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Thread: Homeless man dies for a $6 bet.

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    Homeless man dies for a $6 bet.

    Warning. Completely serious Thread ahead. Most of my threads are more lighthearted.

    So, some guy told a Homeless man to do a backflip and he would give him $6. So, the Homeless man attempts to do a couple of backflips. On the final backflip, he falls on his head.

    The guy who offered the money is heard LAUGHING and mocking the HM. Even after the guy clearly landed on his fucking head... The crowd does a horrified and shocked gasp when he landed on his head and the idiot is LAUGHING and mocking him.

    He claimed the man went to sleep. Once again, the man landed on his HEAD... Also apparently, the Idiot told the concerned crowd NOT to call police/help ambulance/etc or try to help the man out in any way(He presumably soon realized he could get into BIG trouble for what happened to this man.)

    Luckily a few people ignored him and tried to help the injured man... Some concerned Bystanders called for help, But some of the concerned bystanders yanked the Homeless man up by his arms... He soon died after. The Idiot apparently threw the $6 at the unconscious, immobile Homeless Man.

    The Idiot was arrested and interestingly, and understandably he is NOT laughing in his Mugshot. He looks pretty troubled, sad, apprehensive and melancholy, a far cry from the man who was laughing and mocking someone so soon before. There have been talks of some of the Bystanders potentially getting into trouble as some of them actually listened to the Idiot and did NOTHING. There have also been talks of some of the "Helpful," Bystanders getting into trouble for yanking up the Homeless Man by his arms(Injuring him even more by accident). Sad story all around.

    There have been arguments that the Idiot shouldn't have been arrested because the Homeless man chose to do those Fatal backflips on his own and could have turned down the $6 bet. There were arguments that the Idiot didn't KNOW that the Homeless Man was going to DIE because of those flips. The responses were that he should have at least called for help when the man landed on his head and wasn't moving instead of still laughing and mocking him and they pointed out there was NO excuse for him to tell the concerned bystanders to NOT call for any help or try to help the injured man out in anyway, so yes, the Idiot deserved to be arrested and deserves some kind of Stay in jail/Prison or at least fines/Probation/Community Service for what his huge role in this Homeless Man's death.
    Last edited by Karen Nathan; 07-19-2020 at 05:19 AM.

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