CHARLESTON, W.Va. – It’s not secret West Virginia is suffering from a steady increase of drug abuse, especially heroin, and the state remains one of the top in the nation for the rate of drug overdose deaths.

Its likely more cases will come about like this one, where accused drug dealers face stiff charges when the people they supply end up dead.

Police and prosecutors said punishing drug dealers is the next step in sending a strong message that drug abuse won’t be tolerated. Others insist murder charges against alleged dealers is going too far.

Steven Coleman was arrested and charged with first degree murder Saturday night for a death that happened on Valentine’s Day.

A criminal complaint file in Kanawha County Magistrate Court said Coleman gave Melody Oxley heroin that night, which she later overdosed on and died.

“I mean I’m not even the one who did it, but that’s cool,” Coleman said.

He apparently has a twitter account as well:

STEVEDAPIMP brings me memories back of the old NWP and the various hazards forum dealings back in those days entailed. Hell, I even think Druff made a sticky to WARN everyone who joined NWP of STEVEDAPIMP.

He also rolled Juanda on FTP for a shit ton too, I remember.