This is a really frustrating cold, in that it just won't get better. As far as my colds go, the symptoms are only about average, but it's very slow to improve. I was pretty sure I'd miss last week, but I'm surprised at how I still have major symptoms today, despite the cold appearing on April 28.

Unrelated, I agreed with cmoney awhile back to have a May 20 show while he's flying, and then of course there's the WSOP coming up for me starting May 31.

So here's the radio schedule for May, June, and early July:

Friday, May 12 at 9pm PDT (replaces this week's Wednesday show)
Sunday, May 20 at 5pm PDT (big freeroll planned, courtesy of cmoney)
Sunday, May 27 at 8:30pm PDT
Wednesday, June 6 at 8:00pm PDT
Tuesday, June 19 at 6:00pm PDT
Tuesday, June 26 at 8:00pm PDT*
Wednesday, July 4 at 6:00pm PDT
Sunday, July 8 at 8:00pm PDT

NOTE: May 11 show will only take place if my cold is finally better by then. However, I will a makeup show within a few days if I miss it.

NOTE: June 26 show will only take place if I am out of the event from earlier that day.