Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
Quote Originally Posted by handicapme View Post

You're telling me that you didn't drop the N bomb too, how about a certain alarm you kept posting to piss off micon, that you didn't use the HOFnig, that you didn't constantly post black cocks? Stfu. I like you because you're smart and witty but don't play games. Everyone who was here in the mid 2000s will remember that you are everything you're calling out right now and in fact worse.

Yes we all grow up, but I was in my teens, you were older than I am now.. what's your excuse for spewing your racist or shock value bullshit? Seriously man, you bring up some good points, but acting like the shit you put up for yrs wouldn't get you canceled and thrown into a POW cell now a days is a fucking joke.
im not sure who youre confusing me with but i support your right to confuse me with them.

my shit was trannie bombing and posting the occasional cripple porn. and when i was asked to stop, i stopped.

not sure what youre on about honestly.
Cripple porn? Jfc I’m glad I wasn’t raised on the net.