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Thread: Hustler Casino Live - cheating by Robbi Jade Lew against Garrett Adelstein?

  1. #121
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    I'll be honest, guys. I went from thinking this was like 55-60% cheating when the story broke, to about 20% cheating/80% innocent at this point.

    Most new things I learn seem to break in her favor.

    I saw Doug Polk's latest video on her. While I respect Doug and usually agree with him, I didn't like his conclusions here. I thought he was way off with several things.

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. We are not seeing such evidence here. In fact, we aren't seeing evidence at all -- just a weird play which is hard to explain. The rest is all wild speculation.

    Don't compare this to Postle, where we had 18 months of footage to consult, and we found loads of suspicious material. This was ONE hand, and her other play (both during the stream and during other sessions off-stream) seems to indicate a player who will sometimes make weird (and often bad) hero calls if she thinks you've been pushing her around.

    I'm going to take a lot of statements made by the community, and give my response to them below.


    "She couldn't have made that jack-high-no-draw call all-in for another $100k unless she was cheating!"

    FALSE. People make stupid and ill-advised plays all the time. I can't tell you how many absolute nonsense calls I've seen over my 22 years of playing poker, where I'm left scratching my head how these people could have possibly thought their hand had a chance. In one case, I was actually called by the 3-2 nut low on the river!! This was a horrendous play, and it's a fluke that it ended up being profitable. However, this doesn't necessarily mean she was cheating. As has been pointed out many times, calling there still only gives her 47% equity. If you can see the cards (or are getting signals from someone who can), you almost surely pick a better spot.

    "Giving the money back is an admission of guilt."

    FALSE. She stated that they were playing such high stakes that $135k could easily be won back at such an aggressive, high-stakes, deep-stacked game, so therefore it wasn't a big deal. While that's absurd reasoning to return $135k that you rightfully won, I think she was legitimately scared that she was going to be humiliated "in front of millions of people" (supposedly Garrett's words), and possibly banned from returning to the game if she didn't. I think Robbi was delusional that she was a hand-reading genius after that hand, and felt like it was worth $135k to protect her spot in the game (and possibly her rep, as well). But what about the fact that she was at least 50% staked, and possibly 100% staked? I'm guessing she thought she was making an executive decision which was +EV for the long run, perhaps even just to increase her profile in poker.

    "She clearly doesn't need the money, so she never would have cheated!"

    FALSE. She was at least 50% staked here. Anyone getting staked for a game doesn't feel the money is trivial, even if they can be pretty easily bullied into returning $135k they just won! Clearly if she "didn't need the money", she wouldn't be staked at all. That's not to say this is evidence of cheating, but this entire line of reasoning should be thrown out.

    "She thought she had J3, since she had that the hand right before, and believed she was calling with a pair of 3s."

    PROBABLY FALSE. She checked her hand several times before making that $100k call. It is likely she knew she had J4. Yes, it's possible she checked and her brain kept seeing J3 when her eyes saw J4, but I don't buy that. Usually such mistakes happen when you DON'T check your hand again, and your brain farts into thinking the previous hand is the current one. I've had that happen before, especially when tired, but I've never had it occur when I check my hand again! I feel it's just a coincidence that she had J3 the hand before. Note that, when questioned right after the hand, she never once said she thought she had J3. When questioned during the hand, she outright said she didn't have a 3. Obviously table talk doesn't mean a ton, and it's possible she was covering for misreading her hand, but I really don't believe the J3 explanation.

    "Her explanations for why she made that play have never made any sense, and are often contradictory."

    TRUE -- BUT MAYBE NOT SIGNIFICANT. Indeed, none of her explanations of the play make any sense. The closest thing we get to what might have been the truth was her very early claim that she had the "blocker" to one of Garrett's possible hands (J8 clubs or JQ clubs), because she was holding the jack of clubs. It is possible that this led her to believe he's probably not pulling this aggro move with a draw which also beats her at showdown, and that he was more likely to have worse than jack high at the moment if he had a draw. While this isn't good reasoning to spew off 100k with jack high no draw (and no kicker!), it's actually believable that a novice player would think this is a correct application of an advanced concept (blockers). Given that she seemed to feel Garrett was always pushing her around, she probably talked herself into thinking she might be good -- and amazingly she was. Regarding the contradictory explanations, I think this was out of embarrassment, or perhaps her feeling that the truth would look worse than a lie (as far as cheating allegations go).

    "There was a clear vibration shown before she folded another hand after thinking awhile."

    PROBABLY FALSE. There was some kind of shaking going on, but people don't sit like statues at the poker table. It could easily have been nervous motion. Doug Polk points out that the "vibrating" stops when she makes the decision, but that's because the hand is over, and so is the decision. This so-called "vibration" means nothing.

    "She made a weird tank with J8-high against Garrett earlier, when he had Q4 and a boat. She even used a time chip to take extra time."

    TRUE. However, this could be another attempt at a crazy hero call and bluff catch. You cannot conclude that she was waiting for a signal that it was okay to fold.

    "Her friend Rip/Jacob, who is staking her, admitted he his buddies with someone who works at Hustler Casino Live, and named the person."

    TRUE. However, it's hard to believe he would volunteer this, if this was his "in" to knowing the holecards.

    "Garrett never asked for the money back."

    PROBABLY FALSE. Both Matt Berkey and Nick Vertucci claim that Ryan told them that they overheard Garrett suggesting she give the money back as a way to "make it right".

    "Robbi is known for a playstyle where she makes nonsensical loose calldowns when she thinks a man is pushing her around at the table.."

    TRUE. See the tweet below from Ben Moon, who played her at a WSOP $1500 shootout table heads up:

    Continued next post...

      JeffDime: Great stuff Druff.

  2. #122
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    "Ryan Feldman and Nick Vertucci have too much to lose to participate in a cheating scandal like this. And if they did cheat, they'd have picked a better player/spot to do the cheating."

    TRUE. Both of these guys are way too smart to cheat this way (using a novice who makes a dumb play which grabs attention). They have a great thing going with Hustler Casino Live. It's extremely far-fetched to think they'd recruit a novice player to help them steal from Garrett, and risk everything while doing so. It's almost 100% they're not involved.

    "It is impossible to hack the RFID reader or communications back to Hustler's control room."

    FALSE. If there's communications between the table and the control room, then it's possible to be hacked or sniffed. I'm not saying it's easy, but for big money like this, it could easily be worth doing for would-be thieves. With that said, you can't just default to believe something was hacked when you see a single unorthodox play, no matter how stupid it seems.

    "An investigation will likely get to the bottom of this, but we just have to wait some time."

    FALSE. It will be nearly impossible to prove innocence, as there's tons of ways cheating COULD have happened (even as simple as someone seeing Garrett's holecards and signaling her), so you can't rule everything out. That's the problem when you're facing an allegation like this. You can't really prove innocence -- only the absence of proof of guilt. And even if she's guilty, unless they uncover what was done, they will not be able to prove anything. Furthermore, as it appears Hustler will be paying the bills of those investigating (both a law firm and an outside data security firm), they also control which information gets released, and which directions the investigations go. Such an investigation is useless unless it is directed by a neutral, respected community member.

    "Robbi is clearly a dumb idiot, so she couldn't have engaged in an elaborate cheating scam."

    FALSE. Being bad at poker doesn't mean you're a dumb idiot. There are many very smart people who would suck at poker, even with training, and other not-so-smart people who are natural savants at poker. I have seen that she earned a double degree from a University of California school, and did indeed work in the biotech industry for well over a decade. This is not a dumb woman. She is just trying to plunge herself into an unfamiliar world, and unfortunately she has made a name for herself for all the wrong reasons.

    "She has won all 3 times on the stream, including over $100k another session. Like Postle at Stones, she never seems to make the wrong move."

    FALSE. I saw some pretty bad calls on the river for decent money, which anyone else could easily fold without the slightest suspicion. One was a call with 55 on a 89TJ board. The other was an overcall with 92 on a A8986 board, when facing a bet/call ahead of her. While these calls could have been "cover" in order to appear she actually can't see cards, they would more indicate someone who simply is always suspicious she's being bluffed, and can't lay down hands.

    "Garrett wouldn't put his reputation on the line if he wasn't sure of this. Garrett is a better player than the rest of us, so if he says he was cheated and puts everything on the line to assert that, we have to believe him."

    IRRELEVANT. Garrett is human. He was both suspicious of the hand AND angry at her needling him afterwards. Despite his mind-mannered persona and zen-like attitude, Garrett seems quite ego-driven, and seems to see himself as the "star" of these livestream poker shows. I believe the power went to his head, and he felt as if he had the right to pressure Ryan to pull Robbi out of the game, and let him question her. Once she was in the hallway with him, he felt he had the right to demand the money back, being sure he was cheated. Garrett was not looking at this rationally, but rather felt like he was both cheated and laughed at by the swindler. Hopefully with some time to cool down, he will realize his mistakes and return the money.

  3. #123
    Gold PositiveVariance's Avatar
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    Doug Polk is outta line saying “90% that she cheated”.

    He is caught up on this vibration shaking her entire midsection as well as her chair (Putting aside it most likely being her shaking her leg) we are in 2022, you can’t tell me IF she was cheating, they could not come up with a better way besides vibrating her entire fucking torso. Something as simple as a mild vibration in the sole of her foot would work.

    I still believe there is less than 1% chance of cheating.

    Druff, Joey did mention you on today’s stream (Day 3) and briefly brought up your research about Hendon Mob.
    Last edited by PositiveVariance; 10-02-2022 at 03:20 AM.

  4. #124
    Gold PositiveVariance's Avatar
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    Prior to Charles Lew (Robbi’s husband) making all the legal threats against Garrett, I would have said Garrett may possibly return the funds within a couple days. After the threats, I think this changes things as Garrett will use that money as leverage as part of any future negotiations.

  5. #125
    Serial Blogger BeerAndPoker's Avatar
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    Her turn min raise is one of the worst lines a player cheating can take. It's the biggest issue I'm having with this thing.

    This might be the craziest poker scandal we've seen for the reason that we are a few days in and all information is pure speculation conclusions.

    We all will walk away learning a lot from this outcome whether she is innocent or guilty. The learning might be if third party shit was involved how it was done or how these pro poker players are just not capable of realizing donks gonna donk.

      PositiveVariance: Donks gonna Donk rep

  6. #126
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Poker Twitter turning pretty hard against Robbi tonight, during Chicago Joey's broadcast.

    I just don't see it. Sure, there were some odd things, and we definitely can't rule out cheating. I think it's far from the most likely conclusion.

    Again, remember this was just ONE HAND, and there's not even a good piece of circumstantial evidence regarding how it was supposedly done.

    I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone. So many assumptions being made as if they're fact, when they're far from it.

  7. #127
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Doug Polk is outta line saying “90% that she cheated”.

    He is caught up on this vibration shaking her entire midsection as well as her chair (Putting aside it most likely being her shaking her leg) we are in 2022, you can’t tell me IF she was cheating, they could not come up with a better way besides vibrating her entire fucking torso. Something as simple as a mild vibration in the shoe of her foot would work.

    I still believe there is less than 1% chance of cheating.

    Druff, Joey did mention you on today’s stream (Day 3) and briefly brought up your research about Hendon Mob.

    Can you tell me at which point I was mentioned? Like approximately at what time PDT?

  8. #128
    Gold PositiveVariance's Avatar
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    I started watching the show at 25 mins in. I want to say it was within 20 mins of that. So Maybe around the 45 minute mark. It is when he is watching Doug Polks video and Polk brings up Robbi’s Hendon Mob. If you fast forward and watch for the Hendon Mob results on the screen maybe the best way to find it.

  9. #129
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    I guess it doesn’t let you go back on a live video if you have restarted it.
    Now I’m wondering when it said “-25:00” if that is how long I was watching for.

    Anyway, just look for the Hendon Mob results when he’s watching Polks shaking chair video.

  10. #130
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    Some anonymous guy was messaging Joey, who didn't seem to fully understand what was being told to him.

    This individual noticed some peculiarities regarding Robbi's jacket, which are definitely worth examining.

    He notes that Robbi's jacket was on her chair for a lot of the stream, including during the J4 hand. However, sometime after the J4 hand, the jacket vanishes entirely, and then shortly after the jacket reappears on her lap, there seems to be a "rectangular bulge" in her leggings which wasn't there before. The anon theorizes that she was worried the jacket would be searched, so she hid the device "in the one place they couldn't search or demand to look into -- her pants!"

    Indeed, upon re-examining the stream, I noticed the oddities with the jacket.

    At 2:11:45, during the J4 hand, you can see the jacket is on the chair:

    Name:  robbi-021145.png
Views: 868
Size:  980.5 KB

    Then at 4:24:01, she has her jacket around her arms only:

    Name:  robbi-042401.png
Views: 756
Size:  1.14 MB

    Just 4 minutes later, at 4:28:35, she has the jacket back on, and notes that it's cold in the room.

    Name:  robbi-042835.png
Views: 821
Size:  949.6 KB

    At around 4:36:00, you can see her start to take off the jacket. You see her next at 4:38:01, and the jacket is completely off and missing. However, she does not leave the table, as you can hear her voice in those 2 minutes talking to the guys about giving the money back to Garrett.

    Name:  robbi-043801.png
Views: 807
Size:  946.2 KB

    The jacket is back on the chair, and the "bulge" is seen at 5:44:03

    Name:  robbi-054405.png
Views: 724
Size:  1.13 MB

    Okay, that bulge is a bit suspicious, but this guy's theory (that she transferred the device from her jacket to her pants) doesn't make a lot of sense. She isn't seen leaving the table at any point during all of this, so how did she do the transfer? Under the table? And how come nobody saw her doing it, including the camera?

    I don't know where the disappearing/reappearing jacket went for that hour or so (maybe the floor?), but I don't think that matters much. Keep in mind that the jacket vanished about 2.5 hours AFTER the controversial hand. If she were to be hiding something, it would have occurred around then, not hours later.

    I also think that, if she had a device in her pants, she would have gone to the bathroom and removed it in some way, perhaps tossing it in the garbage. And if she was afraid to do that, at the very least she wouldn't have played for hours longer, and shown her hips to where the camera could pick up the device!

    I don't know what's in her pants there, but I don't think it is a cheating device.

  11. #131
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    I guess it doesn’t let you go back on a live video if you have restarted it.
    Now I’m wondering when it said “-25:00” if that is how long I was watching for.

    Anyway, just look for the Hendon Mob results when he’s watching Polks shaking chair video.
    Yeah I see it's about an hour and 25 minutes in.

    Joey said he was going to bring up PFA and show my post about the Hendonmob thing, and then he forgot. Then it seemed like he was about to again, but that New Jersey Joe guy called in, and he forgot about it.

    Oh well. Would've been nice publicity for the site.

  12. #132
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    I cant stop looking at her tits.

  13. #133
    Cubic Zirconia
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    i dont think she cheated, but i am very offended how extremely attractive (and unattractive women even trans) get backed all the time unlike men. they dont have to even try to play well and never learn the fact money is irreplaceable. since i know money cannot be replaced (unless u are female) this is why i never buyin for more than the minimum until im stuck and desperately trying to martingale my win back to even. ive seen multiple women outright given money at the table. imagine how much better off my life wouldve been had i been born a woman

  14. #134
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    At around 4:37 on the Day 3 Joey show, Doug Polk asserted that he was given info from a reliable friend of his regarding Robbi having a relationship with Rip. He claimed this friend told him that it was clear from their interaction at the table in Vegas that they had some kind of dating relationship.

    Also, Rip appeared on Robbi's Zoom when he called in during the Day 2 show, so there's a good chance they were physically together.

  15. #135
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    Here is Hustler Casino Live's statement about their plan going forward:

    Unfortunately, I don't like this plan.

    The last thing we need are lawyers and cybersecurity nerds -- both hired by Hustler Casino Live -- going through a generic security checklist, and then deeming it safe. That won't answer anything. Even if some hole is found in HCL's setup, do you think they are going to disclose this? I doubt it. The lawyers and cybernerds are working for them. HCL can also direct them specifically what to look at, and what not to look at.

    The only credible investigation would be one directed by a neutral person within the poker community -- one without an existing relationship with HCL. This person would have full authority to direct the lawyers and cybersecurity firm what to do, and have access to all of the relevant information -- and permission to report to the public what they find.

    But HCL isn't going to do this. I even offered Nick Vertucci to be the guy in charge of such an effort, and while he didn't outright turn it down, he didn't express any real interest in doing so.

    I can understand this, actually. HCL is a business, and the last thing they want is some outsider throwing shade on them for any vulnerabilities found. This "investigation" is being done mostly to clear their own name, rather than really get to the bottom of what happened.

    If you remember, Stones did a similar investigation in the Postle matter, again hiring credible-sounding third party firms who just so happen to answer to them and only them.

    While this might be good for any lawsuit filed against them, it's not going to convince the public of much -- or at least not the smart public.

      JeffDime: +1

  16. #136
    Bronze turdzilla's Avatar
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    If they find anything anyone who lost money on the stream will want their money back.

    Why is the universal professional advice to Shut the F up not used in poker.

    Never say or write anything. That's what lawyers are for.

  17. #137
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    Why wasn't the Stones report made public?

    I thought the plaintiff's attorney read it.

    Why no FOIA erequest?

  18. #138
    Bronze turdzilla's Avatar
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    Why hasn't Hustler Casino canceled the show?

    There is no benefit to continuing it.

    They are the deep pockets and at risk of litigation.

  19. #139
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    Maybe she makes some terrible plays to cover for the collusion.

    Lose a little to gain a lot?

  20. #140
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    I agree with you Druff about the investigation. I think Nick Vertucci is a good guy with business savvy. But he is mainly a salesman. He mentioned on his podcast he takes care of all the sponsorship deals and what not. He is a great talker. I don’t think he was trying to mislead when discussing what the investigation would entail.

    But he knows how to spin it in the most positive light. What he has said will happen is somewhat contradictory to this written statement. You offering your services & him seemingly not interested in that is representative of that. To be fair I do think he would rather have a more transparent neutral investigation, but corporate/legal interests are preventing him from doing so.

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