Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy View Post
Everybody is lining up to take one side over the other. Don't you see that they're both wrong? They're both on super monkey tilt.

Micon is wrong because he can't or won't honour a contract & for everyone that says Todd would get laughed out of court by the judge: give your head a shake. Judges take the breaking of a legal document very seriously whether any fucktards on the internet think it is a waste of time. If Todd won this lawsuit he would be awarded court costs also so, if he really believes it's a slam dunk, he's in a no lose situation other than trying to collect. I'm not a lawyer & have not seen the document but if it is legal binding then Micon is being a douche & will lose a lawsuit. If it's just a gentleman's agreement type document & not really legally binding then Micon is still a douche for going back on his word & a man's word is all he really has.

Druff is wrong because after a while he should just STFU & handle it in private, although a little drama is always entertaining for the users. I understand that's not his nature but how many times do you have to repeat your position & take cheap shots at someone? How can Micon defend himself against the Bitcoin story? It's a he-said, he-said situation that can't be resolved without a bunch of name calling & mud-slinging. Unless he has indisputable proof, & hearsay is not indisputable even if he heard it directly from Micon unless he taped the conversation, he should just keep that story to himself.

Also to contact Micon's sponsors to make them aware is also uncool. If he is going to do that, than wait a couple of days & cool off first. By doing it almost immediately he looks like exactly what he's making Micon out to be, someone who is tilted & doing something out of spite. He may think he's not, & rationalize it in his own mind that he's doing it for noble purposes, but that is exactly what it looks like & perception is reality. It's not like waiting a few days to cool off is going to make any difference. I'm sure DD & Draftday aren't in negotiations to increase their sponsorship from $500/month to $1 million/month but, I guess if they were, then he was correct in doing what he did.

Just my take on the situation.
This is an intelligent and fair take on the situation, including your criticism of me.

I will respond to this post, and will ignore the lame trolling by Micon nuthuggers like Baron.

It's funny when you mention the "judge will laugh this out of court thing", because those statements come from naive simpletons who think that court works like internet forums. It doesn't. As you said, a legal contract is a legal contract, and the judge isn't going to care if it's about a serious matter or LOL internet stuff -- it's still a contract and the one blatantly violating it will lose.

While none of you have seen the contract, I can assure you that it is both notarized and legally binding. I even had an attorney with 35+ years experience in the field look it over before submitting the final version to Micon, and he gave the thumbs up.

Regarding DraftDay, I won't be contacting them right away. I do think that they have a right to know what's going on with all of this (especially since they also do business with Micon), but I agree that it would be better to wait a few days to see how this situation starts to play out.

The little story I told about the Donate Button and the bitcoins was just a little LOL story. I know there's no way to verify it, but I should note that I didn't get my 26.4% of the Donate Button money until a month after I left DD. This was because Micon didn't have the money anymore, and yes, it had to do with bitcoins. I can't prove it, and it really isn't important, but I decided to drop that little anecdote because I thought it would entertain the listeners, and Micon definitely didn't deserve better treatment after the shit he pulled today with posting my niece's picture on his site.

Should I have kept this private? You may think so, but I don't agree. Micon banned my account for no reason, lied to everyone about it (including slandering my name by saying that I was engaging in a conspiracy to edit posts about Peterdc), and then lied again about me abusing the moderator power I still had on DD. I had to defend myself. Also, why should I keep my unfair and agreement-breaking ban on DonkDown a secret? Micon always postures to his users that he's all for free speech and doesn't ban anyone unless they're "fucking it up for everyone." I felt it was important for people to see the true Micon.

Anyway, thanks for your commentary. Even though I don't agree with all of your points, I feel it's overall a fair and unbiased assessment of the situation.