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Thread: So coronavirus is definitely going to kill a few of us.

  1. #14821
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmick View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by gimmick View Post


    "Again, at the outset, we underscore that we are not "anti-mask." Rather, we are in favor of wearing the most protective type of facepiece for the setting—such as a non-fit tested respirator when spending more than a few minutes in a crowded, indoor space—and only in combination with other interventions."

    ...owned. Get fucked while you're at it.
    Might as well just add stuff here related to this work...

    "Rather, we believe that the more important findings of this study are: (1) school sports accounted for 75% of school-acquired infections for high school students and staff, with indoor basketball playing a large role in transmission and (2) minimizing the number of students in a classroom and using a hybrid model with cohorts attending school on alternating dates most likely played an important role in minimizing infection rates."

    ...about the importance of masks for low infection rates in North Carolina. Sounds like a massive deathblow to libtards. Fuck school sports, less kids per class and go to school only every other day. Masks alone do that much, but adding a good amount of tyrannical mandates does sound like a Team Retard suggestion.

    So far i haven't seen anything i disagree with in the article. Guessing Druff didn't bother to read almost any of it.
    I read the whole thing. I don't recall ever claiming I agreed with 100% of it. The main purpose of the article is to discuss the cloth mask studies frequently cited by left-wing politicians and the media as conclusive, and how they're skipping the usual scientific process in order to prove political points.

    The alternating dates/cohorts apparently didn't make a difference, since that has mostly gone away, and there aren't any student-transmitted COVID outbreaks.

    I don't know what they're on about regarding the indoor student athletics. I don't feel like looking into it, as this was a side statement in the paper. If I had to guess, these indoor athletics transmissions were coming from the adult coaching staff. Even one pre-symptomatic coach can sicken a lot of the team. Also, notice these are high school kids, so some are probably close to adulthood anyway, and likely transmitting more than little kids. With that said, we aren't seeing outbreaks at high schools, either.

  2. #14822
    Diamond dwai's Avatar
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    druff is sperging out tbh, doesn't change the fact that he's correct though about everything

      country978: druff never lies

  3. #14823
    Diamond Walter Sobchak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by nightmarefish View Post

    Masks are just one part of the mitigation strategy. For example, at my son's school, they kind of use a pod system of 4-5 students even though the classroom is full. My kid sits at a table with 4 other kids, eats lunch, and goes to recess with the same kids. The playground is divided into several different stations setup so they rotate where they play. Anyway, this "pod" approach makes it so he only has the within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes exposure with a couple kids. This way if a kid gets covid only the other kids in his pod have to stay home.

    All of these little things add up to a simple mitigation plan. It's not a big fucking deal. Anyone arguing otherwise is acting on emotion instead of thinking logically.

    Having responsible parents who aren’t idiots plus sound policy seems to be working well. Just basic common sense

    Saw this article about California schools. Here, with all the tards, a bunch of schools opened up without any restriction and were passing up last years numbers after a month. We had school closures, mask mandates put in, and a number of schools in Columbus have to straight go back to homeschooling as they started without any restriction.

    California Accounts for 12% of U.S. Students, but Only 1% of Covid School Closures

    The state has done remarkably well limiting outbreaks, even before its student vaccine mandate has been put into place.
    Shhhh, actual good results are more than the Trumpers can handle.

    SOBCHAK SECURITY 213-799-7798


  4. #14824
    Diamond Walter Sobchak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dwai View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    If this were true, then schools WITHOUT such a mitigation strategy should be getting slammed with student-transmitted COVID cases.

    They haven't. It's not happening. We're two months in, and it's not happening.

    I'm glad you feel good about these stupid pods. They're likely not helping, and are just socially isolating your kids away from most of the school population. What if COVID continues as it presently is, which is a realistic possibility? Will they be in "pods" until they graduate high school?

    If it were happening, it wouldn't be difficult to point to a school where student-transmitted COVID outbreaks took place. This can be easily deduced by looking at infection patterns, community transmission, and whether or not teachers in contact with the kids had COVID. We simply haven't seen it. The rare classroom COVID outbreak has always been traced to a teacher who brought it in, and got a ton of kids sick. As I said earlier, even that is uncommon because most teachers are vaxxed.
    why are you arguing with these idiots? they've been wrong about everything for 2 years, they're not gonna change

    call them faggots and move on
    It’s all a hoax anyway. Everyone knows Covid is transmitted through queefs

    SOBCHAK SECURITY 213-799-7798


  5. #14825
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by nightmarefish View Post

    Masks are just one part of the mitigation strategy. For example, at my son's school, they kind of use a pod system of 4-5 students even though the classroom is full. My kid sits at a table with 4 other kids, eats lunch, and goes to recess with the same kids. The playground is divided into several different stations setup so they rotate where they play. Anyway, this "pod" approach makes it so he only has the within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes exposure with a couple kids. This way if a kid gets covid only the other kids in his pod have to stay home.

    All of these little things add up to a simple mitigation plan. It's not a big fucking deal. Anyone arguing otherwise is acting on emotion instead of thinking logically.

    Having responsible parents who aren’t idiots plus sound policy seems to be working well. Just basic common sense

    Saw this article about California schools. Here, with all the tards, a bunch of schools opened up without any restriction and were passing up last years numbers after a month. We had school closures, mask mandates put in, and a number of schools in Columbus have to straight go back to homeschooling as they started without any restriction.

    California Accounts for 12% of U.S. Students, but Only 1% of Covid School Closures

    The state has done remarkably well limiting outbreaks, even before its student vaccine mandate has been put into place.
    The high vaccination rate has helped, as has luck. Other blue states with similar (or better) vaccination rates and similar policies are not doing nearly as well as California. At other times during the pandemic, pre-vaccine, California was struggling badly. There's a lot of unknown at the moment as to why some areas get it worse than others for awhile.

    I will acknowledge that the vaccination rate has made a difference, though. That's the takeaway here.

    The school closures is only indicative of low community transmission, not that California's over-restrictive school policies are effective. The student vaccine mandate for little kids (which will become reality in early 2022, most likely) is an incredible case of overstepping authority, especially given that schools are already proving that there's no student-transmitted COVID outbreaks, even with zero kids under 12 vaccinated.

  6. #14826
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walter Sobchak View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post

    Having responsible parents who aren’t idiots plus sound policy seems to be working well. Just basic common sense

    Saw this article about California schools. Here, with all the tards, a bunch of schools opened up without any restriction and were passing up last years numbers after a month. We had school closures, mask mandates put in, and a number of schools in Columbus have to straight go back to homeschooling as they started without any restriction.

    California Accounts for 12% of U.S. Students, but Only 1% of Covid School Closures

    The state has done remarkably well limiting outbreaks, even before its student vaccine mandate has been put into place.
    Shhhh, actual good results are more than the Trumpers can handle.
    what I dont understand is why the kids are the ones being tested more than other groups when they're the group least at risk? Is it because they're in the care of the state while they're at school and so its this is the group most vulnerable to those who desire endless testing? Because they're captive to the school rules if they wish to attend? Masking and endless testing after at home learning for 2 years. These were all good ideas for the kids?

  7. #14827
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Walter Sobchak View Post

    Shhhh, actual good results are more than the Trumpers can handle.
    what I dont understand is why the kids are the ones being tested more than other groups when they're the group least at risk? Is it because they're in the care of the state while they're at school and so its this is the group most vulnerable to those who desire endless testing? Because they're captive to the school rules if they wish to attend? Masking and endless testing after at home learning for 2 years. These were all good ideas for the kids?
    Who was doing at home learning for 2 years? I don’t recall any schools closing until after St Patrick's Day/ early April 2020, so like 3 months, and most schools here had in class learning with masks last year and opened on time this year. What schools were closed for 2 years? I’d guess the total combined at home time for most districts was maybe six months in total on average.

    . I’m honestly asking where they didn’t have school for even a full year combined? Maybe it was different on east coast. It hasn’t even been two years since it all started.

  8. #14828
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post

    what I dont understand is why the kids are the ones being tested more than other groups when they're the group least at risk? Is it because they're in the care of the state while they're at school and so its this is the group most vulnerable to those who desire endless testing? Because they're captive to the school rules if they wish to attend? Masking and endless testing after at home learning for 2 years. These were all good ideas for the kids?
    Who was doing at home learning for 2 years? I don’t recall any schools closing until after St Patrick's Day/ early April 2020, so like 3 months, and most schools here had in class learning with masks last year and opened on time this year. What schools were closed for 2 years? I’d guess the total combined at home time for most districts was maybe six months in total on average.

    . I’m honestly asking where they didn’t have school for even a full year combined? Maybe it was different on east coast. It hasn’t even been two years since it all started.
    i dont remember the dates exactly but my kids were sent home Feb or March 2020 and did not return until 5/2021. Obviously not 2 calendar years but big chunks out of 2 full years

      splitthis: He doesn’t have kids, a lifelong loser

  9. #14829
    All Sorts of Sports gut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post

    what I dont understand is why the kids are the ones being tested more than other groups when they're the group least at risk? Is it because they're in the care of the state while they're at school and so its this is the group most vulnerable to those who desire endless testing? Because they're captive to the school rules if they wish to attend? Masking and endless testing after at home learning for 2 years. These were all good ideas for the kids?
    Who was doing at home learning for 2 years? I don’t recall any schools closing until after St Patrick's Day/ early April 2020, so like 3 months, and most schools here had in class learning with masks last year and opened on time this year. What schools were closed for 2 years? I’d guess the total combined at home time for most districts was maybe six months in total on average.

    . I’m honestly asking where they didn’t have school for even a full year combined? Maybe it was different on east coast. It hasn’t even been two years since it all started.
    I'm sure you could guess this, but Portland Public Schools were done in march 2020 and the entirety of 20-21. So a year and a quarter gone of in person school.

      BCR: Whew, ya not shocking in Portland. For kids with smart parents, probably not a big deal, maybe even an advantage as home schooled kids kill academic competitions, but kids with dumb parents will struggle to overcome that lost time.

  10. #14830
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    IMO, Reading Facial expressions is very important to growth and Communication skills.

    Children wearing a mask for nigh on 2 yrs. prohibits the learning experience of seeing Facial reactions.

    I am Not a Sociologist...........

      country978: agree
      splitthis: Bingo they are teaching kids to be drone libs

  11. #14831
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post

    Who was doing at home learning for 2 years? I don’t recall any schools closing until after St Patrick's Day/ early April 2020, so like 3 months, and most schools here had in class learning with masks last year and opened on time this year. What schools were closed for 2 years? I’d guess the total combined at home time for most districts was maybe six months in total on average.

    . I’m honestly asking where they didn’t have school for even a full year combined? Maybe it was different on east coast. It hasn’t even been two years since it all started.
    i dont remember the dates exactly but my kids were sent home Feb or March 2020 and did not return until 5/2021. Obviously not 2 calendar years but big chunks out of 2 full years
    5/21 is really late. Most schools here were in session last year from close to normal. Some staggered schedules and things of that nature. I recall some NYC schools being closed way longer, but wasn’t sure about Mass. I just googled it and surprisingly, Ohio was first state wide school closure in the country on 3/12 of 2020. It’s amazing how quickly you forget shit.

    School usually ends last week of May, so like 10 weeks. A few districts in Washington state went to at home learning in mid-Feb. Ohio started on 9/8 in 2020, so maybe a week later than normal. I recall PA had some staggered schedules. Like MWF.

    In general, I’m kind of surprised how well schools did everything considered. In most parts of the country, I’d guess kids missed an average of maybe 4-6 months. The East coast was definitely most cautious, but was curious how long they were home. So your kids had no class at all from March of 2020 until may of 2021? That’s the longest I have heard of.

  12. #14832
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post

    i dont remember the dates exactly but my kids were sent home Feb or March 2020 and did not return until 5/2021. Obviously not 2 calendar years but big chunks out of 2 full years
    5/21 is really late. Most schools here were in session last year from close to normal. Some staggered schedules and things of that nature. I recall some NYC schools being closed way longer, but wasn’t sure about Mass. I just googled it and surprisingly, Ohio was first state wide school closure in the country on 3/12 of 2020. It’s amazing how quickly you forget shit.

    School usually ends last week of May, so like 10 weeks. A few districts in Washington state went to at home learning in mid-Feb. Ohio started on 9/8 in 2020, so maybe a week later than normal. I recall PA had some staggered schedules. Like MWF.

    In general, I’m kind of surprised how well schools did everything considered. In most parts of the country, I’d guess kids missed an average of maybe 4-6 months. The East coast was definitely most cautious, but was curious how long they were home. So your kids had no class at all from March of 2020 until may of 2021? That’s the longest I have heard of.
    It was something like that. At one point they went back for reduced days and maybe that was April/2021. And then the teacher was still teaching the kids on the ipad or whatever tablet they had and even the kids in class were instructed to participate through the tablet not as one normally would in a classroom. There was no prom either year. Sports were a big challenge and the kids even had to play soccer with masks outside until late spring this year. They were put through a lot and still are being put through a lot.

      dwai: fuck bcr he's a propaganda drone

  13. #14833
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    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post

    5/21 is really late. Most schools here were in session last year from close to normal. Some staggered schedules and things of that nature. I recall some NYC schools being closed way longer, but wasn’t sure about Mass. I just googled it and surprisingly, Ohio was first state wide school closure in the country on 3/12 of 2020. It’s amazing how quickly you forget shit.

    School usually ends last week of May, so like 10 weeks. A few districts in Washington state went to at home learning in mid-Feb. Ohio started on 9/8 in 2020, so maybe a week later than normal. I recall PA had some staggered schedules. Like MWF.

    In general, I’m kind of surprised how well schools did everything considered. In most parts of the country, I’d guess kids missed an average of maybe 4-6 months. The East coast was definitely most cautious, but was curious how long they were home. So your kids had no class at all from March of 2020 until may of 2021? That’s the longest I have heard of.
    It was something like that. At one point they went back for reduced days and maybe that was April/2021. And then the teacher was still teaching the kids on the ipad or whatever tablet they had and even the kids in class were instructed to participate through the tablet not as one normally would in a classroom. There was no prom either year. Sports were a big challenge and the kids even had to play soccer with masks outside until late spring this year. They were put through a lot and still are being put through a lot.
    Fuck, I think if I was someone who was a working parent I’d be a super mask advocate if only for not wanting that to return. I know moving is easier said than done and don’t know Bens mothers work situation, but Druff seems like a candidate to move to Montana or Az or somewhere more aligned with his ideals. Florida is right up his alley ideologically, but a long way with grandparents and he strikes me as more Montana or Az than Florida. He’s as annoyed by his state as I am by mine, but I don’t have to deal with kids, just morons surrounding me.

      dwai: n-word lover
      nightmarefish: Offset retard

  14. #14834
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    lol bcr gets his little pecker tucked in here every day by multiple posters and continues to double down on the Fauci science, when will this idiot learn that online does not equal real life and real parents are over this bullshit, what a fucking dweeb this guy is, he thinks the shit he reads online is representative of real life. try escaping your bubble, bubble boy

      BCR: So scared, so stupid, but you are one tough guy hiding like you have your whole life. Just a scared child. You’ve been wrong on everything for 2 years you little scared child.
      PROUDBOY MAGA 2024: Biggest Covid Retard Offset
      splitthis: Lol at biggest covid retard

  15. #14835
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by gimmick View Post
    Infections don't work like "tag, you're it" with cov2. It's more like a threshold. Say as a complete random number an average person gets infected when they get hit with 100 particles in a day. Less than that you're completely fine and you recover some ability to resist infection the next day. It's very unlikely you could keep getting hit with 95 particles everyday for a week and still be fine, but getting hit with 30 everyday you're likely fine for weeks.

    At this point almost all people have been getting hit with cov2 particles. With small amounts your immune system just deals with it before they have time to replicate. The immune system does that with everything it doesn't recognize and finds.

    Let's take that 15 mins to get infected number as baseline, with no reasonable ventilation or distance and 1 infected person in the room. If we assume kids are 10x less likely to transmit, when none of them wear a mask they can sit next to a infected kid for 150 mins. With shitty cloth masks we're at 260 mins and 600 mins with surgical masks.

    Recess/lunch and decent ventilation usually means that just cloth masks are enough. No masks is cutting it close with just 1 infected kid. With poor ventilation and more than 1 infected kid even cloth masks start to struggle. To stop this schools do a lot more than just masks. After a certain point it spirals out of control.
    This is a lot of speculation with no evidence.

    The only thing I can agree with here is that infection time matters. However, it's a lot more complicated than that, and not backed by any known real world outbreaks n the US.

    Keep in mind that there's still a lot of big holes in knowledge regarding COVID transmission. You are making a huge leap here by stating that masks are just barely holding back a big outbreak, when combined with ventilation. You're just making wild guesses.

    There should be plenty of real world examples of masks making a big difference with kids if they're as essential as you claim. There simply aren't. There's no getting around that.
    You don't say and here i was sharing my full understanding on the issue. Or 4 short paragraphs with the least amount of jargon that only explains the base logic of an issue, that you yourself was completely clueless about a very short time ago.

    This was you 5 months ago...

    ""Safe" is a relative term. It doesn't mean you're guaranteed COVID if you walk into the grocery store. It means it's one of the more likely places to get it. It's basically a math equation. Your chance of getting COVID is a function of risk and time spent in a situation where you're exposed. The risk in the grocery store is relatively high because it's indoors, you're there for awhile, and there are a large number of people who are visiting. The only saving grace is that you're not there every day -- probably about once per week.

    As I said, if you have a job where you have similar exposure, and you're there 40 hours a week, then another 45 minutes at the grocery store isn't going to do much to change your risk profile."

    ...completely clueless. But i'm sure you can find several cases of bunkered people going to the grocery store once a week for 45 minutes while wearing a mask getting infected.

    If you want proof, then just read the 1st part of the story you linked. In the references part they include some studies that were behind this understanding.

    I'm not stating that masks + ventilation are barely keeping away a huge outbreak. I'm explaining why breakpoints would matter and the different breakpoints masks would create by using mostly arbitrary numbers.

    Apparently you understood why grocery stores might be risky, but schools are super safe.

  16. #14836
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by gimmick View Post


    "Again, at the outset, we underscore that we are not "anti-mask." Rather, we are in favor of wearing the most protective type of facepiece for the setting—such as a non-fit tested respirator when spending more than a few minutes in a crowded, indoor space—and only in combination with other interventions."

    ...owned. Get fucked while you're at it.
    Was that the main point of their piece?

    Or was their point that the pro-masking "studies" frequently cited by the left and media are full of holes, and that people are happily going along with it in order to make a political point?

    I never said the authors were anti-mask. In fact, I stated that they're likely on the left, given their university affiliation.

    However, if you're willing to state that you agree with their assessment that the US left/media has greatly exaggerated the usefulness of cloth masks, to the point of actually doing harm, then I think we're making some progress.
    I obv already outlined their conclusion in another post, but it sure as hell wasn't "calls out recent high profile "masks are safe" studies as pseudo-scientific crap".

    Can't quite remember them mentioning anything about the safety of masks or pseudo-scientific anything. They uphold studies to vastly higher standard than say someone like Dan Druff...

    "It turns out that with the triple therapy of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc in seriously ill patients, there was a 200% increase in survival rate. That's pretty significant, woudln't you think?" June 2021.

  17. #14837
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by gimmick View Post

    Might as well just add stuff here related to this work...

    "Rather, we believe that the more important findings of this study are: (1) school sports accounted for 75% of school-acquired infections for high school students and staff, with indoor basketball playing a large role in transmission and (2) minimizing the number of students in a classroom and using a hybrid model with cohorts attending school on alternating dates most likely played an important role in minimizing infection rates."

    ...about the importance of masks for low infection rates in North Carolina. Sounds like a massive deathblow to libtards. Fuck school sports, less kids per class and go to school only every other day. Masks alone do that much, but adding a good amount of tyrannical mandates does sound like a Team Retard suggestion.

    So far i haven't seen anything i disagree with in the article. Guessing Druff didn't bother to read almost any of it.
    I read the whole thing. I don't recall ever claiming I agreed with 100% of it. The main purpose of the article is to discuss the cloth mask studies frequently cited by left-wing politicians and the media as conclusive, and how they're skipping the usual scientific process in order to prove political points.

    The alternating dates/cohorts apparently didn't make a difference, since that has mostly gone away, and there aren't any student-transmitted COVID outbreaks.

    I don't know what they're on about regarding the indoor student athletics. I don't feel like looking into it, as this was a side statement in the paper. If I had to guess, these indoor athletics transmissions were coming from the adult coaching staff. Even one pre-symptomatic coach can sicken a lot of the team. Also, notice these are high school kids, so some are probably close to adulthood anyway, and likely transmitting more than little kids. With that said, we aren't seeing outbreaks at high schools, either.
    Still waiting for a single piece of evidence that supports any of your retarded claims. I've provided quite a few pieces of evidence that prove the opposite and so far your only "proof" is that you're not seeing it. I'm just done leading you to the water.

  18. #14838
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    until they need more profits!

    what a scam

  19. #14839
    Diamond Walter Sobchak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dwai View Post
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    until they need more profits!

    what a scam
    I want a cooter shot

    SOBCHAK SECURITY 213-799-7798


  20. #14840
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    People who've had COVID-19 are facing memory problems months after contracting the disease, new study says: 'They can't think'

    We keep getting closer to a Walking Dead World.

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