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Thread: Phil Galfond hires Hamas-loving Justin Bonomo as a Run It Once Coach, controversy follows

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    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Phil Galfond hires Hamas-loving Justin Bonomo as a Run It Once Coach, controversy follows

    Phil Galfond has hired Justin Bonomo to be a coach on his Run It Once Training site.

    This has likely been in the works for several months. In June, Galfond posted a bizarre defense of Bonomo's 2006 multiaccount cheating. Knowing that most people reading either weren't in online poker in 2006, or wouldn't remember the time period's norms well enough, Galfond attempted to rewrite history. He claimed that Bonomo's actions weren't considered cheating by the standards of the day (which was completely false).

    I objected and had short debate with Galfond about the matter.

    I see this question a lot.

    What @JustinBonomo did ~17yrs ago was nothing like what Jake and Ali did.

    This is true even if he'd done it in 2023, but when accounting for the landscape:

    It's like your grandpa being sexist in the 60s vs. you committing sexual assault today.

    (I know this is an odd and kind of ironic metaphor because Justin wouldn't have been sexist in the 60s ��but I couldn't think of a better one)


    I have hesitated to comment because nobody likes people who "stand up for cheaters," because I don't particularly feel like launching into research and a long thought-out post**, and because it wasn't a good thing that he did. (It's not good that your grandpa was sexist)

    [**Note: This is long but not well thought-out!]

    But I've seen this so many times, and those who weren't around poker back then and/or don't know the details misunderstand what happened.

    My point here isn't to defend Justin, who can handle himself, but to help us focus on the real bad actors who are fleecing the games, and in a way that lets the world know that these people aren't everywhere. So many comments come from people who think that Jake and Ali are two of a thousand like them. They are not.


    For those who just see the word "cheater" when they see Justin's name and don't know anything beyond that, here's my recollection:

    My view is that young Justin and others thought they found a way to multi-enter tournaments before multi-entry existed so that they could play more volume. There were not as many tournaments running online as today, so some high-stakes MTT saw it as an opportunity to get more volume in at $100 and $200 buy-in tournaments.

    There was no intent to card-share or collude with his other accounts in the large-field tournaments, and, in fact, Justin actively tried to make sure he couldn't do this.

    Again - not saying this was good, but his intent was to get more volume in without gaining an unfair advantage...

    Yes, being able to multi-enter when others can't is an advantage...

    You know what - as I write this, I know it still won't land with many because they weren't around back then when online poker was new.


    Let me just say: There were a lot of things that we understand today that we didn't in the early 2000s, and community discussion and consensus didn't happen at the same rate it does now.

    The point is - Justin didn't believe he was doing something bad at the time. That isn't all that counts, but it still counts. It's why I didn't believe he would do something like that again when he was finally welcomed back into the poker world.

    Even though Ali is relatively young, like Justin was, he knew what he was doing was extremely wrong. He knew that by colluding with up to half of the accounts at the same table(!) he gained an unfair and unbeatable edge.

    This is tantamount to theft, which was obvious even back in 2006.

    If you want to judge Justin for what he did back then, that's your right, but I'm tired of seeing Justin's acceptance back into the poker community used in the same sentence as people who aren't anywhere close to deserving of it.


    I respect Justin, but I didn't know him back in 2006. We've essentially never spent time together away from the poker table, and we don't communicate outside of Twitter. To be honest, I hang out with very few poker players away from the tables.

    When you see players who have been around a long time and are deeply integrated into the community speak up about specific instances of cheating and not others, it's not because we're all friends with each other.

    It's because we understand who the serious offenders are. The ones who will likely cheat again and need to be eradicated from the poker world.

    From my limited info, none of the other players on GG - even those who were banned - were on the level of Jake and Ali, who were truly robbing the games.

    As you guys know, I played a TON of online poker in the 2000s, and was very aware of the norms and standards of the time.

    While it was true that cash multiaccounting was not frowned upon very much (as long as you didn't sit at the table with yourself), it was VERY frowned upon to do tournament multiaccounting. Indeed, tournament multiaccounting is much worse. Not only are you violating the "freezeout" rules by having more than one entry, but you also have no control of where you sit, and can easily be placed with yourself.

    At the time, Bonomo took a LOT of shit for what he did, and rightfully so.

    I wondered at the time why Galfond was attempting to use his good name to soften the public attitude regarding Bonomo and his 2006 cheating. Now that it has been announced that Bonomo has been signed as a Run It Once coach, this makes sense.

    I'll refresh your memory as to why Bonomo has become especially controversial lately, and then I'll share Galfond's announcement.

    Read on...

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    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Justin Bonomo has long been left wing to the point of absurdity. He has even pissed off many fellow liberals, who feel he makes them look ridiculous.

    Bonomo is the stereotypical soy hyper-lefty male feminist. Even his pink hair is supposed to be some sort of weird statement of solidarity regarding women's issues.

    Bonomo has irritated the poker community by often claiming to speak for women in poker, despite being a man. A few years ago, he stated on Twitter that he "routinely sees microaggressions against women at the poker table", and blamed them for driving women out of poker. More absurdly, in 2022 he blamed Daniel Negreanu for driving women out of poker, stating that Negreanu's breaking of his own selfie stick after a bad beat (against another man) was "an act of violence" which scared women out of the game.

    None of these self-righteous statements landed well with the community at large, but Bonomo unapologetically stuck to his guns.

    Earlier this year, he went on a bizarre rant that all men who don't "try sucking dick" are somehow repressed:

    Prior to this fall, Bonomo was somewhat disliked for his holier-than-thou, condescending left wing political rants, as well as his 2000s reputation for multiaccounting. However, his rep REALLY took a hit this October when he reacted to the 10/7 Hamas attacks by aggressively blaming Israel.

    Among his daily rants against Israel (and notable refusal to sharply criticize Hamas), one particular tweet stood out. On November 8, he stated, "To this day I have not heard a suggestion of what Hamas should have done instead.... Until I hear that suggestion, I will not use my platform to condemn their resistance." He then added, "I haven't seen any credible evidence that there was more than one instance of rape from Hamas."

    Name:  bonomo-hamas.jpg
Views: 449
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    This particular tweet -- both defending the Hamas murders of 1400 Jews, PLUS denying that their rapes of Israeli women occurred -- enraged most people in poker. The rape remark ("I haven't seen any credible evidence that there was more than one rape") was especially offensive, given Bonomo's longstanding "believe all women" lecturing over the past 15 years.

    Many people called out Bonomo for this and other pro-Hamas tweets, and eventually he became very hated, even by many Democrat-voting poker players.

    Unfortunately for Galfond, he and Bonomo already had an agreement in theory to bring Bonomo to Run It Once! Uh oh! This caused Galfond to pause and discuss the matter with the other partners in the site as to whether they wanted to go forward with the impending Bonomo signing, which had not yet been announced.

    Galfond ultimately decided to sign him, and then released a long statement justifying it.

    I will post that statement in the next message...

  3. #3
    Bonomo is not a hamas lover he has retracted that tweet and has unequivocally written he is against hamas.
    just like i have , and i still get called antisemitic for trying to point out this collective punishment is wrong.

    what multiple are you happy with ? you want 50x to the 1200 killed on October 7th? or the exponential multiple doesnt matter to you?

    we are not antisemitic, we are against the IDF and those in power including here that are ok with killing 20000 kids to supposedly rescue 200 hostages .

    this is bullshit how everyone is saying they are feeling unsafe when its the Palestinians that are getting killed.

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    On December 22, Run It Once quietly announced the addition of Justin Bonomo and some other pros to their roster:

    This did NOT land well with a number of people, causing Galfond to post a long explanation the next day:

    It seems that people are demanding an explanation of why @RunItOnce’s big recent pro signing announcement includes Justin Bonomo.

    A few months ago, after a lot of planning and hard work, we were celebrating the most exciting series of coach signings in the history of Run It Once. I couldn’t wait for our members to see who we were bringing them to make videos.

    As we were planning this relaunch of our Elite program, war broke out in the Middle East, and one of our biggest new signings became extremely unpopular in the poker community as a result of his views on the conflict.

    We had more internal discussions on Justin than I care to admit. It became a big part of our meetings on the relaunch.

    We knew that some would react poorly to us signing him, and that some might even boycott our business. We knew it would distract from the otherwise very exciting news.

    In the end, we agreed on a few things:

    We are a poker training company. It’s not our job, nor are we qualified, to decide whose political views are right.

    It IS our job to hire the best poker players in the world to teach our members.

    We don’t want to terminate people’s contracts over political beliefs.

    I’ll say exactly one thing about Justin’s views:

    I firmly believe that he does not hate, or advocate hate towards, any race or religion, and that this should be obvious to anyone who’s followed him.

    Beyond that, I’m not planning to comment on Justin’s views. They aren’t my own - they’re his.

    We employ over 60 pros. I don’t endorse all of their opinions.

    What I do endorse, however, is that they’re excellent at teaching our members how to win at the poker tables.

    If you dislike one of those pros enough to take your business elsewhere, I respect that. I wholeheartedly support your right to vote with your wallet.

    I also support your right to voice your disapproval. I just want to clarify that I’m not ignoring your individual comments — this is my answer.

    I’m extremely proud of my team’s efforts to give our members the access to the brightest minds in the game.

    We’ve just brought on three of the top five players on poker’s All-Time Money List. (4/5 if you count old videos)

    Nobody else has *one* in the top ten.

    There’s a reason for that. It’s not easy!

    If you know me at all, you know that I don’t want my decisions to upset anyone. I’m sad that this one has.

    And our decision to keep Justin on in the face of the poker community turning against him may (or may not) hurt our business.

    But, I believe our members want us to give them the best product we possibly can, and I believe our staff and coaches deserve to not be censored or fired for their political views.

    At the end of the day, my responsibilities as a business owner are to them, and I believe we did what’s right.

    Galfond is very good at writing statements which can quell controversy and where he comes off reasonable and likable. This is definitely one of them.

    In fact, I don't even disagree with him. While I dislike Bonomo and think he's a complete assclown, I am not a fan of cancellation. Bonomo's vile views on the Hamas situation should not disqualify him from being able to coach poker. I understand not wanting to hire Bonomo for that reason, and not to buy his products, but I do not feel that Galfond should be pressured not to hire him. Otherwise, the same can be done for other people whose views are deemed by some to be "inappropriate" -- including my own.

    So I don't mind that Galfond hired Bonomo, but I hope it goes both ways. If a player with outspoken or outrageous right-wing views isn't hired by Galfond for that reason, then Galfond would be a hypocrite. As I believe Galfond to be on the left, I do not think he would hire a MAGA guy with a history of racist remarks, for example. And if that's the case, then Galfond also should keep away from hiring people like Bonomo, who justified Hamas' murders and denied their rapes. Unfortunately there's no way to be certain if Galfond would or wouldn't hire a right winger with outrageous views, so there's no way to comment on this.

    But I don't think Bonomo should be cancelled from any poker-related opportunities. I do not agree with doing this to anyone, unless they directly hurt poker (such as major cheaters or scammers).

    Bonomo's 2006 cheating shouldn't qualify him either, as it's been 17 years, and he hasn't been involved in any known cheating since. (At the same time, it's a lot of bullshit that Galfond is claiming it wasn't a big deal back then!)

    Did Bonomo speak out since the above statement by Galfond?

    Yes. And he's lying his ass off. Read on...

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    Here is Bonomo's statement:

    (Bolding is his, not mine. Text of above tweet shown below...)

    My stances on the Israel-Palestine conflict:

    TL;DR: Hamas is terrible. Antisemitism is horrific, widespread, and terrifying. The ethnic cleansing and endless bombing occurring in Gaza are also absolutely unjustifiable atrocities. The Palestinian people have been subjugated for 75 years. They deserve peace, opportunity, and the right to self determination.

    I wish I could say that I didn’t care what other people think. But it hurts deeply seeing some of the disgusting things people are claiming I’ve said or believe.

    Anyone who knows anything about me understands that I don’t hold back. I speak my mind, even when I know it will come back to hurt me. I have to be honest. I have to be authentically myself. Which is why it’s so perplexing that people are reading so much into what they think I might mean, or what they think I maybe haven’t said.

    I have one request for you: Please judge me for what I actually say, not what you’ve heard others speculate I believe or don’t believe. Here is what I actually believe:

    Hamas is obviously terrible. I have been very consistent about the fact that I want Hamas gone. They haven’t allowed an election since 2006. Their leaders have ranged from antisemitic to outright genocidal. There is corruption, greed, hypocrisy, and bloodlust. Their horrendous actions have been detrimental and dangerous, not only for the Israeli people, but also for the Palestinian people. I want them gone.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the actions of Hamas at the Nova Festival on October 7th were an unthinkable atrocity. Murdering and kidnapping civilians is a war crime, and I absolutely do not condone it. There were also rapes and other grotesque instances of sexual violence. I hope every perpetrator of those crimes gets what’s coming to them. There is NOTHING that can ever justify rape or sexual violence.

    Regarding the rapes, there is something I have been criticized for that I want to address. Much earlier on in the conflict, in what I thought would be buried deep in the replies of a smaller conversation, I told someone that I had personally only seen one account of rape (Witness S). I never expected (perhaps foolishly), that this comment would be taken out of context and broadcasted to a million people by Doug Polk. This was at a time when multiple major media outlets including the LA Times had deleted reports of rape after there was doubt about specific claims made by the Israeli police. Since then more evidence has come out and it seems very likely (source #1 - all sources will be shared at the end) that many rapes did occur.

    I want to be very clear that I have never refuted the accounts of any women. Since the conversation in question, UN workers, first responders and others have come forward with their stories, and I absolutely believe them. If anyone has come to doubt any accounts of rape in Israel or anywhere else because of anything I have said, I sincerely apologize.

    I will continue to do my best of being fact based, intellectually honest, and sincere, and I apologize for any mistakes I have made or will make in the future.

    The key point that I have been desperately trying to convey is this: None of what the IDF was claiming (which includes both lies and truths) could possibly justify any of the numerous, ongoing war crimes Israel has been committing.

    I just want peace for all, and I don't believe there is a single route to peace that doesn't involve giving the Palestinian people a safe home and the basic human right of self-determination.

    These are my stances. If you see someone claiming I believe anything counter to the above, I’d appreciate you sending them here ��

    In my next post, I will outline in great detail why I believe Israel is not acting primarily in self defense, as well as outlining, with sources, many of the war crimes they have committed.


    First and foremost, let me be clear that I believe everyone on the planet has a right to defend themselves. However, I believe Israel has gone egregiously far beyond self defense.

    I have endless empathy in my heart for the Jewish people. Antisemitism has been rampant for thousands of years. My own ancestors were most likely kicked out of Spain in 1492 after the Alhambra Decree. The holocaust is undeniably one of the most tragic events in all of human history. I am proud of my Jewish grandfather who fought in WW2 to defeat the Nazis. I completely understand why European Jews fled Europe with their families in the 1930’s and 1940’s, and I likely would have done the same if I were in their shoes.

    Unfortunately, no peaceful agreement has ever been reached between the Jews and the Arabs/Palestinians on how the land should be divided up. It’s understandable that there has been massive amounts of conflict, violence, and even hatred since.

    For the past 75 years, the Palestinian people have been systematically oppressed, never knowing peace, opportunity, or self-determination, and yes, as a result, they have violently resisted.

    What do I mean when I say they have been oppressed? A crippling blockade has prevented them from having any economic opportunity. The unemployment rate in Gaza was 46% before October 7th. In Hebron (West Bank, not Gaza), the illegal Israel settlers have thrown so much garbage on top of the Palestinians that they were forced to build metal nets over their homes and markets (source 2). 800,000 olive trees, an important economic crop, have been uprooted by illegal Israeli settlers in the West Bank. (source 3). Cement has been poured into wells in Gaza to limit access to clean water. 90-95% of water in Gaza (before the conflict, now it’s even worse) is contaminated and unfit for human consumption. Police turn blind eyes as armed Israeli settlers seize homes from Palestinian civilians living peacefully. Israel has detained 10,000 Palestinian children over the past 20 years, many illegally without trial. The number 1 charge against them was simply throwing stones. (source 4) These children have been severely mistreated. Israel claims they haven’t occupied Gaza since 2005, but the Arab world and experts on international law disagree. It is undeniable that Palestinians are treated like second class citizens at best.

    Many experts and human rights organizations have referred to Israel as an apartheid state. (source 5) Gaza has been referred to as an open-air prison by many as well including Human Rights Watch (source 6)

    Some people will make the claim that there was a ceasefire up until October 7th, and Hamas broke it. This is only partially true as Israel has consistently broken every ceasefire agreement more often, and with more deadly force than Palestine has. (sources 7 and 8) And not just a little more deadly, but they have killed 10 to 20 times as many people as they have lost during times of ceasefire. An article written on October 6th, one day before the attack from Hamas, showed that 2023 was already the deadliest year yet for Palestinian children targeted by Israeli forces (source 9)

    My heart broke on October 7th. Every single death that day was a tragic loss of life, and deep in the pit of my stomach I knew that the horrors were only just beginning. I did not speak out on October 7th, October 8th, or October 9th, because of course Israel was going to defend itself. Unfortunately what happened after that can not in good faith be categorized as self defense.

    It wasn’t long before the war crimes started piling up.

    At first it was the indiscriminate bombings that did not differentiate between civilian and combatant. Next, Israel ordered the forced evacuation of 1.1 million people from their homes, which UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric warned would have “devastating humanitarian consequences.” They had nowhere to go and certainly did not have the resources to do it safely. While this was happening Israel denied Egypt their international legal right to deliver food, water, and medicine to the citizens of Gaza. After two weeks of pressure from various human rights organizations, Netanyahu still did not relent. Only after a phone call from Biden did he finally start allowing Egypt to send a miniscule amount of aid. We saw a similar pattern with him cutting the internet and telecommunications in Gaza. Humans Rights organizations spoke out, Netanyahu ignored them, but then Biden made a phone call and the comms were immediately restored (for a time). Israel has also used white phosphorus as a chemical weapon, not only in Gaza, but also in Lebanon (source 10).

    Many will tell you this is just the cost of war, but it’s important to understand that this is not normal, even for war. Israel has killed a record breaking number of journalists and UN workers (source 11). There is nothing normal or forgivable about this. To put this in perspective, in the matter of weeks, Israel alone has killed more journalists than the entire number killed by any entity during all of World War II combined.

    Less than a month into the siege Israel dropped the equivalent of 2 Hiroshimas worth of bombs on Gaza. That number has grown tremendously since. Recent revelations have shown that these haven’t been targeted attacks, but “dumb bombs” or unguided bombs (source 12). Again this is not “warfare as normal”. Israel is breaking records for the most indiscriminate of conflicts. The death toll is over 20,000 with around 70% of the dead being women and children (source 13).

    “But it’s the only way to root out Hamas” they will say. Look, the IDF has made it clear that attacking Hamas is not their only intention. They have bombed refugee centers, schools, hospitals, ambulances, civilian homes, churches, clean water supplies, and even the very locations they told civilians it was safe to flee to (source 14). Israel has also bombed what they call “power targets” such as universities and banks, with the specific intention of exerting “civil pressure” on Hamas (source 15) - and yes, that is unequivocally a war crime.

    When I say “war crime” - let me be clear. I don’t mean an act of war. As much as I hate war, it is a legal activity. But the Geneva Conventions created a list of war crimes - acts which are never permissible, even in war. They include some obvious things like using nuclear weapons, and many of the above mentioned war crimes. Legally it is never permissible to commit war crimes, even if the other side has first. Whenever I have Tweeted about a war crime, plenty of people have come in to say, “But Hamas…” Look, I get it, you are hurt. You are scared. You are outraged. I am too! But there is nothing on this earth that could possibly justify all of these war crimes. I wouldn’t want to live in a world where responding to (real or alleged) war crimes with other war crimes is standard practice, would you?

    Let’s use shooting civilians as an example. The other day, an Israeli soldier shot and killed three shirtless Israeli-born hostages who were waving white flags. A white flag is the universal symbol of surrender, and it is a war crime to kill anyone who is surrendering (and in this case the people waving the flags weren’t even enemies. They were fellow Israelis who didn’t want to get shot by friendly fire). Please stop before you try and justify this. You don’t need to have a defense. It is simply wrong, and we should all be able to admit that.

    Perhaps the most basic and fundamental of all war crimes is collective punishment (source 16).
    Prime Minister Netanyahu, president Herzog, other Likud members, and IDF spokespersons have made it clear that they are not above collective punishment. Herzog said that there is no such thing as an innocent civilian in Gaza. Netanyahu has invoked Amalek (source 18) and has referred to Gazans as children of darkness (source 19). Israel’s Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant, said “Gaza won’t return to what it was before. We will eliminate everything.” (Source 20). IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari said “the emphasis is on damage, and not accuracy” (Source 21).

    So these are just words. But do their actions match up with genocide? The most qualified genocide experts in the world say it is. Read this incredibly powerful resignation letter from Craig Mokhiber. Seriously read it, he is so much better at this than I am (source 22)

    The devastation in Gaza is happening on an extremely widespread scale. Over 500,000 are in some stage of starvation, and over 1.8 million have been kicked out of their homes (aka ethnic cleansing). When you’re starving, your immune system is greatly weakened. UNICEF spokesperson James Elder said, “The perfect storm for disease has begun. Now it’s about ‘How bad will it get?” (source 23) I fear that we are only seeing the beginning of the suffering that these innocent civilians will have to endure.

    Many of you have probably heard the lie that Israel wants peace but Palestinians do not. I believe that Netanyahu is the single biggest detriment to peace in the middle east. But don’t take my word for it, take his. He has been fully open, both recently and a decade ago about how he is proud of sabotaging the Oslo Accords because he has never wanted peace (source 24). In fact, he even helped Qatar fund Hamas specifically because he wanted to destabilize and ruin Gaza (source 25).

    It’s important to understand that speaking out against Netanyahu is not anti-semitic. Over 80% of Israelis want him gone and blame him for the lack of safety in Israel. Jews understand more than anyone that Never Again Means Never Again For Anyone. Jews all over the world are protesting. The protests that I have attended in Vancouver were organized by a Jewish women’s group. We have seen groups of Jewish grandmothers and rabbis protesting in places such as Grand Central Station and in front of the White House. I am incredibly proud of my Jewish brethren standing up and speaking out for what is right in a time where it is so risky to do so. Don’t let anyone tell you for a second that speaking out against this genocide is hateful towards Jews. It is absolutely not. Every proud Jew understands how important it is to always stand against genocide, no matter who is on the receiving end.

    And it’s not just Jews, it’s the entire world. Three days ago the UN had a vote affirming Palestinian’s right to self determination. 172 nations voted in favor of it. 4 voted against - the US, Israel, Micronesia, and Nauru (Source 26). Before that, on December 9th, the UN security council voted on a ceasefire (UN ceasefires explicitly require the safe return of all hostages on both sides). The US was the ONLY country to vote against it (the UK abstained)(source 27). Please understand that the world sees how unfairly the people of Palestine are being treated, and they reject it. The US and Israel stand alone, in denial of the outrageous ongoing crimes against humanity.

    Yes, the attack on October 7th was vile and heinous. But it is important to understand that this conflict neither started, nor ended there. The Palestinian people have been grossly subjugated for 75 years. The collective punishment Israel has inflicted upon the Palestinian people since October 7th is completely disproportionate and unforgivable. It is unconscionable, and we must speak out for it to end.

    That is why I call for a unilateral #CeaseFireNow

    My message is always one of peace, never hate.


  6. #6
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    Bonomo is full of shit, and is now trying to claim he never meant what people said he meant.

    Rather than apologize for his statements, he's attempting to justify them, and blaming people like Doug Polk for taking him out of context.

    That is complete bullshit. Justin needs to own it.

    In his bullshit statement above, he said, "I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the actions of Hamas at the Nova Festival on October 7th were an unthinkable atrocity. Murdering and kidnapping civilians is a war crime, and I absolutely do not condone it."

    Complete lie.

    Once again, look at this November 8 tweet:

    Name:  bonomo-hamas.jpg
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    There is nothing out of context here. It is VERY CLEAR what Justin meant. He stated very clearly that he hasn't yet seen a better suggestion regarding what Hamas should have done instead of murder people, and that he won't use his platform to "condemn their resistance". You read that right. He's calling it "resistance" -- the intentional murders of 1400 Jewish civilians AND the rape/kidnapping of many more!

    You couldn't have been more clear, Justin.

    And what about the rapes? He blames Doug Polk for taking him out of context:

    Regarding the rapes, there is something I have been criticized for that I want to address. Much earlier on in the conflict, in what I thought would be buried deep in the replies of a smaller conversation, I told someone that I had personally only seen one account of rape (Witness S). I never expected (perhaps foolishly), that this comment would be taken out of context and broadcasted to a million people by Doug Polk. This was at a time when multiple major media outlets including the LA Times had deleted reports of rape after there was doubt about specific claims made by the Israeli police. Since then more evidence has come out and it seems very likely (source #1 - all sources will be shared at the end) that many rapes did occur.
    Again, there is nothing out of context here. Justin "Believe All Women" Bonomo refused to believe the firsthand account of rape from many Israeli women (and many other witnesses), and claimed that there was "only credible evidence of one rape". Incredibly disgusting and callous to say, especially from a supposed "feminist". Additionally, it's not like the rapes were in doubt at any time. Only extreme Hamas apologists were attempting to make the claim that "the Jews are making up rape stories". Anyone with the slightest bit of sense knew the rapes were real, and in fact Hamas was bragging about them after the fact.

    Justin does not apologize for his disgusting tweet in November, but instead seems to be blaming Doug Polk and other Twitter critics for misquoting him. Awful.

    He also is simply lying when claiming that he later became aware of more credible evidence that the rapes occurred.

    As recently as December 21 -- just THREE DAYS before his recent statement -- he still continued claiming that the rapes were "dubious":

    Name:  bonomo-hamas2.png
Views: 461
Size:  76.3 KB

    Bottom line:

    Bonomo doesn't care if Jewish civilians are targeted and murdered, as long as it's an "act of resistance".

    Bonomo the feminist doesn't care if women are raped, as long as they're Jewish women.

    Bonomo will not even stand by his own statements when called out on them, but instead blames Doug Polk for everything.

  7. #7
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Bonomo is full of shit, and is now trying to claim he never meant what people said he meant.

    Rather than apologize for his statements, he's attempting to justify them, and blaming people like Doug Polk for taking him out of context.

    That is complete bullshit. Justin needs to own it.

    In his bullshit statement above, he said, "I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the actions of Hamas at the Nova Festival on October 7th were an unthinkable atrocity. Murdering and kidnapping civilians is a war crime, and I absolutely do not condone it."

    Complete lie.

    Once again, look at this November 8 tweet:

    Name:  bonomo-hamas.jpg
Views: 449
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    There is nothing out of context here. It is VERY CLEAR what Justin meant. He stated very clearly that he hasn't yet seen a better suggestion regarding what Hamas should have done instead of murder people, and that he won't use his platform to "condemn their resistance". You read that right. He's calling it "resistance" -- the intentional murders of 1400 Jewish civilians AND the rape/kidnapping of many more!

    You couldn't have been more clear, Justin.

    And what about the rapes? He blames Doug Polk for taking him out of context:

    Regarding the rapes, there is something I have been criticized for that I want to address. Much earlier on in the conflict, in what I thought would be buried deep in the replies of a smaller conversation, I told someone that I had personally only seen one account of rape (Witness S). I never expected (perhaps foolishly), that this comment would be taken out of context and broadcasted to a million people by Doug Polk. This was at a time when multiple major media outlets including the LA Times had deleted reports of rape after there was doubt about specific claims made by the Israeli police. Since then more evidence has come out and it seems very likely (source #1 - all sources will be shared at the end) that many rapes did occur.
    Again, there is nothing out of context here. Justin "Believe All Women" Bonomo refused to believe the firsthand account of rape from many Israeli women (and many other witnesses), and claimed that there was "only credible evidence of one rape". Incredibly disgusting and callous to say, especially from a supposed "feminist". Additionally, it's not like the rapes were in doubt at any time. Only extreme Hamas apologists were attempting to make the claim that "the Jews are making up rape stories". Anyone with the slightest bit of sense knew the rapes were real, and in fact Hamas was bragging about them after the fact.

    Justin does not apologize for his disgusting tweet in November, but instead seems to be blaming Doug Polk and other Twitter critics for misquoting him. Awful.

    He also is simply lying when claiming that he later became aware of more credible evidence that the rapes occurred.

    As recently as December 21 -- just THREE DAYS before his recent statement -- he still continued claiming that the rapes were "dubious":

    Name:  bonomo-hamas2.png
Views: 461
Size:  76.3 KB

    Bottom line:

    Bonomo doesn't care if Jewish civilians are targeted and murdered, as long as it's an "act of resistance".

    Bonomo the feminist doesn't care if women are raped, as long as they're Jewish women.

    Bonomo will not even stand by his own statements when called out on them, but instead blames Doug Polk for everything.

    Bottom line (lol):

    Sibling Bonomo (not assuming gender obv) owns you cucks.

    Druff's bolded statements above are clumsy and dumb, per usual.

    Bottom line:

    You can hate Bonomo (indeed a huge faggot clown) and his politics without making idiotic, binary interpretations of what someone meant.
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

  8. #8
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    Never found myself worrying about what Justin Bonamao thinks about the conflict in the Middle East

      Tellafriend: lol

  9. #9
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    Bottom line (lol):

    Sibling Bonomo (not assuming gender obv) owns you cucks.

    Druff's bolded statements above are clumsy and dumb, per usual.

    Bottom line:

    You can hate Bonomo (indeed a huge faggot clown) and his politics without making idiotic, binary interpretations of what someone meant.

    Bonomo's November 8 tweet left no doubt as to what he meant. Nothing was ambiguous. Can you read his tweet and come up with any interpretation but the obvious?

    What about his December 21 post still claiming that he found all the rape claims "dubious"? I thought he saw the error of his rape-doubting ways long before December 21!

    Are you not smart enough to see that his Dec 24 statement was a weak spin job, presumably requested/ordered by Galfond?

  10. #10
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    Bonobo is the one who maintains multiple girlfriends at once, correct?

  11. #11
    Do jewish people ever tire of playing the victim card?

      donkdowndonedied: On occasion

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by RichardBrodiesCombover. View Post
    Do jewish people ever tire of playing the victim card?
    I also think it's over played.

    multiple players say they feel unsafe , David baker , ari Engle. when nothing has been done to them or the millions of jewish all around the world. more Palestinians have been killed in the west bank by settlers then jewish people all over the world since October 8th.

    i understand there is a rise in antisemitism, but i feel a big part of it is the victim mentality being played here while at the same time being ok with the IDF destroying palestine to the ground and not caring about Palestinian civilian life lost.

  13. #13
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    Everyone just needs to relax and stop worrying about what Justin Bonobo is saying about wars on Twitter

    Here is a piece of advice, do not worry too much about a man who would be afraid to fight a wars opinion about war

    Does that make sense to you?

  14. #14
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    You also need to realize Bonobo is a Born Loser and that becoming the All Time Money Leader at Tournament Poker still did not make him cool

    Think about that...very hard to not be cool and be in that position

    it is a naturally very cool thing to achieve, this is how you can tell he is a dork by nature

    The thing with a dork like Bonobo is that he does not even really mean what he says, he is just in a feedback loop fueled by other outcasts, geeks, and misfits that are basically just stroking each others egos

    "wow really deep wow hamas had no other options really good point very intellectual very focused on human rights"

    its just a bunch of dorks playing touch butt in the park

      tyde: +1
      ShawnFanningsLimpDick: Preach it Brother Pipes

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    Among his daily rants against Israel (and notable refusal to sharply criticize Hamas), one particular tweet stood out. On November 8, he stated, "To this day I have not heard a suggestion of what Hamas should have done instead.... Until I hear that suggestion, I will not use my platform to condemn their resistance." He then added, "I haven't seen any credible evidence that there was more than one instance of rape from Hamas."

    This particular tweet -- both defending the Hamas murders of 1400 Jews, PLUS denying that their rapes of Israeli women occurred -- enraged most people in poker. The rape remark ("I haven't seen any credible evidence that there was more than one rape") was especially offensive, given Bonomo's longstanding "believe all women" lecturing over the past 15 years.
    Uhm Todd, AFAIK there were not women talking about their rapes at the time. It was info passed down by whatever Zionist. There is a huge difference. If you're going to call him out for hypocrisy then at least don't twist it around even more.

    So what should the Palestinians have done where we would have actually seen Israel act on these issues? Lets put the current stuff aside. Can you answer, please? If you can mock him for his point then surely you can answer the question, no?

    However I have to agree that calling what they did as a "resistance" is quite sick. If you're going to point out how the IDF is targeting journalists and even their own hostages then one needs to clearly state how awful what Hamas did.

    Although lets be honest, I'm sure many of our own armed forces raped women while in war. That doesn't mean that US military raped women. If you disagree then I'd like to hear it.

    I'm pissed I'm paying for this baby bombing.

    Presumably this is true. If so - WOW. I've also noticed Zionists/Israel defenders have kinda went silent. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    I might have the rape timeline not straight as I'm not sure what had come out. It would be foolish to believe the Israeli government is going to be transparent and truthful. There has been a history of baby killing excuses for war. It happened during the Iraq war.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by donkdowndonedied View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    Among his daily rants against Israel (and notable refusal to sharply criticize Hamas), one particular tweet stood out. On November 8, he stated, "To this day I have not heard a suggestion of what Hamas should have done instead.... Until I hear that suggestion, I will not use my platform to condemn their resistance." He then added, "I haven't seen any credible evidence that there was more than one instance of rape from Hamas."

    This particular tweet -- both defending the Hamas murders of 1400 Jews, PLUS denying that their rapes of Israeli women occurred -- enraged most people in poker. The rape remark ("I haven't seen any credible evidence that there was more than one rape") was especially offensive, given Bonomo's longstanding "believe all women" lecturing over the past 15 years.
    Uhm Todd, AFAIK there were not women talking about their rapes at the time. It was info passed down by whatever Zionist. There is a huge difference. If you're going to call him out for hypocrisy then at least don't twist it around even more.

    So what should the Palestinians have done where we would have actually seen Israel act on these issues? Lets put the current stuff aside. Can you answer, please? If you can mock him for his point then surely you can answer the question, no?

    However I have to agree that calling what they did as a "resistance" is quite sick. If you're going to point out how the IDF is targeting journalists and even their own hostages then one needs to clearly state how awful what Hamas did.

    Although lets be honest, I'm sure many of our own armed forces raped women while in war. That doesn't mean that US military raped women. If you disagree then I'd like to hear it.

    I'm pissed I'm paying for this baby bombing.

    Presumably this is true. If so - WOW. I've also noticed Zionists/Israel defenders have kinda went silent. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    I might have the rape timeline not straight as I'm not sure what had come out. It would be foolish to believe the Israeli government is going to be transparent and truthful. There has been a history of baby killing excuses for war. It happened during the Iraq war.
    There were plenty of women who either witnessed the rapes or experienced them, and told their stories.

    Bonomo's comments about not seeing "credible evidence" of the rapes were made on November 8, and then again on December 21. Even by November 8, it was widely accepted that the rapes were both real and rampant, and only major anti-Semites and extreme leftists (but I repeat myself) said otherwise.

    Bonomo was essentially a mouthpiece for Hamas talking points, hence the nonsense about the attackers being "resistance fighters", and the rape denial.

    To answer your other question of "What could the Palestinians have done to get attention to their issues?", there were a lot of ways this could have been accomplished. For example, they overpowered a military outpost near the fence. They could have occupied that outpost and demanded attention to their gripes. Going over the fence to murder/rape/kidnap innocent civilians is never the answer. Not only is it brutal, murderous, and inhumane, but it also doesn't accomplish anything for their side, as it simply brings on retaliation rather than improvement. Is Gaza a better place today or on October 6? You know the answer.

    But the point was not to improve conditions in Gaza, and this was not a protest. This was a suicide mission to murder Jews. Hamas has always been open regarding their desire to see the Jewish people exterminated. This was a religiously-motivated attack, not a secular war over borders or living conditions.

  17. #17
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    Druff brother you make the mistake of believing a “guy” like Bonobo is arguing

    Brother he is preaching

    You must understand a “guy” like Bonobo sees himself as a deity that is placed upon earth to benefit the poor peasant he must explain everything to

    Brother you have some of these same qualities

    Same same but different

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by RichardBrodiesCombover. View Post
    Do jewish people ever tire of playing the victim card?

    Jewish people will stop playing the victim card when people stop persecuting them.
    En boca cerrada, no entran moscas

  19. #19
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Poker, sucking dick and the middle east.

    oy ve PFA

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by donkdowndonedied View Post

    Uhm Todd, AFAIK there were not women talking about their rapes at the time. It was info passed down by whatever Zionist. There is a huge difference. If you're going to call him out for hypocrisy then at least don't twist it around even more.

    So what should the Palestinians have done where we would have actually seen Israel act on these issues? Lets put the current stuff aside. Can you answer, please? If you can mock him for his point then surely you can answer the question, no?

    However I have to agree that calling what they did as a "resistance" is quite sick. If you're going to point out how the IDF is targeting journalists and even their own hostages then one needs to clearly state how awful what Hamas did.

    Although lets be honest, I'm sure many of our own armed forces raped women while in war. That doesn't mean that US military raped women. If you disagree then I'd like to hear it.

    I'm pissed I'm paying for this baby bombing.

    Presumably this is true. If so - WOW. I've also noticed Zionists/Israel defenders have kinda went silent. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    I might have the rape timeline not straight as I'm not sure what had come out. It would be foolish to believe the Israeli government is going to be transparent and truthful. There has been a history of baby killing excuses for war. It happened during the Iraq war.
    There were plenty of women who either witnessed the rapes or experienced them, and told their stories.

    Bonomo's comments about not seeing "credible evidence" of the rapes were made on November 8, and then again on December 21. Even by November 8, it was widely accepted that the rapes were both real and rampant, and only major anti-Semites and extreme leftists (but I repeat myself) said otherwise.

    Bonomo was essentially a mouthpiece for Hamas talking points, hence the nonsense about the attackers being "resistance fighters", and the rape denial.

    To answer your other question of "What could the Palestinians have done to get attention to their issues?", there were a lot of ways this could have been accomplished. For example, they overpowered a military outpost near the fence. They could have occupied that outpost and demanded attention to their gripes. Going over the fence to murder/rape/kidnap innocent civilians is never the answer. Not only is it brutal, murderous, and inhumane, but it also doesn't accomplish anything for their side, as it simply brings on retaliation rather than improvement. Is Gaza a better place today or on October 6? You know the answer.

    But the point was not to improve conditions in Gaza, and this was not a protest. This was a suicide mission to murder Jews. Hamas has always been open regarding their desire to see the Jewish people exterminated. This was a religiously-motivated attack, not a secular war over borders or living conditions.
    It is hard to believe the rape claims because of all the lies coming from Israel on social media (e.g. beheaded babies).

    I think Hamas did a strategic move. They attacked Israel knowing that Gaza would get carpet bombed and civilians would be killed in retaliation. Why? To get sympathy from the public. I have never seen such public support for Palestinians in my life.

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