for it in 2018, and indeed I have H.Pylori.

    Unfortunately, the treatment program is a brutal 2 weeks on high powered antibiotics (causing nausea and vomiting, among other things) and PPI type meds (similar to Nexiium). I elected not to do the treatment because I'm in the unfortunate 1% who gets crippling anxiety from the usually well tolerated PPI meds. In fact, those meds turned out to be the main factor in my horrible anxiety/depression I got in 2018. So that's a no-go for me.

    Does this mean my chance of getting stomach cancer is higher? Yes. But my chance of getting esophageal cancer is actually LOWER. Strangely enough, H.Pylori has been found to prevent esophageal cancer. The mechanism of this is unknown.

    This has led to a lot of debate in medical circles whether you should treat H.Pylori at all if it's not causing any problems, as it's possible the upside could be greater than the downside. At the moment, it is believed that it's better to treat H.Pylori, but there are still some who feel the opposite.

    Stomach cancer kills a ton of people each year, but if you catch it early, you can stop it. It's not like pancreatic cancer, where the prognosis is much worse. If you are unexpectedly losing weight, having trouble swallowing, have an unexplained loss of appetite, or black/tarry stools, those are signs of it, though you're supposed to wait 2 weeks to see if symptoms persist, as all of these things can be temporary issues unrelated to cancer.

    I don't know if Toby could have caught it earlier. Some people just tolerate feeling shitty and don't go to the doctor until it's too late. Others go to shitty doctors and get misdiagnosed.

    It is highly likely that Toby Keith had H.Pylori living in his gut.

  19. #19
    Was he vaxxed?

      sonatine: chefs kiss

  20. #20
    Gold Cerveza Fria's Avatar
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    This was his best song
    En boca cerrada, no entran moscas

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