Anyone fucking with the new Bob & David netflix series?

I watched the first 2 eps. Its no Mr Show but even they admit its not supposed to be..

It definitely has moments.

The first thing that concerned me was seeing Tim Heidecker (of Tim and Eric) involved as an executive producer. Tim Heidecker, you see, isnt funny. He was great in Tom Goes To the Mayor if youre into that sort of thing (I actually was), which was produced by Bob Odenkirk actually.

The second thing that concerned me were the opening credits, which was exactly the sort of shitty neo-psychedelic ADD trash that's become Tim Heidecker's bread and butter with the Tim & Eric Great Show Whatever Whatever, which is on a lot of top ten lists which include 'Robot Chicken', 'weed', and 'fart jokes'.

And then the show starts and what becomes apparent pretty quickly is that neither Bob nor David are the same people who did Mr Show. The dynamic is just funky somehow. It's like everyone is there because they secretly feel like they owe everyone else a favor.

That said.

Its funny, more or less. Its not very dumb. It's giving a lot of exposure to actors who richly deserve exposure and gigs and acclaim.

But I still catch myself expecting it to be Mr Show and fighting off a lot of disappointment.

I will now open the floor to comment and peer review.