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Thread: Putting a pet to sleep -- do you stay in the room to see it?

  1. #1
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Putting a pet to sleep -- do you stay in the room to see it?

    About a year ago, I had a very old dog -- a pug who was nearly 16 1/2 years old -- who was deteriorating and obviously close to death. I didn't know this dog until December 2015, when I took him in almost at the age of 11. I got to love him and was sad to know the end was close, as all pet owners feel when that time comes. He was the only one with me when I had my sudden "breakthrough" improvement to my horrible psychological condition in October 2018 -- a moment I'll always remember.

    In his final months, he looked bad. He had lost weight, had a little trouble standing up from a sitting/lying position (but could do it), and had lost a lot of fur. Just a year prior, he had looked almost perfect. But was it time to put him to sleep?

    Some people who visited thought so, and in fact one person argued with me that I was being "cruel" by letting him live. I countered that the dog ate normally, could walk, didn't seem to be in pain, and still had quality of life. I said that the dog simply looked worse than he actually was, mainly because of the loss of fur.

    One thing I didn't want was for this dog to spend his last moments in a cold, scary room in the vet's office. If I had to do it, I was going to, and I would have been there holding him. But it just wasn't quite time yet.

    However, I set a deadline. We were going on a trip in mid-July. I wasn't going to leave this dog with someone else for 2 weeks in this condition. If he didn't pass away on his own before we left, I was going to finally make that dreaded trip to the vet and do the deed.

    At 2am on May 31, I was about to feed him, and pulled out the last can of dog food we had in the house. Then I remembered that I had a leftover hamburger from about 36 hours prior. Hamburger was his favorite food. I heated up the burger and some rice, put it on his plate, and he very happily got up and ate it.

    At 11am that same day, my girlfriend put him and his bed outside in the shade. It was nice outside -- 69 degrees. An hour later, he died in his sleep. I can't think of a nicer way for him to have gone -- outside in his bed, on a nice day in the shade, just 10 hours after having his favorite meal.

    I was sad but also relieved that I didn't have to put him to sleep. This was a much nicer ending than what he would have had if he lived another 6 weeks. I was happy I didn't listen to those who told me to put him to sleep a month or two earlier.

    However, I didn't think about the fact that some pet owners don't want to be in the room with their pet being put down, because it saddens them. Apparently that's a mistake.

    I found this article on the web, written by a woman named Tricia Mo'orea:

    “Pets, it turns out, also have last wishes before they die, but only known by veterinarians who put old and sick animals to sleep." Twitter user Jesse Dietrich asked a vet what was the most difficult part of his job.

    The specialist answered without hesitation that it was the hardest for him to see how old or sick animals look for their owners with the eyes of their owners before going to sleep. The fact is that 90 % of owners don't want to be in a room with a dying animal. People leave so that they don't see their pet leave. But they don't realize that it's in these last moments of life that their pet needs them most.

    Veterinarians ask the owners to be close to the animals until the very end. ′′It's inevitable that they die before you. Don't forget that you were the center of their life. Maybe they were just a part of you. But they are also your family. No matter how hard it is, don't leave them.

    Dont let them die in a room with a stranger in a place they dont like. It is very painful for veterinarians to see how pets cannot find their owner during the last
    minutes of their life. They dont understand why the owner left them. After all, they needed their owner’s consolation.

    Veterinarians do everything possible to ensure that animals are not so scared, but they are completely strangers to them. Don't be a coward because it's too painful for you. Think about the pet. Endure this pain for the sake of their sake. Be with them until the end.”
    I agree with this advice. As sad as it is, you should be there to put your pet to sleep, as that's when they need you most.

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  2. #2
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    About a year ago, I had a very old dog -- a pug who was nearly 16 1/2 years old -- who was deteriorating and obviously close to death. I didn't know this dog until December 2015, when I took him in almost at the age of 11. I got to love him and was sad to know the end was close, as all pet owners feel when that time comes. He was the only one with me when I had my sudden "breakthrough" improvement to my horrible psychological condition in October 2018 -- a moment I'll always remember.

    In his final months, he looked bad. He had lost weight, had a little trouble standing up from a sitting/lying position (but could do it), and had lost a lot of fur. Just a year prior, he had looked almost perfect. But was it time to put him to sleep?

    Some people who visited thought so, and in fact one person argued with me that I was being "cruel" by letting him live. I countered that the dog ate normally, could walk, didn't seem to be in pain, and still had quality of life. I said that the dog simply looked worse than he actually was, mainly because of the loss of fur.

    One thing I didn't want was for this dog to spend his last moments in a cold, scary room in the vet's office. If I had to do it, I was going to, and I would have been there holding him. But it just wasn't quite time yet.

    However, I set a deadline. We were going on a trip in mid-July. I wasn't going to leave this dog with someone else for 2 weeks in this condition. If he didn't pass away on his own before we left, I was going to finally make that dreaded trip to the vet and do the deed.

    At 2am on May 31, I was about to feed him, and pulled out the last can of dog food we had in the house. Then I remembered that I had a leftover hamburger from about 36 hours prior. Hamburger was his favorite food. I heated up the burger and some rice, put it on his plate, and he very happily got up and ate it.

    At 11am that same day, my girlfriend put him and his bed outside in the shade. It was a nice outside -- 69 degrees. An hour later, he died in his sleep. I can't think of a nicer way for him to have gone -- outside in his bed, on a nice day in the shade, just 10 hours after having his favorite meal.

    I was sad but also relieved that I didn't have to put him to sleep. This was a much nicer ending than what he would have had if he lived another 6 weeks. I was happy I didn't listen to those who told me to put him to sleep a month or two earlier.

    However, I didn't think about the fact that some pet owners don't want to be in the room with their pet being put down, because it saddens them. Apparently that's a mistake.

    I found this article on the web, written by a woman named Tricia Mo'orea:

    “Pets, it turns out, also have last wishes before they die, but only known by veterinarians who put old and sick animals to sleep." Twitter user Jesse Dietrich asked a vet what was the most difficult part of his job.

    The specialist answered without hesitation that it was the hardest for him to see how old or sick animals look for their owners with the eyes of their owners before going to sleep. The fact is that 90 % of owners don't want to be in a room with a dying animal. People leave so that they don't see their pet leave. But they don't realize that it's in these last moments of life that their pet needs them most.

    Veterinarians ask the owners to be close to the animals until the very end. ′′It's inevitable that they die before you. Don't forget that you were the center of their life. Maybe they were just a part of you. But they are also your family. No matter how hard it is, don't leave them.

    Dont let them die in a room with a stranger in a place they dont like. It is very painful for veterinarians to see how pets cannot find their owner during the last
    minutes of their life. They dont understand why the owner left them. After all, they needed their owner’s consolation.

    Veterinarians do everything possible to ensure that animals are not so scared, but they are completely strangers to them. Don't be a coward because it's too painful for you. Think about the pet. Endure this pain for the sake of their sake. Be with them until the end.”
    I agree with this advice. As sad as it is, you should be there to put your pet to sleep, as that's when they need you most.

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    What's the counter argument, it makes the owner sad?

    Of course you should stay with your pet if they're being euthanized and you shouldn't own a pet if that's too much to handle.
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    I always have always will.

    My ex is a vet, and we talked about this in the past. She said the animal definitely prefers to be with their human. It is very hard, but do it for your pet. Sorry for your loss.
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  4. #4
    100% Organic MumblesBadly's Avatar
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    If you love your pet, you should definitely be there with it. And ask that you are holding it and comforting it while being sent to the “next place”.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I actually hope this [second impeachment] succeeds, because I want Trump put down politically like a sick, 14-year-old dog. ... I don't want him complicating the 2024 primary season. I just want him done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Were Republicans cowardly or unethical not to go along with [convicting Trump in the second impeachment Senate trial]? No. The smart move was to reject it.

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    I can't say definitively and I'm skeptical of those that know for sure and are taking the 'moral high ground'.

    That being said right off the bat we have to acknowledge the vet tech is assigning human thought and emotions to a dog, which they do not have. Imho it's up to the owner and it's certainly not a big enough of an issue to pass judgement on someone. In the grand scheme of the animal world to be a dog with a good owner has to be off the charts great. Almost every animal's life is that of cold blooded killing or be killed with starvation, thirst, freezing, and uncertainty filling in the voids.

    This winter I had an incident was reminded of the harsh cold reality of the animal world.I was out on my dirt bike in the absolute middle of fucking nowhere, not totally alone but separated from other riders so it seemed alone. I was getting cold, hungry low on energy and I ran in to a coyote in a dry river bed and he had to yield to me and bolt up the steep embankment to get out of the way. I was exhausted at the thought of having to run up that embankment and I thought how on earth do the coyotes survive. It was so remote, so cold, no water anywhere, nothing and they have to jog around all day, every day hoping to catch a rabbit and rabbits are far from slow. If they fail they die, that's the way it is for most animals.

    Also I'm not so sure of the "always want to be with their human"' statement. If you've ever seen a dog pass naturally they will go to great lengths to die alone. They will do things like dig under something in the back yard, hide under a counter, any place that's hard to reach so they can be left alone while they die.

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    WE have had to put a few pets to sleep over the years. We have a vet who does house calls and does it in the house. I always stay and hold the animal and my wife always leaves the room. If she stays she would definitely break down and it would be a mess, and no one needs that.

    One time we had a very old cat that was in real bad shape and whatever IV drug she gave him to put him to sleep wasn't working because his veins were too far gone and his heartbeat was too slow. So she had to go to plan B, which was a shot of something directly to the heart. It was quite an ordeal. I obviously never told my wife.

  7. #7
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    I did both times I had to. Would have felt weak not to.

    They’d lay there next to you if it was you dying.

  8. #8
    Welcher jsearles22's Avatar
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    I’ve only had to put one pet to sleep. But have had a few other animals that needed euthanized through the years. And like any man should, I did it myself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Entropy View Post
    Also I'm not so sure of the "always want to be with their human"' statement. If you've ever seen a dog pass naturally they will go to great lengths to die alone. They will do things like dig under something in the back yard, hide under a counter, any place that's hard to reach so they can be left alone while they die.
    I get what your saying but in my opinion the animal choosing to die / feeling like it instinctually wants to go off and be alone and die, is much different than the animal being killed before its instinct is to go die.

    I agree every animal I saw die in my house they chose to go off by themselves when it got time, my cat almost seemed to refuse to die until i left him alone. he got super sick at night and before vet opened he was dead , I had him in my bedroom and he stayed with me till he was ready, i tried to grab him and bring him back but he was limp and convulsing. I left him in the dark and within minutes of leaving him he passed. It really felt like he was staying alive until he was alone.

    Anyhow I still think you should be with the pet and that they appreciate it, i mean they wont be alone anyways it will be some random scary person.
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  10. #10
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    Wasn't the dog's name Otis? You told the story of how this dog came into your life some time ago. I don't remember all the details but it was a nice story if you're ever inclined to tell us again.

  11. #11
    Platinum FRANKRIZZO's Avatar
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    I watched and stayed until final breaths very painfull

  12. #12
    Platinum Jayjami's Avatar
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    The company of a good dog is better than 99% of the people out there. You stay in the room, period. I cried my eyes out when I put my chocolate lab down. Where I come from, it’s totally acceptable to put your own dog down with a bullet to the back of the head. I know people who’ve done it, but I couldn’t.

  13. #13
    Plutonium lol wow's Avatar
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    lol wtf you cheap nerd its like an extra 300 dollars and the vet comes to your house and then takes it away and you get tasteful ashes shipped to you or you can be gangster and bury it yourself either way its fucking awful but lol at ever taking your animal to the fucking vet to die what is this 1994

  14. #14
    Diamond Pro Zap_the_Fractions_Giraffe's Avatar
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    lol wow also hired puppeteers to come to his condo weekly to help him work through his grief

  15. #15
    Plutonium lol wow's Avatar
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    to be fair i now just read the op point remains on cheap nerd but obviously if they have a perfect death fine but with cats its a disaster like giant cancers grow on their face and shit and they cant eat

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