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Thread: Hustler Casino Live - cheating by Robbi Jade Lew against Garrett Adelstein?

  1. #381
    Gold PositiveVariance's Avatar
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    As far as Nick V’s past business ventures, specifically the Real Estate seminar/courses - there are several complaints online. I’m not sticking up for Nick, but to be fair I think many people are judging Nick’s past business dealings based on the several negative complaints that are found online. Starting off, Real estate seminars are a very scammy industry.

    I will say that IF it was Nick’s practice to squeeze every dollar of available credit out of people’s credit cards, have them take home equity loans to the max, and use all their retirement income to pay the $20k-$60k fee for the course knowing deep down they are bound to fail, then I will say this is an absolutely horrible thing to do to people who can not afford it and a terrible and unethical business practice. As bad as this is, it doesn’t mean he is not fit to own and run an online poker stream. Also, from what has been brought up so far, nothing appears to be illegal about his past business practices. Unethical - yes. Illegal - doesn’t appear so, but time may tell.

    It’s been reported Nick had 30 Million in revenue for this real estate gig he did. If he pulled in that much revenue, but he only has a handful of complaints, then that is not that bad. In this type of investment, even if he did provide a good product that it has to be utilized properly by the customer for it to be profitable for them. You will always get people that don’t follow directions, then when it doesn’t work, will automatically think it’s a scam.

    Until I see more proof about Nick’s past business dealings, I’m not going to judge him unfairly.

    A side note... Keep in mind if he did bring in 30 million in revenue - a fraction of that actually goes into his pocket. He would have to have a huge sales staff, likely with many different levels of a highly skilled team. These sales people are paid very well, usually on a percentage basis of what was sold. It wouldn’t surprise me if commissions were 50% or more for the sales team for what was collected from the customer. They conducted these events in many cities. The advertising expense had to be massive. All in all - Did Nick pocket a very nice chunk of money? YES. However, it was nowhere near the amount of his generated revenue.

      JeffDime: Basically agree PV
    Last edited by PositiveVariance; 10-12-2022 at 12:47 PM.

  2. #382
    Platinum JeffDime's Avatar
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    First off, DGAF tweeted about Lauren really taking the scrutiny hard and the 2 finger move she did was about time banks. I figured there was an innocent explanation. Look, if something is on Twitter and seen by thousands of people, posting it here is just following the story. I wish they had said something right away to squash it. That was my point.

    The dealer was always going to be scrutinized in the most controversial hand in televised poker history. She seems universally loved, a great dealer & by all accounts a great person. But of course she was going to be looked at. Hopefully the explanation puts much of the theory she was involved to bed. On a human level, I really hope she is doing alright.

    There is something pervasive in our culture today. You take a position and anything you did or even are alleged to have done in your past, the person you may be defending did, or basically anyone you or the person you are defending has ever been associated with has ever done, is used to discredit your argument. I mean I have gotten, “How can you defend that Rapist”. Shit like that. Then I got to google and see what the person, if anything, was accused of doing. Typically it’s nonsense.

    It’s non-stop and infuriating. We all have a past and conflating mistakes, misdeeds or alleged mistakes or misdeeds is a mind bending clusterfuck that totally loses sight of what we may have been debating in the first place. I guess that’s the whole fucking point.

    So Nick’s prior business dealings, in my opinion, are not germane to the current Hustler controversy. I hate that he made his money doing Real Estate Seminars. I was disappointed when I learned that was where his money came from.

    The only connection from his prior business dealings and this current situation is the fact he did not run background checks. I watched an episode on Forensic Files where a door to door Magazine Salesman killed a woman when she caught him trying to rob her. He was an ex con and couldn’t get a better job.

    I have been on a sales floor and a number of these guys were total scumbags. There was a group of them that called themselves the “mind rapists”. But they could sell and that’s all that the company cared about. I’m speculating that having mostly salesman in his employ is why Nick didn’t do background checks. That is where he fucked up here. That’s the only connection I see.

    I think using Nick’s prior business dealings to attack him about this current situation is unfair. But this kind of controversy is gonna dredge up just about everything. But without Vertucci Real Estate Seminars, there probably never even would of been Hustler Casino Live.

      PositiveVariance: +1
      Sanlmar: Nicky meet Chrissy

  3. #383
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    Quote Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    As far as Nick V’s past business ventures, specifically the Real Estate seminar/courses - there are several complaints online. I’m not sticking up for Nick, but to be fair I think many people are judging Nick’s past business dealings based on the several negative complaints that are found online. Starting off, Real estate seminars are a very scammy industry.

    I will say that IF it was Nick’s practice to squeeze every dollar of available credit out of people’s credit cards, have them take home equity loans to the max, and use all their retirement income to pay the $20k-$60k fee for the course knowing deep down they are bound to fail, then I will say this is an absolutely horrible thing to do to people who can not afford it and a terrible and unethical business practice.
    PV, they most likely maxed out ever cent they could. You probably know this, but this part of the pitch is called the “Probe”. Which is a fitting name because it comes with a big dick in the ass when it comes time to close the sale. The probe typically comes at the time in the pitch where the salesman has established trust. So they would say something to the effect “if you are going to be a real estate investor, then we should get a good idea of your credit”.

    How many credit cards do you have? Ok and what’s the limit on each Visa? How much credit have you used? The salesman will write this out pretending he is trying to help the consumer, but in effect this is the information that will determine exactly what services & at what price point will be pitched. If the person is broke & maxed out, the pitch will be expedited real fast. Many times someone will pay a fraction of another for the same exact “service”.

    Those that have a lot of credit will then be treated to the upsell. But it will most likely be disguised as a service they already paid for. “So is Tuesday at 4:30 a good time for us to meet about blah blah blah?”. Well Tuesday about 5:15 that person is in for a big surprise when the “teacher” says “what we just spoke about is $4,995, will you be using the Visa starting with 4 (All Visas start with 4 LOL).” The person will be shocked and upset but just like in poker will feel pot committed. It’s ugly.

    Anyways, the thing with Nick is it’s recency. Nick is in his 50s. This is not a business he had decades ago. This shit just happened. We all fuck up everyday. But it’s tough to square this all up knowing it was basically run up until the pandemic.

      PositiveVariance: This is definitely messed up if this is what he was doing, which is likely.
    Last edited by JeffDime; 10-12-2022 at 03:28 PM.

  4. #384
    Gold PositiveVariance's Avatar
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    Nick did make a little “slip” on Joeys show. As with most states, Polygraph test can’t be given to employees in CA, except in very select fields (Law enforcement, armored car driver, ect.). However, an employee can volunteer. I know Nick hired a legal team but he did slip up... He was talking about how an employee would have to voluntarily take the polygraph (which is true). Then right after that he said something to the effect of them being “At Will Employee’s”. This is true. In California you can fire or “let an employee go” and you do not need to give a reason. However, the reason can not be discriminatory in nature, (age, sex, religion, skin color, ect.). Also things such as disability and termination due to injury from on or off the job related injury. Nick definitely slipped up when he brought up California being an “At will state”, in the very NEXT sentence after he mentioned the polygraph text being optional. If any employee is let go after this for refusing to submit to a polygraph - definitely consult an attorney.

      JeffDime: Anyone who is enjoying PV masterful work, make sure to check out his art in the Chrissy thread as welll.
    Last edited by PositiveVariance; 10-12-2022 at 03:29 PM.

  5. #385
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Who is beanz in this affair?

    Nick’s partner?

      PositiveVariance: He was once the prime suspect in one of the Bellagio armed robberies.

  6. #386
    Platinum JeffDime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanlmar View Post
    Who is beanz in this affair?

    Nick’s partner?
    San, I don’t believe Nick & Beanz have any kind of relationship. Beanz is basically a stone degen (By his own admission) who has been around poker for a while. He played on Max Pain Mondays a time or two. Seems like he got Robbi into the game at Hustler. Beanz said the 20K he torched last time he played was from the loan from Robbi.

    Don’t think there is any link between Beanz & Nick. The PPP scam Beanz pulled was supposedly from a dormant non-profit Beanz had set-up a few years ago that never raised a wooden nickel. Feldman sets up the games. Nick may get a few of his buddies in them but he stays mainly on the business side.

      PositiveVariance: I really hope if he comes on Joey’s pod again, he will be asked, “How did you get the name Beanz?”

  7. #387
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    A side note:
    Some of you may know about this...
    Julie Yorn was on Joey’s stream last night with Robbi at times. Julie is a movie producer. Julie says that she played with Robbi off stream shortly before the J4 incident. Anyway, Julie says Robbi comes to the table and announces she’s buying in for $5,000. She goes all in on her first hand before chips arrive and before she pulls out any cash. She has 88 vs unknown hand. Robbi wins the hand. Robbi runs her stack up to 20k but never takes out any cash. Julie ask Robbi, “Your 5k begins right?” Robbi says no. Eventually the rest of the table backs Julie and then Robbi changes her story saying that she borrowed it from someone at the table. After getting caught in her 2nd attempted lie/free role, she eventually takes out 5k (crumpled up as Garrett put it lol). She eventually lost all her chips and leaves.

    Last night on Joeys pod, Julie confronts Robbi with this. Robbi says it never happened. Julie also says Robbi was hammered and maybe doesn’t remember it since she drank to much.

    Anyway, Julie gets discouraged and gets off the stream. Joey felt bad and got her back on after Robbi ended her call. They start talking about some of the movies she produced and she said she is the current producer on the Phil Ivey/Kelly Sun film, which I thought was interested since she is involved in poker.

    Hopefully she can make a Garrett/Robbi J4 movie, at the very least a documentary. She said an ending to this is needed to make it a movie/documentary. I agree, I think a definitive answer that she cheated or convincing proof that she didn’t cheat to make a project out of it. I don’t think it would be a good film with no “ending”. Half the poker community thinking one way and the other half thinking the other way.

      JeffDime: PV edit post delete should be an option for post below. Robbi was awful to Julie. Julie is a sweetheart. She’s lucky she’s not gonna get blackballed.
    Last edited by PositiveVariance; 10-12-2022 at 04:42 PM.

  8. #388
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  9. #389
    Bronze turdzilla's Avatar
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    Hustler Casino is being distracted by this circus and should shut the show down.

    They are probabally negociating an exit.

    Is Commerce their next stop?

    At least Stones immediately put theirs out of its misery.

  10. #390
    Platinum JeffDime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by turdzilla View Post
    Hustler Casino is being distracted by this circus and should shut the show down.

    They are probabally negociating an exit.

    Is Commerce their next stop?

    At least Stones immediately put theirs out of its misery.

    JFC. It’s getting really really ugly out there. May have to start streaming Vertucci Real Estate Webinars soon.

  11. #391
    Bronze Daniel72's Avatar
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  12. #392
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Yeah I do wonder how much Hustler is going to tolerate all of this controversy. Definitely doesn't make them look good, especially because so many people erroneously believe Hustler Casino Live and Hustler are the same company (they aren't).

    So when people hear about an employee stealing $15k off a player's stack, they immediately think Hustler's employees are crooked. When they hear about suspicion of insider cheating on Hustler Casino Live, they immediately think that they'll get cheated if they play at Hustler. They say "any publicity is good publicity", but not when it comes to shit like this.

    If this doesn't resolve soon enough in Hustler's favor (and not just from being exonerated by HCL's own lawyers), they might indeed send HCL packing.

      ReformDorm: Yeah heard that same take from a few people as well. This is definitely not making Hustler Casino look good at all. I predict HCL will be sent packing soon.

  13. #393
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Yeah I do wonder how much Hustler is going to tolerate all of this controversy. Definitely doesn't make them look good, especially because so many people erroneously believe Hustler Casino Live and Hustler are the same company (they aren't).

    So when people hear about an employee stealing $15k off a player's stack, they immediately think Hustler's employees are crooked. When they hear about suspicion of insider cheating on Hustler Casino Live, they immediately think that they'll get cheated if they play at Hustler. They say "any publicity is good publicity", but not when it comes to shit like this.

    If this doesn't resolve soon enough in Hustler's favor (and not just from being exonerated by HCL's own lawyers), they might indeed send HCL packing.
    Did you see Robbi and her latest tweet from a few hours ago? She has new information she claims which she will give us Thursday sometime when she leaves Vegas.

    There is also an old video clip of her on a game show from 2010. Her name then was Rabbia Hussein and her identical twin is in the audience. Her name is Samia. Robbi looks so much better then. No plastic surgery on her face and she talks differently as well. It's weird to say but she sounds like a normal woman back then.

    Fast forward to now and what the hell happened to her?

  14. #394
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    Someone came up to me during the 2022 WSOP and told me this exact story.

    Here is Ryan's full response, from 2+2:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Feldman
    1. He didn’t move to LA til 2017

    2. He wasn’t some professional grinder who moved up in stakes by crushing the game. He came from a non-poker background.

    3. He was not staked back then. Is not staked now. He’s always had money to my knowledge. But was new-ish to live poker, was still learning, and there weren’t good bigger games than 5/5 at the time unless it was on the show.

    4. He has always played the same more or less. I remember playing with him when he was new to LA in 5/5 and 5/10 and he’s always been rather wild and creative. It’s hard to play that crazy in smaller capped games though. Ask some bike 5/5 and 5/10 regulars from 2017 and they’ll tell you.

    5. I have no clue how much he won or lost back then on stream but he definitely didn’t crush it as far as I remember. I do remember he went on a 1-2 month heater at one point. “Full
    God mode and crushed it” is LOL. I wish someone would go look. I remember one ante game where he lost 60k alone.

    6. He started playing the show before I knew him well. I gave him a shot in smaller games and he proved that he was good for the show, so he started playing the ante game after we started running that, and he was quickly a popular player. We became friends after that.

    7. We were roommates for about a year because I liked the building he lived in and I wanted to get out of the place I was in with some other poker players I knew from the east coast in an area I wasn’t enjoying. I liked living in a place with a gym and being near KBBQ restaurants.

    8. I was “losing heavily and in significant debt”? Lol. I remember one short period where I ever borrowed/owed anyone money. I’ve never been in significant debt in my life. Even if I downswinged hard, I was getting paid from latb and propping so I was always fine.

    9. I was not “removed”. Anyone telling you that is lying for some reason, probably for their own agenda. I quit because I didn’t get along with the other owners, particularly one owner who thought becoming an owner meant he gets to play in the juicy games I was organizing. When I didn’t let him because the recs didn’t want to play with him, he revolted by spreading rumors and talking **** about me, some of which was probably fed to you thru the grapevine. If any of it was true, why didn’t any owner ever put it out public? Cuz it was 0% true and it was done out of pure jealousy. I explain this more or less in some of the podcasts I did. I have the emails saved of my withdrawal notice and their emails begging me to stay by offering me more money after I gave them ultimatums. Anyone saying I was “removed” is a straight liar.

    I never hid any of this. Only they did. Cuz they were scared to tell people that they let me quit cuz they knew I was the main force in keeping their show relevant. If any bit of it was true, if they actually believed I was “removed” for any reason, they would’ve publicized it. But it was all lies so they stayed quiet cuz they knew their show would go downhill once people knew I was gone.

    Literally ask me anything. I have zero to hide. But I’m not gonna let someone post straight up lies about me on a public forum.

    Don't know what to believe here.

    I will say that I was at the home of a poker pro (no, I won't name him) who plays on those high stakes apps. This was like a month ago, probably a few weeks before the Robbi fiasco. I saw the app results from that day, and a player named "Ryan Feldman" was down a shit ton of money from that day alone. It was a high stakes game. I asked the guy, "Is that actually Ryan Feldman, or just someone using his name?", and he said it was really Ryan. So dude definitely gambles it up, provided this guy was right about it being Ryan (which he probably was). I did not bother to ask how Ryan did overall in the game long term, because I didn't really care at the time.

  15. #395
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    Robbi goes off on Juli Yorn (a movie producer who has appeared on Hustler Casino Live before), after Julie had told a story (repeated by Garrett) alleging that Robbi had acted shady at the Bicycle Casino involving a $5k shortbuy:

    Go to 3:14:30

  16. #396
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReformDorm View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Yeah I do wonder how much Hustler is going to tolerate all of this controversy. Definitely doesn't make them look good, especially because so many people erroneously believe Hustler Casino Live and Hustler are the same company (they aren't).

    So when people hear about an employee stealing $15k off a player's stack, they immediately think Hustler's employees are crooked. When they hear about suspicion of insider cheating on Hustler Casino Live, they immediately think that they'll get cheated if they play at Hustler. They say "any publicity is good publicity", but not when it comes to shit like this.

    If this doesn't resolve soon enough in Hustler's favor (and not just from being exonerated by HCL's own lawyers), they might indeed send HCL packing.
    Did you see Robbi and her latest tweet from a few hours ago? She has new information she claims which she will give us Thursday sometime when she leaves Vegas.

    There is also an old video clip of her on a game show from 2010. Her name then was Rabbia Hussein and her identical twin is in the audience. Her name is Samia. Robbi looks so much better then. No plastic surgery on her face and she talks differently as well. It's weird to say but she sounds like a normal woman back then.

    Fast forward to now and what the hell happened to her?
    Can you post a link to this?

  17. #397
    Bronze Daniel72's Avatar
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    The latest Robbi interview in Joes livestream was total chaos - kindof entertaining, but a little bit disappointing. They could have asked her more and better questions.
    The producer story is not really relevant, they could have used the time more productive.
    Winner of the $555 freeroll

  18. #398
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    Robbi’s tweet. Lol “Confidential Results”. You just can’t make this up. Let me guess, she passed a lie detector test that her “team” advised her was the best.

    How she treated Julie was really gross to see and is another big stain on her character. Julie seems like a really smart and nice person. Good thing she’s not going to blackball Robbi. I wonder if Robbi knew she was a producer when she starting attacking her. My guess is probably not.

    Haralabob & Joey did what they could with her. She is going to talk in circles and say nonsense. Whether it’s a strategy to ambiguous or she’s total batshit I don’t know. My guess it’s a combo of both. She’s loving the fame & attention.

      JoeD: Yes, she probably passed her own test lol

  19. #399
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ReformDorm View Post
    Did you see Robbi and her latest tweet from a few hours ago? She has new information she claims which she will give us Thursday sometime when she leaves Vegas.

    There is also an old video clip of her on a game show from 2010. Her name then was Rabbia Hussein and her identical twin is in the audience. Her name is Samia. Robbi looks so much better then. No plastic surgery on her face and she talks differently as well. It's weird to say but she sounds like a normal woman back then.

    Fast forward to now and what the hell happened to her?
    Can you post a link to this?
    No video, but I found this on GettyImages. Notice she is credited as being from Orinda, CA; I saw some recent articles said Robbie is originally from Orinda, CA.

    Name:  Rabia Hussain.jpg
Views: 308
Size:  200.6 KB

    Heres a link to more images from that Downfall show:

      JeffDime: +1

  20. #400
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    approx. 20 min mark

    courtesy two + two

      JeffDime: +1
      Sanlmar: Early signs of narcissism

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