Quote Originally Posted by JeffDime View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
Great interview with Ryan, but don’t feel sorry for him. He is a smart guy, but let the Bike take advantage of him. He isn’t bitter, learned from it, and moved on. That kid is going places,
I agree, I don’t feel bad for Ryan. He is a “Producer” in the purest sense of the world. It’s why big time salesman who have the contacts and the skill have sign non-compete agreements in most cases when taking a new job.

Ryan is uniquely qualified with the rolodex & contacts he has accumulated to bring a shit ton of revenue to a casino very quickly. It’s clear from his telling he was never compensated correctly for that from the Bike. But as you said, he has lived and learned. The Bike either didn’t care or underestimated the power of the interpersonal relationships he had built. Probably a combination both.

As for the LATB crew they all seem like nice guys. Ryan seemed to want to take it to the moon and the others had a different vision. Shit happens and just because it didn’t work out I don’t look at LATB as bad guys. We know relationships breakdown all the time and it doesn’t mean one side is the heel.

I do hope as Joe said they don’t sort of “shadow” ban players who defect and allow them to hop from stream to stream if they like. If you are a known quantity you probably will be able to jump back and forth. If you are the new guy and just trying to get on stream for the first time, then you may have to pick a side, at least for now. I’ll watch them both.
If The Bike shadow bans players it’ll be the end of them and their streaming effort. Players aren’t going to tolerate it one bit.